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发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1.When will Mr.Edison return?

  A.On Thursday night.

  B.On Monday night.

  C.On Friday morning.

  2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A.In a cotton field.

  B.At a railway station.

  C.On a train.

  3.What’s the man doing?

  A.Looking for a timetable.

  B.Reserving a table.

  C.Buying some furniture.

  4.What description tells exactly that the brand of sneakers(运动鞋) sells well?

  A.It’s good in quality.

  B.The demand exceeds the supply.

  C.They’re more comfortable.

  5.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The man can’t manage to go to New York as planned.

  B.The man has changed his destination.

  C.The man is returning his ticket.



  6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Teacher and student.

  B.Driver and passenger.

  C.Policeman and witness.

  7.What caused the accident to happen?

  A.A dog.

  B.A child.

  C.An old man.

  8.When did the ambulance come?

  A.At 840.

  B.At 830.

  C.At 845.


  9.How many goals did Jack’s team score?




  10.What do we know about the woman?

  A.She watched the game on TV.

  B.She knew about the game over the radio.

  C.She watched the match at the stadium.

  11.When is Jack’s next match?

  A.On Friday this week.

  B.On Saturday this week.

  C.On Friday next week.


  12.What are the two speakers talking about?

  A.A flight timetable.

  B.Hiring a taxi.

  C.The way to Union Street.

  13.Where is the woman going on Saturday?

  A.Garden Hotel.

  B.The airport.

  C.Union Street.

  14.What time does the woman want to leave?

  A.At 700 a.m..

  B.At 700 p.m..

  C.At 500 p.m..


  15.Who is the man going to meet tomorrow?



  C.His girlfriend.

  16.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Husband and wife.

  B.Close friends. C.Boss and secretary.

  17.Where are the two speakers going to have dinner?

  A.In a restaurant.

  B.In the woman’s house.

  C.At the man’s home.


  18.How many school-age children dropped out of school according to the text?

  A.Over 1 million.

  B.Over 2 million.

  C.Over 3 million.

  19.What is the biggest problem for those kids back to school?


  B.School seat.

  C.School number.

  20.What is the project mentioned in the text?

  A.1000-School Project.

  B.All Children-Back-To-School Project.

  C.The Hope Project.


  (Text 1)

  W:Good morning,I’m here to see Mr.Edison.

  M:Mr.Edison went to Washington last Monday for a conference and he will be back on Thursday night.If you like,you may come again on Friday morning.

  (Text 2)

  W:Look at that big field of cotton.And there’s a farm with some beautiful houses.

  M:You really get to know the country when you go by train,don’t you?

  (Text 3)

  M:Have you a table for four?

  W:Certainly,sir.A corner table or would you rather be near the window?

  (Text 4)

  W:Does this brand of sneakers sell well?

  M:Yes,it’s very lovely.The demand exceeds the supply.Please try them on.They couldn’t be more comfortable.

  (Text 5)

  M:Excuse me,I have a ticket for the 6 o’clock flight to New York.But I’m afraid I can’t make it.Is there a seat available for tomorrow morning?

  W:Let me see.I’m sorry.All the morning flights have been booked up.The earliest we can get for you is the two o’clock flight in the afternoon.

  (Text 6)

  M:Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?

  W:Of course,sir. M:Do you know when the accident happened?

  W:You know the street is very long.It was about 8∶30 when I turn into the street and followed the red car.About 10 minutes later,I had to stop my car because of the accident.

  M:What’s the cause of the accident?

  W:When I was driving my car along the street,I saw a black dog crossing the street.Unluckily,a white car was driving fast towards the dog in the other direction.So the two cars crashed in order to avoid running over the dog.

  M:And then?

  W:After that,I called the hospital immediately.About five minutes later an ambulance came and took the injured driver away,the one driving the red car.

  M:OK.Thank you.

  W:You are welcome.

  (Text 7)

  W:Hello,Jack.Congratulations.The score was 3 to 1.You won the game.

  M:Thank you,Sally.You watched the match,didn’t you?

  W:Of course,but when I got there,the match had already begun.

  M:That’s why I didn’t see you.

  W:Your football team did so well,especially the third goal,that was so great.

