2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 4《Sandstorms in Asia 》外研版必修3-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 4《Sandstorms in Asia 》外研版必修3

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia维A 单项填空________perfect major;it's for finding________major that's right for you.(2016·泰安模拟);不填


  D.不填;a答案 C [考查冠词。句意:上大学不是为了找到一个完美的专业而是找到最适合你的那个专业。]________.(2016·大连市一模)on

  答案 A [句意:两国高层领导人之间的会谈在友好的气氛中举行。atmosphere“气氛”;state“状态”situation“处境”;phenomenon“现象”。由句意可知A项正确。]________to search the murderer's house, for I haven't got permission from my superior.




  D.strength答案 C [考查名词辨析以及固定搭配。beyond one's power “超出某人的权力”。句意:我没有权力搜罪犯的家因为我没有上级的许可。]________.ving out

  D.losing out答案 A [run out有“用完耗尽结束期满”的意思time连用表示时间耗尽。此处用现在进行时表示“即将到期”。]________.ake in

  B.take on答案 A [考查take in“欺骗”;take on“呈现雇用”;take over“接管”;take up“占据从事”。]________about the bad weather he had while traveling there.

  —He must have had a very unpleasant journey there.





  答案 A [考查动词辨析。句意:“我一看到他他就开始抱怨在那里旅行时的糟糕天气。”“那他在那里的这次旅行肯定不怎么愉快”。complain“抱怨”;compensate“偿还补偿”;compromise“折中妥协”;explain“解释”。由句意可知项符合。]________that he could do the work of six ordinary men.

  (2016·天津汉沽区质检)答案 B [句意:他精力旺盛以至于能干六个普通人干的活儿。此处energy指人的活力、精力或干劲。]________, we dealt with it immediately.(2016·淄博二模)答案 C [考查形容词辨析。根据语境中的immediately可知应用urgent(急迫的)。tough“棘手的”;tense“紧张的焦虑的”;instant“立即的立刻的”。]________magazines to find pictures that you can stick on your poster.

  A.See through

  B.Look into

  C.Look through

  D.Pull through

  答案 C [句意:翻阅杂志找找能贴在你的海报上的图片。look through“翻阅浏览”;look into“调查”;pull through“从……中恢复健康”;see through“看穿________, lend them some.

  A.If possible

  B.If so

  C.If not

  D.If ever

  答案 B [句意:我认为他们没有什么剩余的食物了。如果这样的话借给他们一些。if so“如果是这样”符合句意故选B项。如把题干中的don't去掉并把any改为some则选C项。]________still for hours as the boss told me to.

  (2016·宝鸡高三检测)答案 B [考查固定搭配。can't help but do sth“只能做某事”。]________us from a heavy rain.





  答案 D [protect sb from sth意为“保护某人免遭……。ban“禁止”;preserve“保护;维护”;prevent“防止;阻止”。]13.________that he might fail the driving test, he made several more calls to confirm the result.

  (2016·江西师大附中期中)To concern

  答案 C [考查concern的用法。句意:担心自己可能不能通过这次驾concern的过去分词形式。]________,education is about learning and the more you learn, the more equipped for life you are.

  A.As far as I concern

  B.As far as I am concerned

  C.So far as I am concerning

  D.So far as I was concerned

  答案 B [as far as I am concerned“就我而言”为习语搭配。]________on smoking.

  A.cut down

  B.cut off答案 A [考查短语辨析。句意:怀特先生被警告可能得了肺癌他不得不减少吸烟的量。此句要用cut down表示“减少”。cut off“切断”;cut in“插进”;cut out“剪裁”。]维B 完形填空选材网站:http://www.vifamily.ca/media高考曾用材料:2011湖北卷完形填空选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★__1__that he was going outside to build a giant snowman.

  At first he stood alone,__2__massive amounts of snow.Soon after a neighbor joined in.Then we reluctantly put on our snow gear and__3__outside.It wasn't long __4__we were smiling and enjoying the __5__of snow that Mother Nature had provided.Others came to our yard one by one to give a __6__in the making of our giant snowman.

  In the end we all stood back and __7__at what we had created.He was eleven feet high, twenty璮ive feet around at the base and e__8__with many household items supplied by various __9__.People drove by and smiled.Some even stopped just to enjoy his __10__.__11__back into our yard and the snowman changed form __12__.In a final effort to save what we created for just a little bit __13____14__to look like a rabbit.As I prepared for the start of another week, I decided to __15__my e­mail before going to bed.I found a (an) __16__message that contained the subject line:__17__the snowman.:your neighbor looks on in disbelief!Now you people are relishing(享受)the sounds and smells, __18__of spring.But I am sure people will never forget the __19__energy displayed in Mr.Snowman.You and your family keep it up, as this is what the world needs now.More power to you and your loved ones, keep __20__with the world around!

  Perhaps it was more than a snowman we built that day.The message seems clear.Our environments will turn out to be what we make of them.The possibilities are endless and the choice is ours.

