2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 2《Traffic Jam 》外研版必修4-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 2《Traffic Jam 》外研版必修4

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 2 Traffic Jam

  维A 单项填空________in the traffic jam, they were late for the wedding party.



  C.Being stuck

  D.Having stuck

  答案 B [句意:由于被困在了交通堵塞中所以他们参加婚宴迟到了。be stuck in“被困在……中”此处是形式短语作状语。]________.答案 B [句意:如果司机无照驾驶将会受罚。permit作名词用时指“驾照”;permission“允许”;allowance“津贴补助宽容允许”;admittance“入场权准入”。]________.答案 B [句意:消防队员很快控制住了大楼的火势。under attack“遭受攻击”;under control“处于控制之中”;under construction“在建设中”;under repair“在修理中”。]________.(2016·日照高三模拟)答案 B [fare“车费”;money“钱”;receipt“收据”;fine“罚款”。根据句意“我和玛丽一起从简的33岁生日聚会乘出租车回家我们平摊车费”可知选B。]________worth reading than anybody else's.





  答案 A [be well worth doing意为“很值得做某事”其比较级形式为be better worth doing。]________is smoking allowed in public places.

  A.At no time

  B.In no time答案 A [句意:吸烟有害健康。所以在公共场合决不允许吸烟。at no time“决不”;in no time“立刻”;at all times“总是”;all the time“一直”。at no time放在句首时句子要用部分倒装。]________you a job in my company.

  (2016·莱芜调研)答案 A [句意:如果你工作上有困难我可以在我的公司给你提供一份工作。offer后面可以接双宾语而其他三个词没有这个用法。]________.you are convenient

  B.you will be convenient

  C.it is convenient to you

  D.it will be convenient to you

  答案 C [convenient作表语不能用人作主语故排除A、B两项;在时间状语从句中通常用一般现在时态代替将来时态故D项不正确。]________I have to sell my house, I'll keep my business going.

  A.Even as

  B.Even though

  C.Even so

  D.As though

  答案 B [由句意“即使须卖掉我的房子我还是要继续我的事业”可知even though“尽管即使”符合句意。而even as表示“正当恰好在……时候”;even so表示“尽管如此”;as though表示“好像仿佛”均不符合句意。]a 2­mile________of the missile site.

  (2016·天津北辰区调研)答案 A [句意:导弹发射场两英里范围内不许民众进入。limit侧重所允许的最高量(时间、数目等)如speed limit(限速);limitation指“限制(措施)”;area“地区面积”;border“边界”。]________on the top of the mountain, and you'll get a good bird's­eye view of the whole city.

  (2016·咸阳模拟)答案 D [考查特殊句式。“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”句式相当于“if从句+将来时的陈述句”。此句可转换为:If you stand on the top of the mountain, 。]________interested in football but________beginning to show an interest in it.

  A.the teacher himself is;all his students are;are all his students;are all his students;all his students are答案 D [not only...but(also)引导not only位于句首分句要用倒装而but also分句不用倒装。句意:不仅老师对足球感兴趣他所有的学生也开始对足球感兴趣了。]________,she gets well paid for it.

  (2016·银川二中月考)答案 B [what's more意为“另外还有”根据这两个句子可以看出“玛吉不仅幸运地找到了她喜爱的工作而且工资也很高”。]________all the lights before he leaves the room to save the power.

  A.put off

  B.take off

  C.give off

  D.switch off

  答案 D [put off意为“推迟”;take off意为“起飞脱掉”;give off意为“发出放出”;switch off意为“关掉”。根据句意选择D项。]________on the Internet that an American girl sent an email telling all her colleagues she would resign.

  A.got around

  B.got across

  C.got through

  D.got back答案 A [考查get相关短语。句意:一位美国女孩向全体同事发了电子邮件告诉他们她将辞职该消息在网上迅速流传起来。get around“传播流传”符合句意。]维B1 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.motivateus.com/tories高考曾用材料:2012山东卷A篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★ost maps of the world show lines that are not on the Earth's surface.One line is the equator(赤道).It is an imaginary line around the widest part of the Earth.There are similar lines both north and south of the equator.These circles become smaller and smaller toward the north pole and the south pole.These lines, (平行的)—meaning that they are equally distant from each other at any point around the world.These lines show what is called latitude(纬度).is ship by observing the location of stars, where the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, and what time of year it is.With this information he knows where his ship is in relation to the north or south pole and the equator.

  Still, there is one more important piece of information necessary for safely sailing the oceans.For many centuries, scientists, astronomers and inventors searched for a way to tell longitude(经度).The lines of longitude go the other way from latitude lines.They stretch from the north pole to the south pole, about time.A navigator needs to know what time it is on his ship and also the time at another place of known longitude—at the very same moment.

