2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 3《Body Language and Non verbal Communication 》外研版必修4-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 3《Body Language and Non verbal Communication 》外研版必修4

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 3 Body Language and 维A 单项填空Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, says that he copies it down________he comes to a beautiful sentence.

  (2016·内江模拟)答案 D [考查连词。句意:李阳疯狂英语的创办者说每次他想到一个美丽的句子他都写下来。]________during the day.





  答案 A [give away“give up“放弃”;give in“屈服让步”;give back“交还送回”。句意:如果一个人睡眠不足的话他在白天的行动会把这一点暴露出来。]________us to attend the opening ceremony.





  答案 A [request常用于正式场合的请求。句意:这家新成立的象棋俱乐部正式邀请我们参加开幕式。]r________,the picnic will be held as scheduled.

  (2016·泰安高三质检)答案 D [此题考查独weather是permitting的逻辑主语二者之间为主动关系分词独立主格结构在句中表示条件。]shion________this year may be________next year.

  (2016·威海模拟);into favour;out of favour;of favourD.to favour;out of favour答案 B [in favour“受欢迎的流行的”;out of favour“失宠的不受欢迎的”。]________furs in all his life, the old man's biggest wish was to buy a diamond necklace for his beloved wife.

  A.Dealt in

  B.Dealing in

  C.Dealt with

  D.Dealing with

  答案 B [表示“经营做生意”用deal in。the old man和deal in之间是逻辑上的主谓关系所以用形式。]!I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was ________in the traffic jam.(2016·天津南开区质检)答案 C [考查短语辨析。break down“出故障车抛锚”为不及物动词短语不用于被动形式;keep back“扣留”;hold up“阻塞”;keep up“保持”。答案为C表示车受阻。]________a scroll of A Collection of the Poetry of the Tang Dynasty in a secondhand book market.

  A.by accident

  B.by mistake

  C.by design

  D.by choice

  答案 A [句意:他在旧书市场偶然淘到一部卷轴装的《唐诗选》。by accident意为“偶然地”符合题意。by mistake“错误地”;by design“有意安排”;by choice“通过选择”。]________those books and bring me the paper that's under them.(2016·太原市一模)答案 D [句意:搬起那些书把书下面的文件递给我。lift up“举起”。get up“起床”;take up“占用”;set up“建立”。]ediately________that he reconsider his decision.





  答案 B [句意:在场的工人们立即要求他重新考虑他的决定。request作“要求”解时后接宾语从should+)do sth项符合题意。need“需要”和appear“显得”不合题意;wish“希望”后接宾语从句也要用虚拟语气但是要用过去式。]维B 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.timeforkids高考曾用材料:2011天津卷A篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★nch.Suddenly, he heard Mr Kay's voice calling him from the open door.

  “Mr.El, can I see you for a minute?”the principal called out.had sat in that chair.Mr.El hoped that he hadn't done anything wrong.“What is up?”he asked.?”Mr.El replied innocently.orm thing,”he said.

  “She said something about worms,”Mr Kay responded, “but she was so angry.I couldn't quite make it out.”

  Mr.El looked surprised.“I did just happen to mention, as a joke of course, that the fish sticks were really made of ground­up earthworms.I explained that they were flavored with fish guts, breaded, and then fried in motor oil.”

  “Actually, a lot of your kids believed it was true,”Mr Kay stated.“Mr.El, I'll leave it to you to undo the damage.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Mr.El promised as he rose and started for the door.

  “And what was that thing about maggots?”Mr Kay asked. “No, !I don't want to know!”:注视 ②maggot n.蛆________.h Mr.El

  B.Mr.El had nothing to do with the fish sticks event at all

  C.all the kids thought Mr.El was just making a joke

  D.Mr Kay thought it was Mrs Cook's misunderstanding that made the event happen

  2.Mrs Cook was in charge of________.y Mr.El didn't like to eat fish sticks.

  C.The fish sticks were really unhealthy.

  D.Mrs Cook believed that it was only a joke.

