2016高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业47 Module 6《The Tang Poems》外研版选修8-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业47 Module 6《The Tang Poems》外研版选修8

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(四十八) 选修8 Module 6 The Tang Poems


  1.Hosting the 31st Olympics is________great honour

  and the Brazilians are working hard to make the games________success.




  2.What really________is whether you have good

  computing skills,not how long you have worked






  3.(2016·山东省四市联考)________on his past mistakes,Ted realized that he had stayed around the wrong people.

  A.To reflect



  D.Being reflected

  4.(2016·河北衡水二次调研)At present,the government must be very________about setting policies for the economical crisis and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.





  5.A survey done recently shows that not all parents________their children taking part in the weekend classes.


  B.lead to


  D.approve of

  6.(2016·南宁二模)Rose was angry with me.If only I________those words to her!

  A.didn’t say

  B.hadn’t said

  C.couldn’t say

  D.wouldn’t have said

  7.—Let’s meet at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

  —I’m afraid I can’t make it.I________an exam then.

  A.am going to take

  B.am taking

  C.will be taking

  D.will have taken

  8.—What do you think of the new products?

  —They are far________the old ones.

  A.more superior to

  B.superior to

  C.superior than

  D.more superior than

  9.(2016·江西省高三上学期七校联考)—Do you love teaching,Miss He?

  —I fell in love with teaching in 2000.I________for twelve years by this winter.

  A.will teach

  B.would have taught

  C.have been teaching

  D.will have been teaching

  10.________by the sad story of the child,many people offered to lend him a helping hand.

  A.Being affected

  B.Having affected


  D.To affect

  11.Our English teacher requires us to underline________we regard as important points when we read the text.





  12.The key to solving the unemployment problem________creating more job opportunities.

  A.lies in

  B.results in

  C.adapts to

  D.leads to

  13.I caught several fish afier four hours,and only then________that the secret of success was patience.

  A.I realized

  B.I had realized

  C.did I realize

  D.had I realized

  14 .—You went out and enjoyed yourself when you________.

  —I’m sorry,Mum.I’ll finish my homework tonight.

  A.could be studying

  B.must be studying

  C.should have studied

  D.may have studied

  15.—I’ve forgotten my swimming stuff.

  —________—you can borrow these.

  A.I’ve got no idea

  B.You’re welcome

  C.It’s up to you

  D.It doesn’t matter




  Let’s face it.No one drinks diet sodas for the taste.People drink diet sodas in the hope that it will help them lose weight or at least keep them from gaining it.Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effect,according to a new study.

  Researchers from the University of Texas said those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those who didn’t drink diet sodas.“What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drank,the more weight they were likely to gain,” said Sharon Fowler.

  The study was based on data from 474 participants in a large,ongoing research project,where the participants were followed for nearly 10 years.

  While the findings are surprising,they also offer some explanations.

  Nutrition expert,Melanie Rogers,who works with overweight patients in New York,has found that when patients are switched from regular to diet sodas,they don’t lose weight at all.“We weren’t seeing weight loss necessarily,and that was confusing to us,” said Rogers.

  So why would diet soda cause weight gain?No one knows for sure yet,but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet sodas,and so over-compensate for the missing calories.

  A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂) raised blood sugar levels in some mice.“Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky,” said Helen P.Hazuda,professor at the University of Texas’s school of medicine.“They may be free of calories,but not of consequences.”

  1.People drink diet sodas to________.

  A.enjoy its taste

  B.stay in fashion

  C.achieve weight loss

  D.gain more energy

  2.The new study suggests that drinking diet sodas________.

  A.causes people to become heavier

  B.helps people to be healthier

  C.makes people much thinner

  D.offers people more calories

  3.We can learn from the passage that________.

  A.regular sodas make people lose more weight

  B.diet soda drinkers tend to eat more food

  C.diet sodas do help reduee calories

  D.most blood diseases come from diet sodas

  4.The underlined word “They” in the last paragraph probably refers to “________”.


  B.diet sodas and artificial sweeteners


  D.diet soda drinkers and sweetener takers



  Have you ever wondered why each of us has different handwriting?Handwriting,also known as

  brain writing,is as individual to the person as fingerprints.Occupations,relationships,personal problems as well as health-related issues can be identified




  writing.Analyzing handwriting goes back to the 1600s and originated in Europe.Is handwriting analysis scientific?










  handwriting?Many traits can be shown provided the writing is in cursive (草书的),because printing has some limitations.Cursive provides the analyst with the upstrokes (向上的一笔) in writing which are very important.Many personality traits including being outgoing,temper,anger towards the opposite sex,generosity and hundreds more can be found when analyzing handwriting.

  Handwriting is very interesting because not only can you change your personality and watch your writing change as well,but also the reverse is true!Sometimes there are personality traits that we wish we did not have,but we don’t know how to get rid of them.One way to change your personality is to use handwriting therapy.The person learns how to change their writing to rid themselves of unwanted traits,and practices this under the watchful eye of a trained graphologist (笔迹学家).

  Handwriting analysis is becoming a recognized part of therapy.Analyzing handwriting has many different aspects.For instance,it is used in the court of law when dealing with fake documents.Companies are beginning to hire handwriting analysts to assist them in finding the right person for the right job.This is because handwriting analysis is a science—it is not guesswork.It is used as a tool to determine the compatibility (适应性) of an individual to the requirements of a job as well as the compatibility of one individual to another.

  All in all,handwriting analysis is scientific and has endless possibilities.Next time you see someone’s signature or handwriting,you now know that this person’s personality is right out there in front of you,just waiting to be discovered!

