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发布时间:2016-12-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Martin was returning to work in his London office after spending two weeks with his brother in New York. He was coming back with a heavy heart. It was not just that it was the end of a wonderful holiday; it was not just that he invariably suffered badly from jet lag; it was that Monday mornings always began with a team meeting and, over the months, he had grown to hate them.

  Martin was aware that colleagues approached these meetings with hidden agendas; they indulged(纵容) game-playing; and he knew that people were not being honest and open. The meetings themselves were bad enough—there was all the moaning afterwards at the meeting like “I could have improved on that idea, but I wasn’t going to say”.

  As this morning’s meeting began, Martin prepared himself for the usual dullness and boredom. But, as the meeting progressed, he became aware of a strange background noise. At first, he thought that he was still hearing the engine noise from the aircraft that had brought him back to London. But, as he concentrated on the noise, it became a little clearer.

  He realized—to his amazement—that he could actually hear what they were thinking at the same time as they were speaking. What surprised him, even more than the acquisition(获得) of this strange power, was that he discovered that what people were saying was not really what they were thinking. They were not making clear their reservations. They were not supporting views which they thought might be popular. They were not contributing their new insights. They were not volunteering their new ideas.

  Martin found it impossible not to respond to his new knowledge. So he started to make gentle interventions, based more on what he could hear his colleagues thinking than on what he could hear them saying. “So, John are you really saying…” “Susan, do you really think that?” “Tom, have you got an idea on how we could take this forward?” They looked at him, puzzled. In truth, he felt rather proud of his_newly-acquired_talent.

  As the meeting progressed, it was clear to him that each member of the meeting was learning how to hear the thoughts of the others. The game-playing started to fall away; people started to speak more directly; views became better understood; the atmosphere became more open and trusting.

  The meeting ended. As people left the room, Martin found that he could still hear what they were thinking. “That was the best meeting we’ve ever had.” “All meetings should be like that.” “In future, I’m going to say what I think”.

  ()11.It is known from the first paragraph that Martin ________.

  A.just came back from his business trip in New York

  B.was found to suffer from a serious heart disease during the trip

  C.had a good time during his fortnight’s stay in New York

  D.didn’t like his work in his London office

  ()12.Why did Martin hate his company’s team meeting?

  A.Because it had to be held every Monday morning.

  B.Because he was tired of hosting such a meeting.

  C.Because he couldn’t control the meeting that was out of order.

  D.Because the meeting atmosphere wasn’t open and trusting.

  ()13.The underlined part “his newly-acquired talent” in Paragraph 5 means that he could ________.

  A.still hear the engine noise of the plane though he was back

  B.clearly hear what the members of the meeting were saying

  C.actually control the thoughts of the members of the meeting

  D.express what the meeting members were thinking based on their words and their thoughts

  ()14.What do we know about this Monday morning’s meeting from the passage?

  A.Martin made people say what they were thinking immediately the meeting began.

  B.Martin was angry at the dullness of the meeting at the beginning of the meeting all the time.

  C.Martin led people to express their real thoughts with the meeting progressing.

  D.Many members of the meeting played games and told lies at the meeting all the time.

  ()15.It is inferred from the last two paragraphs that towards the end of the meeting Martin would hear such words as “ ________”.

  A.I was thinking of making a suggestion—but I couldn’t be bothered

  B.I have got an idea on how we could take this forward. I think we should…

  C.The usual people say the usual things, so I have no other new ideas

  D.I could have improved on that idea, but I wasn’t going to say



  11.C 细节理解题。根据第一段It was not just that it was the end of a wonderful holiday中的a wonderful holiday可判断,他在纽约的两周过得很愉快,由此判断答案选C。

  12.D 细节理解题。根据第二段可判断,与会人员口是心非,表里不一,这种不公开、不诚实的会风使他厌烦,由此判断正确答案选D。

  13.D 词义猜测题。第四段提到马丁能根据与会人员所说的话而得知他们心里的真实想法,之后第五段接着说,他说出与会人员的真实想法,使别人都迷惑地看着他,由此判断,“他新获得的能力”即意为:他能根据别人的话说出他们心里的真实想法。

