2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 2 The Renaissance(外研版选修8)-查字典英语网
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2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 2 The Renaissance(外研版选修8)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 2 The Renaissance


  1.Don't ________(弄乱)the paper on my desk.

  2.How many ________(科目)are you studying this semester?

  3.The ________(新领域)of medical knowledge are being pushed forward as time goes on.

  4.He was so absorbed in thought that he ran against two ________(路人).

  5.He killed his enemy and ________(逃离)the country.

  6.We ________(寻求)an answer to the question,but couldn't find one.

  7.On ________(代表)of my colleagues and myself I thank you.

  8.Man is the only creature that is ________(赋有)with speech.

  9.The policemen are ________(求助于)to anyone who saw the suspect to contact them.

  10.In ________(对照)to the city life,time seemed to pass slowly in the country.

  答案:1.disturb 2.subjects 3.frontiers 4.passers­by 5.fled 6.sought 7.behalf 8.gifted 9.appealing 10.contrast


  1.After graduation ,he ________ writing as his career.

  2.In China,people enjoy freedom of speech.So you're ________ to say what you like.

  3.He likes to have control over everyone,that is,he ________ power.

  4.The police have ________ the crowd not to panic.

  5.Many people were really ________ in the 1980s because of the crisis.

  6.His behaviour is ________ a matter of impoliteness.In fact,it is a form of crime.

  7.Many Senior Three students ________ piles and piles of exercises.

  8.She knew that she had ________ childhood ________.

  9.She is going to speak ________ the manager,for he is abroad.

  10.________ he's been all around the world.

  答案:1.took up 2.at liberty 3.is thirsty for 4.appealed to

  5.at a loss 6.more than 7.get tired of 8.left;behind 9.on behalf of 10.It is said that


  1.—Will $1,000 ________ the cost of the trip?

  —I'm afraid not. Perhaps I need ________ $400.

  A.pay; anotherB.charge; more

  C.cover; another

  D.afford; more

  答案:C cover可表示“够支付……的费用”;“another+数词+名词”或“数词+more+名词”都表示“另外的……”。

  2.The girl's songs make her ________ from so many new students in the class.

  A.stand up

  B.stand out

  C.stand for

  D.stand by

  答案:B stand out意为“显眼;杰出”。该题应选B项,表示“这位姑娘的歌使她引人注目”。

  3.(2011·上海春季招生)Soon after dinner, Wayne drove off ________ the direction of Paris.





  答案:D direction应与介词in搭配,in the direction of表示“朝着……方向”。

  4.—I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ________.

  —So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.

  A.broken up

  A.finished up

  C.divided up

  D.closed up

  答案:A break up“拆散;分开;(关系)破裂”;finish up“完成;吃光;杀死;毁掉”;divide up“分割;分配”;close up“靠近;愈合;关闭”。第一句句意:听说苏和保罗分手了,我很惊讶。

  5.I'm planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can make no guarantees because it ________ the weather.

  A.links with

  B.depends on

  C.connects to

  D.decides on

  答案:B link with“与……有联系”;depend on“以……而定”;connect to“和……相接”;decide on“选定;决定”。

  6.We need people with practical ________ like carpentry.





  答案:D with为介词,后需接名词,排除均为形容词的A、C两项。skill表示技巧为不可数名词,但表示“技术”时为可数名词,句意:我们需要有木工等实用技术的人。故答案为D。

  7.I want to report the ________ of a package.





  答案:A 根据“the”冠词可知其后需接名词,句意:我想报告包裹丢失一事。loss“丢失”;loser“失败者”;B、D均不是名词,故答案为A。

  8.He ________ you ________ the neglect of duty.

  A.was to blame; on

  B.blamed; on

  C.was to blame; for

  D.blamed; for

  答案:D blame sb. for sth.表示“因某事而责备某人”。若题干中的you被去掉,C项也是正确的。

  9.The drug did not ________ his health. In fact, it seemed to have no ________ at all.

  A.effect; effect

  B.affect; effect

  C.effect; affect

  D.affect; affect

  答案:B affect为动词,表示“影响”,effect为名词表示“效果”。did not后应接动词;have (no)后缺少宾语,应用名词,故答案为B。

  10.We wanted a quiet holiday, but we had ________ without the children.





  答案:A 句意:我们原想安安静静地度假,却没有把孩子考虑在内。reckon without表示“没有考虑到”。

  11.I think what ________ to me about his painting is the colours he uses.





  答案:B appeal to sb.意为“对某人有吸引力”。题干中的“to”被删掉时,A、C两项也可。

  12.Many young graduates devoted dozens of years to ________ success in life.





  答案:A 动词辨析题。seek“探索,追求”;search“搜索”;suggest“建议”;wonder“想知道”,据句意答案为A,seek success表示“追求成功”。

  13.Don't you think we should ________ the concert now?

  A.leave behind

  B.leave in

  C.leave with

  D.leave for

  答案:D leave behind “把……落在后面”;leave in搭配错误;leave with“把……交给某人”;leave for“出发去……”,句意:你不认为我们现在该出发去参加音乐会吗?

  14.Zhang Ziyi is not present, so the director will accept the prize ________.

