2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练必修1 Unit1(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练必修1 Unit1(北师大版)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修1Unit 1

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. People in the world all want a (和平的)environment.

  2. We asked him to assist us in (设计) a new bridge.

  3. The (志愿者)for community service are doing a good job.

  4. He needs a high income to (供养)such a large family.

  5. The matter can wait until the next meeting; it’s not (紧急的).

  6. In fact, teaching can be a tiring and (有压力的)job.

  7. How (放松的) the wonderful music on the TV sounds to me!

  8. Many children (宁愿)to play games on the computer rather than play outside.

  9. Some fat people (遭受) from some diseases, high blood pressure, for example.

  10. As we all know, we students are (应该)to concentrate on our studies.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1. At night, I watch more films and I usually

  the TV at about two o’clock. I never watch TV all night.

  A. switch on

  B. switch off

  C. switch over

  D. switch down

  2. [2012石家庄模拟]—I just can’t stop worrying about the result of the job interview.

  —. There’s nothing you can do now but wait.

  A. Relax

  B. Go ahead

  C. Go for it

  D. Good luck

  3. Today, afternoon tea parties continue to _______ the social life of wealthy people in modern Britain.

  A. take good care of

  B. pay much attention to

  C. play an important part in

  D. have no access to

  4. —Jones!

  Roy has broken the glass.

  —_______ Such things happen.

  A. Doesn’t matter.

  B. How come?

  C. What a pity!

  D. What has become of him?

  5. [2012福州模拟]Iraqi leaders on Tuesday called for _______ talks among the country’s political parties to end the deepening political crisis.

  A. confident

  B. brilliant

  C. generous

  D. urgent

  6. She seems to prefer _______ American TV shows to talking to me.

  A. to watch

  B. to be watching

  C. watching

  D. having watched

  7. [2012厦门模拟]The natural park built recently is very important for protecting wild animals, which will

  risk being hunted.

  A. otherwise

  B. therefore

  C. though

  D. thus

  8. [2012台州模拟]If the consequence appears unimportant, then why not just

  the challenge of making the decision?

  A. pick up

  B. take up

  C. look up

  D. bring up

  9. Intelligent students can always _______ good solutions to problems.

  A. put up with

  B. come up with

  C. keep up with

  D. catch up with

  10.[2012泉州模拟]—When shall we go to visit the Great Wall?

  —Make it any day you like; it doesn’tto me.

  A. matter

  B. occur

  C. appeal

  D. react

  11.[2012南通模拟]—So hard

  in the past few months that he has made great progress in English.

  —I can see that; only a few mistakes appeared in this exam.

  A. he had worked

  B. had he worked

  C. he has worked

  D. has he worked

  12. Since we can’t find a better way to do the work at present, why _______ his advice?

  A. follow not

  B. not follow

  C. to not follow

  D. not to follow

  13. The National Day golden week holiday is coming. _______ going to the West Lake?

  A. Why not

  B. So what

  C. How come

  D. How about

  14.[2012北京模拟]The train

  arrive at 11: 30, but was an hour late.

  A. was about to

  B. was likely to

  C. was supposed to

  D. was certain to

  15. [2012威海模拟]—If you could reduce the price

  $20, I could increase my order.

  —I’m afraid the best I can do is $22.

  A. at

  B. for

  C. by

  D. to

  Ⅲ. 课文填词

  I usually wake up before my alarm clock goes off. 1.

  moment I hear the alarm clock,

  I jump out of my bed.

  And I 2. s

  about fifteen minutes getting ready for work. Of course, I’m always the first 3. p

  who gets to the office.

  My whole day is 4. ______,

  and meetings and phone calls 5. t

  up most part of the day.

  And every minute of the day is full of urgent matters.

  Not 6. ______ around eight o’clock can I find some time to do my own 7. ______ (文书工作)and answer my personal e-mails.

  It is at around midnight 8.

  I get to bed,

  by which time my wife and children are 9. ______ (睡觉了).

  My wife often complains about my not 10.

  (陪伴) her and children,

  for I would rather be busy than have nothing to do.

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解


  BEIJING(0120—2012) —Zhao Benshan,

  one of the most famous Chinese comics(喜剧演员),

  announced on Thursday that he has decided to be absent from the Spring Festival Evening Party,

  mainland’s most-viewed show,

  which is organized by China Central Television (CCTV) and staged on the eve of Spring Festival.

