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发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  carry 短语归纳

  1、carry 短语归纳

  carry on(with)one’s work?继续工作;carry on a struggle/fight 开展斗争;carry on a big business?经营大生意;carry away?拿走,带走;be carried up into space?被发射升空;

  carry out a plan/order/promise/instructions/one’s duty/an experiment/advices/tests?执行计划/执行命令/履行诺言/执行指示/履行职责/做实验/按建议办/进行试验。


  It’s often easier to make plans than it is to carry them______.

  ②Let’s stop here. We’ll carry________ the conversation tomorrow.

  ③Carry the baby _______. It’s dangerous here.

  ④Rising costs made it hard to carry ________ the business.

  ⑤They decided to carry ________ though the weather was bad.

  Key:①out ②on ③away ④on ⑤on

  carry out 搬出;进行,实行,执行

  Would you please carry the chairs out?

  The plan should be carried out at once.

  It was important to carry out the work quickly.赶快进行这些工作是重要的。

  He did not carry out his promise to us.? 对我们他没有实现他的诺言。


  look out 向外看,小心 ? ? ?work out 算出来,实行 ? ? ?leave out 遗漏,忽现

  take/bring out 拿出来 ? ? ?thinking out 想出 ? ? ?hold out 伸出,支持,抵抗到底

  2、cause ?n.(大家为之奋斗的)事业

  Helping the poor is a worthy cause.? 帮助穷人是一项有价值的事业。

  World peace is the cause he works for.? 世界和平是他为之奋斗的事业。

  3、常用的单位量词a block of wood?一块木头;a cake of soap 一块肥皂;

  a grain of sand 一粒沙子;a group of tall trees 一片高树;

  a team of players?一队运动员;a handful of sand?一把(少量的)沙;

  a piece of diary?一则日记;a sheet of paper?一张纸;a suit?of clothes?一套服装;

  an article of clothing?一件衣服;a crowd?of people?一群人;a basin of water?一盆水;

  a copy of China Youth 一分《中国青年》;a drop of oil 一滴油;a tin of beer一罐啤酒;

  a pack of cigarettes?一包烟;a pair of socks?一双短袜;a loaf of bread?一块面包;

  a set of equipment?一套设备;a bucket of water?一桶水;a couple of eggs?两个鸡蛋;

  a pile of old books 一堆旧书;a bowl of rice 一碗米饭;a bottle of ink?一瓶墨水注意:上述单位量词本身具有复数形式,亦可被具体数字修饰,句中的谓语多用复数形式。



  Key:Piles of old books were sold when we moved.

  ②Three pieces of important news were printed in the front page.


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