2016高考英语总复习精选课件(江苏专用)牛津译林版选修7《Unit 2 Fit for life》-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语总复习精选课件(江苏专用)牛津译林版选修7《Unit 2 Fit for life》

发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.His diet can not be considered as healthy because it contains a lot of fat ________ meat,cakes and cream. A.in forms of

  B.in the form of C.in form of

  D.by 解析:选B。in the form of固定搭配“以……的形式”。句意:“他的饮食是不健康的,因为含有大量的肉、 蛋糕、奶酪等脂肪”。 8

  (教材P19)First,he was unable to find a procedure to make penicillin pure enough to work as a medicine. 首先,他找不到能把青霉素提纯到足以药用的方法。 句型精析 【点津】 to work as a medicine是动词不定式作结果状语。动词不定式作结果状语,一般表示出乎意料的结果。此外,还可用于以下句型:(1)so/such...as to do如此……以至于……(2)enough to do足以……(3)too...to do太……不能…… ①After the meeting,they parted,never to see each other again.散会后,他们分手了,从此再也没有见面。 ②He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头砸自己的脚。 ③Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle? 把你的自行车借给我好吗? ④We are not such fools as to believe him. 我们还没蠢到竟会相信他。 ⑤He didn’t run fast enough to catch the train.

  他跑得不够快,没赶上火车。 ⑥His eyesight is too poor to read such small letters. 他的视力太差了,不能看这么 小的字。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.句型转换 1.What was exciting was to be invited to watch the film Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince. __________________ to be invited to watch the film Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince. It was exciting 2.He speaks English so fluently that he can have a talk with foreigners freely. He speaks English _______________________a talk with foreigners freely. fluently enough to have 3.They grows flowers as well as vegetables. Not only ___________ vegetables ______________grow flowers. do they grow but they also 4.In their opinion,the medicine can not be put into use before testing. They ____________ the medicine ____________ be put into use before testing. don’t think can 5.I have showed you how to do this experiment and you must follow me. You must do the experiment __________________. as I have showed you Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Not only ________ the college entrance examination,but he also got a chance to travel abroad. A.he passed

  B.has he passed C.he did pass

  D.did he pass 解析:选D。not only位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装,再根据but he also got a chance to travel abroad可知用过去时态。 2.________,I’d have done it myself. A.If I would have known it

  B.If I had have known it C.Had I known it

  D.Should I know it 解析:选C。根据I’d have done it myself,可知是对过去的虚拟,在虚拟语气中if条件句中包含有should,had,were则可省去if并把should,had,were移到句首,构成倒装 句式,而意思不变。 3.In fact ________ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match. A.this

  B.that C.there

  D.it 解析:选D。句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是for the police to keep order in an important football match。 4.Probably no man had more effects on the daily lives of people in the United States ________ Henry Ford ________. A.as;was

  B.than;was C.than;did

  D.as;did 解析:选D。句意“在美国或许没有一个人能像亨利·福特那样对人们的日常生活有更大的影响”,as引导方式状语从句,表示“像……一样”,did在此取代had effects on。 5.(2012·盐城模拟)A new survey shows that 54 percent of Americans do not take prescription medicines ________ though they are important to their health. A.as they instructed

  B.as were instructed C.as to be instructed

  D.as instructed 解析:选D。句意“一项新的调查显示54%的美国人不按指导服用处方药,尽管这些药对他们的健康很重要。”根据句意,句子主语Americans与instruct之间应该存在被动关系,因此用过去分词充当方式状语,相当于方式状语从句as they are instructed。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 7.They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A.fruitful

  B.beneficial C.valid

  D.effective 解析:选D。句意“他们采取了有效措施来预防毒气外泄。”effective“有效的”;fruitful“果实累累的,多产的”;


  valid“有效的,具有法律效力的”。 5

  try out 试验,试用,测试,参加选拔 (教材P19)Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium and found that it killed the bacterium too.弗莱明将这种霉用在另外一种细菌上做试验,发现它同样杀死了那种霉菌。 短语精释 归纳拓展 ①(朗文P1897)They’re trying out a new presenter for the show.他们正在为这个节目试用一位新的主持人。 ②There were 120 kids who tried out for the 40 spots on the team.有120名孩子在争取该队的40个名额。 ③The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. 店员拿出一件衣服给玛莎试穿。 6

