2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe(外研版选修8)-查字典英语网
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2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe(外研版选修8)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe


  1.The world was in shock-maybe they ________(假定)this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane.

  2.We didn't have much ________(耐心)waiting for the launch.

  3.To explode means to ________(爆炸)with a lot of force and loud noise.

  4.It is now ________(认为)by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.

  5.Luke Skywalker is ever told that his ________(忠诚)ought to be to finish his training rather than rescue his friends.

  6.This is ________(一致,吻合的)with many religious faiths.

  7.It is a ________(戏剧性的)story about an invasion of the Earth by aliens from Mars.

  8.When peopole heard that an invasion by aliens from Mars was ________(在进行中),there was a wave of mass hysteria.

  9.He ________(发誓)that he had never talked with the girl.

  10.The prince was determined to ________(为……报仇)his father,the King.

  答案:1.assumed 2.patience 3.burst 4.acknowledged 5.commitment 6.consistent 7.dramatic 8.underway 9.swore 10.avenge


  1.She never acknowledges her mistakes.

  →She never acknowledges ___________________________.

  2.He set about doing his homework as soon as he arrived home.

  →________________ at his home, __________________ his homework.

  3.The little boy cried suddenly as soon as he saw his mother.

  →The little boy ____________________ as soon as he saw his mother.

  4.He isn't patient with his students.

  →He ______________________ his students.

  5.Though he was ill, he kept on working.

  →____________________________________, he kept on working.

  答案:1.that she has made mistakes 2.On his arrival; he set out to do 3.burst into tears 4.has no patience with 5.In spite of his illness


  1.After I stood in the room for one minute, my eyes slowly grew ________ to the gloom.


  C.accustomed D.addicted

  答案:C grow/be accustomed to “(变得)习惯于……”。sth. be familiar to sb. “某物对某人来说是熟悉的”;be similar to “和……相似的”;be addicted to“沉溺于”。

  2.After the accident, the police spent a week finding out the person who ________ it.




  D.heard of

  答案:A witness“见证;证明;目击”。stare“盯着看”为不及物动词,强调由于好奇而一直盯着看,后接宾语时,需加介词at;prove“证明是”;hear of“听说”。

  3.The star footballer was out of ________ with the aggressive reporters.



  C.practice D.envy

  答案:A be out of patience with“对……忍无可忍”。

  4.He went to work sick, and ________ bad weather, he always never missed a day.

  A.because of

  B.according to

  C.instead of

  D.in spite of

  答案:D 此处in spite of意为“尽管”,后接名词作状语。

  5.Only after he was brought to the police station did the young man ________ that he had stolen some purses from other passengers.





  答案:D acknowledge“承认”;participate“参加,参与”; realize“意识到”;summarize“概括”。

  6.I hope you understand the tennis committee has ________ you of a serious offence, John.





  答案:B accuse sb. of sth.“指控某人做某事”。charge常与介词with连用;blame常与介词on连用;warn sb. of sth.“警告某人某事”。

  7.Of these two basketball teams, the former comes from the US; the ________ comes from England.





  答案:C the former...,the latter...“前者……,后者……”,为固定搭配。late“迟到的,晚的”;later“稍后”;lately“最近,近来”。

  8.I am sure she will pass the test. I've got great ________ in her.





  答案:C faith“信心,信任”;hope“希望”;determination“决心”;will“意志,决心”。

  9.I'm sorry that what I said just now has hurt you, but I didn't do it ________.





  答案:A deliberately“故意地”;actually“实际上”;carelessly“粗心地”;especially“特别地”。

  10.I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of ________ with other people in prison.





  答案:B sympathy“同情”;shame “耻辱”;pain“痛苦”;sadness“悲伤”。

  11.We greatly ________ the financial support from several local businesses.





  答案:A acknowledge“感谢”。本题缺少谓语,排除B项。contribute“贡献”;promise“允诺”,均不符合语境。句意:我们对本地几家企业的资助表示感谢。

  12.We all can go for a picnic this afternoon ________ that the others agree.




  D.to assume

  答案:B 由句子结构可知,前句是后句前提下的结果,故后句为状语,assuming that...“假定……”,在句中作条件状语。

  13.________ , you can't lift the heavy box up.

  A.Even you are strong

  B.Strong as you are

  C.How strong you are

  D.As you are strong

  答案:B 句意:虽然你很强壮,但你举不起这个重箱子。考查as引导的让步状语从句,需用倒装形式,形容词应放于句首,答案为B。

  14.—Are you going to visit him?

  —Well, ________. I may not have the time.


  B.I'm sure

  C.all right

  D.it depends

  答案:D 答句的“我”可能没时间,说明不一定去,选D表示“根据情况而定”,而A项“正确”;B项“我肯定”;C项“好吧”,均不合乎语境。

  15.Being able to tell the truth

  at last seemed to ________ her.





