2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges 》外研版必修4-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges 》外研版必修4

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges

  维A 单项填空________here.Who has permitted you________here?(2016·沈阳模拟);smoking


  D.smoking;to smoke答案 D [第一空考查forbid doing sth“禁止干某事”这一用法;第二空考查permit sb to do sth“同意某人干某事”这一结构。句意:我们不许在这儿抽烟谁允许你在这儿吸烟的?]________by a fence and shaded by all trees.

  (2016·海口高三检测)答案 B [考查时态和surround这个词的用法。“公园”与“围绕”之间为被动关系所以用过去分词作状语。]________you eat the correct foods________be able to keep fit and stay healthy.(2016·青岛模拟);will you

  B.Only if;you will;will you

  D.Unless;you will答案 A [only if引导的状语从句位于句首时主句要用部分倒装即把助动词放在主句的主语的前面。]________others on the Internet.

  (2016·天津南开区调研)答案 B [考查动词。trade in“做……生意”;trade with“与……做生意”;exchange“交换”;exchange with“与……交换________a serious nervous breakdown because he is unable to deal with pressure from daily life.

  A.in front of

  B.in favor of

  C.on behalf of

  D.on the edge of

  答案 D [句意:那个人由于不能on the edge of“在……的边缘”;in front of“在……前面”;in favor of“赞成”;on behalf of“代表”。]________into consideration, they thought the car was good enough though it was heavy on oil.

  A.to take

  B.was taken


  D.to be taken

  答案 C [考查独立主格结构。根据everything 与take之间的动宾关系可排除A项;根据主句的结构可知选B时两句之间缺少连词;根据语意可知此处不是即将发生的动作由此可排除D项。]________advantage of her to gain our aim.





  答案 C [此处考查固定短语take advantage of “利用”。句意:我们不应该利用她来达到我们的目的。]________.(2016·大连高三质检)答案 B [考查名词词view指在某个特定位置所能欣赏到的所有“景物景致”。scene指景色时包括人和活动在内;sight指人们游览观光的风景;look指外表。根据句意可知选B。]________out of teaching English to little children?

  —No, they are monsters.I'd rather be a babysitter changing diaper.





  答案 A [句意:“你从教授小孩英语中得到乐趣了吗?”“没有他们是些怪物我宁愿当保姆为他们换尿布。”get a kick out of是固定搭配意为“从……中得到乐趣”。]omething red floating in the________on the water?

  —Sorry, I can't.





  答案 C [句意:“你看见在远处有个红色的东西漂浮在水上吗?”“对不起我看不见。”in the distance意为“在远处”符合题意。in the event“结果到头来”;in the way“挡道碍事”;in the end“最后”。]________where the car accident happened and took pictures.





  答案 D [句意:警察赶到车祸发生地点并拍了照。location“位置”;region“区域”;section“部分”;spot“地点”。spot常用来表示“现场”此处符合句意语境故D项正确。]________joy and smell of fireworks.

  A.is heavy with

  B.was heavy with

  C.are full of

  D.was filled with

  答案 A [考查短语辨析。句意:新年快到了。到处充满快乐和爆竹的味道。be heavy with“充满”;C和D应改为:is full of和is filled with由句意可知A正确。]________the museum tomorrow is asked to be at the school gate on time.

  A.are to visit

  B.is to visit

  C.will visit

  D.are about to visit

  答案 A [句意:明天去博物馆参观的老师和每一个学生都要准时在校门口集合。分析句子可知who引导的定语从句的先行词为teachers故谓语动词用复数;由tomorrow可知该动作表示一种根据安排即将发生的动作故用be to do。]________be really difficult at times even though he's a nice person in general.




  D.must答案 C [考查情态动词。句意:即使Peter总的来说是个友善的人但有时at times“有时候”是个信息提示与后面的in general“一般来说总的说来”形成对比用于肯定的陈述句表示一时的可能性。A、B、D三项均无此用法。]________just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them.





  答案 B [句意:大部分植物受到威胁时不能站起来逃跑对它们来说最大的问题是动物喜欢吃它们。can't“不能”;shan't“不愿意”;needn't“不必”;mustn't“不允许禁止”。]维B1 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.accelerationwatch.com高考曾用材料:2011全国卷ⅡD篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★We awoke on a lovely morning.I cooked breakfast outside and we ate comfortably.I very rarely have breakfast at home, let alone a cooked breakfast, but there's just something about having a cooked breakfast when we are away in the caravan(旅行拖车).walk along the front while I sat on the front taking in the sea air.The weather was unbelievably warm—I got a fold­up chair out the back of the car and was quite happy sitting out on the seafront.

  Later we drove up to the National Trust area—“White Cliffs”,where we spent a little time looking around, and enjoyed cakes and a drink in the cafe.I had to say, as National Trust cake goes, this was not up to their usual standards and I was slightly disappointed.

  Before returning to the caravan for tea, I thought it would be a nice idea to try and find a shop that sold cheese made by the Snowdonia Cheese Company.I tried this cheese at a stand at the NEC Exhibition just a week or so ago and really like it.After searching the company website for suppliers, somewhere in a lay­by, we found a place listed for Dover, so we went off in search.Unfortunately, the store was out of stock so we decided to ring around.

