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发布时间:2016-12-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



  In my hometown there used to be a temple with a

  76. ________

  history of over eight hundred years. It lies in a

  77. ________

  valley with green hills around it. It was such beautiful 78. ________

  and famous that many tourists came visit it every

  79. ________

  day. They took photo; they wrote down their names on 80. ________

  the walls, they were brought food and drink and left rubbish 81. ________

  everywhere. One day some toursts did a fire to cook 82. ________

  food near the temple. All of sudden, a strong wind 83. ________

  blew. The wooden temple caught fire. Soon the wholly 84. ________

  temple was burned out and only a little walls remained. 85. ________

  The beautiful temple disappeared.


  76. to后加 be

  77. lies-lay

  78. such so

  79. came后加to

  80. photo-photos


  82. did-made

  83. of后加a

  84. wholly-whole

  85. little-few



  A.Groovy Movies

  Tune in every Friday night at 7 p.m.and Sunday at 6 p.m.for fun-filled successful movies that the whole family can enjoy!

  B.Ready or Not

  Follow the ups and downs of life with best friends Amanda Zimm and Busy Ramone as they deal with adolescence, boys, family, school and friends.The series began with the girls in the seventh grade but later progressed to the eighth and the ninth grades.

  C.Are You Afraid of the Dark?

  A group of kids calling themselves “The Midnight Society” sit around a campfire sharing scary stories.Creepy, but never excessively frightening, common subjects include haunted houses(鬼屋), what goes on behind the neighbor’s walls, and other things that go bump at night.

  D.The Secret Show

  The Secret Show is about secret people doing secret things.Special agents Victor Volt and Anita Kningt work for U.Z.Z, protecting the world against the evil forces of T.H.E.M.Victor and Anita manage to save the world—or large part of it.

  E.Serious Amazon

  Serious Amazon follows eight young adventurers as they face the dangers of the Peruvian Amazon, exploring the habitat and meeting the inhabitants who rely on the river for their survival.Living with the local tribes, they help with various projects, including building an enclosure for rare red uakari monkeys(红秃猴).


  Mr.Bean, one of the world’s most popular comedy characters, is back, but this time he’s a cartoon hero, appearing in a new series of animated adventures! Rowan Atkinson provides his voice for these happy animated adventures.


  1.Tom is a brave young boy.He loves to watch horrible movies in his spare time.Now it’s summer holiday and he wants to watch one of this kind of programs which can somewhat scare other people.

  2.Mary is 14 years old this year.She likes watching shows on TV.Because she is now passing into adolescence, her mother asks her to watch some TV programs which can help her deal with problems girls at her age will meet.

  3.Mike dreams to be an adventurer when he grows up, so he is fond of watching programs from which he can learn some skills and knowledge on how to explore a new place.Since he has no classes this weekend, he decides to watch such a program.

  4.George likes watching programs about secret agents.He feels excited when the agents achieve their goals at last.So every week, he is sure to watch one of these kinds of program.

  5.Jane likes watching comedies in her spare time.She is crazy about the characters that are lively and funny.When she is watching her favorite TV programs, nothing can tear her away from the sofa.

  C  B  E  D F






  此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。




  Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, 76._______

  I should try to save electricity in our daily life. For example,


  if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening,


  I will always remember to turn on the lights. In order to


  protect our forests, I will use paper wise. I should try


  to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I would


  not use things like paper cup and disposable chopsticks


  because they are made of wood. I believe that by doing all


  these small things will improve our environment but help


  make our world the much better place to live.



  76. √


  78. leave 前加to。非谓语动词的错误。这里用不定式做定语修饰the last person .