  答案:B 句意:讲出真话似乎使她感到轻松。calm“使……镇静”;comfort“安慰”;anger“使……生气”,均不合乎句意。



  Have you ever wondered?

  1. Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east?It can take five hours to go west­east from New York NY to London but seven hours to travel east­west from London to NY. The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet 喷射 stream. The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic. The planes moving at a constant air speed thus go faster in the west­east direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction.

  2. What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off? Supposing we could magically turn off gravity. Would buildings and other structures 建筑物 float away? What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth. The Earth is moving at quite a speed, moving at over a thousand miles per hour. If you turn something around your head on a string 细绳, it goes around in a circle until you let go of the string. Then it flies off in a straight line. “Switching off” gravity would be like letting go of the string. Things not attached to the Earth would fly off in a straight line. People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling. Most things outside would fly off into space.


  1.What information can we get from the first passage?

  A. It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly.

  B. Planes go slower when they are moving with the wind.

  C. It takes more time to fly from NY to London than from London to NY.

  D. The jet stream always blows from the east to the west across the Atlantic.

  答案:A 事实细节题。由第一段中的“The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet (喷射) stream”可知选A。B项中go slower应为go faster;C项中It takes more time 应改为It takes less time; D项中from the east to the west应改为from the west to the east。

  2.The underlined word “shoot”

  in the 2nd passage probably means “________”.

  A. send for

  B. move quickly

  C. come out

  D. grow quickly

  答案:B 猜测词义题。切断地心引力就像撒开细绳一样,没有附着在地表的物体就会沿直线飞出去。室内的人以很快的速度迅速向上运动直到撞着天花板。根据句子的语境,shoot与fly off意义相近。move quickly“迅速运动”;send for“派人去叫,派人去请”;come out“出来,开放,出版”;grow quickly“迅速增加”,故选B。

  3.It can be inferred that without gravity ________.

  A.buildings and other structures would float away

  B.trees and buildings would not so easily fly off

  C.something around your head would not float away

  D.everything outside buildings would fly off into space

  答案:B 推理判断题。失去地心引力,外部的大部分东西就会飞入太空,而附着固定在地表的物体如树木、楼房等不会那么容易飞走。可由第二段倒数第一句、倒数第三句得出。

  4.Where can we most probably read this text?

  A. In a research paper.

  B. In a short story.

  C. In a travel magazine.

  D. In a student's book.

  答案:D 推理判断题。问题以疑问形式引出,解释举例浅显易懂,易于学生接受,符合学生教科书的特点。


  The desire to make explorations is born with man. Wherever his imagination goes, man also has a strong wish to go. A large part of human history is connected with the exploration of the world in which we live. Again and again people have set out with surprising courage and patience to look into unknown regions and lands to see what had not yet been seen, to make the unknown. With kites, balloons and aircraft they left the ground to pass through the lower atmosphere. Now the outer space receives their attention.

  Why should man take the trouble of conquering space? It is hard to list the specific practical benefits that will result in. But one knows, from past experience in other areas, that man will surely see and discover new things in space that will increase our scientific knowledge, and this new knowledge will find its way into valuable practical uses. What we learn about man himself, from his

  experience in space, and from the effects of space and the space flight environment on him, will be extremely valuable. The new techniques developed to carry out the exploration of space, and to keep man alive in space, will certainly find practical uses in everyday life in some way. The areas that will benefit are manifold. They include communication, generation of power, transportation and travel, food production, materials, fuels and many others. But to say definitely just what the practical_results will be is almost impossible.

  5.The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.

  A.man often goes wherever his dreams go

  B.man desires to explore what is unknown

  C.man is no longer interested in the study of the land and sea now

  D.man's history is his exploration of the world

  答案:B 主旨归纳题。由第一段首句和第三句可知此段在说“人类渴望探索未知的世界”。选项A和D是片面的,而选项C在此段没有被提及。故正确答案为B。

  6.The underlined word “manifold” in the second paragraph probably means “________”.





  答案:C 词义猜测题。画线词下句中的they是指the areas that will benefit,所以可猜测manifold意为various。

  7.The author seems to be in favor of ________.

  A.the exploration of space

  B.his experience in space

  C.doubting the necessity of the space exploration

  D.exploring more in space than in sea

  答案:A 推断题。从全文来看,作者提出“A large part of human history is connected with the exploration of the world in which we live”和空间探索对人类生产生活和知识方面有莫大益处,由此推知作者是支持空间探索的。故正确答案为A。

  8.In the last sentence of Paragraph 2, the underlined phrase “practical results” refers to the results ________.

  A.that are obtained from experience

  B.that can be learned as knowledge

  C.that can be made use of

  D.helping us make further exploration

  答案:C 推断题。由前句可知“空间探索在通信、发电、交通旅行、食物生产、原料、燃料等人们日常生活的各个领域会带来益处,这是实用的、可利用的”。故正确答案为C。


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