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发布时间:2016-12-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Since the beginning of winter break, I have been committed to doing lots of the things I could not do while school was in session.

       One of the Oscar-nominated (提名的) movies I’ve seen this winter break is Slum-dog Millionaire. Hopefully readers will also have an opportunity to enjoy the movie the way I have halfway around the globe!

       Slum-dog Millionaire is about a poor boy from the slums (贫民窟), Jamal, who ends up winning the grand prize in an Indian show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. The night before he answers the prize-winning question, Jamal is captured by the police and tortured (拷打). They don’t believe a slumdog like Jamal could answer seven questions correctly and possibly win 20 million rupees (卢比)! But, as the movie unfolds, Jamal reveals (透露) how he found the answers to each of the questions. Viewers also learn about Jamal’s childhood, his selfish older brother Salim, and his childhood lover, Latika.

       The movie’s point, however, is not just to tell a typical story of the underdog (弱者) who becomes a hero. The director also uses Slum-Dog Millionaire to give viewers a taste of India. The movie begins in Jamal’s childhood home in the slums of India. The place where he and his family lived reminds one of the hutongs that used to make up a large part of Old Beijing. Jamal and his brother grow and travel across India, meanwhile surviving as slum-dogs and cheaters, and India ages with them. By the time Jamal is 17 or 18, his old home has been replaced by a giant skyscraper (摩天大楼) financial center. Jamal and Salim take a moment to reminisce (回忆) about their old lives, as they stand high up in a skyscraper that is still under construction. The view from above reminded me of a similar view I had just two years ago in China: I was standing there in the living room of a family friend’s modern apartment, looking out through a window down to the shacks (简陋的房屋) below just next to the building complex. It was amazing how affluence and poverty could live so close together.

       So, what was most appealing about the movie to me and my Indian friends was how we could relate to the scenarios (情节) presented in the movie. More important than the plot was the window onto the social and economic situations in Asia that it provided.

   By Jennifer, 16, New Jersey, US

  1. Which of the following is TRUE about the movie?

  A. Jamal finally won a big prize after struggling hard to earn an honest living.

  B. Suspected of cheating, Jamal was arrested by the police before winning the prize.

  C. Jamal and his brother recalled their past standing where it used to be their home.

  D. Jamal remained in his childhood home in the slums before he was 17 or 18.

  2. Viewers can learn from the movie EXCEPT__________.

  A. Jamal’s childhood and his bitter experience of wandering across the country.

  B. The rapid social changes and economic development in India.

  C. The poor life of people in the slums against the prosperity of cities in Asia.

  D. The secret of becoming a millionaire through personal struggle.

  3.Why does the movie appeal to the writer?

  A. It’s a typical story of the underdog who becomes a hero, which the writer admires most.

  B. It’s an Oscar-nominated movie that helps the writer understand the nature of human.

  C. It has an exciting and complicated plot that attracts the writer very much

  D. It reminds the writer of her experience in China and helps her know about Asian countries.

  4. What can we infer from the reading passage?

  A. The writer is now studying in a school in China.

  B. The movie will win the Oscar because of the social problems presented in it.

  C. The writer is surprised at the gap between the rich and poor in developing countries.

  D. The movie is only welcomed by Americans who have Indian friends.

  5. What is the main purpose of writing the passage?

  A. To introduce a movie to readers and share her views about it.

  B. To persuade more viewers to go to the cinema to see the movie.

  C. To express the writer’s enthusiasm towards Asia and its culture.

  D. To reveal the true social reality in the developing countries.


  1---5 B D D C A




  It's a typical Snoopy card: cheerful message, bright colors, though a little yellow and faded now. Although I've received fancier, more expensive cards over the years, this is the only one I've

  __1__. One summer,it spoke volumes to me.

  I received it __2__

  the first June I faced as a widow to raise two teenage daughters alone. In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single

  __3__, I even had difficulty in the simplest housework :leaky taps, oil changes, even barbecues. Those had always been my husband's __4__. I was embarrassed every time I


  my thumb with a hammer. My uncertain attempts only


  the fear inside me:How could I be both a father and mother to my girls? Clearly,I


  the tools and skills.

  That morning,my girls pushed me into the living room to see something. (I prayed it wasn't

  __8__ repair job. )The“something”turned out to be an


  and several wrapped things on the carpet. My


  must have been plain as I stared from the colorful packages to my daughters'



  “Go ahead! Open them!” they urged. As I


  the packages, I discovered a small barbecue grill and all the necessary


  including a green kitchen glove.

