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发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【答案】 ①presented her with; a bunch of flowers to ②haven‘t received; up to the present  ③present  ④for the present  ⑤at present 16. pretend v. [I/T]假装 【练习】完成句子 ①他假装在看书。 He pretended ___________________________.

  = He pretended that __________________________.

  ②她假装不知道这消息。 She pretended ___________________________.

  = She pretended that __________________________.

  【答案】 ①to be reading;he was reading  ②not to have heard the news;she had not heard the news 17. prevent v.[T]阻止,防止;预防 【练习】完成句子 ①政府正在采取措施防止空气污染。 The government is taking measures _______________.

  ②什么/谁阻止你的计划实施? What/Who prevented your plan ________________?

  ③我的父母一直阻止我网上交友。 My parents having been preventing __________ online.

  【解析】 ①to prevent air pollution  ②(from) being carried out  ③me/my making friends 

  【练习】 完成句子/单项选择 ④大雨使得我们不能出去。 The heavy rain ___________________________. =The heavy rain _________________________.

  =We _________________________ by the heavy rain. ⑤雨伞保护他不被雨淋。 The umbrella ___________________________.

  ⑥Dark glasses are sometimes worn to ________ the eyes from strong sunlight.

  A. prevent

  B. stop

  C. defend

  D. protect 【答案】 ①to prevent air pollution ②(from) being carried out ③me/my making friends ④prevented/stopped us (from) going out; kept us from going out; were prevented/stopped/kept from going out ⑤protected him from the rain ⑥D 句意:有时候戴墨镜是用来保护眼睛避免强烈的阳光。表示“阻止……做……”时,用“prevent/stop…(from) doing或keep…from doing”;表示“保护……免遭……”时,用“protect…from…”。 18. promise v. ①[I/T]许诺,答应 ②[T]有希望,有可能,预示

  n.[C]许诺,诺言 【练习】完成句子 ①你必须答应不提此事。 You must promise __________________________ it.

  = You must promise that ____________________ it. = You must make a promise ____________________ you won't mention it. ②他答应给女儿这笔钱。 He promised the money _________ his daughter.

  ③他是个有前途的年轻钢琴家。 He is a __________________________ young pianist.

  ④She promises to be a good singer.


  ⑤This year promises to be another good one for harvests.


  【答案】 ①not to mention; you won‘t mention; that  ②to ③promising ④她有希望成为一名优秀的歌手。 ⑤今年看来又是个丰收年。

  19. promote v. [T] ①推销,促销,宣传 ② 晋升,提升 ③促进,增进 【练习】 完成句子/单项选择 ①她刚刚才升到销售经理的职位。 She ___________________________ sales manager.

  ②该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。 The organization aims __________________________ friendship between nations. ③广告公司总是要想出新方法来促销产品。 Advertising companies always have to think up new ways ______________________________.

  ④Students who pass the test will be ________ to the next grade, as has been announced.

  A. possessed

  B. promoted

  C. proposed

  D. allowed 【答案】 ①has just been/got promoted to  ②to promote  ③to promote products ④B 句意:已经宣布,通过这次测试的学生将升级。possess(拥有), propose(提议), allow(允许)都不和介词to连用;promote(提升,晋升)的搭配是promote sb. to sth.(把某人提升到某个职位),其被动形式为:sb. is promoted to sth.,故选B。 20. put v. [T] ①放,摆[同place; lay] ②提出 【练习】用介、副词填空/单项选择 ①The plan he put ________ at the meeting is practical. ②A notice was put ________ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. ③Please put ________ the light before you go to bed.

  ④We put ________ for the night at a farmhouse. ⑤He has put ________ a good sum of money. ⑥They're planning to tear down these apartments and put ________ an office building. ⑦We are going to put ________ a play at the English evening. ⑧The meeting will be put ________ in case it should rain. ⑨Let me put ________ your telephone number in case I forget it. ⑩She said she put ________ two kilos last month. ⑪We can put ________ the job before dark. ⑫The boys felt tired, so they put ________ the fire and crept (爬) into their tent. ⑬Will it take long for my call to be put ________? ⑭He took the computer apart and put it ________ again. ⑮Sometimes we have to put ________ some hard things in life. ⑯He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of ________ at a hotel for the night.(2011·浙江)

  A. putting down

  B. putting off

  C. putting on

  D. putting up

  【答案】 ①forward ②up ③out ④up ⑤aside ⑥up ⑦on ⑧off ⑨down ⑩on ⑪through ⑫out ⑬through ⑭together ⑮up with ⑯D 句意:他决定开车回家,而不是在旅馆过夜。选put up(投宿)符合题意。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 【练习】单项选择 ④His friends ________ him to see a doctor, but he refused all of them.

