(3年高考2年模拟)2016届高三英语二轮突破 阅读理解特训41(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(3年高考2年模拟)2016届高三英语二轮突破 阅读理解特训41(含解析)

发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  '阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。


  Zoos divide opinion : there are those who think it is cruel to keep animals locked up while others believe zoos are essential for the survival of endangered species.

  To argue that zoos imprison animals is to misunderstand what zoos are about. Without zoos many of the creatures we love and admire would no longer exist. Every single day,over one hundred animal species vanish. Scientists predict that as early as 2050 one quarter of the Earth’s species will become extinct.

  Some animals are in danger because they are hunted. Alarmingly, the population of tigers has already fallen by ninety-five percent. Other species are in danger because of a lack of food. For example, there are fewer than 1300 giant pandas left in the wild.

  Zoos have special breeding programmes to help those animals at risk. These breeding programmes are proving extremely successful. As Irene Shapiro from Zoo and Wildlife Support says, “the Puerto Rican Parrot has grown in numbers from just thirteen to about eighty-five and the Golden Lion Tamarin Monkey, which has almost ceased to exist twenty years ago, has been reintroduced back into the wild. ”

  Unfortunately, not everyone understands this important role zoos play. For example, Brian Featherstone from the Anti-Zoo Forum says, “I can’t believe we take animals from the wild and put them in cages for the entertainment of the public! We should view them on film or TV in their natural environment.,’

  However, this misses the point. A zoo does more than display animals to the public. It ensures their survival. Without zoos you would not be able to see many of these animals on TV or anywhere else!

  26. What’s the writer’s attitude towards zoos?

  A. He shows no opinion either for or against them.

  B. He thin

  ks that they are unnecessary and cruel.

  C. He believes they play an important environmental role.

  D. He expresses a desire that more of them be built.



  27.The underlined word “vanish” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _____.

  A. remain B. disappear C. become rarer D. get killed


  【解析】A。保持,留下 B。消失 C.变得更稀罕 D.被杀


  28. According to the passage the world’s tiger population _____.

  A. will rise by 5% next year B. is relatively stable

  C/ is 95% smaller than in the past D. has fallen to 95%


  【解析】细节理解题。第三段Alarmingly, the population of tigers has already fallen by ninety-five percent.”说明老虎的数量已经下降了95%,即数量比过去少了95%。29 • According to the passage some people do not agree with zoos because they _____

  A. are too expensive to run B. put animals in danger

  C. do not provide enough food

  D. keep animals locked up


  【解析】细节理解题。第五段Brian Featherstone就认为我们应该在电影或电视上看动物在自然环境中的生活。所以,一些人不同意动物园的做法是因为动物园把动物都锁了起来,使其无法生活在自然界30.According to the writer ,the most important function of the zoo is to _____.

  A. make a lot of money B. entertain visitors

  C. ensure animals’ survival D. educate the public细节理解题。However, this misses the point. A zoo does more than display animals to the public. It ensures their survival.”说明Brian Featherstone没有抓住要领,动物园不仅把动物展示给公众。它确保了动物的生存。故选C。


  Today, bicycles are elegantly simple machines that are common around the world. Many people ride bicycles for recreation, whereas others use them as a means of transportation. The first bicycle was invented in Germany in 1818. Because it was made of wood, it wasn’t very strong nor did it have pedals (脚踏板).Riders moved it by pushing their feet against the ground.

  In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, invented a much better bicycle. Macmillan’s machine had iron-covered wheels to keep them from getting worn down. He also used foot-operated levers, similar to pedals, so his bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace. It didn’t look much like the modem bicycle, though, because its back wheel was substantially larger than its front wheel. Although Macmillan’s bicycles could be ridden easily, they were never produced in large numbers.

  In 1861, Frenchman Pierre Michaux and his brother Ernest invented a bicycle with an improved pedal mechanism. They called their bicycle a velocipede,but most people called it a “bone shaker” because of the effect of the wood and iron frame. Despite the impolite nickname, the velocipede was a hit. After a few years, the Michaux family was making hundreds of the machines annually, mostly for fun-seeking young people.

  Ten years later, James Starley , an English inventor, made several innovations that revolutionized bicycle design. He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel, put a gear on the pedals to make the bicycle more efficient,and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes. Although this bicycle was much lighter and less tiring to ride, it was still clumsy, extremely top-heavy,and ridden mostly for entertainment.

  It wasn’t until 1874 that the first truly modern bicycle appeared on the scene. Invented by another Englishman, H. J. Lawson, the safety bicycle would look familiar to today’s cyclists. The safety bicycle had equal-sized wheels, which made it easier to ride. Lawson also attached a chain to the pedals to drive the back wheel. By 1893,the safety bicycle had been further improved with air-filled rubber tires, a diamond-shaped frame, and easy braking. With the improvements provided by Lawson; bicycles became extremely popular and useful for transportation. Today, they are built, used, and enjoyed all over the world.

