2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 3《The Violence of Nature 》外研版必修3-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习 Module 3《The Violence of Nature 》外研版必修3

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 3 The Violence of Nature

  维A 单项填空y tired.

  —There's no________for this while you are on duty.





  答案 B [考查词语辨析。第一句表示“我”对因累脱岗抽烟而抱歉。第二句意为值勤期间没有任何借口可以离岗。excuse“借口”符合题意。reason“原因理由”;cause“原因”;explanation“解释”。]________voice shows that he's greatly________.;terrified


  D.terrifying;terrified答案 A [句意:他害怕的声音表明了他非常害怕。terrified表示人内心的害怕可修饰look/expression/voice表示“害怕的表情/声音”。terrifying look/expression/voice“令人害怕的表情/声音”。]________of the mine accident.(2016·银川市一模)答案 D [句意:一个月过去了政府还是没有找出这起煤矿事故的起因。此句要用cause表示“(事故的)起因”。reason“理由”;result“结果”;effect“影响”。]________the third paragraph of the composition was that I think it was off the point.(2016·唐山联考)答案 C [句意:我删去这篇作文第三段的原因是我觉得它不切题。make out“辨认出理put out“伸出扑灭”;leave out“删去省略”;bring out“取出出版”。]________to anyone.





  答案 B [句意:没有人想到一个摆脱这个僵局的方法。此句要用occurred构成sth occurred to sb句式意为“某人想到了……”。]________fire from the dry branches to cook their lunch, which made their tent catch________fire.(2016·大庆一模);a



  D.a;/答案 D [考查冠词。句意:露营者开始用干树枝生火做午饭结果他们的帐篷着火了。make a fire生火;catch fire着火失火。]t downstairs,________the fish________over the gas.


  B.leaving;being cooked;cooking

  D.left;being cooked答案 B [由第二个逗号可知第一个空要填的不是并列谓语而housewife与leave为主动关系故应用现在分词leaving;fish与cook为动宾关系且强调的是“在下楼时”正在进行的动作故应用现在分词的被动形式。正确答案为B项。]________much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment.

  A.taken up

  B.taken down

  C.taken off

  D.taken away

  答案 A [句意:生物学习占据了我的很多业余时间但却给了我很多乐趣。take up“占据从事”;take down“写下”;take off “脱掉起飞”;take away“带走拿走”。故A项符合句意。]________his head under his pillow because of the noise from upstairs.But he still couldn't________asleep.


  B.placed;fall toed;fall

  D.laid;go to答案 C [考查动词用法。句意:由于楼上的噪音他把头压在枕头底下但还是不能入睡。第一个空不是简单的“放置”用bury;fall asleep“入睡”是固定短语。]________in hospital sooner or later.(2016·沈阳市一模)A.round up

  B.end up答案 B [句意:如果你开车老是这么快的话你迟早会去住院的。round up“集拢围捕”end up“终究总归结束结局”;turn up“出现露面”;send up“使(价格)上升发射”。故B项符合句意。]维B 阅读理解选材网站:http://www.timeforkids高考曾用材料:2010安徽卷D篇选材相似度:★★★★设题相似度:★★★.It was the strongest storm to hit the island nation in four years.

  At least seven people died in the storm, and at least six others were injured by falling trees, broken rooftops and glass, officials said.More than 4,150 residents were forced to take shelter in schools, town halls, churches and relatives' homes.

  A typhoon is a tropical cyclone, or hurricane, that occurs in the western Pacific or Indian Oceans.The storm is named a “super typhoon” when winds exceed 150 mph.Megi crashed ashore in the Isabela province of the northern Philippines with whipping winds that reached 162 mph.The storm created big waves in Palanan Bay.All ships and fishing boats were advised to stay in ports.Several airline flights were canceled.

  Luckily, the winds blew high from the ground, sparing many rice fields from damage, says Alvaro Antonio, the governor of Cagayan province.The region also took a hard hit from the storm.

  Thousands of military reserve officers and volunteers stood by to help with relief efforts.Evacuations and emergency preparations for the storm were made days in advance.Retired army Major General Benito Ramos heads the Philippines' disaster­preparedness agency.He said readying for the typhoon was like“preparing for war.”

  Notes: cyclone热带气旋 ②evacuation .疏散 倒塌的GHT?

  A.It is a tropical cyclone occurs in the eastern Pacific.

  B.It is a hurricane occurs in the Atlantic Ocean.

  C.When winds exceed 100 mph, the storm is named a “super typhoon”.

  D.It can bring a great destruction.

  3.What does the underlined word mean?





  4.Which of the following didn't get involved in this disaster?

  A.Military reserve officers.



  D.Disaster­preparedness agency.

  5.What can we infer from the major General's words?

  A.The preparing work is all done by soldiers.