  A. persuaded

  B. advised

  C. insisted

  D. suggested

  ⑤We ________ him to stop surfing the Internet, but he wouldn't.

  A. persuaded

  B. tried to persuade

  C. suggested

  D. managed 【答案】 ④B advise sb. to do sth.等于try to persuade sb. to do sth.;insist和suggest后不能接sb. to do sth.。句意:他的朋友建议他去看医生,但他都拒绝了。

  ⑤B 如果说而不服或劝而不服,应用try to persuade或advise。而persuade sb. to do表示已经成功地说服了某人做某事,因此在本题中前句与后句意思上相互矛盾了。suggest后面不接复合不定式;manage to do表示成功地做成某事。 8. pick v. ① [T]采,摘 ②

  [T]挑选,选择[同choose] ③[T]扒窃 【练习】写出下列划线词组的汉语意思/单项选择 ①Have you picked_out a dress for the party?

  _____________________________________________ ②The witness picked_out the thief from the crowd.

  _____________________________________________ ③He picked_up_the phone and dialed.

  _____________________________________________ ④The bus stopped to pick_up passengers.

  _____________________________________________ ⑤He picked_up French while he was staying in Paris. _____________________________________________ ⑥It's easy for my radio to pick_up VOA English. _____________________________________________ ⑦This is a habit I picked_up from childhood. _____________________________________________ ⑧If the cooking class changes to Tuesday, I'll have to ________ so that I can ________ my daughter from her piano lessons. A. drop in; pick up B. drop off; pick out C. drop out; pick up D. drop by; pick out 【答案】 ①挑选 ②认出  ③拿起 ④搭载 ⑤学会 ⑥收听 ⑦开始养成

  ⑧C 句意:如果烹调课改在星期二,我将不得不放弃以便能够去接上钢琴课的女儿。drop in 顺便拜访; drop out 退出,掉队。 9. point v. [I]①指,指向 ②将……瞄准,将……对准 n. [C]点,小数点 ①[C](比赛等的)得分[同score];分数[同mark] ②(温度的)度数 ③(物体的)尖,尖端 【练习】完成句子 ①我们正要离开这时电话铃响了。 We were _________________________ leaving when the phone rang.

  ②再争论下去没有意义了。 There is ___________________________ further.

  ③用手指指人是很不礼貌的。 It's rude ________________ your fingers ________ people.

  ④她向我们指出,成功的可能性很小。 She ________________ to us that there was little chance of success.

  【答案】 ①on the point of  ②no point in arguing  ③to point; at  ④pointed out 10. population n. [U/C] ①人口 ②动物数量 【练习】完成句子 ①中国70%的人口是农民。 ____________________________ farmers.

  ②美国有3亿多人口。 The USA _______________________ over 300 million.

  ③纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。 New York is a big city _____________ over 10 million.

  ④中国的人口比日本多。 The population of China _____________________.

  ⑤这个地区象群的数量正在减少。 The elephant population in the area _____________.

  【答案】 ①Seventy percent of the population of China are  ②has a population of  ③with a population of  ④is larger than that of Japan  ⑤ is reducing 11. possession n. ① [U]拥有,占有 ②(常用复数)财产,所有物[同belongings] 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①敌人占领了那个村庄。 The enemy ________________________ the village.

  ②这块地为该商人所有。 The land ________________________ the merchant.

  = The merchant _______________________ the land.

