2016高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业18 Module 6《Old and New》外研版必修3-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业18 Module 6《Old and New》外研版必修3

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(十八) 必修3 Module 6 Old and New


  1.The arrival of the white people gradually brought________end to the traditional Aboriginal way of________life.

  A.an;the B.an;/



  2.Tom________on the essay for two hours but he________only a hundred words by now.

  A.has been working;has written

  B.has been working;writes

  C.worked;has written


  3.It is reported that the new hospital under________is to be ready in a month.





  4.The cultural relics discovered recently________the Ming Dynasty.

  A.are dated from

  B.date from

  C.were dated from

  D.dated from

  5.Nowadays,________is necessary for the youth to master a foreign language.





  6.It is in this city________you are going to visit________this kind of beer is produced.





  7.By the time the rescue team arrived,the entire village________.

  A.has submerged

  B.has been submerged

  C.had submerged

  D.had been submerged

  8.Hearing the exciting news,Ann smiled and could not________tears of joy.

  A.hold on

  B.take on

  C.hold back

  D.take back

  9.If the ink sinks into the cloth,it’ll be hard to ________the spot from it.





  10.The mountains in the western part of the United States are much higher than________in the eastern part.





  11.—Will you go to Hawaii for your summer vacation?

  —Don’t be so________!I can’t possibly afford to pay for the plane ticket.





  12.The orange trees should be watered at the exact moment when the temperature drops to the________point.





  13.In my opinion,the answer to the question you gave us just now doesn’t make any________.





  14.(2016·荆州市质量检测Ⅰ)I want to listen to what you have to say because what you have to say might help me________something that is going to be the answer eventually.

  A.put up with

  B.keep up with

  C.come up with

  D.go through with

  15.After five hours’ drive,they reached________they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.








  Most people who move to a foreign country or culture may go through some form of culture shock,and its degree is determined by the differences between cultures,the anxiety to adapt to a new culture and the familiarity with a new culture,etc.If you go,for example,to a culture that is far different from your own,you’re likely to experience culture shock more sharply than those who move to a new culture knowing the language and the custom of it.

  It is important to understand and learn how to deal with culture shock if you are to adapt successfully to your new home’s cultures.There are four general stages of cultural adjustment,and being aware of them helps you understand that culture shock won’t last long.It’s just a process you are going through rather than a constant situation.

  The first stage is usually referred to as “the honeymoon stage”.Upon arriving in a new environment,you’ll be interested in the new culture.Everything will seem thrilling and everyone will seem friendly and helpful.During this stage you are merely taking in these impressions passively.

  But it isn’t long before the honeymoon stage gives way to the second stage—“the withdrawal stage”.The excitement you felt before is gone and problems arise.The language is hard to learn,people are unusual and unpredictable,friends,are hard to make,and simple things like shopping and going to the bank are challenges.It is at this stage that you are likely to feel anxious and homesick,and you will probably find yourself complaining about the new culture or country.This is the stage called “culture shock”.

  At some point,if you can manage it well,you’ll begin the transition into the next stage,“the recovery stage”,in which you’ll feel more confident functioning in the new culture.Customs and traditions are clearer and easier to understand.At this stage,you’ll deal with new challenges with humor rather than anxiety.

  1.According to the passage,culture shock can be________.

  A.dealt with more easily for some people

  B.reduced by learning the language alone

  C.avoided by knowing adjustment stages

  D.got rid of by learning just the custom

  2.“The honeymoon stage” here refers to________.

  A.the first month after the wedding

  B.the period of excitement

  C.the stage of adaptation

  D.the holiday for a newly-married couple

  3.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the second stage?

  A.Becoming upset.

  B.Missing family.

  C.Feeling confident.

  D.Making complaints.

  4.What would be probably discussed in the following paragraph?

  A.Consequences of culture shock.

  B.Challenges in a new country.

  C.Preparations for a new culture.

  D.The 4th stage of cultural adjustment.



  Bali is an Indonesian island that is rich in indigenous (本土的) culture.A lot of people say that the Balinese culture is unique and that the people of Bali have always been contented with the “now”.If you ask a Balinese person what heaven is like,the probable answer will be “just like Bali”.This only goes to show that most Balinese people are happy to be where they are and never worry.

  One factor that contributes to this laid-back lifestyle is the culture of close family ties in Bali.In the Balinese culture,support is always available.Balinese extended families are so tightly knit that all members usually reside in the same complex.

  Hinduism is one of the

  main religions in Bali.The Balinese culture is based on a form of this religion,which is called “Hindu Dharma”.This religion reached the island during the eleventh century.Most of the family customs and traditions as well as community lifestyles of the Balinese people are influenced by this.The religious influence even expands widely into the arts,which makes Bali distinct from the rest of Indonesia.

  In spite of the fact that tourists flood to the island every year,the Balinese people have managed to conserve their culture.Almost every native of Bali is an artist in some form or another.Parents and villagers have passed on their skills to their children,who all seem to have inclinations (意向) either to music,dance,painting,or decor.

  Another remarkable mark of the Balinese culture is the

  series of ceremonies and rituals known as the Manusa Yadnya.This marks the different stages of Balinese life.Cremation (火葬) is very popular on this island,and unlike in the West,death is a joyous and colorful event for the Balinese.

  5.What do we know about the Balinese according to the first two paragraphs?

  A.They lead a very relaxing but unwealthy life.

  B.They live in large families and are close to each other.

  C.Their family members are distributed in different places.

  D.Their extended families live too close together to get along well.

