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发布时间:2016-12-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Passage **

  Fred and I haven’t many in common. I sometimes  . __________

  wonder why we were friends at all. Fred is  . __________

  always busy make things. Everything he makes is . __________

  so perfect that I sometime feel envy at his skill.. __________

  My trouble is that I’m one of those lazy people. . __________

  Outside my work at the office, the only thing which  . __________

  interests me is listening to the music. I have a . __________

  big collection of records but all day long the 8. __________

  only thing I can think is when I’m going to 9. __________

  get home listen to a new piece.. __________

  【参考答案】Key 12 1) many--much  2) 3) make

  making 4) sometime--sometimes  5) right 6) which – that 7) 8) but

  and 9) think 后加about10) listen 前加to (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  Don’t take cell phones away or cut Internet connections as a consequence of being bullied. Never imply that getting bullied is your child’s fault.

  ●Record the details.

  Write down the details—the date,who was involved and what specifically happened.Record the facts as objectively as possible.



  Start with a teacher who knows your child well. Ask whether your child’s classroom behavior has changed or if there are any other warning signs. You might also consult a school dean, counselor or other school contact.


  . Ask for help to solve the bullying problem. Keep notes on these meetings. Remember that it can take time for teachers and administrators to look into bullying in a fair and factual way.

  ●Ask for a copy of the school’s policy on bullying.

  Find out how bullying is addressed in the school’s curriculum, as well as how staff members are supposed to respond to known or suspected bullying.

  If these steps don’t seem to help or your child has been hurt by continued bullying, consult a mental health provider.


  Taking legal action to break bullying can make your community safer for all teens.


  Even if your child doesn’t confess(承认) to being bullied,offer specific suggestions to stop bullying.

  A.Explain your concerns in a matter-of-fact way.

  B.Talk to your child about teen bullying.

  C.Repot dangerous situations.

  D.Tell your child that you’ll do everything in your power to help.

  E.You might also consider talking to a lawyer.

  F.Just say“stop”or walk away from the bully.

  G.Meet with school authorities.

  参考答案------71-75 DGAFB



  passage 13

  Mary was an university student. She didn’t have

  much 1 ____

  money and her parents were not rich, and she had an uncle 2. ____

  who had been fortunately enough to collect great wealth.

  3. ____

  He always give her valuable Christmas and birthday presents. 4. ____

  When her uncle’s birthday came round, Mary wanted

  buy him 5. ____

  something really special, but because she was rich, she did not 6. ____

  know how to get him. She went into the best shop in her

  7. ____

  town and explained what her problem was to one of helpful

  8. ____

  shop assistants. Finally she asked, “What do you have for

  9. ____

  someone who has already got everything he wants or needs. 10

  The assistant sighed deeply and answered, “Envy, only envy.”

  【参考答案】Key 13

  an—a 2 and—but 3 fortunately—fortunate 4 give—gave

  5to buy 6.she—he 7how-what8the helpful.

  9 assistant -- assistants 10 right




  A. Jowett’s Railway Centers

  Packed with information about 20 British railway centers, this wonderful book is handwritten and illustrated (图解) throughout with clear hand-drawn maps. It is a true collector’s piece for those who are in interested in railways.

  B. The British River

  Alan Titchmarsh explores 18 rivers, telling their interesting stories with his appreciation of them. A saying from a past age introduces each chapter as his exploration moves across the English countryside.

  C. The Oxford Book of Exploration

  This is a collection of the writing of explorers through centuries. It describes the feelings and experiences of these adventurers who changed the world through their search for new lands.

  D. Train Journeys of the World

  First-hand descriptions of 30 of the world’s most beautiful railway journeys are found together with specially drawn maps and wonderful photographs that show the people and places on the routes

  E. The Book of French Life

  This beautiful volume contains forty wonderful photographs that show the very nature of French life. It is a perfect gift for anyone who finds this country as wonderful as Shirley Pike does.

  F. Walks and Tours in France

  Explore wonderful and pretty France with 61 expertly researched motor tours and 114 walks, complete with route directions, maps and descriptions and pictures of places of interest for travelers.


  1. Patrick is planning to travel round the world by train. He would like a book with pictures and maps to take with him on his long journeys.

  2. Mrs. Brown used to love visiting France, but now she is too old to travel. She wants a book with lots of photographs, which will help her remember everything she enjoyed.

  3. The Smiths are planning to go on holiday round France. They intended to drive their car and go for walks, so they need a book with maps and pictures to guide them on their way.

  4. Mark wants to buy a book as a present for his friend John. John enjoys fishing and driving round England.

  5. Peter has to write something for his history teacher about world explorers. He wants to know about explorers from the past and their travels to different parts of the world.





  As the world enters the 21st century, the development in the 1 _____

  science and technology will bring us much more new hopes and 2_____

  chance we`ve never imagined before.People are hoping have 3_____

  a peacefully and highly developed world.To catch up with 4_____

  the new development and to be success in the new century the 5____

  younger generation is required to have different kind of skills 6____

  and abilities, such like the computer science and the English 7____

  language.Otherwise one will be left behind.Young people should 8____

  study even hard at school and prepare themselves mentally 9____ and physically to meet with the challenge of the new century 10____

  【参考答案】Key 14

  1.in the science –in science


  3.hoping to





  8 right

  9 hard—harder

  10去掉 with




  Passage **

  Mark Twain was born in a small town of Horid.When he is only 1___

  twelve years old, his father died.Late he became a river boat pilot.2_____

  Mark Twain was her pen name.During the American Civil War 3_____

  He worked as a reporter and write a lot of stories.Gradually he 4____

  made his mark and his work were popular.He became one of the 5_____

  best known writer of the 19th century in the U.S.A.In his life 6____

  Mark Twain wrote the number of stories and novels, on which 7____

  “Adventure of Tom Sawyer” is the most famous one.His writings 8____

  have been translated to many other languages, and they are 9_____

  deeply love by the readers all over the world.

  10 ___

  【参考答案】Key 15

  1is—was 2 Late-later 3.her—his 4.write—wrote

  5 work—works 6.writer—writers

  7.the—a 8.right 9 to—into 10.loved



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