2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 5《The Great Sports Personality 》外研版必修5-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 5《The Great Sports Personality 》外研版必修5

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 5 The Great Sports Personality

  维A 单项填空________me a job when I get there?You know, 答案 B [四个选项中只有guarantee可以接双宾语表示“保证某人得到某物”。provide sb with“向……提供……;arrange“安排”;apply“申请”。]Everyone would prefer to improve the________of their life by taking part in all kinds of activities.





  答案 B [句意:人人都愿意通过参加各种各样的活动来提高生活质量。quality“质量特性”当“质量”讲时常用单数形式;quantity“数量”排除A和C。]________.答案 C [句意:“爬完山你累得精疲力竭了是不是?”“是的非常累我几乎都站不起来了”。]________of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth.





  答案 D [考查名词辨析。句意:很多人认为彩虹是好运的象征因为它连接天与地。symbol“象征符号”符合题意。slogan“口号”;brand“商标牌子”;logo“标志________athletes all over the world compete are the highest honor.

  (2016·黄冈高三质检)against which

  D.for which答案 D [考查定语从句。compete for“为……竞compete with/against“和……竞争”故选D。]________we know we should.

  A.as if

  B.even if



  答案 B [句意:对于我们任何人来说吃好点儿多运动点儿睡足点B。]________of days.




  D.number答案 B [a couple of days“几天”;a dozen of days“十几天”;a score of days“二十天”;a number of days“很多天”。根据上下文语境可知B项符合。]________my kindness and borrows money from me, but never has he paid me back.

  A.takes advantage of

  B.makes fun of

  C.pays attention to

  D.plays tricks on

  答案 A [考查固定短语。take advantage of“利用”。make fun of“嘲弄拿……开玩笑”;pay attention to“注意”;play tricks on“戏弄对……恶作剧”。句意:他总是利用我的善心向我借钱却从不归还。]The player is under good treatment and the________are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.





  答案 C [句意:这个球员正在接受良好的治疗他有可能将及时摆脱伤病参加下一场比赛。The chances are that...为固定句型意为“有可能……”;opportunity意为“机遇时机”;occasion意为“时机场合”;condition意为“条件情况”均不符合题意。]________the increase.(2016·枣庄质检)er

  答案 A [考查固定搭配。on the increase“在增加;在上升”。句意:影响和平与发展的不________.答案 B [every可以表示“每隔……”不能用each。由题意可知是询问频率的故选B。]________?Can't I enjoy myself if I want to?答案 B [考查交际用语。句意:“你最近一直回家很晚”。“那又怎么样?如果我想玩得开心一些不行吗?”此句只能用So what表示说话者的不以为然意为“那又怎么样?”。]________his promise, for he is a very honest man.





  答案 C [根据句意此处应为履行诺言故选C选A项时应用carry out;B指违背;D指许诺均不合句意。]________war against Poland, which started the Second World War.





  答案 A [declare war against/on...“向……宣战”。]________you got to know I traveled to the USA?

  —Through one of your colleagues.

  (2016·合肥高三质检)答案 C [句意:“你是如何知道我去美国旅游这一消息的?”“是通过你的一位同事(知道的)。”本题考查特殊疑问句的强调句型:“特殊疑问词+was/is it that+其他成分”故排除B项;根据答语可知问话是对方式进行提问how。故选C项。]维B1 阅读理解选材网站:www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki高考曾用材料:2010福建卷A篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★st sentence her daughter said was“I love dogs.”It's not the fact, but it's certainly true in spirit.

  “When I was young, my grandmother told me about how she sometimes found stray dogs and cats, and kept them on her farm as pets,”says Katharine.“That made me wonder what would happen when animals didn't have a home.I felt horrible thinking that they might be hungry or could get hit by a car.”

  But what could a little girl do?The answer came during a trip to a park in her New York City neighborhood two years ago, er dog­walking service.She chose two friends and, with their parents'permission, the group put up homemade posters with their phone numbers and a bargain price—50 cents an hour.Before long they had 15 dogs in their care.“We walked two or three at a time with one mother helping out,”she says.“By the end of that summer, we'd collected $45.”That fall Katharine and her mother,Loma, came up with another mini enterprise to raise money for Mighty Mutts—selling fresh­baked shortbread to their neighbors.

  The 11­year­old,who starts sixth grade this fall, has become a nonstop campaigner.Her mother says,“When she sees somebody with a dog, she starts a conversation and tells them to donate to Mighty Mutts.”