  Every year since 1990,

  the 55-year-old Liaoning native,

  has taken part in the show. But according to a statement released by CCTV on its micro-blog on Thursday,

  Zhao will not appear because of his fatigue.

  Zhao has fully prepared for his part in the show and has participated in several rehearsals (彩排) though he has been ill,

  according to the statement,

  but he finally decided to leave the show because “he felt exhausted and excessively tired”.

  “Zhao’s leave will not affect our schedule for the show, ” said Ma Xin,

  who works for CCTV. However,

  Ma refused to give more details about Zhao’s sudden decision to leave. On Thursday afternoon,

  more than 9 million users on Sina weibo,

  China’s most popular micro-blogging service,

  have expressed their opinions on this news item.

  A Beijing micro-blogger who uses the name Mengguniang said she felt disappointed and shocked after learning Zhao will not be featured in this year’s show. “I look forward to watching Zhao’s funny performance every year, ” she said.

  Some people say they do not believe that Zhao quits because of his illness and think the real reason is that he lacks the ability to put on a good show after all these years.

  Some audience in the south are not very interested in his shows because of regional cultural gaps and their intolerance of Zhao’s northeastern accent.

  1. What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A. Something about the Spring Festival Evening Party.

  B. A popular comic won’t appear at the Spring Festival Evening Party.

  C. Zhao Benshan is exhausted and tired.

  D. Most people are sad about Zhao’s decision.

  2. The underlined word “fatigue” in the second paragraph means that Zhao is ______.

  A. old

  B. fat

  C. unhappy

  D. tired

  3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. All Chinese like to watch Zhao’s shows.

  B. Zhao didn’t prepare for the Spring Festival Evening Party.

  C. Mengguniang was sad about Zhao’s decision.

  D. Over ten million users on Sina weibo were concerned about the news.

  4. Some audience in the south are not very interested in Zhao’s shows because ______.

  A. Zhao’s shows are in low level

  B. of regional cultural gaps and Zhao’s northeastern accent

  C. Zhao lacks the ability to put on a good show

  D. Zhao looks like a farmer in a small countryside


  More and more English-educated Chinese Singaporean parents are realizing the importance for their children to be not only good at the all-important English language, but also good at Chinese. China has become a great political and economic superpower and they want their children to become bilingual.

  It is common knowledge that, to master any language, especially one’s mother tongue, one must begin from childhood. But there are challenges and barriers for children of English-speaking homes to succeed in their journey towards bilingualism.

  Take my family as an example. While my wife and I are products of English education, we had some foundation (基础) in Chinese which we kept up in our working life. But the language of communication in our home is mainly English.

  We are glad that our three children had between eight and eleven years’ Chinese schooling before switching over to English schools. Their foundation in Chinese has become an advantage in their adult life. They can hold their own in the spoken language, but would find it hard to write a business letter in Chinese for lack of usage.

  We have a grandson who will be two years old shortly. His parents have given my wife and I the unenviable(令人为难的,令人不愉快的) task of making him bilingual. It is a very tough assignment, as we are with him for only a couple of hours on most days. For the rest of the time, he is being surrounded by English sounds by his busy parents.

  Fortunately, our perseverance is paying off. After eight months, he has been used to hearing Chinese sounds, and even he can now quite comfortably identify common everyday objects in Chinese.

  5. Why is it becoming necessary for some Chinese Singaporean children to learn Chinese?

  A. Because most of the Singaporeans come from China.

  B. Because their parents are missing their motherland.

  C. Because China has become a great political and economic superpower.

  D. Because China is the official language in the UN.

  6. The underlined word “bilingual” in Paragraph 1 probably means ______.

  A. a person who knows English

  B. a person who knows Chinese

  C. a person who knows only one language

  D. a person who knows two languages

  7. What do we know about the author and his children?

  A. He lives in China now.

  B. His children hate learning English.

  C. He usually speaks English at home.

  D. His three children master Chinese very well.

  8. The author uses the example of teaching his grandson mainly to prove that ______.

  A. there are challenges for children of English-speaking homes to learn Chinese

  B. his foundation in Chinese is a big advantage in teaching his grandson

  C. he is quite good at teaching little children Chinese

  D. learning Chinese is very popular in Singapore


  Ⅰ. 1. peaceful

  2. designing

  3. volunteers

  4. support

  5. urgent

  6. stressful

  7. relaxing

  8. prefer

  9. suffer

  10. supposed

  Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选B。switch on打开; switch off关掉; switch over转换;switch down调小。

