2016高考英语一轮复习 Unit2《The Olympic Games》知能达标训练 新人教版必修2-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Unit2《The Olympic Games》知能达标训练 新人教版必修2

发布时间:2017-01-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 The Olympic Games


  1.With so much water being used in the bathroom,it is no________ that more environmentally friendly technologies have come out to make better use of water resources.


  2.The girls ________ into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.



  3.—Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?

  —________ Oh yes! It’s past the office,next to a big market.

  A.Mm,let me think.B.Oh,I beg your pardon?

  C.You’re welcome.D.What do you mean?

  4.—My old tyre exploded,can you________ it with a new one?

  —Certainly,wait a minute.

  A.take the place ofB.replace

  C.take placeD.in place of

  5.In order to find ________ better job,he decided to study ________ second foreign language.


  6.He felt that he didn’t________ to be given such a great honor.



  7.Tom as well as his friends who________football games________traveled with the team.



  8.These dictionaries ________ the library again (by you).

  A.must be taken outB.mustn’t be taken out of

  C.must take out ofD.mustn’t take out of

  9.He didn’t ________ school the day before yesterday.


  C.join inD.take part in

  10.________ a chair in the corner of the room?

  A.Does there standB.Stand there

  C.There standingD.Do stand there

  11.I shall________ the loss of my laptop computer in the newspaper,with a reward for the finder.



  12.—Excuse me,sir.Would you do me a favor?

  —Of course.What is it?

  —I________ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.

  A.had wonderedB.was wondering

  C.would wonderD.did wonder

  13.Only when your identity has been checked________.

  A.you are allowed inB.you will be allowed in

  C.will you allow inD.will you be allowed in

  14.He hasn’t been to the countryside;________ he want to go there.

  A.so hasB.so does

  C.neither hasD.neither does

  15.The wise little girl can ride a horse and swim,and she can shoot________.

  A.as well asB.as well




  It might seem hard to imagine that a bad tooth could be deadly.But doctors in the Washington area say a twelve-year-old boy died last month of a tooth infection that spread to his brain.They say it might have been prevented if the boy had received the dental care he needed.

  Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care should start at birth.They say breast milk is the best food for the healthy development of teeth.Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth.

  When baby’s teeth begin to appear,you can clean them with a wet toothbrush.Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies,and use them very gently.

  The use of fluoride (氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world.This natural element is often added to drinking water supplies.The fluoride mixes with enamel(釉质),the hard surface on teeth,to help prevent holes,or cavities from forming.

  But the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry points out that young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth.The group notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems.So young children should be carefully supervised when they brush their teeth.And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste,the size of a green pea,should be used.

  Parents often wonder what effects sucking a thumb or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby’s teeth.Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life.

  The American Academy of Family Physicians says most kids stop sucking their thumbs by the age of four.If it continues,the group advises parents to talk to their child’s dentist or doctor.It could influence the correct development of permanent teeth.

  16.The boy with a bad tooth died because________.

  A.his tooth disease was very deadly

  B.the doctor refused to treat him properly

  C.he didn’t receive timely treatment

  D.something was wrong with his brain

  17.All the following statements are good to teeth except that ________.

  A.children live on breast milk every day

  B.children begin to brush their teeth when they are old enough

  C.children use fluoride toothpaste to brush their teeth

  D.children form the habit of sucking their thumbs

  18.The underlined word “supervised” in the fifth paragraph means “________”.

  A.watched and directed

  B.taught and helped

  C.praised and advisedD.led and pointed out

  19.Which one of the followings is NOT true according to this passage?

  A.Dental care should be given to babies as soon as they are born.

  B.Special toothbrushes should be used for babies.

  C.Breast milk and fluoride are helpful to protect baby teeth.

  D.Dental experts suggest stopping babies sucking their thumbs.

  20.The best title of this passage is ________.

  A.The reason of a twelve-year-old boy’s death

  B.Baby teeth should be cared for from birth

  C.Breast milk and fluoride are important

  D.How to help young children form good habits


  Roberto Clemente was one of the most honored baseball players in history.Many players are known for their skills or the records they broke.But Roberto was loved not only for his ability in sports,but also for the kind of person that he was.

  Roberto was born in 1934 in Carolina,Puerto Rico,whose family struggled financially.As a young boy,he helped his father,who worked on a sugar farm and also managed a store that sold food.

  In school,Roberto was an excellent runner.But more than anything,he loved playing baseball.Puerto Rico’s warm island climate made it easy for the young boy to play baseball all year.But he was good at throwing balls to a great distance.

  While in high school,Roberto played baseball for the Santurce Crabbers in the Puerto Rico’s Winter League.At 18,Roberto was already hitting a baseball better than many professional players in the United States.

  This ability was recognized the following year.An official from the Brooklyn Dodgers team in New York City came to Puerto Rico looking for new young players.The official,Al Campanis,was pleased with Roberto’s skills.He offered to give him a 10,000 dollar gift to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

  But Roberto was unable to join the major league team because he was still in high school.The young baseball player told Mr.Campanis that he would join the Brooklyn team as soon as he finished school.

  So Roberto joined the Brooklyn Dodgers after finishing high school.But Roberto began playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1955.

  Roberto stood out among the other players in his team.The Pittsburgh Pirates did not do well the first few years when Roberto played in the team.But in 1960,everything changed.That year,he played in the first of his 12 All-Star games.Every year,the best players from the National and American leagues compete in an All-Star game.That same year,Roberto helped his team beat the New York Yankees to win the World Series—the national baseball championship.

  Roberto died on December 31,1972,in a plane crash while attempting to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua.

  21.Roberto Clemente was highly honored because________.

  A.of his intelligence

  B.he had no competitors

  C.he was kind and generous

  D.of his personality and skills

  22.What do we know about Roberto according to the text?

  A.Roberto was not helpful.

  B.His family lived a happy life.

  C.His father worked very hard.

  D.Roberto had no interest in sports.

  23.Why did Mr.Campanis offer Roberto a 10,000 dollar gift?

  A.He was impressed by Roberto’s ability.

  B.He wanted to make friends with Roberto.

  C.Roberto played better than professional players.

  D.He invited Roberto to quit school and play for his team.

  24.Thanks to Roberto,the Pittsburgh Pirates________.

  A.defeated other 12 All-Star teams

  B.was better widely known worldwide

  C.won the national baseball championship

  D.beat the New York Yankees for the first time

  25.What would be the best title for the text?

  A.Roberto Clemente

  B.A Famous Black Baseball Player

  C.He Played 12 All-Star Games

  D.The Pittsburgh Pirates’ Memory



























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