  M:Yes,but it wasn’t easy to win the game.The visiting team is really strong.

  W:I think so,but your team is even stronger.I knew you would beat them.Your coach did a good job,and the referees did a good job,too.

  M:Thank you very much.

  W:When is your next match?

  M:On Friday,next week.

  (Text 8)

  M:Good morning.City Taxi.

  W:Good morning.I’d like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning,please.

  M:Where from?

  W:I’m at Garden Hotel in Union Street.There’ll be three of us sharing.How much will it be?

  M:About $60.

  W:$60!Each or between us?

  M:Oh,that’s all together.What time do you want to leave?

  W:Seven in the morning. M:Right.We’ll pick you up at seven,then.

  W:Thank you very much.Goodbye.

  M:You’re welcome.

  (Text 9)

  W:So what’s your schedule for tomorrow,Dave?

  M:Well,first I have to do the accounts on the new computers.Then I’m meeting Tony.

  W:I thought you had already finished that.

  M:Yeah,but we have to check the final reports.

  W:So you won’t have any time left?

  M:Not until in the evening,I am afraid.Do you have anything particular tomorrow evening?

  W:Not really.I think I have a lot of time to kill.

  M:Well,then,won’t you come over to my place to have dinner with me?

  W:With pleasure.

  M:Let me do the cooking this time.

  W:In that case,I will do some shopping tomorrow.

  (Text 10)

  Education plays an important role in the modernization of our country.Without a well-educated population,China will not be able to achieve its planned goals,to catch up with the more developed nations,or to greatly improve the living standard of its people.However,according to recent statistics,there are over 2 million school-age children who have dropped out of school.

  To help those poor kids go back to school,money seems to be the biggest problem.Our government simply does not have enough money to help all those poor kids go back to school.And most parents of the school dropouts are unable to raise the money needed to give their children an education.

  The Hope Project brings hope to the poor children.But we need more than a “Hope Project” based on the love and generosity of ordinary citizens.Only by realizing the importance of learning and knowledge and establishing a better-funded public education system can we guarantee the good education of all the children in China.

  答案:1~5ACBBA 6~10CACAC

  11~15CBBAB 16~20BCBAC

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  21.Don’t you believe it! Glass can ________steel in many ways.

  A.take place ofB.instead of

  C.in place of

  D.take the place of

  解析:选D。题意:“你不会相信这一点。玻璃在很多方面可以代替钢铁。”take the place of...表示“代替”,符合语境;BC两项为介词短语,均表示“代替……”。

  22.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.

  A.leave out

  B.let out

  C.come out

  D.make out

  解析:选A。题意:“老师强调说学生们在复述故事时不应该遗漏重要信息。”leave out表示“省略,遗漏”;符合语境;而let out表示“泄漏;放出”;come out表示“出版;出来”;make out表示“辨认清楚”。

  23.A quarrel broke out between him and his cousins,which made him_________ them.

  A.live up to

  B.break away from

  C.take the place of

  D.lose sight of解析:选B。题意:“他和堂兄妹之间发生了争吵,这使得他与他们脱离了关系。”break away from...表示“脱离……;摆脱……”;符合语境;而live up to表示“不辜负……;实现……”;take the place of...表示“代替……”;lose sight of表示“看不见……”。

  24.The class __________ 80 students is hard to manage.

  A.consisting of

  B.consists of

  C.making up of

  D.made up

  解析:选A。题意:“由八十个学生构成的这个班级很难管理。”consist of...表示“由……构成”,与the class之间是主动关系,故用consisting of作后置定语,修饰the class。相当于made up of。

  25.When we got there,he was about to leave,so he only had time to explain ________ to us what he thought of our plan.






  26.—Is there any possibility _________ you could pick me up at the airport?

  —No problem.






  27.Since everyone is a little tired,shall we ________ our discussion and have some tea or coffee,please?

  A.break off

  B.break down

  C.break up

  D.break into

  解析:选A。题意:“既然人们都累了,我们就停下我们的讨论喝点茶或咖啡吧?”break off表示“停止,暂停”;符合语境;而break down表示“坏掉;出故障”;break up表示“破裂;分解”;break into表示“闯入;破门而入”。

  28.He was very busy that day,but he seemed_________ when we dropped by.