  6.Bali is distinguished from the rest of Indonesia by________.

  A.people’s tight family relationship

  B.the family customs and traditions

  C.people’s great affection for religion

  D.the influence of Hinduism on their culture

  7.The underlined word “conserve” in Para.4 can be best replaced by






  8.When a person dies in Bali,it is common practice to________.

  A.express deep sorrow at his death

  B.celebrate the death like a great event

  C.sing and dance joyfully in his honor

  D.remember what he did in his lifetime

  9.What is the text mainly about?

  A.The Balinese religion.

  B.The lifestyle of the Balinese.

  C.The Blinese culture.

  D.The tourism in Bali.详解答案



  1.解析: bring an end to结束;way of life生活方式。句意为:白种人的到来逐渐终止了土著居民传统的生活方式。

  答案: B

  2.解析: 由后半句可知,汤姆现在还在写文章,故第一空用现在完成进行时;第二空强调到现在为止已经完成的动作,用现在完成时。

  答案: A

  3.解析: 由the new hospital...is to be ready in a month可知“新的医院正在建设中”,故用under construction (=being built)。control控制;attack袭击;pressure压力。

  答案: C

  4.解析: date from起源于,常用于一般现在时的主动语态中。句意为:最近发现的那些文化遗迹源自明朝。

  答案: B

  5.解析: 本句中to master a foreign language为真正的主语,it作形式主语。

  答案: A

  6.解析: 本句使用了强调句式(it is...that...),即It is in this city that this kind of beer is produced。句中you are going to visit是定语从句,修饰先行词city,因为关系词在定语从句中作visit的宾语,故用that引导定语从句。

  答案: D

  7.解析: submerge与village之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且“村庄被淹没”发生在“救援队到来”之前,故用过去完成时的被动语态。

  答案: D

  8.解析: 由句意“听到这个令人兴奋的消息,安笑了,阻止不住高兴的泪水”可知,hold back(阻止)符合题意。hold on别挂断;take on呈现;take back取回。

  答案: C

  9.解析: 根据spot可知,remove(除去)符合题意。repair修理;remain保留;replace取代。

  答案: B

  10.解析: 考查those作替代词。为避免重复,that替代前面的“the+单数可数名词/不可数名词”,those替代前面的“the+复数名词”;it表示特指前面提到的事物;ones表泛指,常替代不带冠词的复数名词。此处those替代“the mountains”。

  答案: D

  11.解析: 考查形容词辨析。由后一句句意“我都付不起机票”可知是说“别开玩笑了”。ridiculous荒谬的,可笑的,符合题意。anxious着急的;curious惊奇的;serious严肃的。

  答案: D

  12.解析: the freezing point冰点, freezing是形容词。freeze可以作名词和动词,frozen为过去分词,freezer是名词,意为“冰柜”,这三个词从句意和句子结构上均不符合本题。

  答案: C

  13.解析: 句意为:在我看来,你刚才给我们提供的这个问题的答案根本讲不通。make sense讲得通,有意义,符合题意。

  答案: C

  14.解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我想听听你会说什么,因为你说的话可能会帮助我最终想出答案来。put up with忍受,忍耐;keep up with与……并驾齐驱,跟上;come up with提出,想出(计划/答复等);go through with将……进行到底。根据句意可知应选C。

  答案: C

  15.解析: 考查名词性从句。句意为:开车五小时之后,他们到达了他们认为是梦想中的地方。what在句中引导名词性从句,作动词reached的宾语,同时what为名词性从句的主语。reach是及物动词,其后为宾语从句,they thought是插入语,分析从句成分可知,宾语从句中缺少主语,因此用what。注意:that引导名词性从句时,在从句中不充当任何成分。

  答案: B


  语篇解读: 对大多数移居国外的人而言,文化冲击使他们面临重重困难。本文介绍了文化冲击的三个阶段以帮助你顺利适应国外文化。

  1.解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可推知,文化冲击对那些了解当地语言和风俗的人来说更容易应对。

  答案: A

  2.解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段可推知,“密月”阶段指的是“兴奋时期”。另外,下一段中的“The excitement you felt before...”也是线索提示。

  答案: B

  3.解析: 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,此阶段会对国外生活感到不适应。A、B、D项均符合题意,而C项属于第三个阶段。

  答案: C

  4.解析: 文章结构题。第二段提到有四个文化适应阶段,随后叙述了the honeymoon stage,the withdrawal stage和the recovery stage三个阶段,故接下来要讲述的是第四个阶段。

  答案: D

  语篇解读: 独特的文化,独特的风情,巴厘岛无疑是印度尼西亚的一朵奇葩,焕发出奇异的光彩,尽情地向世人展现自己的绚烂。

  5.解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,巴厘人生活在大家庭中,而且彼此之间关系非常亲密。

  答案: B

  6.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的内容可知,印度教对巴厘岛的影响渗透到艺术方面,这使它不同于印度尼西亚的其他地方。

  答案: D

  7.解析: 词义猜测题。由画线词所在句可知,尽管每年都有无数的游客涌往巴厘岛,巴厘人仍然能够设法”保存”他们自己独特的文化。故conserve与preserve的意思最接近。

  答案: A

  8.解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“death is a joyous and colorful event for the Balinese”可推知,当巴厘人去世时,人们的惯例是将其视为重大的好事进行庆祝。

  答案: B

  9.解析: 主旨大意题。第一段的第一句是本文的主题句,本文叙述的是巴厘文化,后面四段从不同的侧面对巴厘文化进行诠释。故C项最能概括本文的主旨。

  答案: C


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