2014高考英语一轮复习活页练习:1-2 Word版含解析(人教版)-查字典英语网
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2014高考英语一轮复习活页练习:1-2 Word版含解析(人教版)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 English around the world


  1.I haven't seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond______.




  解析 句意:自从Sara还是孩子的时候,我就一直没见过她。她现在已经变得(让人)认不出来了。beyond recognition—impossible to recognize无法辨认。

  答案 C

  2.Drunk driving,which was once a________occurrence,is now under control.





  解析 句意:酒后驾车,在过去曾是经常发生的事,现在已得到了控制。本题考查形容词辨析。general一般的,普通的;frequent时常发生的;normal正常的,标准的;particular特别的,独有的。

  答案 B

  3.You've failed to do what you________to and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.

  A.will expect

  B.will be expected


  D.were expected

  解析 句意:你没有按照预期的要求去做,恐怕老师会责怪你。本题考查动词的时态和语态。由句意可知you和expect之间是被动关系,故A、C两项被排除;结合句子前后的两个时态可知设空处使用将来时不合适,B也被排除。

  答案 D

  4.The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair________he wanted to sit next to his wife.





  解析 句意:那位老人请Lucy换坐另一把椅子,因为他想挨着他妻子坐。本题考查状语从句引导词。由句意分析前后为因果关系,所以选because。A.尽管;B.除非;C.因为;D.如果。

  答案 C

  5.Alexander tried to get his work________in the medical circles.

  A.to recognize




  解析 句意:Alexander试图使自己的工作在医学界得到认可。本题考查非谓语动词作宾补。get sth done表示使某事被做,如get my hair cut表示理发;get her finger burnt表示她的手指被烧伤。

  答案 D

  6.Today the number of people learning English in China________rapidly.

  A.is increasing

  B.are increasing

  C.has increased


  解析 考查主谓一致。当the number of结构在句中作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数形式,同时,本句所描述的是当前大的时间段内正在发生的动作,故要用现在进行时,故正确答案为A。

  答案 A

  7.If you let challenges and difficulties benefit________depress you,much more can be accomplished than you thought possible.

  A.more than

  B.rather than

  C.less than

  D.other than

  解析 考查连词用法。句意:如果你让挑战和困难使你受益而不是让你感到沮丧,你就可以获得比你想像可得到的更多的东西。rather than而不是;more than多于,超过;less than少于;other than除了,不同于。

  答案 B

  8.Having lived in China for 8 years,Helen has a good________of both English and Chinese.





  解析 句意:海伦在中国已经生活了8年,所以精通英语和汉语。have a good command of...精通……。

  答案 C

  9.It is requested that each of the teachers invited________a performance at the party.

  A.should give

  B.will give

  C.has to give

  D.must give

  解析 考查虚拟语气。request“要求”其后所接的宾语从句,以及所在的主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中,均采用虚拟语气should do结构。

  答案 A

  10.The way________was thought of by him was similar to the way________you carried it out.


  B.which ;in which



  解析 the way作先行词,其后的定语从句中若不缺少主语及宾语,则其引导词可为that/in which/省略不填;若其后的定语从句缺少主语或宾语则应考虑填that/which。分析句子结构可知应选B。

  答案 B

  11.________on a true story,the film is well worth________.

  A.To base;to see


  C. Basing;being seen


  解析 考查短语的搭配及非谓语动词的用法。base sth on以……为基础,base与其逻辑主语the film之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词形式作状语;be worth doing值得做,doing为主动形式表示被动含义。句意:由于以真实的故事为根据,这部电影很值得看。

  答案 B

  12.Unemployment in that country is likely to remain high in 2016,and________for the next few years.





  解析 考查副词词义辨析。possibly可能; necessarily有必要地;gradually逐渐地;normally正常地。句意:2016年那个国家的失业率可能还会很高,并有可能持续到接下来的好几年。

  答案 A

  13.Nowadays,we all know that the part that China________in the international affairs________all over the world.