  解析:选C。题意:“那天他很忙,但是当我们拜访的时候,他似乎很高兴。”delighted表示“高兴的”,与上文was busy构成转折;而unbearable表示“令人难以忍受的”;skeptical表示“怀疑的”;challenging表示“挑战性的,有困难的”。

  29.They haven’t seen each other for ten years,but they still keep in ________ contact with each other.






  30.Meeting the famous football player was ________ for the children.

  A.very thrill

  B.very thrilled

  C.great thrill

  D.a great thrill

  解析:选D。thrill 表示“令人激动的事物”时,多用作可数名词,故应该用D项。而thrilled是形容词,形容人具有的性质。

  31.So I created a schedule that would ________ my time up between going to class,doing homework,and relaxing.





  解析:选B。题意:“所以我建立了一个时刻表,可以把我的时间划分为去上课,做作业,和休息”。divide 是“划分”之意,符合语境。fix表示“固定;安装”;put表示“放,安置”;build表示“建立;建造”;均不符合语境。

  32.Jessie’s parents ________ a big party for her eighteenth birthday.



  C.set up

  D.settled down

  解析:选B。arrange 是“安排;布置”之意,此处是指Jessie的父母为她的生日安排了一场晚会。manage表示“设法”,多用于manage to do 中;set up表示“创建”;settle down表示“安顿好”均与语境不符。

  33.He is rewarded by his boss for his ________task ahead of time perfectly.






  34.We will organize a meeting to discuss how to ________ tomorrow.

  A.have the question solve

  B.have the question solved

  C.have the question to be solved

  D.get the question to solve

  解析:选B。题意:“我们明天举行会议商量如何使这一问题被解决。”have sth.done 是“使某事被做”。

  35.When I got to the station,I found the train ________,so I ran to it,but didn’t catch up with it.



  C.to leave



  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  In this world,there are more than 365 million people whose native language is English.Of this number of people,only about 275 million __36__in the United

  States and Great Britain.The __37__90 million live in Australia,Canada,New Zealand,South Africa,some Pacific islands,and other places __38__British people settled.__39__of time,one English speaker __40__understand another.

  But in every __41__ country,people added new words __42__their vocabularies to name animals,plants,and other things that were __43__to the first British people who went there.British settlers in Australia __44__the word “kangaroo” for an animal they had never seen __45__,from the language of the people who were __46__to Australia.And the British who __47__to South Africa took “trek”,meaning a long journey by ox wagon,__48__the language of the Dutch people who settled in the same place.

  English speakers of __49__every country know what a kangaroo is and use the word “trek” to __50__“difficult journey”.But some __51__“English” words are used only by the people who borrow or __52__them.A South African who talks about “kopjes” is speaking English,but only another South African or a Dutch person would know he is speaking __53__hills.And if an Australian said,“There were some ‘ropable’ people at the corroboree (狂欢会),” only another Australian would __54__ that he was talking about angry people __55__ a party.





  解析:选B。由下文的“...90 million live in Australia,Canada,New Zealand,South Africa,...”告诉读者“其他9千万住在澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、南非……”,暗示出本题的答案为live。














  解析:选B。本题考查固定短语的用法。词组most of time的意思是“大多数时候”。








  C.oral English spoken

  D.spoken English

  解析:选B。表示“说英语的”应用English-speaking,spoken English的意思是“英语口语”。






























  解析:选A。从下文的“...meaning a long journey by ox wagon”可以推出这是一次旅程,用动词move(迁移;移动)更为恰当。










  解析:选B。从下文的“...But some...‘English’ words are used only by the people who borrow...”一句中的but可以得出该空表达的意思应与but后的内容存在转折关系,从而推出“几乎每个说英语的国家的人都知道kangaroo和trek的意思”,即答案为almost。





  解析:选D。由上文对trek的解释知道“trek”的意思是“困难的旅行”,即difficult journey,因此应用mean。















  解析:选B。此处考查固定短语speak of,其意思是“提及;说到”。而speak to表示“与某人说话”。











  第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



  Five paintings by Picasso,Matisse and other great artists have been stolen from the Museum of Modern Art in Paris,French officials say.The paintings are estimated to be worth just under 100m euros (£86m;D|S123m).