  Katharine's passion comes from the heart.“It makes me cry to think that strays might be_put_to_sleep when there's a group that can find new homes for them,” Katharine says.“But it makes me smile to know I can help.”

  Notes:流浪的 ②shortbread .黄油甜酥饼s from________.g shortbread to stray dogs.

  C.By collecting money.

  D.By making speeches everywhere.

  3.The underlined part“be put to sleep”in the last paragraph means“________”.that they can die without pain

  C.to be made unconscious before a medical operation

  D.to be made to sleep

  4.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.Katharine and her pets

  B.An organization for rescuing stray dogs

  C.Pet dogs are popular with children

  D.A little girl helps strays

  5.The author's attitude towards Katharine's behaviour is________.【语篇解读】 本文主要讲了11岁女孩Katharine是如何关爱和帮助流浪狗等小动物的。 [细节理解题。由第二段可知关心流浪狗是受奶奶的影响。] [推理判断题。由第三、四段可知为别人遛狗挣钱然后捐给Mighty Mutts并且经常劝说养狗的人为Mighty Mutts捐款故选C。] [词义猜测题。Katharine很有爱心非常关心无家可归的小动物所以她一想到流浪的小动物被人们用药物所谓“仁道地”杀死她就会心痛地流泪。put to sleep意为“用药物使(长眠)无痛苦地杀死”。] [标题归纳Katharine帮助、关爱流浪狗故正确答案为D。] [态度判断题。根据作者在文中多次引用小女孩母亲的话和小女孩的话来展现小女孩帮助流浪小动物的感人行为及最后一段第一句可判断作者对Katharine行为的认可和赞成。]维B2 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.rd.com/stories高考曾用材料:2010江苏卷A篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相High school was wonderful, but I had always felt uncomfortable as one of the taller members of my class, standing a head above the other girls and stooping at the back of the line to avoid sticking out.

  I especially hated being around large groups of people, like during the social hour after the church services.

  My grandfather would watch me grow increasingly uncomfortable,but he didn't laugh at me or try to comfort me.Instead, he would warn me.“Stand straight and tall,”he'd say, as I tried to shrink.

  And each time, I would obey him.Even at age 15, I understood that his_advice_was_about_more_than_just_feet_and_inches.

  My grandfather grew up in war­torn Europe.When German soldiers took his hometown, the beautiful and exciting city of Tarnow, Poland, he joined the Soviet army for his country's freedom.“Stand straight, stand tall,”meant something else back then.I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood.And whenever I was afraid of something, he would tell me stories of his life.

  After the war, he took a boat for America on January 27, 1947.All alone in a new country, he was frightened about his future.

  Still, he marched head­on in the streets of New York.Soon he met other European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way.

  If they could do it, why couldn't he?“Stand straight,

  whole family back in Europe.But soon he felt his self­confidence returning.When he walked into the church that first time, he walked in proudly.

  Notes:弯腰 ②shrink 收缩Stand straight, stand tall

  B.My grandfather's stories

  C.Height brought me trouble

  D.My unforgetable high school

  2.The writer didn't like attending social activities because________.le didn't like making friends with her

  C.her height made her feel uncomfortable

  D.she thought she was too young to join in

  3.The part “his advice was about more than just feet and inches”underlined in Paragraph 4 means that her grandfather advised her________.ntry's freedom.

  B.He always comforted him when the writer felt uncomfortable.

  C.In the writer's eyes, he was the most trustworthy person.

  D.In America he felt uncertain at first and later regained self­confidence.

  【语篇解读】 作者因为个头太高而深感自卑可是祖父却告诉他要站高了、站直了本文主要讲述了祖父的话对作者的影响。 [主旨大意题。本文讲述了作者的祖父告诫作者要勇敢地面对生活要站直、挺立。作者又通过祖父的故事进一步表明了对待生活要昂首挺胸。“Stand straight, 贯穿全文以此为标题最为恰当。] [细节理解题。从文章第一句可知作者个子高排在后面还得弯着腰以避免太惹眼由此可以推出作者不喜欢参加社交活动是因为自己个子高。] [推理判断题。由下文讲述的祖父参军捍D。] [细节理解题。由第三段可知在作者感到难为情的时候他的祖父既不嘲笑他也不安慰他而是告诫他要昂首挺胸故B项表述错误符合题干要求。]


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