  2.【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意:——我一直禁不住地担心工作面试的结果。——放松点。现在除了等待,你什么也做不了。relax放松点;go ahead去吧,做吧;go for it努力争取,加油;good luck祝你好运。根据句意选A。

  3.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。这四个短语均是动词+名词+介词的结构。take good care of“好好照看”; pay much attention to “重视”; play an important part in“在……中起重要作用”; have no access to “不能进入, 没有使用权”。

  4.【解析】选A。考查交际用语。句意:——琼斯!罗伊打碎了玻璃杯。——不要紧。这是常有的事儿。Doesn’t matter. 不要紧,没关系;How come?

  是怎么回事,为什么?What a pity! 真遗憾!What has become of him? 他是怎么了?根据语境选A。


  6.【解析】选C。考查prefer的用法。句意:她似乎更喜欢看美国电视节目而不愿跟我谈话。prefer doing to doing与……相比,更喜欢做某事,排除A、B;而having watched表示的动作发生在主句谓语表示的动作之前,显然不合逻辑,排除D,故选C。




  He said he would come to the party, he didn’t, though.



  Young though she is, yet she is fit for the job.

  Young as she is, yet she is fit for the job.



  Child though he was, he did quite well.


  (3)as though=as if 好像 even though=even if 即使

  8.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果结果看起来不重要,那为什么不接受作这个决定的挑战呢? pick up捡起;take up接受;占据;look up查阅;bring up提出;教育;培养。根据句意选B。

  9.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:聪明的学生总是能够提出解决问题的好办法。put up with忍受;come up with提出;keep up with与……保持一致,不落后于;catch up with追上,赶上。根据句意选B。

  10.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:——我们什么时候去参观长城?——随你喜欢的哪一天都可以;这对我来说无所谓。It doesn’t matter没关系,不要紧;occur想起;appeal吸引;react反应。根据句意选A。

  11.【解析】选D。考查固定句式。句意:——在过去的几个月里他学习如此努力以至于他的英语取得了很大的进步。——我看到了,在这次考试中他只犯了几处错误。“so +adj. /adv. + that从句”结构中,如将so+adj. /adv. 置于句首,主句主谓部分要进行部分倒装,排除A、C;由in the past few months可知用现在完成时态,排除B项。答案选D。

  12.【解析】选B。考查固定句式。句意:既然目前我们找不到一个做这项工作的更好的办法,为什么不听从他的建议呢?“why not + 动词原形”为固定句式,常用来提出建议,意为“为什么不……呢?”,故选B。【变式备选】

  Now that he likes surfing the Internet very much, why not

  him a laptop as his birthday present?

  A. buy

  B. to buy

  C. buying

  D. bought

  【解析】选A。考查固定句式。句意:既然他很喜欢上网,为什么不给他买一部笔记本电脑作为他的生日礼物呢?why not后面跟动词原形,意为“为什么不做某事呢”,表示提出建议。

  13.【解析】选D。考查固定句式。句意:国庆黄金周就要到了。我们去西湖怎么样?Why not后跟动词原形,表提出建议,意为“为什么不……”;So what“那又怎么样呢”;How come. . . “……是怎么回事,为什么”;How about. . . 表提出建议,后跟名词或动名词作宾语,意为“……怎么样”,故选D。

  14.【解析】选C。句意:火车应该十一点半到站,但是晚了一个小时。be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事。

  15.【解析】选D。句意:——如果你能把价格降到20美元,我就增加订单。——恐怕我最低只能降到22美元。reduce. . . to. . . 表示把……降到……。

  Ⅲ. 答案:1. The2. spend

  3. person

  4. busy

  5. take

  6. until

  7. paperwork

  8. that

  9. asleep

  10. accompanying

  Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选B。主旨大意题。从第一段就可以得知文章是对赵本山退出春晚的报道,故答案选B。A、C和D项都是细节。









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