  = The merchant _______________________ the land. ③— Does the young man standing there ________ the company? — No. The company is ________ his father. A. in possession of; in the possession of B. take possession of; in the possession of C. take possession of; in possession of D. have a possession of; in possession of 【答案】 ①took possession of 

  ②is in the possession of; is in possession of; possesses

  ③B 句意:——站在那儿的年轻人拥有这家公司吗?——不,这家公司为其父亲所拥有。 12. practice v. (【美】practise) [I/T]①练习,实习 ②实行,实践 ③(医生、律师)开业,从事 n. ①实地获得的经验 ②[U]实践,实施,实行 ③[U/C]惯例,习惯,惯常做法 【练习】完成句子 ①你最好在课上课下练习说英语。 You'd better ______________________ English both in and after class. ②此人刚刚开始从事律师职业。 The man is just beginning _______________________.

  ③你有秘书工作的实践经验吗? Do you have any ________ experience as a secretary?

  ④这主意听起来不错,但在实践中行得通吗? The idea sounds good but will it work ______________?

  ⑤我们把那想法付诸实行。 We ________ the idea ____________________.

  ⑥交作业之前检查一下是个好习惯。 _____________ to check your work before handing it in.

  【答案】 ①practise speaking  ②to practise law  ③practical ④in practice  ⑤put/bring; into practice  ⑥It is (a) good practice   

  【练习】用custom, habit, hobby, practice, tradition填空 ⑦It is a dangerous ________ to get off a bus before it stops. ⑧It is his ________ to walk after a meal.

  ⑨My ________ is collecting stamps.

  ⑩It is a Chinese ________ to eat Jiaozi on New Year's Eve. ⑪Villagers get together every year to keep this old ________ alive. 【答案】 ⑦practice  ⑧custom/habit ⑨hobby  ⑩custom  ⑪tradition 13. prefer

  (preferred, preferred; preferring) v. [T]更喜欢,宁愿[同like better] 【练习】完成句子 ①他说城市和农村相比,他更喜欢农村。 He said he ____________________________. ②他说他比较喜欢散步,但是今晚更想去跳舞。 He said he preferred ________, but preferred ________________ this evening.

  ③我希望你不要在那儿待得太久。 I prefer __________________________ there too long.

  ④他宁愿待在家里而不愿跟我们去。 He preferred ________ at home to __________ with us.

  = He ___________________________. = He ___________________________. ⑤我更喜欢诗。 I have______________________________ poetry. 【答案】 ①preferred the country life to the city life ② walking; to dance  ③you not to stay ④staying; going; preferred to stay at home rather than (to) go with us; would rather stay at home than go with us  ⑤a preference for 14. prepare v. ①[T/I]准备,使……准备好 ②[T]做(饭菜),配制,调制(药品等) 【练习】完成句子 ①他在准备写一篇报告。 He is__________________________ a report.

  ②妈妈让儿子准备好去学前班。 The mother _________________________ to preschool.

  ③你必须为这次旅行做好一切准备。 You must ___________________________ the trip.

  ④母亲正在为我们做饭。 Mother is preparing ____________________________.

  ⑤老师们正让学生准备考试。 The teacher is preparing ________________________.

  ⑥课堂上要时刻准备回答问题。 Always _______________________ questions in class. 【答案】 ①preparing to write  ②prepared her son to go ③prepare everything for  ④a meal for us/us a meal  ⑤the students for the examination  ⑥be prepared to answer 

  【练习】 用prepare, prepare for的适当形式填空 ⑦老师在备课。 The teacher is _________________________ the lesson.

  ⑧学生们正忙于为考试做准备。 The students are busy ___________________ the exam.

  【答案】 ⑦preparing  ⑧preparing for 【练习】用prepare for, be prepared for的适当形式填空 ⑨我们已准备好应付最坏的情况。 We ___________________________ the worst.

  ⑩选手们正在备战奥运会。 The players __________________ the Olympic Games.

  【答案】 ⑨were prepared for  ⑩are preparing for 15. present

  adj. ①出席的,在场的[反absent](用作表语或后置定语) ②现在的,目前的(作前置定语)

  n. ①[C]礼物,赠品[同gift] v. ①[T]赠送,送给[同give] ②[T]提出(论点、看法等),提交,呈递 【练习】完成句子 ①他送给她一束花。 He __________________________ a bunch of flowers.

  = He presented_________________________ her. ②我们至今还没收到他的信。 I _________________ his letter ______________.

  ③有大约300人出席宴会。 There are about 300 people ___________ at the banquet.