  It was still warm enough to eat tea out in the awning(凉篷)e Cadac.We sat out in the awning for a while after our meal, before eventually retiring into the van to watch TV.

  1.What is the purpose of the author in the passage?

  A.To share his experience with readers.

  B.To show it is hard to travel in the wilderness.

  C.To express his complaint about the weather.

  D.To explain why he made breakfast for the family.

  2.When the author was preparing breakfast,________.he and his family were on holiday

  D.his family members were visiting other places

  3.While the author was sitting out on the seafront,________.wife and child were preparing chairs for outing

  D.his wife and child were enjoying the sunshine with him

  4.The author felt disappointed because________. cakes fall short of the reality

  D.National Trust is out of his control

  5.Where did the author stay at night in his story?

  A.He stayed at a local hotel.

  B.He slept in the awning.

  C.He drove his car to Densole.

  D.He stayed in his caravan.

  【语篇解读】 作者和家人在假日开着私家车外出旅行享受着大自然给予的美好 [主旨大意题。作者在文中讲述了和家人在假日旅游的乐趣把他的美好经历分享给读者。故选项A正确。] [推理判断题。根据文中的in the caravan和St Margaret's Bay可知作者和家人正在自驾车旅游由此可知选项C正确。] [细节理解题。根据文章第二段的My wife and daughter went for a short walk along the front可知当作者坐在海边享受阳光时他的妻子和孩子在海边散步。故选项B正确。] [细节理解题。根据文章第三段的this was not up to their usual standards and I was slightly disappointed可知作者对在这里食用的蛋糕感到不满意。由此可知选项C正确。] [细节理解题。根据文章最后的We sat out in the awning for a while after our meal, 可知作者和家人住在自家的车内。故选项D正确。]维B2 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.coolestbabymoon.com高考曾用材料:2010四川卷E篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★:on a wild and vast sea, ?And such an adventure is not only for adults.Michael Perham, oungest person to sail around the world alone.

  On November 15,2008, Michael's family, friends and other well­wishers saw him off as he began his 34,000­kilometer voyage.During the next four months, he will stay in touch with them just by satellite phone.The young man said he was nervous, excited and“a little crazy”to do what he was doing at his age.Two years ago, aged 14,Michael became the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic, which made him determined to take on a bigger challenge:“This is much harderl be on his own and psychologists have helped prepare him for the challenge ahead.

  “The toughest challenge won't be any storms I may run into, but the fact that you are alone for so long, away from friends and family,”he said.“I love having fun—that's the hardest part for me.But you just have to stay positive.”The teenager said he had a few thousand songs on his iPod and had packed some schoolwork to keep busy.But he added, “There's always a lot to keep you busy on a boat.”

  The teenage sailor faces competition, however, from a young American, Zac Sunderland, also 16, has already started a circumnavigation.But Sunderland has broken his journey and isn't due to complete his voyage until next summer.If Michael's trip goes according to the plan, he will take the record.He is determined to succeed.“I really want to sail around the world and I want to get the record,” he said.

  Notes:快艇 ②circumnavigation .环球航行________.s the Atlantic alone

  B.likes to travel around the world alone

  C.has set a record of crossing the Atlantic

  D.is encouraged by his father to sail around the world

  2.The biggest challenge that Michael Perham faces is that________.is much harder to control

  B.he will spend over four months alone

  C.he won't finish the voyage on time

  D.he might run into some storms

  3.What's Michael's real feeling about his first sailing around the world?

  A.Worried and hesitant.

  B.Sort of nervous and excited.

  C.Lonely and sort of helpless.

  D.Confident but curious.

  4.The last but one paragraph implies that________. during his voyage

  D.Michael will spend an unpleasant voyage

  5.Michael could NOT________during the four months'voyage.

  A.keep in touch with his friends

  B.listen to music

  C.do his homework

  D.attend classes online

  6.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A.A young boy owns a wild dream

  B.A 16­year­old boy sails around the world

  C.A brave boy faces the toughest challenge

  D.A 16­year­old boy sails without aim

  【语篇解读】 Michael Perham这位14岁便驾船穿越大西洋的英国少年在2008年11月15日再次扬帆他决心成为年龄最小 [推理判断题。根据第二段“Two years ago, 可知他是年龄最小的驾船穿越大西洋的人。在穿越大西洋时他的父亲跟在他身后故他并不是独自一个人故A项错误;他并不喜欢独自一人周游世界因此B项错误。]B [细节理解题。对Michael Perham来说 [细节理解题。根据“The young man said he was nervous, 可知他当时的感觉。故选B。] [推理判断题。他认为他不得不保持乐观的情绪而且他还准备了几千首 [细节理解题。根据第二段第二句及第三段倒数第二句可知在这四个月的旅程中可以给家人和朋友打电话可以听歌、写作业。文中并未提及D项。] [主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是16岁便独自驾船周游世界的Michael Perham的故事。B项概括最全面。A、C项概括不具体;D项与文章内容不符。]


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