  4.Before the conversation,________.afeteria

  C.Mrs Cook called Mr Kay and told him what happened

  D.Mr.El and Mrs Cook quarrelled over something about the fish sticks

  【语篇解读】 本文主要叙述了Mr.El与Mr Kay两人的一次谈话。谈话内容涉及Mr.El自认为的一次玩笑但这却令Mrs Cook感到很生气。 [细节理解题。根据倒数第五段“but she was so angry.”可知因为Mr.El所开的玩笑很生气。] [推理判断题。根据第四段“in her cafeteria”可知B项为正确答案。] [推理判断题。从文中倒数Mr.El叙述所讲过的话可以推知他本人可能不喜欢吃fish sticks。] [推理判断题。根据文章第四段Mr Kay所讲话的内容可得知之前Mrs Cook曾经打电话给他告诉他所发生的事情。误解分析:根据第一段可排除B项;A项与D项在文中均未体现。]维C 根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。__1__

  Not to sound very cliche(陈腐)f you are going for a job interview.We all ask ourselves if our clothes really make a difference when we know for sure that we are the right candidates for the applied job.__2__That is because the first impression you make on the interviewer is going to be an important factor in deciding whether or not you will get the job.

  People often neglect their outlook when going for an interview, as they do not realize the importance of dressing and the overall outlook in impressing the interviewer.While there is not doubt that your qualification, skills and education are the key advantages that help in getting the required job.It is also true that the way you dress up for an interview matters.__3__In fact, your appearance can actually set the tone for the interview in the first few minutes and help the interviewer form an opinion about you, which can increase or reduce your hopes of bagging the job.You want to show to your possible superior that you are a person who takes the interview process seriously and that you will be just as serious about your job.__4__

  According to research, many interviewers make up their minds about you during the first 15 seconds of the meeting.While the job seekers prepare eagerly for the job interview, mastering their plans, going through the probable employer and what not, very few people know how to properly dress up for an interview.__5__

  A.The answer is an firm “no”.

  B.Dress right for an interview.

  C.Good luck for your interview.

  D.The answer is an absolute “yes”.【语篇解读】 第一印象很重要而着装是其中重要的部分对于面试者来说合适的着装有可能增加你面试成功的几率你信吗?本文给出的一些技巧一定会对你的面试有很大帮助。 [第一段第一句的first impression和if you are going for a job interview说明文章要介绍的背景是针对面试。第二句的if our clothes really make a difference说明作者要讨论的是面试中的着装问题所以本文的主题就是B项的Dress right for an interview, 和interview是关键词。] [D项中的The answer和上一句的all ask ourselves吻合说明对于一直困惑我们的这个问题我们是有答案的。而C项虽interview,但是却没有本文的确切主题那就是面试和着装之间的关系所以C项不能选。] [注意上一句的it是形式主语引导的从句是真正的主语在主语从句里的matter是一个不及物动词意为“要紧;有关系”和E项中的heavily affect your chances吻合。] [上一句的want to show to your possible superior和G项的send this message吻合说明这里说的是方法。] [上一句的very few people know how to properly dress up for an interview说明不知道怎么争取着装是很多面试者的通病而这是参与面试者的最致命的错误是对面试者的警告也是文章得出的结论。]维D 短文改错g to our class last Thursday.We've all learned a lot about how you make your weather forecasts.After

  left, we made a list

  what we had learned.Then we set up

  small weather station outside

  classroom.Form tomorrow on, one student in the class will be the weather forecaster every day.He or she ∧,will) record data in our weather book.In a few

  , we will start drawing graphs and charts

  show our weather patterns here in Nebraska.

  you can see, your visit has

  given us a lot of ideas.Thank you so much for opening our eyes to this




  第一处 After在此是连词其后应是一个句子故用主格代词作主语。第二处 这里考查到了短语make a list of。第三处 这里是第一次提及small weather station所以用不定完词。第四处 这里要和主语we对应起来。第五处 上一句的will be说明本句也要使用一般将来时。第六处 few修饰的是可数名词的复数形式。第七处 这是一个定语从句先行词是graphs and charts, 不能引导定语从句。第八处 as you can see, now等都是常见的特殊情况下的非限制性定语从句。第九处 你的来访给了我们很多想法说明这里应该使用主动语态而不是被动语态。第十处 用interesting修饰subject说明这个项目令人感兴趣。


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