  Notes:勉强地不情愿地 ②disbelief .不相信B.stated























  D.attraction【语篇解读】 大雪过后作者的丈夫准备去堆一个巨大的雪人。在众人的努力下一个高11英尺、底部周长25英尺的巨大雪人诞生了。从巨大的雪人身上作者得到启示:我们的环境由我们 [announce宣布宣告。state声明陈述常用于正式场合;inform通知告知不符合句意;insist坚持说坚持认为坚持(做某事)不符合语境。] [要堆雪人首先要把大量的雪堆在一起故选C。A、B、D三项意思分别为“挤压”、“倒”、“清理”均不符合上下文语境。] [head作动词常意为“(向某方向)出发动身”head outside走到外边。rush强调动作迅速与句中reluctantly(不情愿地)表达的意思不符。A、D两项不符合语义。] [It wasn't long before...是固定句型意为“不久……。] [the abundance of snow意为“充足的、大量的雪”。A、C、D三项意思分别为“柔软”、“白色”、“灵活性”均不符合语境。] give a hand意为“帮忙”指人们帮忙堆雪人符合语境。] [wonder在文中意思是“对……感到惊讶”指作者没想到他们能堆这么大一个雪人。] [堆成雪人后人们用家中的东西来装饰它故选A。B、C、D三项意思分别为“包装”、“提供”、“装备”均不符合语境。] [因雪人巨大装饰物品由很多家庭提供。A、B、C三项意思分别为“社会”、“团体”、“街坊”均不 [有些人甚至仅仅为了欣赏雪人(的存在)而停下来观看。A(雕刻)、C(职业占有)、D(幸存生存)三项均不符合语境。] [make one's way意为“(向某处)前进”文中指“春天又回到我们的院子里”。] [considerably意为“相当大地”。因天气变暖雪人变化相当大。B、C、D三项意思分别为“立刻”、“大体上”、“稳定地”均不符合语 [为了挽救雪人让它存在的时间更长一些有人把雪人融化后的残雪变成了一只兔子。] [remains意为“剩余物”文中指雪人融化后的残雪。version版本;form形式、形状;figure数字体型;均不符合语境。] [check意为“检查核实查看”句中指作者查看邮箱里是否有邮件。A、B、C三项意思分别为“答复回答”、“删除”、“分类”均不符合 [curious意为“好奇的、奇怪的、不寻常的”指作者收到一封奇怪的邮件。] [enjoy the snowman意为“欣赏雪人”。A、B、D三项意思分别为“回忆”、“保存”、“赞扬”均不符合上下文。] [sights这里指春天的“景象”与句中的“sounds一致。] [joyous 意为“使人快乐的高兴的”;the joyous energy意为“令人愉快的精神”。A、C、D三项意思分别为“各种各样的”、“有意义的”、“精神上的”均不符合语境。] [keep sharing with the world around意为“与周围的人共享”。A、B、C三项意思分别为“交流”、“前进”、“发展”均不符合语境。]维C 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.stopglobalwarming.org高考曾用材料:2009辽宁卷C篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★:Climate­conscious policymakers are beginning to consider the possibility of playing God with the weather in the hope of slowing global warming.mpletely stupid in official Washington to discuss geoengineering:changing the climate by reflecting sunlight back into the sky, cent collapse of climate legislation as well as by growing interest among private entrepreneurs and foreign officials.

  House Science and Technology Committee Chairman Bart Gordon(D­Tenn.),whose group will jointly release a report on climate engineering with the British House of Commons this month, said the subject is“just now starting to get some attention” even though people recognize the danger in trying to change a complex weather system.

  “The more you know about it, the more you're concerned about it if we can ever carry it out,” Gordon said in an interview.“However, there may be a point where we're up against the tipping point, and the consequences of climate change are even worse.”

  Over the next few months, whispering about changing the weather will evolve into written recommendations.Several key groups—including the Government Accountability Office—will issue their thoughts on how best to start a modest federal research program on geoengineering.

  “We're getting a sense that agencies are interested in this topic and would be open, on a certain level, to letting this program go forward,”said Jane Long, who co­chairs the National Commission on Energy Policy's task force.

  Notes:岩土工程 ②collapse .瓦解 ③legislation .立法 ④entrepreneur .企业家 ⑤play God扮演上帝 ⑥be up against面临;面对ing useful from the air.

  2.Geoengineering was thought possible last year as a result of________. to the plan

  D.many other countries' success in this area

  3.Though the thought has won in part,________.iscussion

  4.What's the scientists' concern about geoengineering?

  A.This could make the climate even worse.

  B.They know little about geoengineering.

  C.They are short of experienced engineers.

  D.Conditions do not allow them to do so.

  5.The purpose of the writer in writing the passage is to tell us________.te

  D.a project called “geoengineering”

  【语篇解读】 全球变暖已经引起了人们的广泛关注。一群科学家正在实施“岩土工程”即利用反射太阳光的办法来改变全球的气候。 [细节理解题。从第一段“in the hope of slowing global warming”我们知道他们实施“岩土工程”的目的是想减缓全球变暖。] [细节理解题。从“But in the past year the thought won in part by the recent collapse of climate legislation as well as by growing interest among private entrepreneurs and foreign officials”我们知道这项过去被认为是愚蠢的计划现在之所以获得部分胜利是因为许多气候立法失败以及一些企业家对这个工程的兴趣增加。] [细节理解题。从“though people recognize the danger in trying to change a complex weather system”我们可以得出答案。] [细节理解题。从“However, 我们知道科学家也面临着这样的一个问题:他们将把气候变得更加糟糕。] [作者意图推断题。作者写本文的目的是想让我们知道科学家在考虑实施的“岩土工程”。


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