  The Earth takes twenty璮our hours to complete one full turn or revolution of 360 degrees.One hour marks one twenty璮ourth of a turn, or fifteen degrees.So each houorr's time difference between the ship and the starting point marks a ship's progress of fifteen degrees of longitude to the east or west.Those fifteen degrees of longitude mark a distance traveled.

  At the equator, where the Earth is widest, fifteen degrees stretch about one thousand six hundred kilometers.North or south of that line, however, the distance value of each degree decreases.One degree of longitude equals four minutes of time all around the world.But in measuring distance, one degree shrinks from about one hundred and nine kilometers at the equator to nothing at the north and south poles.

  Notes:领航员 ②stretch .伸展rface?

  A.To explore the ocean.

  B.To observe the stars.

  C.To sail safely.

  D.To tell the time.

  2.If a ship travels along the equator about eight thousand kilometers, it may pass________.enty­five degrees of latitude

  C.about fifty degrees of longitude

  D.about seventy­five degrees of longitude

  3.The underlined word “shrinks” in the last paragraph probably means________.【语篇解读】 本文主 [细节理解题。由第二段的内容及第三段“Still, 可知这些线的主要目的是为了航海的安全。] [推理判断题。由最后一段第一句“At the equator,

  six hundred kilometers.”可知如果一只船沿赤道航行了8 000千米的话应该是1 600千米的五倍也就是15°×5=75°。] [词义猜测题。由画线词所在句“...one degree shrinks from about one hundred and nine kilometers at the equator to nothing at the north and south poles.”一度由赤道的109千米到南北极的0千米这应该是在缩小故选A项。] [主旨大意题。由第一段的内容可知这段主要介绍了赤道和纬线。]维B2 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.chickensoup.com/stories高考曾用材料:2010重庆卷A篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★A Manhattan Crossing

  New Yorkers like to say they can walk faster than the crosstown bus.On 34th Street, buses average about four miles an hour.For those in a hurry, pretty much everyone here, it's an icy pace for a crosstown trip.Janette Sadik­Khan, the city's transportation commissioner, is proposing an interesting fix for 34th Street.

  The city plan would close 34th Street to non­bus traffic in the block between the Empire State Building and Macy's.On the rest of the street, cars would move one way only.It would take getting used to, but for bus passengers, the city says there are more than 40,000 a day on public, tour or commuter(通勤者)buses along 34th Street.The plan should cut the commute by up to 35 percent.(锯齿形)to get through this section of the city.It is probably fair to say that most are not particularly pleased about the whole concept. unbearably crowded?Will deliveries be limited to the daybreak hours?Will Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Ms.Sadik­Khan be willing to change or drop the plan if it simply won't work?y.An experiment to speed up city buses along Fordham Road in the Bronx has already reduced travel time and increased passengers' number.

  Urban planners have been studying the city's crosstown problems since the first traffic jam.Robert Moses at one point proposed a major highway just south of 34th Street, part of which would go through an office building.The question is still whether it will really make it easier to operate in Manhattan.

  Notes:动乱动荡 ②concept .概念 the first paragraph mainly talk about?

  A.Traffic in Manhattan is much too bad.

  B.New Yorkers enjoy playing jokes about their buses.

  C.People are hard to cross 34th Street.

  D.An interesting fix for crowded street is being made.

  2.How many measures would be taken in order to improve the traffic situation in Manhattan according to this plan?





  3.What's the purpose of the experiment by the Bloomberg administration?

  A.To improve traffic jam.

  B.To reduce travel time.

  C.To increase ridership.

  D.To relieve traffic pressure.

  4.According to this passage, whose proposal might be difficult to be carried out?

  A.Janette Sadik­Khan.

  B.Robert Moses.

  C.Michael Bloomberg.


  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。随着社会发展交通工具越来越方便。但是也带来了一系列的交通问题。本文讲述了城市交通管理委员会提出的对34号街维修的有趣方案。 [主旨大意题。由文章第一段中的On 34th Street, 可知曼哈顿的交通状况太糟糕了。特别是34号街巴士的平均时速为4英里。] [细节理解题。根据文章第二、三段可知改善该市交通的计划措施主要包括禁止公交车进入帝国大厦和梅西之间的路段其余街道实行单行道通勤车的数量减少到35%以及其他各类车辆绕道行驶等四项措施。故选C。] [推理判断题。根据文章第五段内容可知实验的目的就是缓解交通压力。而改善交通堵塞、减少行车时间和增加载客量等都是具体的结果并非目的。故选D。] [细节理解题。由文章最后一段中的Robert Moses at one point proposed a major highway just south of 34th Street, 可知obert Moses让公路通过办公大楼的创造性的建议能否执行仍然是曼哈顿人民比较担忧的问题。故选B。]


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