  They were taken overnight on Wednesday and reported missing early on Thursday,officials say.The museum,across the River Seine from the Eiffel Tower,has been cordoned off(戒严) by investigators.Security camera footage reportedly shows someone entering the museum through a window during the night.

  “This is a serious crime to the heritage of humanity,” Christophe Girard,deputy culture secretary at the Paris Town Hall,told a news conference.

  The theft was committed by “one or more individuals who were obviously organised”,Mr.Girard said.He added that investigators were looking into how the museum’s security system and several guards were outsmarted(用计谋打败) by the thief or thieves.

  Mr Girard put the value of the stolen paintings at just under 100m euros (£86m;D|S123m).They had earlier been estimated to be worth some 500m euros (£431m;D|S618m).The five missing paintings are Dove with Green Peas by Pablo Picasso (painted in 1911),Pastoral by Henri Matisse (1906),Olive Tree near l’Estaque by Georges Braque (1906),Woman with Fan by Amedeo Modigliani (1919) and Still Life with Candlestick by Fernand Leger (1922).

  None of these works has yet been recovered.Though there is often speculation that works have been “stolen to order” for dishonest collectors,experts in the field say that in reality this is very unusual.Investigators think that international criminal gangs use art works effectively as a form of currency.

  56.When were the art masterpieces of the museum stolen according to the passage?

  A.On Monday.

  B.On Tuesday.

  C.Overnight on Wednesday.

  D.Early on Tuesday.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的“They were taken overnight on Wednesday...”内容可知,是在周三一夜之间丢失的。

  57.What were the investigators looking into?

  A.How the thieves broke into the gate of the museum.

  B.How the thieves succeeded in escaping the security system and the guards.

  C.When the thieves broke into the museum.

  D.How the masterpieces were taken away by the thieves.

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文中第四段的“He added that investigators were looking into how the museum’s security system and several guards were outsmarted by the thief or thieves.”内容可知,此处答案为B项。

  58.Which of the following is in agreement with the text?

  A.Five paintings by Picasso have been stolen from the Museum of Modern Art in Paris.

  B.The people were kept away from the museum by the investigators.

  C.Christophe Girard is the culture secretary at the Paris Town Hall.

  D.The theft was committed by only one thief.

  解析:选B。 推理判断题。根据文中第二段的“The museum,across the River Seine from the Eiffel Tower,has been cordoned off by investigators.”内容可知,调查者将博物馆隔离起来。

  59.The best title of the passage maybe is ________.

  A.Art Experts Discuss the Stolen Masterpieces

  B.The Five Stolen Masterpieces

  C.The Experts Solved the Case

  D.The Masterpieces stolen by the Thieves



  Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.He experimented in many different styles and changed the world of art during his time.

  Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga,Spain in 1881.His father was a drawing teacher.At 10 Pablo became his father’s pupil and at the age of 13 he held his first exhibition.

  His family moved to Barcelona in 1895 where Pablo joined an art academy.In his early period the young artist painted life as he observed it around him—in cafes and on the streets.As a young man he took interest in masterpieces of famous artists like El Greco and de Goya.

  At the turn of the century,Picasso went to Paris,which was,at that time,the centre of art and literature.

  In 1901 a close friend of Picasso shot himself.This had a great impact_on Pablo.He was very sad and began painting his pictures in grey and blue tones instead of bright,vivid colours.This part of his career is called his Blue Period (1901~1904).

  Later on,he changed his painting style and started using more earth colours—rose,pink or brown.He liked to paint pictures of circus life with dancers and acrobats(杂技演员).This Rose Period lasted until 1907.

  When Picasso started working with his friend and fellow painter Georges Braque in Paris they started experimenting with a new style that was called cubism.

  Picasso and Braque didn’t want to show nature as it really was.They thought that all objects in nature had geometric forms.In cubism,objects were cut into many flat shapes,which looked like a puzzle.All the sides of a person’s face,for example,were shown at once,maybe even with three eyes instead of two.Cubist painters wanted to show all parts of an object from one angle.