  31.This passage was most likely written in order to _____.

  A. compare bicycles used for different purposes

  B. describe the problems early bicycle makers experienced

  C. persuade readers to use bicycles for transportation

  D. tell readers about the early history of the bicycle


  【解析】推理判断题。通观全文,第一辆自行车是于1818年在德国被发明的---1839年 Kirkpatrick Macmillan发明了一辆更好的自行车--- 1861年法国人Pierre Michaux 和他的兄弟Ernest 发明了一辆改进了脚踏板机械装置的自行车---James Starley做出了一些革新,彻底改变了自行车的设计---1874年真正的现代自行车出现了---1893年安全脚踏车被进一步改进---今天,自行车在全世界被制造,运用和喜爱。这讲的是自行车的发展史。

  32.Macmillan covered the wheels of his bicycle with iron to _____

  A. add weight to the bicycle

  Bmake the bicycle easier to ride

  C. allow the wheels to last longer

  D. let the bicycle be more comfortable


  【解析】细节理解题。第二段“Macmillan’s machine had iron-covered wheels to keep them from getting worn down.” Macmillan的自行车有被铁覆盖的轮子来使它免于被磨坏。所以覆盖铁是为了使车轮用的更长久。

  33. Which of the following bicycle types was invented by James Starley?


  【解析】细节理解题。第四段“He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel,…….” James Starley制造的前车轮比后车轮大好几倍。和图片B相符。

  34 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. Two hundred years ago,bicycles did not exist.

  B. The first bicycle could be ridden at a very quick pace.

  C. The Michaux brothers called their bicycle a “bone shaker”.

  D. Macmillan’s machine had wheels with rubber tires.


  【解析】推理判断题。“The first bicycle was invented in Germany in 1818。”第一辆自行车是在1818年被发明的,而200年前是1813年,所以那时自行车还不存在。35.The information about bicycles in this passage is arranged according to _____.

  A. importance B. time C. place D. interest


  【解析】细节理解题。A。重要性; B.时间; C.地点; D.兴趣。 本文讲的是自行车的发展史,是逐段按时间排列出这些信息的。


  Since the end of World War I (WWI) in 1918,Canadians, and millions of others around the world have paused at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to honour the sacrifices our soldiers have made in different wars, fighting for the freedoms that we all enjoy today.

  Known as Remembrance Day, the day originated as a tribute to the soldiers of WWI, a dark period for our young country, which claimed the lives of over 60,000 military personnel and civilians and over 16 million dead worldwide.

  As there are no more surviving soldiers of WWI,today we rely on the wisdom and words of those soldiers who fought in the wars that followed,and this day now also recognizes their heroic contribution.

  They tell us to always remember what those brave souls fought for, and all they ask in return is that we never forget.

  That’s why we wear the red poppy (罂粟花);that’s why when we see a soldier in uniform we should stop him or her and say “Thank you” ; that’s why we take a pause from our busy lives for two short minutes today to honor that request.

  Yet this message is fading away, year after year.

  Take for example the terrible decision to allow parents to excuse students from Remembrance Day ceremonies at school.

  Not only is this disrespectful, it distances the student from his or her classmates.

  It is difficult to understand why any Canadian parent would want to remove their child from the time-honored tradition of reading the poem In Flanders Fields, while a wreath of poppies is laid.

  It is more important than ever to teach school-aged children about our history,no matter how violent it was. Sheltering them from the realities of war is a great disservice.

  Understanding why conflicts happened, or happen today, can help shape choices and decisions they make as adults.

  Of course, because we live in a free society, we cannot force an individual to do something. It is unfortunate, but some parents now have their child “opt-out” of the services. These people should be reminded they are free to make such choices only because of the men and women the rest of us are remembering.

  36.Which of the following is true about Remembrance Day?

  A. It’s only held in Canada.

  B. Its ceremony lasts 11 hours.

  C. It falls on November 11th each year.

  D. It’s to celebrate the country’s independence.



  37. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a Remembrance Day activity today?

  A. Stopping at 11a.m. to remember the war dead.

  B. Listening to stories told by WWI soldiers.

  C. Wearing a red poppy to show respect.

  D. Showing gratitude to soldiers in uniform.


  【解析】细节理解题。第一段,提到人们在每年11 月11 日11时停下来纪念阵亡战士,即A。第五段“That’s why we wear the red poppy (罂粟花);that’s why when we see a soldier in uniform we should stop him or her and say‘Thank you’”。提到戴红罂粟花和向穿制服的军人说谢谢,即C和D。整篇文章没有提到听一战战士讲故事。故选B。

  38. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. War history is too violent for school children.