  wear out 使筋疲力尽,使厌烦 (教材P25)Today I feel worn out. 今天我感觉很累。


  ①(朗文P1897)They’re trying out a new presenter for the show.他们正在为这个节目试用一位新的主持人。 ②There were 120 kids who tried out for the 40 spots on the team.有120名孩子在争取该队的40个名额。 ③The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. 店员拿出一件衣服给玛莎试穿。 6

  wear out 使筋疲力尽,使厌烦 (教材P25)Today I feel worn out. 今天我感觉很累。


  ①(朗文P2320)Working two jobs can really wear you out.干两份工作真能把你累坏了。 ②My clothes are worn out and I have to mend them. 我的衣服穿破了,我得补一下。 ③After half an hour,his patience began to wear out. 半小时后,他开始有点忍耐不住了。 7

  subscribe to 订阅,同意,支持,捐赠 (教材P31)A lot of people now subscribe to these theories. 现在很多人认同这些理论。

  归纳拓展 ①(朗文P2056)About 60 percent of U.S.households already subscribe to cable TV.大约60%的美国家庭已加入了付费收看有线电视的服务。 ②Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy? 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法? ③I subscribed to several magazines. 我订阅了几份杂志。 ④We subscribe to an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基 金会。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空

  1.The airliner _____________ into the mist. 2.To reform we need to continue to ________________. 3.The dramatist wrote up a story ________________ a oneact play. faded away open up in the form of 4.He ________________ alcohol. 5.The prisoners were __________

  to work in the garden. 6.The steel factory has been supplying us with raw material ________________. is addicted to let out in large quantities Ⅱ.完成句子 1.该报告把工资高与劳动力短缺联系在一起了。 The report ________ high wages ________ labour shortages. relates to/with 2.他们在地里干了一整天的活儿,累得疲惫不堪。 They were ________after a long day spent working in the fields. 3.新型发动机在销售之前一定要进行试验。 The new kind of engine must ____________ before they are sold. worn out be tried out 4.他失去了家庭,这一损失是无法弥补的。 Nothing could __________________ the family he had lost. 5.他生病了,不能出席会议。 He was ill so he couldn’t be ____________________ the meeting. take the place of able to attend Ⅲ.单项填空 1.The plan,which they found hardly ________,was finally changed for a new one. A.subscribeB.subscribing to C.subscribed to

  D.subscribed 解析:选C。句意“那个计划,他们觉得很难同意,最终换成了一个新 计划”,subscribe to“同意”,plan和subscribe to构成被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。 2.The children of mothers who use cocaine are often born ________ the drug. A.addicted to

  B.engaged in C.related to

  D.concerned about 解析:选A。句意“服用可卡因的妈妈生的小孩生来就对这种毒品有瘾”。be addicted to“对……上瘾”; be engaged in“忙于,从事”; be related to“与……有联系”; be concerned about“关心,挂念”。 3.All the memories of his childhood had ________ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded

  B.illustrated C.confined

  D.concerned 解析:选A。句意“他65岁时,儿时的记忆在脑海中已经慢慢消退了”。fade“逐渐消逝”;illustrate“图解,说明”;


  concern“涉及,影响,关心”。 4.He was almost asleep,________ with all this hard work. A.worn down

  B.worn out C.worn off

  D.worn away 解析:选B。句意“他干了这么多重 活儿,累得精疲力竭,差不多睡着 了。”wear out“使疲乏;使厌倦; 使耗尽”;wear down“使消瘦,使 厌烦”;wear off“渐渐减少; 消逝”;wear away“消磨,打发,虚度;(时光等)流逝”。 ③He was

  possessed of great selfconfidence. 他极有自信。

  circulate vi.&vt.循环;传播;

  传递;散布,传阅 (教材P18)Lawrence Craven,a doctor from the USA,introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks,because it helped the blood circulate better. 劳伦斯·克雷文,一位美国医生,于1953年引进了这种思想:阿司匹林有降低潜在的患心脏病的风险,因为它有助于使血液循环更好。