  60.When did Pablo Picasso hold the first exhibition according to the passage?

  A.In 1894.

  B.In 1889.

  C.In 1901.

  D.In 1881.

  解析:选A。 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga,Spain in 1881.His father was a drawing teacher.At 10 Pablo became his father’s pupil and at the age of 13 he held his first exhibition.”内容可知,是在1894年举行的第一次画展。

  61.What caused his career of Blue Period?

  A.He likes grey and blue tones instead of bright,vivid colours.

  B.He was nearly shot by one of his closest friends.

  C.He was sad for his loss of his best friends who died by suicide.

  D.One of his best friends was shot by others.


  62.Which of the following is in agreement with the description of the cubism?

  A.In cubism,all the objects were shown as nature itself.

  B.All objects in nature had not geometric forms according to the cubism.

  C.Cubist painters wanted to show all parts of an object from different angles.

  D.In cubism,objects were cut into many flat shapes,looking like a puzzle.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。D项所述与文中第八段的“In cubism,objects were cut into many flat shapes,which looked like a puzzle.”相吻合。

  63.The underlined word in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.







  Director Zhang Yimou said,“Some twenty years ago at a film festival,I saw their (the Coen brothers) directorial debut ‘Blood Simple’ which left me with a great impression.One day a curious idea stuck me: what would it be like if ‘Blood Simple’ was made as a Chinese story? That was how ‘A Woman,A Gun and A Noodle Shop’ began to take shape.”

  In the film,Wang (Ni Dahong) is a gloomy and cunning noodle shop owner in a desert town in China.Feeling neglected,Wang’s wife (Yan Ni) secretly goes out with Li (Xiao Shenyang),one of his employees.A timid(胆小的) man,Li reluctantly keeps the gun the landlady bought for “killing her husband later.” Every single move they make,however,does not escape the boss’s notice.Wang decides to bribe patrol officer Zhang (Sun Honglei) to kill the evil couple.It looks like a perfect plan: the affair will come to a cruel but satisfying end...or so he thinks,but the equally wicked(顽皮的) Zhang has an agenda of his own that will lead to even more violence.

  “A Woman,A Gun and A Noodle Shop” is a remake of the 1985 directorial debut of Joel and Ethan Coen,“Blood Simple.” Transposing the Coen Brother’s celebrated mix of dark humor and focusing suspense to China,the film is directed by Zhang Yimou (director of “The Red Sorghum”,“To Live”,“Hero”,“House of Flying Daggers” and many other masterpieces),one of the most eminent directors of the “Fifth Generation.” This black comedy thriller is an exposé of how intense desires can consume humanity,and the irony that life never surrenders to our calculation.

  64.How was “A Woman,A Gun and A Noodle Shop”taken into shape according to the passage?

  A.A film festival about twenty years ago gave Zhang Yimou an inspiration.

  B.He thought of creating it when the Coen Brother’s debut “Blood Simple” impressed him.

  C.He was interested in the films directed by the Coen Brother’s.

  D.He wanted to direct a film which could be as good as the “Blood Simple”.


  65.Who played a role of the patrol officer in the film “A Woman,A Gun and A Noodle Shop”?

  A.Sun Honglei.

  B.Xiao Shenyang.

  C.Yan Ni.

  D.Ni Dahong.

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的内容“Wang decides to bribe patrol officer Zhang (Sun Honglei) to kill the evil couple.”可以知道,孙红雷饰演的巡警官。

  66.Which of the following statements is in disagreement with the content of the film?

  A.The noodle shop is located in a desert town with a gloomy and cunning owner.

  B.The owner of the noodle shop doesn’t realize nothing of his wife’s unfaith.

  C.The end of the affair comes to a cruel but satisfying end as people expected.

  D.Li is unwilling to keep the gun the landlady bought for “killing her husband later”.

  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段的内容“...the affair will come to a cruel but satisfying end...or so he thinks,but the equally wicked (顽皮的) Zhang has an agenda of his own that will lead to even more violence.”可知,电影的结尾与人们所预料的不一致。

  67.The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means ________.