  “But why?”I asked.

  “Happy Father's Day!”they shouted together.

  “Moms don't get presents on Father's Day,”I said.

  “You forgot to open the


  ,”Jane reminded. I pulled it from the envelope. There sat Snoopy, merrily wishing me a Happy Father's Day. “Because,” the girls said,“ you've been a father and mother to us,why shouldn't you be


  on Father's Day?”

  As I fought back tears, I realized they were


  . I wanted to be a “professional” dad,who had the latest tools. The girls


  wanted a parent they could count on to be there, day after day, __18__

  repeatedly the tasks of basic care and love.

  The girls are grown now,


  they still send me Father's Day cards, but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one. Its simple message told me being a great parent didn't require any special


  at all—just a willing worker.


  1. A. saved

  B. received

  C. bought

  D. found


  2. A. during

  B. until

  C. before

  D. since


  3. A. adulthood

  B. childhood

  C. parenthood

  D. womanhood


  4. A. professions

  B. trades

  C. preferences

  D. jobs


  5. A. moved

  B. touched

  C. held

  D. hit

  答案:D。 每当使用锤子砸在自己的拇指上时我感到很尴尬。hit打击,击中,打中。

  6. A. dismissed

  B. removed

  C. fueled

  D. overcame

  答案:C。不可预测的尝试只能激起我内在的恐惧:怎样才能使自己既是两个女儿的母亲同时又是父亲呢?fuel激起,刺激。如:His rude remarks fueled her anger.他粗鲁的言词使她怒上加怒。

  7. A. acquired

  B. lacked

  C. abandoned

  D. improved


  8. A. another

  B. every

  C. their

  D. that


  9. A. award

  B. item

  C. album

  D. envelope


  10. A. excitement

  B. puzzlement

  C. disagreement

  D. encouragement


  11. A. brave

  B. bright

  C. honest

  D. absent


  12. A. collected

  B. submitted

  C. unwrapped

  D. prepared


  13. A. instruments

  B. parts

  C. cookers

  D. objects


  14. A. letter

  B. present

  C. card

  D. note


  15. A. remembered

  B. praised

  C. accepted

  D. surprised


  16. A. careful

  B. happy

  C. satisfactory

  D. right


  17. A. only

  B. again

  C. still

  D. also


  18. A. evaluating

  B. assigning

  C. performing

  D. considering


  19. A. or

  B. and

  C. so

  D. but

  答案:B。女儿们现在已经长大了,并且她们依然在父亲节给我送卡片,但对我来说没有一个比第一个父亲节卡片对我的意义更大。20. A. offers

  B. tools

  C. experiences

  D. needs


  (·南昌市高三调研)At first, the earth's surface layer (层) was made up of huge blocks of hard, solid rocks. Then slowly, these rocks broke up into smaller and smaller pieces. Finally stones, pebbles (砾石) and grains of sand were formed. Many sorts of plants and animals lived and died on the surface of the earth. Their remains mixed up with the stones, pebbles and formed soil. The outmost layer of the earth is soil.

  There are many ways in which large pieces of rock break up into smaller ones. Wind, water, heat and cold help to break up rocks. When winds blow grains of sand against a large rock for a long time, the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away. These leave holes and cracks (裂缝) in the rock, which become bigger and finally the rock breaks up into smaller pieces.

  The moving water of streams and rivers also helps to break up rocks. As the water moves along, it carries with small pieces of rock.These rub the larger ones.

  Thus, the larger rocks are worn down to smaller pieces.

  The heat of the sun is also helpful in breaking up rocks. When the sun shines, the rocks become very hot.

  If these rocks are suddenly cooled, they may crack. Ice also plays a part in making soil. Water in the cracks can turn into ice in cold weather. As this happens, it becomes bigger and the cracks become wider, and finally break up into smaller pieces.

  1.According to the passage, soil ________.

  A.forms very slowly

  B.is a mixture of stones, pebbles and sand

  C.makes up the layers of the earthD.is becoming smaller and smaller

  2.Which of the following speeds up the breaks of rocks most?

  A.Hot weather.B.Cold water.

  C.Sharp changes in temperature.D.More dead plants in the cracks.