  B.The preparing work is a hard and responsible task.

  C.The army should get into the relief efforts.

  D.They did the same thing with soldiers.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文主要讲述了星期一发生的席卷菲律宾的台风。这次台风给受灾区带来了极大的损失数千人无家可归大量房屋倒塌。 [细节理解题。由第二段第二句“More than 4可知目前多于个居民无家可归他们被迫居住在学校、政府大楼、教堂和亲戚家里。因而D项正确。由第二段第一句“At least seven people died in the storm, 可A项和B项项的数据在文中未提及。] [推理判断题。由台风带来的后果可知它的破坏性极强可带来极大的危害。A项应该是western Pacific Ocean;B项应该是western Indian Ocean;C项应该是150 mph。] [词义猜测题。由前文中的“Luckily, 可知幸B项和C项放在此处不合逻辑;D项感情色彩不恰当。] [细节理解题。由最后一段第一句“Thousands of military reserve officers and volunteers stood by to help with relief 可知和volunteers都曾参与到这次活动中排除A项和B项;由最后两句“Retired army Major General Benito Ramos heads the Philippines' disaster­preparedness agency.He said readying for the typhoon was like‘preparing for war.’”可知paredness agency也为这次台风做了准备工作排除D项。只有C项未提及。] [推理判断题。由语境可知为迎接台风而做的准备工维C 根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。tural disaster which occurs when the surface of the earth experiences some kind of shaking.This happens when the plates of the Earth move together, putting so much pressure on it that it causes the breakage of the earth's crust.__1__Whatever be the reason of the earthquake, it not only has the ability to destruct and damage buildings, houses,electric poles, trees, etc., but also to take the lives of living beings.Therefore, it is important for people to know about earthquake safety procedures.__2__

  One of the main reasons due to which people lose their life during an earthquake is because they get panicky.Though it is very difficult to remain calm when the earth under you is shaking,it is very important to be so.__3__If you are inside your house or office when the earthquake begins, do not try to run out of the building.This is because it has been reported that most of the deaths are caused when people try to move outside the building.When you start experiencing the vibration, the first thing that you should do is to get under a strong bed or table.__4__You can use pillow, newspapers, blanket, big boxes, etc., to protect yourself from falling remains.Another thing that you have to remember is that you should stay away from china cabinets, tall shelves, mirrors, huge furniture, glass windows, sliding doors, etc., during an earthquake.This is because the shaking and vibration can cause them to fall.__5__However, even if you do so, never use the elevator during an earthquake because the electricity may go off, leaving you stuck in there.

  A.They will help them to be safe during an earthquake.

  B.You should ensure that you and your family are safe.

  C.Make sure that you stay inside the car till the earthquake stops.

  D.As I said earlier, it is best to avoid trying to run out of the building.

  E.Sometimes, volcanic activity can also give rise to an earthquake, too.

  F.Other than this, it would also be a good idea to cover your head and face.

  G.The best thing that you can do is to stay at a place till the earthquake stops.

  【语篇解读】 今年全球大型 [本段前两句说的是地震的形成原因第四句的Whatever be the reason of the earthquake说明本句说的也是地震的一种起因。该项的volcanic activity can also give rise to an earthquake与文义吻合。] [该项的They will help them to be safe就是指上一句的earthquake safety procedures只有了解了这些常识才能有效防震。] [本段第一句的get panicky和第二句的it is very important to be so说明地震时应保持镇静确保自己和家人安全和该项的ensure that you and your family are safe吻合。] [该项的cover your head and face和下一句的use pillow, 吻合说明护头和护脸的方法。] [本句的trying to run out of the building和下一句的e the elevator吻合说明尽量避免往建筑物外面跑。]维D 短文改错 to you for inviting me to stay with you in the

  summer vacation.I have been

  of seeing you again so that I can get more help from you in my English learning.

  I'm afraid I cannot go to your place

  this summer.I've promised my grandmother,

  lives in the country, to spend this summer with her.She misses me

  much that I find ∧,it) difficult to refuse her request.I'm busy

  preparing for my examinations at present.I

  to visit you in winter if it's convenient to you.

  Best wishes!

  Yours truly,

  Li Ying

  第一处 此处应该使用形容词作表语感激。第二处 这里说的是来年夏天所以应使用coming作定语。第三处 现在完成进行时表示有可能一直发生下去的动作。第四处 结合语境可知这里是转折关系。第五处 直接用this summer表示“今年夏天”其前不使用介词。第六处 通过标点判断这里是非限制性定语从句指的是人所以用who引导。第七处 这里考查到了so...that...结构引导结果状语从句。第八处 只有it能作形式主语be busy with接名词的用法而be busy doing sth是习惯用法。第十处 说的是现在的打算所以用一般现在时。


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