  解析:选A。词义猜测题。上文提到电影内容以及电影结局与人们的构想和思考是不一致的。故此处的surrender 是表示“屈服”之意。与submit一致。


  Oscar-Bait.Noun.Definition: The term given to many late-year films with (supposed) A-list actors,all clamoring for attention by critics and voters in various organizations.

  Here,I’ll use it in a sentence: “Rabbit Hole”,starring Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart and populated with many other actors all grieving about (因为……而困惑)their own issues,is Oscar-bait.

  Based on the play and screenplay written by David Lindsay-Abaire,the film is about the aforementioned actors playing a married couple who are struggling,after eight months,to cope with the loss of their only child.Kidman rejects traditional means of therapy,family and support groups,in favor or handling things on her own.Eckhart is trying to be accommodating but is doing better at transitioning through the grieving process and is finding it harder and harder to connect with her.

  Thematically(主题方面地),it touches on many of the same issues in “Welcome to the Rileys” which lost all of its early buzz,wasn’t sent out to critics via screenings or a DVD screener,and barely made a dent in the public psyche.That’s a shame because if I’m picking one of these two films to highlight the difficulty in moving on after the death of a child (both to car accidents),I’m not going down the “Rabbit Hole”.

  The performances,both leading and supporting,are all fine.Kidman is good early on,when being confrontational and spiteful,but fails to turn the corner towards the end (I’ve never believed in her attempts to play softer or warmer characters).And Eckhart does a nice job,but I feel like I just saw him handle many of these same emotions in last year’s “Love Happens”,only he gets to shout a lot more here.

  68.What can we learn about the term Oscar-Bait from the passage?

  A.It is a noun word used to describe the famous film actors.

  B.It is a noun term given to late-year films with A-actors asking for attention.

  C.It is used to attract the attention of the critics and the voters.

  D.It is used to describe only the film “Rabbit Hole”.


  69.What is TRUE about the film “Rabbit Hole”?

  A.David Lindsay-Abaire and Nicole Kidman play the married coulple in it.

  B.David Lindsay-Abaire was starred in the film.

  C.The only child of the married couple in the film was lost.

  D.The film is based on the screen-play by Aaron Eckhart.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段的“...the film is about the aforementioned actors playing a married couple who are struggling,after eight months,to cope with the loss of their only child.”内容可知,影片中已婚夫妇的儿子丧生。

  70.Which of the following is in disagreement with the passage?

  A.“Rabbit Hole” and “Welcome to the Rileys” have the same issues in some way in the themes.

  B.The child in “Rabbit Hole” and “Welcome to the Rileys” both die of some natural cause.

  C.The leading and supporting performance of the film “Rabbit Hole” are good.

  D.In the opinion of the author,Kidman doesn’t perform any well.

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段的“...it touches on many of the same issues in “Welcome to the Rileys” which lost all of its early buzz,wasn’t sent out to critics via screenings or a DVD screener,and barely made a dent in the public psyche.”内容可知,两部电影在主题方面从某种程度上说阐述了同样的主题。

  71.How many films were mentioned in the text?





  解析:选A。 细节理解题。根据全文内容来看,一共提到了三部影片,即Rabbit Hole,Welcome to the Rileys和Love Happens。


  President Obama will address a joint sitting of the Australian

  parliament this week on a visit that marks the 60th anniversary of the military alliance between Canberra and Washington.The ANZUS (Australia,New Zealand,United States) treaty was signed in September 1951,at the height of the Cold War.

  Successive governments in Canberra have insisted that the alliance(联盟) is fundamental to Australia’s long-term security.

  In September,Hillary Clinton led the official celebrations of a treaty that has secured the security of Australia,which has become one of America’s most loyal allies.“We have come to San Francisco to celebrate 60 years of the U.S.-Australia alliance in the place where it was born back in 1951,” she said.

  No other country has contributed troops to fight alongside the United States in each of its major conflicts since World War Ⅰ.

  Although President Obama’s visit to Canberra and Darwin is expected to strengthen this long friendship,Geoffrey Garrett,the head of the United States Studies Center at the University of Sydney,says it is also likely to mark a decisive shift in U.S.diplomacy.