  A.plays;is widely praised

  B.plays;is wide praised

  C.takes;widely praised

  D.takes;wide praised

  解析 第一空考查短语的变式运用。play a part in在……中起作用;在……中扮演角色;而take part in参加;第二空考查短语的搭配。be widely praised受到广泛赞扬。

  答案 A

  14.In a way I can see what you mean,even though I don't________your point of view.





  解析 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知应为分享你的观点之意。agree意为同意,后接about/on sth;permit允许,准许;recognize认识,认出,均与语境不相符。share为分享,这里可引申为认同。

  答案 D

  15.We had a big meal in a fine restaurant last Monday and the total cost________five hundred dollars.

  A.came through

  B.came in

  C.came out with

  D.came to

  解析 考查动词短语的辨析。come through传来;(病后)康复;come in进来;come out with说出;come to合计;共计;达到。

  答案 D



  These days,there are very few wild animals left in the UK.The wolves have gone.The bears have been hunted to extinction.Fortunately,there are a few badgers(獾)...oh,well,actually,not for long as the British government have just decided to kill them too!But why?

  Badgers are fascinating nocturnal(夜间活动的)creatures,living underground.They're extremely brave,fighting off larger animals such as bears and wolves.The problem is that some badgers carry“bovine tuberculosis”(bTB)—an infectious disease caused by the bacterium M.bovis which can cause TB in some other animals,including cattle.For farmers,this is a serious issue,because they usually keep a large number of cows together to raise.In 1998 in the UK,almost 6,000 cows were killed to control the disease.And in 2010,more than 30,000 animals were destroyed.Bovine TB costs the UK about £100 million per year.And some believe that the disease could end up costing the economy £9 billion over the next 40 years if nothing is done about it.

  Experts say that badgers are responsible for about 50% of the infected cattle.So,after much debate,the government has agreed to kill badgers.

  Of course,many are against the measure.They claim that killing the badgers in controlled zones wouldn't work because badgers from neighboring areas would simply move in and become infected too.Furthermore,the number of cattle in one spot is usually very large.They believe that the way cattle_are_raised_intensively,and transported around to lots of different farms during their lives is probably the biggest cause of the spread of the disease.

  【语篇解读】 英国政府决定杀獾,理由是该动物常携带传染性的牛结核病,会造成严重的经济损失。

  1.Why does the UK government want to kill badgers?

  A.Because badgers are responsible for all the bTB­infected cattle.

  B.Because a disease connected with badgers has caused a big loss.

  C.Because badgers are very easy to become infected with bTB.

  D.Because cattle are often with badgers which may carry bTB.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,由于一些獾有牛结核病,传染给了其他的动物,导致大量动物死亡或被杀,从而造成极大的经济损失,这是英国政府决定杀獾的原因所在。

  答案 B

  2.Some people believe that killing badgers in certain areas doesn't help because________.

  A.badgers nearby would occupy where the killed badgers once lived

  B.badgers are often transported around to lots of different farms

  C.the disease will still exist there with all the cattle infected

  D.the government doesn't have a good knowledge of the disease

  解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“They claim that killing...because badgers from neighboring areas would simply move in and become infected too.”可知,应选A。

  答案 A

  3.What's the main idea of the passage?

  A.The UK government has decided to kill badgers to control the disease.

  B.Very few wild animals exist in the UK these days except badgers.

  C.A lot of people are against killing badgers for some reasons.

  D.A large sum of money has been spent controlling the disease.

  解析 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是英国政府已经决定杀獾以控制牛结核病的传播。文中介绍了杀獾的原因,也陈述了一些人反对这项措施的理由,而C项只讲述了一个方面,应排除,故选A。

  答案 A

  4.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

  A.Cattle are often kept separately to prevent diseases.

  B.Many cattle are gathered in one area to raise.

  C.Cattle are raised very carefully and attentively.

  D.Cattle are cared for by sick farmers sometimes.