  ④这事我打算暂时搁一搁。 I will leave the matter as it is _________________.

  ⑤我们当前有许许多多事要做。 We have a great many things to do ________________.

  2016英语高考高频词汇精选-P 1. patient n.[C]病人,患者 adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的 【练习】用patient的适当形式填空/单项选择 ①The doctor explained to the ________ with ________, “Take your time. I am ________ with you. You have to wait ________.”

  ②— You know. Bob is a little slow ________ understanding, so…

  — So I have to be patient ________ him.

  A. in; with

  B. on; with

  C. in; to

  D. at; for 【答案】 ①patient 病人; patience 耐心; patient 耐心的; patiently (句意:医生耐心地给病人解释说:“慢慢来,我对你是有耐心的。你得要耐心等待。”)

  ②A be slow in/about… 在某方面迟缓/缓慢的;be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心。 2. participate v. [I]参加,参与[同take part] 【练习】完成句子 ①在这节课中所有的学生都积极参加。 During this period all the students __________.

  ②希望大家都参加这次讨论。 Everyone is expected __________________________.

  【答案】 ①were actively participating 

  ②to participate in the discussion 3. particular adj. ①特殊的,特别的 ②讲究的,挑剔的 【练习】英译汉/完成句子 ①The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled child. ___________________________ ②你有特别喜欢的流行音乐吗? Do you like any pop music _________________?

  ③恐怕你对食物太挑剔了。 I'm afraid you're being too ______________ your food. 【答案】 ①老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。 ②in particular

  ③particular about

  【练习】 用especially, specially, particularly填空/单项选择 ④This is welcomed by all the non­smokers, ________ women and children. ⑤We came here ________ to see you, our friends. ⑥He likes the country, ________ in spring. ⑦My daughter cares more for new clothes than anything else in the world, so she is very ________ about what she wears.

  A. special

  B. strict

  C. especial

  D. particular 【答案】 ④especially/particularly  ⑤specially  ⑥especially/particularly ⑦D 题意:我的女儿对新衣服的关心胜过对世上的其他事物,因此她对穿着很挑剔。special 特殊的; strict 严厉的; especial 专门的; be particular about sth. 对……挑剔,符合题意。 4. pay v. [I/T]付钱,付酬 n. [U]工资 【练习】完成句子 ①他的努力最终获得了回报。 His efforts finally ___________________________.

  ②你能借给我100块钱吗?下周还你。 May I borrow you 100 yuan? ____________________ next week.

  ③我每个月要付他50英镑的房租。 I have to pay ________________________ each month.

  ④买这本书我花了10元钱。 I _____________________________________.

  【答案】 ①paid off  ②I'll pay it back/I'll pay you back ③him 50 pounds for this room  ④paid 10 yuan for the book 5. perform v. ① [T]执行,履行,完成,做[同carry out] ② [I/T]表演,演出[同play] 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①他忠实地履行他的职责。 He ___________________________ faithfully.

  ②该歌剧首演于1998年。 The opera ____________________________ in 1998.

  = The first ____________________________ of the opera was in 1998.

  ③She performed wonderfully on the stage. _____________________________________________ 【答案】 ①performed his duty ②was first performed; performance ③她在舞台上演得好极了。 6. permit v.[T/I]允许,许可[同allow; 反forbid] n.[C]许可证,执照 【练习】完成句子 ①天气允许的话,我们就出去郊游。 Weather ________, we will go out for an outing.

  = If time permits, we will go out for an outing. ②除非你有许可证,未经允许不能在此处停车。

  You are not ________ to park here without ________ unless you have a ________.

  ③他们不让我来这儿。 They did not permit me ________ here. =They did not permit ________ here.

  【答案】 ①permitting; permits  ②permitted; permission; permit  ③to come; my coming 7. persuade v. [T]说服,劝说 【练习】完成句子 ①我说服他改变了主意。 I persuaded ___________________________.

  ②他们劝说我们不要去参加聚会。 They persuaded _____________________________.

  ③我试着去说服他放弃吸烟,可他拒绝了。 I ____________________________ but he refused.

  【答案】 ①him to change/into changing his mind  ②us not to go to the party/us out

  of(或against) going to the party  ③tried to persuade him to give up smoking


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