  Garrett believes that Australia is assuming a greater role in regional trade and security.

  “American leaders often say that the U.S.has no better friend in the world than Australia,” he stated.“I_think_that_is_true_because_Australia_is_the_most_important_U.S.partner_in_putting_the_trans-Pacific_free_trade_agreement_together_and_military_collaboration_and_cooperation_between_Australia_and_the_U.S.is_more_open_and_at_a_higher_level_than_I_believe_with_any_other_country_in_the_world,with_the_possible_exception_of_the_United_Kingdom.”

  【解题导语】 奥巴马访问澳大利亚既是对两国联盟的巩固也标志着其外交政策的转变。

  72.What symbolizes the 60th anniversary of the military alliance between Australia and America?

  A.A joint sitting.

  B.The ANZUS treaty.

  C.Obama’s visit to Australia.

  D.Obama’s address.


  73.All the following statement about the U.S.-Australia alliance is true EXCEPT________.

  A.it began from 1951 when the Cold War was at its height

  B.Obama led the formal celebrations of the alliance in September of this year

  C.the previous and present governments in Canberra have realized the significance of the alliance

  D.it has assured the security of Austrailia,being one of America’s most loyal allies


  74.According to Garrett,we can learn that________.

  A.Australia is playing a more important part in regional trade and security

  B.Obama’s visit to Australia is aimed to enhance the friendship and to mark a decisive shift in U.S. diplomacy

  C.Australia has become the best ally in the world of America

  D.Obama’s visit to Canberra and Darwin likely marks a critical turn in US diplomacy


  75.From the underlined words in the passage we can infer that________.

  A.America relies on Australia’s support in every area

  B.the close relationship between the two is more secret

  C.the UK is another ally of America as faithful as Australia

  D.Australia is more faithful than the UK in allying with America

  解析:选C。推理判断题。文中划线部分提到“...Australia and the U.S.is more open and at a higher level than I believe with any other country in the world,with the possible exception of the United Kingdom.” 由此可知,澳大利亚与美国的联盟比与世界上其他任何国家都更加公开也更高级,可能英国除外。故C项正确。


  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  My sister found a bird on the roadside.We named him

  Jack and kept him for about three years.He would g________ us76.____________

  in a tree outside our bedroom,calling “Hello” as we ________(躺) in77.____________

  bed in the morning.He also passed “Hello” ________ the cats when78.____________

  they came into the room.We often played a t________on him.79.____________

  We’d throw a ________(硬币) as far as possible.Jack would fly away80.____________

  and bring it back for us to throw again.He would also ________(接住)81.____________

  the food t________ to him from the other side of the room and82.____________

  sing happily.________ the most wonderful thing about Jack83.____________

  was his musical a________.Leaving him at home all day,we84.____________

  would return at night to hear what he’d ________up from the radio in the day.85.____________

  答案:76.greet 77.lay 78.to 79.trick 80.coin

  81.catch 82.thrown 83.But 84.ability 85.picked

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假如你叫李华,暑假期间要去英国Embassy English Language School (EELS) 进行短期学习。以下是英方学校寄给你的课程安排选择表。请你仔细阅读课程表,按要求给校方回一封信。

  Schedule for EELS Summer English Courses

  English Courses Total Hours of Study Total Hours of Part-time Job Date

  Six-week course 120 48 July 1-August 15

  Four-week course 60 No Job but Tour Instead July 1-August 1

  Please include the following:

  1.Your choice and possible reasons;

  2.Your present English level;

  3.Specific language skill you want to improve;4.Other personal requirements.



  Dear Sir,

  Thank you for your offer of inviting me to the summer English course in your school.








  One possible version:


  Thank_you_for_your_offer_of_inviting_me_to_the_summer_English_course_in_your_school.As for my choice between the two courses,I prefer the four-week course for 60 hours of study.Because this would allow me more time to do some traveling and make a few new friends too.

  Of all the subjects I’m learning at school,I like English best.I have been learning English for 6 years but my spoken English remains poor.So I hope to take this chance to improve it.If possible,I’d like to stay with a family for a couple of days so that I can know some customs in England.I believe I will have a wonderful time this summer.

  Yours truly,

  Li Hua


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