  解析 句意理解题。根据画线部分前面的“the number of cattle in one spot is usually very large”可知,画线部分表示“牛被集中饲养”,故B项正确。

  答案 B


  One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might have spent too much time with electronic devices rather than experiencing the natural world.Fear­producing TV and computer games are leading to a serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, which will change the wild places of the world, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child's play.

  Each of us had a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes. “If the decline in parks use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment(蚕食)?” asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods.

  Without having a nature experience, kids can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a huge enrichment of their lives. That applies to everything from their physical health and mental health, to stress levels, creativity and cognitive(认知的) skills. Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parents—and they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it;

  research suggests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that

  play in nature fosters(培养) leadership. Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child.The three­year­old turning over his first rock realizes he is not alone in the world. A

  clump(丛) of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes. We really need to value

  that more.

  Kids are not to blame. They are over­protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there

  from time to time, but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a

  childhood rite(仪式)of passage.

  Everyone from developers to schools and outdoorsy citizens, should help regain for our kids

  some of the freedom and joy of exploring, taking friendship in fields and woods that strengthen

  love, respect and need for the landscape. As parents, we should devote some of our energies to

  taking our kids into nature. This could yet be our greatest cause.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了现在的孩子们大都沉迷于电视和网络,很少外出去体验大自然,致使身体和心理都不如从前的孩子们那样健康。作者表达了对这一状况的担忧。

  5.According to Paragraph 2, the writer thinks that________.

  A.we are the last generation to experience nature

  B.Richard Louv doesn't defend parks against encroachment

  C.without a nature experience, kids are missing lots of fun

  D.children should grow up to be protectors of nature

  解析 推理判断题。难度中等。根据文章第二段倒数第二句“At this rate,kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes.”可推知,作者认为孩子们长大后应该成为自然的保护者。故答案选D。

  答案 D

  6.Which of the following is not listed as a reason for children being disconnected

  with nature?

  A.The wild has been more dangerous than ever.

  B.Parents are too protective of their children.

  C.TV plays sometimes inspire fear into children's heart.

  D.Many children are lost in the world of technology.

  解析 细节理解题。难度中等。文章中并未提及A项;根据文章第四段第二句可知,B项正确;根据文章第一段第二句可知,C、D两项均正确。故答案选A。

  答案 A

  7.According to the passage, children without experiencing nature will________.

  A.keep a high sense of wonder

  B.be over­protected by their parents

  C.be less healthy both physically and mentally

  D.change wild places and creatures for the better

  解析 细节理解题。难度较小。根据文章第三段中的“Without having a nature experience...from their physical health and mental health...”可知,答案选C。

  答案 C

  8.According to the author, children's breaking an arm is________.

  A.the fault on the part of their parents

  B.the natural experience in their growing up

  C.the result of their own carelessness in play

  D.the effect of their repetitive stress from computers

  解析 推理判断题。难度中等。根据文章第四段最后一句“It is dangerous out there from time to time...is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite(仪式)of passage.”可推知,在作者看来,children's breaking an arm是孩子们在成长过程中的自然经历。故答案选B。

  答案 B

  9.In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to________.

  A.blame children for getting lost in computer games

  B.encourage children to protect parks from encroachment

  C.show his concern about children's lack of experience in nature

  D.inspire children to keep the sense of wonder about things around

  解析 作者意图题。难度中等。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了现在的孩子们大都沉迷于电视和网络,很少外出去体验大自然,致使身体和心理都不如从前的孩子们那样健康。作者在字里行间都流露出对这一状况的担忧。故答案选C。

  答案 C

  10.Which of the following can be used as the title for the passage?

  A.Too much play spoils a child

  B.Getting closer to nature relieve stress

  C.Outdoor activities build up character

  D.Take kids to nature more often for their growth

  解析 标题根据题。难度中等。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了现在的孩子很少外出去体验大自然,致使身体和心理都不如从前的孩子们那样健康。所以D项最适合做文章的标题。故答案选D。

  答案 D


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