U.S. envoy Glyn Davies is calling on North Korea not to carry out a nuclear test.
The call comes immediately following North Korea's vow to carry out as well as aim the tests at the US.
"Whether they will test it or not, we hope they don't, we call on them not to do it. It will be highly provocative. It will set back the course of trying to find a solution to these long-standing problems that have prevented the peninsula from becoming reunited."
Davies is currently in Seoul to discuss follow-up actions on the expanded UN sanctions over North Korea's December satellite launch.
Both the US and South Korea saw it as a disguised ballistic missile test and claimed a nuclear test was to follow.
North Korea, however has defended its right to launch a satellite for peaceful and scientific purposes.
According to their state run KRT, the National Defense Commission has now promised a third nuclear test.
"We are not disguising the fact that the various satellites and long-range rockets that we will fire and the high-level nuclear test we will carry out are targeted at the United States."
The first and second tests were done back in 2006 and 2009, although no time frame has been given for this latest one.
The nuclear test statement also comes just a day after the North Korean foreign ministry declared an end to the six-party talks which had been stalled since 2008.