  ①(朗文P341)Blood circulates around the body. 血液在全身循环。 ②(牛津P284)Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.有关他财务困难的谣言开始流传开来。 ③Foreign money is not allowed to circulate in China. 外币不允许在中国流通。


  astonish vt.使十分惊讶,使吃惊 (教材P19)It astonished him to see the bacteria surrounding the mould

  dead,which meant that the mould had killed them. 令他十分惊讶的是,他发现这种霉周围的细菌都死了,这意味着这种霉杀死了它们。 归纳拓展 【辨析】 surprise,astonish,amaze,astound

  surprise 叫人诧异,出乎意料,是此意最常用的词,意思较弱。 astonish 使大吃一惊(=surprise greatly)。 amaze 令人惊愕,含惊叹、佩服之义。 astound 令人震惊(=astonish greatly)。 ①(2010·高考辽宁卷)We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition. 我们很惊讶地发现寺庙依然还是原来的样子。 ②I find it absolutely astonishing that you didn’t like it. 你不喜欢它,我感到无比惊讶。 ③To our astonishment,they arrived on time. 令我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。


  relate vt.&vi.联系,叙述,讲述,把……联系起来 (教材P31)Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain. 另外一种理论则将针刺疗法和人体内减痛化学物质的产生联系起来。 归纳拓展 ①Most writing systems relate letters to sounds fairly closely. 大多数书写系统将字母和发音相当密切地联系起来。 ②In what way does it relate to your current career? 这跟您目前的职业有何关联呢? ③These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互有联系。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空

  1.He studied the German market to find the ____________ there for profitable investment. potential 2.They fought and _____ for their country. 3.The industrial __________ had taken place in England first. 4.The heart performs a ________ bodily function. bled vital revolution 5.The doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patient’s ____________. 6.When she finished her speech,the audience ____________. 7.He ____________ my proposal with one of his own. symptoms applauded countered 8.We will ____________ the reform of the financial system under these circumstances. accelerate Ⅱ.单项填空 1.We can ________ the two islands with a bridge. A.unite B.connect C.relate

  D.combine 解析:选B。句意“我们可以用桥将这两座岛屿联接起来。”connect意为“连接;与……衔接”;unite意为“结合;团结”;relate意为“把……与……联系起来”;combine意为 “结合;联合”。 2.We are ________ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester. A.distinguished

  B.annoyed C.astonished

  D.scored 解析:选C。句意“马克这学期取得的进步如此迅速,我们非常吃惊”,astonished“感到惊讶的”。 3.The blood ________ in the body and provides what the body needs. A.swells

  B.circulates C.tastes

  D.tempted 解析:选B。句意“血液在身体里循环,提供身体所需”,swell “膨胀”;circulate“循环”;taste“品尝”;tempt“引诱”。 4.—Can you take the day off tomorrow? —Well,I’ll have to get ________ from my boss. A.permission

  B.permit C.allowance

  D.possession 解析:选A。句意“——你明天能休一天假吗?——呵,我要征得老板的允许。”permission“允许”;permit“许可证”;allowance “津贴”;possession“拥有”。 5.Because of the good quality and the low price of this product,it has the potential ________ well on the overseas market. A.of selling

  B.by selling C.for selling

  D.to sell 解析:选C。have the potential for...有……的可能性/潜能。句意“这种产品质量好、价格低,有可能在国外市场上有很好的销路”。 6.The contents of the safety deposit box are ________ being held by the police until the trial. A.theoretically

  B.temporarily C.reasonably

  D.naturally 解析:选B。句意“保险箱里的贵 重物品暂时由警方保管,审判时再 打开。”temporarily意为“暂时地,临时地”;theoretically意为“理论 上,表面上”;reasonably意为 “合理地”;naturally意为“生来;天然地”。 栏目导引 基础盘点自测自评 考点串讲讲练互动 Unit 2 Fit for life Unit 2 Fit for life 基础盘点自测自评 Ⅰ.语境填词 1.Fresh air is __________

