2016高考英语(江苏专用)全程复习方略 课时提升 作业二十八:Units1-2(牛津译林版选修9) Word版含答案-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语(江苏专用)全程复习方略 课时提升 作业二十八:Units1-2(牛津译林版选修9) Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-01-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Units 1、2

  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (原创) large numbers of tourists flooded to the attractions during the eight-day holiday caused numerous complaints.

  A. WhatB. Where

  C. That

  D. Which

  2. (2016·盐城模拟)He came out first in the competition and he that.

  A. was responsible for B. was content with

  C. was concerned about

  D. was bound to

  3. Carter Druse his being selected for the important task to his courage, devotion and knowledge of the area.

  A. ledB. owed

  C. devotedD. contributed

  4. (2016·武汉模拟)Once you have experienced the of bungee jumping, you’ll never forget it.

  A. amusement B. happiness 

  C. fun D. thrill

  5. (2016·南昌模拟)A healthy life is frequently thought to be with open countryside and homegrown food.

  A. tied B. bound

  C. involved

  D. associated

  6. (2016·南京模拟)We must a new teacher at once to the mountain school.

  A. appreciate B. appoint

  C. approve

  D. appeal

  7. (原创)Mo Yan became the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner in Literature, left school to make a living at the age of 12.

  A. as

  B. which

  C. that

  D. who

  8. (2016·宜昌模拟)The orphan signed the contract his parents after they passed away that winter.

  A. on behalf of B. in spite of

  C. on the point of

  D. in charge of

  9. (2016·温州模拟)Many of the scientists and engineers are judged how great their achievements are.

  A. in spite of B. in charge of

  C. in favor of

  D. in terms of

  10. (2016·淄博模拟) his high social status, it is really hard for us to his joining us in going west to teach children there.

  A. Considering; object to

  B. Considering; object

  C. To consider; persuade

  D. Being considered; oppose

  11. (2016·天门模拟)In no country,  Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

  A. other than B. more than

  C. better than

  D. rather than

  12.  to ten years in prison, the man lost all hope.

  A. Be sentenced B. Sentencing

  C. To sentence

  D. Having been sentenced

  13. (2016·蚌埠模拟)Weather , we’ll go for a walk in the woods tomorrow.

  A. to permit B. permitted

  C. permitsD. permitting

  14.  with a camera, a compass and several maps, these scientists set out to explore the ancient forest.

  A. Equipping B. Having equipped

  C. Equipped

  D. To be equipped

  15. (2016·上海模拟) from the fifth floor when the policemen surrounded him.

  A. Jumped down the thief

  B. Down the thief jumped

  C. Down jumped the thief

  D. Down did the thief jump

  . 完形填空

   It’s Saturday morning. Tony’s sitting at the kitchen table,  1 into space and playing with a piece of bread. He’s not even 2 . Is he ill? No, but he does have a 3 . He has nothing to do because the Internet is down.

  When he 4 up this morning, Tony was feeling 5 . He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend 6 . It would be a weekend like any other-a great weekend. But that was 7 he turned on his computer and 8 he was unable to go online. Having no Internet changes everything.

  Every weekend, Tony 9 goes online to email friends, read the 10 to keep up with what’s happening in the world and play a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to 11 the weekend off. The perfect weekend-online!

  Just as Tony is 12 how he can possibly have a 13 weekend without the Internet, his mum walks into the 14 . “Cheer up, Tony. Don’t think about the Internet any more, OK? ”Tony makes no answer but 15 . “Go and play chess with Helen!” Tony’s mum 16 . “Oh, yes! Helen lives just around the 17 . We can meet and play chess face to face for a 18 . Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad. ”Tony 19 , as he walks to the phone. There is life 20 the Internet after all. (239W)

  1. A. getting B. staring

  C. turning

  D. coming

  2. A. hungry

  B. angry

  C. tired

  D. sleepy

  3. A. fear

  B. problem

  C. business

  D. thing

  4. A. rose

  B. rang

  C. looked

  D. woke

  5. A. great

  B. disappointed C. unhappy

  D. worried

  6. A. also

  B. above

  C. ahead

  D. ago

  7. A. after

  B. before

  C. as

  D. when

  8. A. thought

  B. guessed

  C. decided

  D. found

  9. A. usually

  B. nearly

  C. especially

  D. already

  10. A. letters

  B. news

  C. reports

  D. contents

  11. A. pay

  B. take

  C. finish

  D. put

  12. A. proving

  B. wondering

  C. realizing

  D. remembering

  13. A. secret

  B. difficult

  C. normal

  D. strange

  14. A. living-room

  B. hall

  C. kitchen

  D. study

  15. A. sighs

  B. cries

  C. shouts

  D. apologizes

  16. A. requests

  B. replies

  C. tells

  D. suggests

  17. A. edge

  B. distance

  C. corner

  D. end

  18. A. chat

  B. time

  C. lesson

  D. change

  19. A. continues

  B. smiles

  C. reads

  D. watches

  20. A. with

  B. about

  C. against

  D. beyond

  Ⅲ. 书面表达


  假如你叫李华, 你的加拿大好友Tom非常喜欢中国的传统文化, 想到你校学习一年的汉语, 请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件。

  1. 介绍你们学校: 百年历史;54个教学班, 200多名教职工;坐落在城市的中心, 交通极其方便。

  2. 他将面临的困难或问题: 语言障碍;思念家乡

  3. 你的建议。

  注意: 1. 词数: 150个左右。

  2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使文章连贯。

  3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出, 但不计入总词数。

  Dear Tom,


  Li Hua


  Ⅰ. 1.【解析】选C。考查名词性从句。句意: 八天假期期间大量游客涌入景区, 导致了无数的投诉。空格处引导的主语从句意思完整, 故选C。

  2.【解析】选B。由前半句可知他在竞赛中表现很好, 故他应该很满意。be content with对……满意, 符合题意。be responsible for对……负责;be concerned about对……关心;be bound to注定……。