  5.Which of the following is not associated with handwriting according to

  the first paragraph?

  A.fingerprints. B.occupations.


  D.personal problems.

  6.Why do people want to make handwriting analysis?

  A.Because analyzing handwriting goes back to the 1600s.

  B.Because analyzing handwriting originated in Europe.

  C.Because many personality traits can be found in handwriting.

  D.Because printing has some limitations.

  7.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

  A.Handwriting is very interesting.

  B.Handwriting therapy can help change your personality.

  C.Your personality can change your handwriting.

  D.Your handwriting is hard to change.

  8.Companies hire handwriting analysts________.

  A.to beautify the employees’ signature

  B.to deal with fake documents

  C.to decide the requirements of a job

  D.to help find the right employee

  9.We can infer from the last paragraph that________.

  A.there are still many waiting to be discovered in handwriting

  B.discovering a person’s personality is difficult

  C.handwriting analysis makes no sense

  D.different people have different handwriting




  1.解析: honour作“光荣的人或事”讲时,是可数名词;a success表示“一个成功的人或一件成功的事”,这里指“一届成功的奥运会”。

  答案: C

  2.解析: 由题中的not可知此处指“真正重要的是你是否掌握熟练的计算机技能”,故选A项counts(很重要)。reflect反映;reveal揭示;convey传递。

  答案: A

  3.解析: 考查非谓语动词。语意:反思过去的错误,Ted意识到他交错了朋友。根据语意可知主语Ted和动词reflect之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作状语。

  答案: B

  4.解析: 句意为:目前政府在制定应对经济危机的政策时必须非常谨慎,直到非常确信它是正确的才做决定。cautious谨慎的,小心的;particular特别的,讲究的;concerned关注的,担忧的;alternative供选择的,二者选一的。

  答案: C

  5.解析: approve of意为“支持;赞同”。句意为:最近的一项调查表明并非所有的父母都赞成孩子参加周末补习班。escape逃脱;避开;lead to导致;通向;imagine想象。

  答案: D

  6.解析: 考查虚拟语气。if only意为“要是……就好了”,句中常使用虚拟语气。根据句意,罗斯生“我”的气了,所以后句中是表示对已经发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔,“要是没说那些话就好了!”与过去事实相反,应使用过去完成时态。

  答案: B

  7.解析: 在本题中then指代的是10 o’clock tomorrow,由语境可知答话人十点不能去见面的原因是那时正在考试,故用将来进行时。

  答案: C

  8.解析: superior更好的,本身隐含着比较意义,因此不能在它前面加more,又由于它并不真正地表示比较,故不能用在有明确比较意义的than结构中,故选B项。

  答案: B

  9.解析: 考查时态。结合答语中第一句的内容以及时间状语by this winter可判断出,teach这一动作从过去的某一时间开始一直持续到将来的某个时间,所以用将来完成进行时。

  答案: D

  10.解析: 根据题意可知,人们因受感动而伸出援助之手,故用affect的过去分词作状语,表示被动和完成。A项表示进行,与题意不符。

  答案: C

  11.解析: 题中的underline后跟宾语从句,且从句中缺少regard的宾语,故用what引导。

  答案: B

  12.解析: lie in在于。result in导致,造成;adapt to适应;lead to导致,通向。句意为:解决失业问题的关键在于创造更多就业机会。

  答案: A

  13.解析: “only+状语”位于句首,句子要部分倒装,故排除A、B项;同时根据then可知realize所表示的动作发生在过去某一时间点,应用一般过去时,故排除D项。

  答案: C

  14 .解析: 根据答语内容可知,上句意为“你应该学习的时候却出去玩了”,故选C项。should have done表示“(过去)本该做某事而实际上没做”。

  答案: C

  15.解析: 上句说忘记带游泳的用具了,根据答语后句“你可以(在这儿)借”,可知此处说“没关系(It doesn’t matter)”。I’ve got no idea我不知道;You’re welcome不用谢;It’s up to you取决于你。

  答案: D


  语篇解读: 一项新的研究表明,喝低糖汽水非但不能减轻体重,反而会让体重增加。

  1.解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“People drink diet sodas in the hope that it will help them lose weight...”可知,人们喝低糖汽水是为了减轻体重。

  答案: C

  2.解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,新的研究表明喝低糖汽水非但不能减轻体重,反而会让体重增加。

  答案: A

  3.解析: 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“...they can eat more if they drink diet sodas...”可知,喝低糖汽水的人趋向于吃更多的食物。

  答案: B

  4.解析: 代词指代题。此处是承接上一句中的内容,故“They”指的是“低糖汽水和人造甜味剂”。

  答案: B

  语篇解读:: 你知道吗?每个人都有不同的笔迹。笔迹分析,可以发现人的很多个性品质。

  5.解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Occupations,relationships,personal problems as well as health-related issues can be identified in a person’s writing.”可知答案。

  答案: A

  6.解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可推知,人们之所以想进行笔迹分析是因为笔迹分析可发现一个人的很多个性品质。

  答案: C

  7.解析: 段落大意题。根据第三段的内容可知,本段主要讲的是笔迹治疗法,可以帮助改变一个人的个性。

  答案: B

  8.解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“Companies are beginning to hire handwriting analysts to assist them in finding the right person for the right job.”可知,公司请笔迹分析师的目的是帮助他们找到合适的雇员。

  答案: D

  9.解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“All in all,handwriting analysis is scientific and has endless possibilities.”可推知,笔迹分析是科学的且有无限的可能,故A项正确。

  答案: A


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