  (有益的) to one’s health. 2.He __________ (使惊讶)us with his strange idea. 核心单词 beneficial astonished 3.The rumor about him ________ (传播)rapidly. 4.We received 400 ___________ (申请) for the job. 5.His headache was got rid of after taking the ________(有效的)medicine. circulates applications effective 6.His advice was so ____________ (合理的)that all the people at present agreed to accept it. 7.The _________ (结果)of their discussion is still unknown and we are all waiting for it. reasonable outcome 8.I’ll make ____________(安排)for you to be met at the airport. 9.It is difficult to ________(联系) cause with effect in this case. arrangements relate 10.An eclipse of the moon is a rare ____________(现象). 11.The children are _________ (上瘾的)to computer games. 12.The plot of the novel is quite _________(复杂的). phenomenon addicted complex Ⅱ.词汇活用 1.He was ____ this morning and he was absent from class because of ____________.(sick) sick sickness 2.I _________ of your trying to earn some money,but please don’t neglect your studies and first of all,you should ask for your parents’ ____________.(approve) approve approval 3.We do not think such an ____________ phenomenon will last long.It won’t be long before everything return to ____________.(normal)

  abnormal normal 4.On her father’s death,she came into ____________ of a vast fortune,but she doesn’t ____________ any happiness.(possess)

  possession possess 1.____________

  打开 2.____________

  以……的方式 3._______________________

  有做……的潜力 4.______________

  试验,试用 高频短语 open up in the form of have the potential to do... try out 5.________________

  不能做…… 6.________________

  大批地,大量地 7.___________

  使筋疲力尽,使厌烦 8.______________

  放出,发出 be unable to do... in large quantities wear out let out 9.______________

  取代,替代 10.______________

  对……上瘾 11.______________

  把……与……联系起来 12.______________

  逐渐消失 be addicted to relate...to... take one’s place fade away 1.部分倒装 ___________ aspirin _______ vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain,___ there are ____other things that aspirin can help with. 阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧、止痛必不可少,而且还有其它用途。 典型句式 Not only has proved but also 2.it作形式主语 __ astonished him ______ the bacteria surrounding the mould dead,which meant that the mould had killed them. 令他十分惊讶的是,他发现这种霉周围的细菌都死了,这意味着这种霉杀死了它们。 It to see 3.虚拟语气 If penicillin ___________ available,many people ______________ from sickness or even small wounds. 如果没有了青霉素,很多人会死于疾病,甚至很小的伤口。 had not been would have died 4.enough to do足以做…… First,he was unable to find a procedure to make penicillin pure ________________ as a medicine. 首先,他找不到能把青霉素提纯到足以药用的方法。 enough to work 5.as引导方式状语从句 Today acupuncture has become popular round the world,____________other traditional Chinese medicines. 和许多其它中药一样,如今,针刺疗法在全世界范围内广受欢迎。 as have 系动词 1.—Who is the girl ________ happy under the big tree? —I have no idea. A.to look B.looks C.looked

  D.looking 单元语法 解析:选D。句意:“大树下看上去很快乐的女孩是谁?”,根据happy可知,look是系动词,无被动形式,又因为the girl和其构成的是主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语。 2.A pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ as the plane was making a landing. A.to be seating

  B.seating C.seated

  D.Seat 解析:选C。remain“保持,仍然”,是系动词,remain seated“保持坐着的状态”。

  3.(2012·桂林十八中高三月考试卷)It feels ________ to work with such a team on what I’m interested in. A.nicely

  B.good C.well

  D.bad 解析:选B。跟一个我感兴趣的团队共事感觉很好。此处feel是系动词,意为“给人以某种感觉或印象”。 4.________ so delicious,the food in this market was sold out soon. A.Tasting

  B.Tasted C.Having been tasted


  Being tasted 解析:选A。根据so delicious可判断taste是系动词,无被动,和句子的主语the food构成主动关系,所以 选A。 5.—Why are you laughing secretly at me? —You look ________ in that odd hat. A.absurd

  B.smart C.charming

  D.wise 解析:选A。句意“——你为什么 偷偷笑话我?——带着那顶奇怪的 帽子,你看上去很荒唐可笑。”absurd“荒唐可笑的”,跟在系动词look后作表语。 考点串讲讲练互动 单词精研 1

  possess vt.拥有,具有 (教材P18)Nearly 3,500 years ago,people chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever. 近3500年前,人们咀嚼一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶或饮用由这种树叶制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。

  归纳拓展 ①(朗文P1585)Too many nations already possess chemical weapons.太多国家已经拥有了化学武器。 ②He was found in possession of dangerous drugs. 他被发现藏有危险物品。


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