  3.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: Carter Druse把他被选拔参与这项重要任务归功于他的勇气、忠诚和该领域的专业知识。owe. . . to. . . 把……归功于……。

  4. 【解析】选D。句意: 一旦你体验到了蹦极的那种刺激, 你将永远忘不了。thrill激动, 紧张, 与题干相符;amusement消遣, 娱乐;happiness幸福;fun乐趣。

  5.【解析】选D。be associated with“与……有关”, 与句意相符。be tied to束缚于;be bound to必定, 注定;be involved in涉及。


  Closely with the Spring Festival, jiaozi, a famous Chinese food, is very popular with many people in some western countries.

  A. associated

  B. satisfied

  C. impressed

  D. presented

  【解析】选A。这里指饺子与春节有密切关系。be associated with与……有关;satisfy使满足;impress留下印象;present呈现。

  6.【解析】选B。句意: 我们必须立即向山区学校委派一名新老师。appoint委派, 任命;appreciate欣赏, 感激;approve批准;appeal吸引;呼吁。

  7.【解析】选D。考查引导定语从句的关系词。句意: 莫言成为中国获得诺贝尔文学奖的第一人, 他12岁就辍学谋生。定语从句缺主语, 且从句修饰人, 故选D。

  8.【解析】选A。结合语境, 这里指孤儿代表父母签订协议。on behalf of代表;in spite of尽管;on the point of正要……;in charge of负责。

  9. 【解析】选D。句意: 许多科学家和工程师是依据他们的贡献来被评价的。in terms of依据, 鉴于;in spite of尽管;in charge of掌管;in favor of支持。

  10.【解析】选A。句意: 鉴于他的高社会地位, 我们很难反对他加入我们, 一起去西部教育那里的孩子们。considering鉴于;object to反对, 相当于oppose。

  11. 【解析】选A。句意: 据说, 除了英国外, 其他国家都不能在一天经历四个季节。other than除了;more than不仅仅;better than优于;rather than而不是。

  12.【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意: 由于被判处十年徒刑, 那个人失去了所有的希望。sentence动作发生在谓语动作之前, 故用分词的完成被动式。

  13.【解析】选D。考查独立主格结构。句意: 天气允许的话, 明天我们将去森林中散步。由句子结构可知, 本句缺少非谓语动词, 排除C项;weather与permit之间为主动关系, 故用现在分词。

  14. 【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 装备有照相机, 指南针和几张地图, 这些科学家开始探索那片古代森林。be equipped with装备有。

  15.【解析】选C。考查完全倒装。当表示方位的副词down置于句首时, 句子要用完全倒装, 即将谓语动词置于主语之前。

  Ⅱ. 本文是记叙文。文章介绍了一个上网成瘾的小男孩在网络出现故障的时候他的迷茫和无聊。但最后妈妈的建议使他意识到, 现实生活也有很多乐趣。

  1.【解析】选B。由space可知用staring, 托尼眼睛盯着天空, 说明他的无聊。

  2.【解析】选A。由playing with a piece of bread可知。此处说明托尼不能上网以致茶饭不思,一点也不饿。

  3.【解析】选B。由下一句He has nothing to do because the Internet is down. 可知托尼确实出现了问题: 因为网络故障不能上网, 因此无事可做。

  4.【解析】选D。由后面的He jumped out of bed. . . 可知此处用woke。

  5.【解析】选A。此处表示感觉很好, 因此用feel great。由下文a great weekend也可得出答案。

  6.【解析】选C。托尼之前对要度过的周末充满了期待, 指前面的时间, 因此用ahead。

  7.【解析】选B。说明之后情况发生了变化, 因此用before引导时间状语从句。



  10.【解析】选B。托尼上网浏览资讯, 从而能了解世界上都发生了哪些事。

  11.【解析】选C。finish sth. off此处当“度过”讲, 为固定用法。

  12.【解析】选B。他妈妈进来时, 托尼正纳闷没有网络该怎样度过这个周末。wonder想知道;prove证明;realize意识到;remember想起。

  13.【解析】选C。此处表示没有网络, 托尼简直不知道应该怎样正常度过周末。

  14.【解析】选C。从第一段第二句. . . at the kitchen table可知。

  15.【解析】选A。托尼在叹气, 说明他情绪低落。sigh叹气;cry哭;shout喊叫;apologize道歉。

  16.【解析】选D。妈妈给托尼提建议, 让他出去找Helen下棋。

  17.【解析】选C。around the corner是固定用法, 表示在附近。

  18.【解析】选D。原来托尼和Helen一直在网上下棋, 现在面对面, 故用for a change, 是固定用法, 表示改变一下方式。

  19.【解析】选B。托尼终于高兴了, 因此微笑起来。

  20.【解析】选D。除了因特网之外, 还有现实生活, beyond表示“超过”。



  Dear Tom,

  I am very glad to hear that you are coming to our school to learn Chinese for a year.

  Here I will introduce our school first.

  Our school has a history of more than one hundred years and consists of 54 classes. Over 200 teachers are working here. It is located at the centre of the city and there is extremely convenient transportation. I believe you’ll enjoy your life here.

  However, you’ll face some difficulties if you study in our school. Firstly, you may have difficulty in your study because we speak Chinese all day long. Secondly, you’ll suffer from homesickness because of living far away from your country.

  I think you’d better read some books in Chinese to overcome the trouble in understanding the language before you come here.


  Li Hua


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