2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练选修6 Unit16(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练选修6 Unit16(北师大版)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  选修Unit 16

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. Thanks to science we have learned to tell the difference between (幻想) and reality.

  2. It is

  (不正常的) for a man to walk in his sleep.

  3. The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without


  4. Urban inhabitants have to live with the

  (特有的)noises of cities.

  5. Don’ t let one failure

  (使气馁) you, and try again.

  6. Few people realized the

  (重要性) of the discovery.

  7. Would you care to comment upon any

  (令人头痛的,麻烦的)students in your class?

  8. It looked as if her situation was becoming


  9. I have the bicycle now but my sister was the


  10. We are

  (特别地)grateful to him for his timely help.

  Ⅱ. 完成句子

  1. 是孩子们打破窗户的。

  broke the window.

  2. 他打量着我,就像在审判我的灵魂一样。

  He measured me .

  3. 他又冷又饿,放下工作就回家了。

  , he stopped working and went home.

  4. 既然你把所有东西都准备好了,我们可以开始了。

  , we can get started.


  It was the first time

  his work in print.

  Ⅲ. 单项填空

  1. [2012 兰州模拟], his suggestion is not useful, though it sounds very interesting.

  A.Generally speakingB.To be honest

  C.In particularD.On the contrary

  2. [2012 成都模拟]—Do you think he will come to my birthday party?


  —That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him.

  A. You can count on it

  B. I don’t know for sure

  C. You can believe him

  D. It depends

  3. The first decade in the 21st century _______ the rapid rise of China as a world economic power.

  A. witness

  B. has witnessed

  C. will witness

  D. have witnessed

  4. [2012宿州模拟]The project to be accomplished by the end of 2016 will

  the city’s telephone network to cover 2, 000, 000 users.

  A. expand

  B. express

  C. explode

  D. explore

  5. —My son has got a straight A in all his final exams.

  —What a _______ boy!


  A. promising

  B. predictable

  C. eager

  D. curious

  6.—Have you _______ some new ideas?

  —Yeah. I’ll tell you later.

  A. come across

  B. put off

  C. come up with

  D. put up with

  7. Scientists tell us to _______ drinks with caffeine and not to read scary books before bedtime to make our dreams sweeter.

  A. abandon

  B. avoid

  C. escape

  D. drop

  8. As soon as she heard the _______ news of his death, she _______ tears.

  A. shocked; burst out

  B. shocking; burst into

  C. shocked; burst into

  D. shocking; burst out

  9. It _______ me that I should treat myself a dinner after such an exhausting examination.

  A. happened

  B. struck

  C. occurred

  D. took

  10. You look happy every day but I really wonder how you _______ their endless quarrel.

  A. look down upon

  B. put up with

  C. keep up with

  D. look forward to

  11. In the US,usually the kids are encouraged to take part in community service

  the voluntary spirit can take root in their minds from childhood.

  A. only if

  B. now that

  C. so that

  D. when

  12. Seeing my old friends after 20 years, I felt as if my heart would _______joy.

  A. burst by

  B. burst with

  C. bursting by

  D. bursting with


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