  B. The writer was once a soldier in the Canadian army.

  C. Few students are willing to take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies.

  D. More parents are keeping their children away from frightening war stories.


  【解析】细节理解题。Take for example the terrible decision to allow parents to excuse students from Remembrance Day ceremonies at school.”提到父母为孩子找借口离开纪念日仪式。倒数第三段“It is more important than ever to teach school-aged children about our history,no matter how violent it was. Sheltering them from the realities of war is a great disservice.”说明把历史教给学龄孩子是比以前更加重要,无论那是多么猛烈。对他们掩盖真相是极其有害的行为。39.The underlined word “It” in the last paragraph probably refers to _____

  A. the death of so many soldiers in wars

  B. the fact that there were so many wars after WWI

  C. people’s ungratefulness for the freedom they have

  D. removing children from Remembrance Day events


  【解析】细节理解题。“It is unfortunate, but some parents now have their child “opt-out” of the services.”现在一些父母让他们的孩子选择退出服役。通过上下文可知,这是很不幸的。

  40.The writer believes that


  A. the sacrifice of the soldiers should always be remembered

  B. Remembrance Day is becoming less important for soldiers

  C. schools - no longer think Remembrance Day is necessary

  D. people should be forced to learn about the realities of war


  【解析】细节理解题。倒数第三段“It is more important than ever to teach school-aged children about our history,no matter how violent it was. Sheltering them from the realities of war is a great disservice.D

  American actor Johnny Depp can best be described as unconventional. From his early life, his path into acting and even in his choice of movie roles,we can see that Depp has seldom taken the easy road. His willingness to take risks and do the unexpected has made Depp one of the few Hollywood actors able to achieve huge commercial success while maintaining his artistic reputation.

  Born in 1963,Depp was somewhat troublesome as a youth,

  .occasionally turning to petty-crime and drugs. When his parents divorced in 1978,Depp dropped out of school against his mother’s wishes and started a music band called the Kids. Although the band achieved some success, they were seldom able to make ends meet, with Depp often unable to pay his rent, sleeping rough on friends’ sofas and even in his car.

  In 1983,the ever-optimistic Depp and his new wife, Lori Anderson, moved to Hollywood California to further Depp’s musical career. But life there continued to be a struggle and Depp was forced to take a job selling pens door to door to support his new family. His luck changed when Lori’s ex-boyfriend, the famous actor Nicholas Cage, impressed by Depp’s good looks and intelligence, suggested he become an actor and helped him get a small part in a movie. Several other minor movie roles — and a divorce from Lori — followed,before Depp got his big break three years later. He landed the leading role in the television series 21 Jump Street,playing a youthful undercover police officer. The hugely popular show turned Depp into a teenage heartthrob overnight. He appeared on the cover of countless magazines and was much sought after by movie producers, eager to exploit his popularity with teenage girls.

  But Depp left 21 Jump Street after three years, when it was at the height of its popularity, later admitting that he hated the show’s unoriginal storylines and his “pretty boy” character. In the decade that followed, Depp rejected repeated offers of “pretty boy” roles in big-budget Hollywood films. Instead he established himself as a serious, somewhat dark, peculiar performer, consistently selecting roles in smaller, independent films that surprise critics and audiences alike.

  Even in the movie that made Depp an international superstar, The Pirates of the Caribbean (2003 ),he was barely recognizable as Captain Jack Sparrow, the British,long-haired golden-toothed pirate. This and subsequent hit movies have placed Depp at the very top of the commercial film industry ( with a pay-check of $20 million for each such movie) but he still continues to make the smaller, stranger films for which he is so greatly admired.

  41.As a youth, Depp could be described as a _____.

  A. serious criminal

  B. trouble maker

  C. drug addict

  D. successful musician


  【解析】细节理解题。第二段“Depp was somewhat troublesome as a youth, occasionally turning to petty-crime and drugs.“42. The underlined expression “make ends meet” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to


  A. get together after a show B. meet their audience

  C. play to the end D. earn enough to live


  【解析】词义猜测题。后半句“with Depp often unable to pay his rent, sleeping rough on friends’ sofas and even in his car.”43. In which order did the following events take place in Depp’s life?

  a. met Nicholas Cage

  b. started a band called the Kids

  c. played a British pirate

  d. sold pens door to door

  e. got married to Lori Anderson f. starred in a TV show

  A. d, b, e, a,c, f B. b,e,d,a,f,c

  C. a, b, f,c, d, e D. e,d, a,c,f, b【答案】B

  【解析】细节理解题。这几个事件最先出现的是第二段的“started a music band called the Kids.”44. Why did Depp leave the TV show 21 Jump Street ?

  A. The show was no longer popular.

  B. He wanted to perform in movies.

  C. He thought the show was terrible.

  D. He rejected planned changes to his role.


  【解析】细节理解题。第四段“later admitting that he hated the show’s unoriginal storylines and his “pretty boy” character.”21 Jump Street,是因为他认为这个节目很糟糕。故选C。

  45.Depp’s choice of movie roles throughout most of his career suggests that _____.

  A. he valued interesting work over money

  B. he believed he couldn’t play αpretty boy” roles well

  C. he was very popular with Hollywood movie producers

  D. he was more interested in shocking audiences than entertaining




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