  3.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The remains of many plants and animals can form soil.

  B.If a large rock never moves, it will never break up.

  C.Even if a large rock never moves, it will break up.

  D.Ice in the cracks helps to break up rocks.

  4.The best title for this passage should be ________.

  A.Soil from rocksB.Ways to break up rocks

  C.Soil on the earthD.Soil, outmost layer of the earth


  How do you enter a room full of strangers? Do you walk right in full of confidence? Or do you try to slip in without being noticed? The way you go into new situations shows your level of self­confidence.In life, we admire those who do their tasks confidently. We prefer people who appear to know what they're doing. But where does that confidence begin?

  Developing self­confidence starts very early. It's parents' role to get kids on the right track toward becoming confident people. To help that process, parents should always offer more praise than criticism (批评). That can be done by focusing on the child's strengths. Parents should encourage their children to try new things and take risks. When children make mistakes, their parents should still let them know that they are loved. Children whose parents do these things will likely develop into confident adults. But self­confidence still doesn't come easily. So what's the solution?

  With most things in life, practice makes perfect, and that is true of confidence skills. The more you practice them, the easier they will become.

  Always hold your head high and look people in the eye. Answer questions clearly and confidently. The way you walk shows others how confident you are.Focus on the things that you do well, and look for opportunities to use those abilities.

  Keep an item in clear view that reminds you of a recent success. It could be a good test score or a prize from a contest. Remind yourself that one success often leads to the next.

  Prepare thoroughly for every project. You'll approach the task more confidently knowing that you're ready.

  All humans fail at times, and you will too. But don't allow mistakes to trouble you. Learning from mistakes helps you face the same situation later without fear.

  Even with practice, you will never be perfect. But you can learn to love and accept yourself and live your life with confidence.

  Title: (1) ________ Self­confidence

  The parent's role (2) ________ more than blame them. Encourage them to try new things and take risks.

  (3) ________ their mistakes.

  Advice on becoming confident Practice as much as (4)________.

  Use body (5) ________ to show your confidence.

  Focus on your strengths and talents and put those abilities to (6) ________.

  Use (7) ________ encouragement to inspire yourself.

  Make thorough (8) ________.

  (9) ________ from your own mistakes.

  (10) ________. Keeping on practicing and loving and respecting yourself will make you more confident.


  Many families in the United States have a larger income now than ever before, but people are finding it difficult to make ends meet anyway. Almost everyone is wondering,“What happens to all my money?”I never seem to have anything left to put away.

  Why isn’t a dollar worth as much as it used to be? One dollar is always worth the same amount, that is, 100 cents. But the value of a dollar is how much it can buy. The value of money depends on the cost of living. Economists(经济学家) say that the cost of living is the money that a family must pay for the necessities of life(生活必需品) such as food, housing or rent, clothes, and medical expenses. For many years now, the cost of living has increased greatly, so the value of the dollar has decreased. When a dollar has a low value, you cannot buy as many things with it.

  No one fully understands why the cost of living keeps increasing, but economists believe that workers and producers can make prices go up. As workers earn more money, they have more money to spend, so many demand more goods. If there is a great demand for certain goods, the prices of these goods go up. At the same time, if there’s a shortage(短缺) of goods, the prices also go up. For example, if everyone wants to buy more and more gas, the price of gas goes up. When companies withhold gas from buyers, they can also make the price of gas go up.

  Families need to know what happens to their money. They need to make their income meet the cost of living, so many people plan a family budget. A budget(预算)is a list of monthly. If your expenses add up to more than your income, you must find ways to save money. Maybe you’re spending too much on entertainment. Or if you’re spending too much on clothes, you may want to sew your own clothes. Budgeting helps you spend your money wisely as the cost of living increases.

  58. What has troubled many families in the United States?

  A. A not-large-enough income

  B. Nothing is left over to put away

  C. The increasing cost of living

  D. A shortage of certain goods

  59. ________determines(决定) the value of the dollar.

  A. The government

  B. The cost of living

  C. The economist

  D. The bank

  60. While the cost of living increases, the value of the dollar__________.

  A. increases too

  B. decreases

  C. neither increases nor decreases

  D. seldom decreases

  61. When ________, the prices go up.

  A. demand(需求) exceeds(超过) supply(供给)

  B. supply exceeds demand

  C. demand doesn’t exceed supply

  D. supply equals demand




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