  79. on→off。动词短语的错误。语境表示把灯关掉而不是打开,因此用turn on。

  80. wise→wisely。副词的错误。用 而不是形容词做状语表示方式。

  81. would→will。时态的错误。这里与语境保持一致,用一般将来时而不是过去将来时。

  82. cup→cups。名词的错误。用复数名词cups表示泛指。


  84. but→and连词的错误。这里表示顺接和递进关系,用连词and而不是but。

  85. the→a。冠词的错误。这里表示“一个更好的地方”,用a better place而不是“那个更好的地方”;注意后面的place to live是正确的,可以将掉尾介词in省略。


  第二节:Peter, Catherine, Helen, Elizabeth和Levin 正在澳门科技大学学习,在休息日他们想去参观澳门的众多的博物馆(A-F),请根据他们各自的兴趣帮助他们选择一个适合个人兴趣的场馆,并在答题纸上相应的选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。

  61. Peter: I’d like to go to some larger museums, where I can get an over-all view of Macau’s history and culture.

  62. ______ Catherine: My family runs a small wine mill in China, so I’d like to learn about wine production.

  63. ______ Helen: I’m crazy about car races. I’d like to visit some museum related to car races.

  64. ______ Elizabeth: The idea of Macau’s returning to China has always excited me. I’d like to see the location where the exciting moment took place.

  65. ______ Levin: I’d like to take the chance to see a collection of traditional and modern art works.

  A. Macau Museum

  The Macau Museum is a historical and cultural museum with a vast number of objects of great historical value, which demonstrates the way of life and cultures of the various communities which have been inhabited the city for ages. The Macau Museum was opened on 18th April 1998, consisting of two underground levels and a third one above the fortress' top platform where the old Meteorological Services is housed. The architectural character and special configuration of the architecture has been retained and preserved.

  B. Maritime Museum

  If the history of Macau is really connected to the sea, there is no better place for the Maritime Museum, than the Square of the Barra Pagoda, dedicated to the Taoist goddess "A-MA", the protector of fishermen, and also believed to be the place where the Portuguese first landed. The precise spot is where the Maritime Museum is located, the building is in the shape of a sailing ship anchored in the waters of the Inner Harbour.

  C. Wine Museum

  This 1400 square-metre space is divided into a number of areas (Historical information/Wine Cellar/Museum and Exhibitions), using maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos, among other things to relate the history of wine. The aim of each section is not only to provide information regarding wine and grapevines, but also to recreate the atmosphere of the production of wine, showing the visitor the modern and traditional tools connected to wine production.

  D. Grand Prix Museum

  Opened 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, which features a number of automobile and motorbike races and takes place every year in November. It started in 1954 due to the enthusiasm of a group of Macau residents and the support of the authorities. Today it is an international sports event that attracts thousands of tourists and racing enthusiasts to Macau, to watch the classic "Guia Race" and the "Formula 3 Grand Prix". As it takes place on a street circuit, which inevitably leads to a comparison with Monte Carlo, the Macau Grand Prix has been developing into a race that, due to the exactness and the need for precision which it imposes on the drivers, has had the participation of great names of the motor racing participating and which has also served as a launching platform for many other names, the visitor will certainly recognize while visiting the Grand Prix Museum.

  E. Macau Museum of Art

  Under the management of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Macau Museum of Art is the only art museum in Macau, and provides the largest space dedicated to visual arts. It is situated in the Cultural Centre of Macau in the Outer Harbour area, and was inaugurated on 19 March 1999, with a total area of more than 10,000 square meters and expositive capacity of almost 4,000 square meters. The artistic works and cultural artifacts include Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Seals, Ceramics, Copperwares, Western paintings, Contemporary Arts, Photography artworks, and other significant collections.

  F. Handover Gifts Museum of Macau

  The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau is located next to the Macau Cultural Centre in Avenida Xian Xing Hai (NAPE). The location of the Museum is also the area that was used for the Handover Ceremony on 20th December 1999 in which Macau was returned to the Mainland. When the hall was dismantled after the ceremony the area became part of the Macau Cultural Centre. The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau was opened December 2004. The main aim of the Museum is to commemorate the handover for its significance in Macau's modern history. The inauguration of the Museum on the 5th anniversary of the handover is also indeed significant and momentous.





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