  A.on behalf

  B.in behalf

  C.on behalf of her D.in the behalf

  答案:C on behalf of sb.为固定短语,意为“代表某人”。

  15.It was ________ that we leave the dangerous place at once.





  答案:C 考查虚拟语气。四个选项中,只有suggest可构成虚拟语气结构,leave前省略了should。



  Becoming more popular in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland,Canada.

  Arthur von Wiesenberger is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then, he kept a record of the brands he liked best. “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,” He says.

  But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact. New York's drinking water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive.

  However, soft­drink companies view bottled water as the next battle­ground for market share, as bottlers and restaurateurs are longing for the profits from it. A restaurant's typical mark­up (加价) on wine is 100 to 150 percent, while on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent. As a result, some restaurants are trying to sell more bottled water. Some of the more shameless tactics (手段) include putting attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners whether they want it.

  Regardless of how it's sold, the popularity of bottled water taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear educated, and even a longing for lost purity.

  1.By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water”, Arthur von Wiesenberger suggests that ________.

  A.bottled water is superior to tap water

  B.plain tap water is certainly unfit for drinking

  C.bottled water often appeals more to dogs' taste

  D.dogs can usually distinguish a fine difference in taste

  答案:A 推理判断题。联系这句话前面的As a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland,where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then,he kept a record of the brands he liked best.可以看出他非常认可瓶装矿泉水,故选A项。

  2.According to the passage, why is bottled water so popular?

  A.It is much cheaper than wine.

  B.It is more widely promoted in the market.

  C.It appeals to well educated people.

  D.It is considered healthier.

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Regardless of how it's sold,the popularity of bottled water taps into our desire for better health,...可以看出瓶装矿泉水大受欢迎是因为人们普遍认为其更卫生健康。

  3.Why are some restaurants willing to sell bottled water?

  A.Bottled water brings in huge profits.

  B.Competition from the wine industry is fierce.

  C.Most diners find bottled water affordable.

  D.Bottled water satisfied diners' desire to be fashionable.

  答案:A 细节理解题。由第4段开头的...,as bottlers and restaurateurs are longing for the profits from it.可知餐饮之所以大力推销瓶装矿泉水是受利益驱使。


  Robots have proved to be valuable tools for soldiers, surgeons and homeowners hoping to keep the carpet clean. But in each case, they are designed and built specifically for the job. Now there is a movement under way to build multipurpose machines—robots that can move about in changing environments such as offices or living rooms and work with their hands.

  All­purpose robots are not, of course, a new idea. “It's been 5 or 10 years from happening for about 50 years,” says Eric Berger, co­director of the Personal Robotics Program at Willow Garage, a Silicon Valley organization. The delay is in part because even simple tasks require a huge set of capabilities. For a robot to fetch a mug, for example, it needs to make sense of data gathered by a variety of sensors—laser scanners identifying potential blocking objects, cameras searching for the target, force feedback in the fingers that grasp the mug, and more. Yet Berger and other experts are confident that real progress could be made in the next decade.

  The problem, according to Willow Garage, is the lack of a common platform for all that computational effort. Instead of enlarging the capabilities of a single machine, everyone is designing robots and the software to control them, from the ground up. To help change this, Willow Garage is currently producing 25 copies of its model PR2 ( Personal Robot 2), a two­armed, wheeled machine that can switch off the electricity, open doors and move through a room. Ten of the robots will stay in­house, but 10 more will go to outside research groups, and everyone will share their advances.

  This way,

  Berger says, if you want to build the robotic equivalent (等同物) of a Twitter, you won't start by constructing a computer. “You build the thing that's new.”


  4.The robots are mentioned to do some specific jobs EXCEPT in ________.

  A. battle fields

  B. operation room

  C. people's houses

  D. wild fields

  答案:D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句中的“soldiers,surgeons and homeowners”可知机器人已应用于战场、手术室和家庭,并没有提到D项,故答案为D。

  5.The multipurpose robot may be identified as a machine that ________.

  A.can move about in changing environments and work with their hands

  B. can make sense of data gathered by a variety of sensors

  C. has a huge set of abilities to finish all the simple tasks

  D. has identifying laser scanners, searching cameras and force feedback

  答案:A 细节理解题。由文章首段第三句内容可知A项正确。

  6.According to Willow Garage, we will make real progress in building all­purpose robots if ________.

  A.everyone designs robots and the software to control them

  B.they can produce 25 copies of its model PR2

  C.people can enlarge the capabilities of a single machine

  D.people can start by constructing a computer

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章第三段前两句内容可知全能机器人的研发困境是缺少计算机操作平台,而让单个机器人拥有更多的功能是让全能机器人的研发得到实质性的进展的方法,C项正确。

  7.Willow Garage is currently producing 25 copies of its model PR2 so as to ________.

  A.design robots and the software to control them

  B.change the way of new robot construction research

  C.open doors and go to outside research groups

  D.go through the room and stay in house

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,Willow Garage的做法是为了改变目前的研究方法。

  8.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. To build all­purpose robots is an absolutely new movement under way.

  B. Building all­purpose robots was delayed because of its complexity.

  C. The idea to build all­purpose robots appeared about 50 years ago.

  D. Everyone will share their advances for they are all­pur­pose robots.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句的内容可知制造全能机器人的想法五十年前就有了,故选C。


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