  14.C 细节理解题。会初,马丁准备着忍受会议的乏味,而后随着会议的进行,他发现自己能根据别人所说的话而得知他们心里的真实想法,对此他做出反应,即试着说出他们心里的真实想法,从而引导人们学会理解他人的想法,并坦诚地说出自己心里的想法。由此判断正确答案选C。


  Words:298 难度系数:★★ 建议用时:18分钟

  It was at a concert that I happened to find David.He was holding his head at a strange


  as if he were staring down at something.Then the truth struck me.He was blind.The last thing he remembers


  was his daughter being born.Then the world went


  Bad luck is no stranger to this 44-year-old man.His mother died of cancer,and his weak father had to


  11-year-old David to the care of the state.

  Things seemed always to go from bad to

  __5__.Two years ago,his beloved guide dog pulled him out of the


  of a truck.David was not hurt.The dog


  But David does not feel sorry for himself.“These are just little obstacles(障碍)you have to


  in your life,” he said.

  He has to make a daily two-hour trip to his working place—the X-ray department of an



  It was a hard job to

  __10__.Before he got it,David was determined to escape the workshop run by the Lighthouse,an organization


  to help blind people.He wanted a job of developing X-ray film,something

  __12__,not just he,must do in the dark,including people with


  eyesight.The Lighthouse called many hospitals,with no result,__14__

  they offered to pay his first three months’ salary.

  David works alone in a dark room that


  of chemicals.He cannot wear gloves. __16__,he could not feel.Since this is an emergency room,lives can be put


  or out of danger.His directress says she trusts him 100 percent.

  He makes $20,000 a year.But his motivation(动机)goes


  money.“By working,I can actualize my own

  __19__.That’s the most important!” he said.

  What a shining example for us to





  解析:选C。考查名词的选择。at a...angle表示“以……角度”。











  4.A.bring up

  B.bring in

  C.give up

  D.give in

  解析:选C。考查动词短语的选择。give up...to...表示“把……交给……”。





  解析:选A。考查短语from bad to worse。





  解析:选B。考查名词的选择。path表示“道路(the space in front of sth.as it moves)”。
















  10.A.deal with

  B.get through

  C.take up

  D.come by

  解析:选D。考查动词短语的选择。come by表示“设法得到”。


















  C.in case

  D.even though












  17.A.at risk

  B.in brief

  C.up with

  D.in charge

  解析:选A。考查介词短语的选择。at risk与out of danger对应。










  解析:选C。考查名词的选择。actualize my own value表示“实现个人的价值”。






  “Have you ever heard the old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover”? This is a good rule to follow when you try to judge the cleverness of others by their looks and performance. Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual gift in novel writing may find himself speechless before a pretty girl. But don’t make the mistake of thinking he might not be that clever. With a pen and paper, he can tell what he thought very well.

  Other people may fool you into mistakenly thinking they are clever by putting up a good front.

  A student who listens carefully and takes notes in class is sure to make a good impression on his teachers. But when it comes to exams, he may get scores much lower than his classmates.

  We may conclude that: you can’t judge someone by appearances. The only way to tell whether a person is clever or not is to get to know him by observing(观察) how he reacts to different situations. The more situations you observe, the more accurate your judgment is likely to be. So take your time. Don’t judge the book by its cover.

  71 The best title for this passage is ______________.

  A. Judging cleverness

  B. Choosing a book

  C. A speechless young man

  D. Putting up a good front

  72 The main idea of the passage is ___________.

  A. don’t judge a book by its cover

  B. don’t judge a person’s cleverness by appearance

  C. people may fool you by putting up a good front

  D. make sure you know someone well before observing him

  73. The young man mentioned in the passage_____________.

  A. is stupid

  B. is a good student

  C. is a good writer

  D. is successful with girls

  74. According to the passage, true knowledge of a person’s cleverness comes from___________.

  A. the grades he gets in school

  B. his manners at parties

  C. his outward appearance

  D. how he behaves in different situations

  75. The passage suggests that in judging a person’s intelligence we should_____________.

  A. make quick judgments

  B. be creative

  C. have patience and be careful

  D. give him a test

  参考答案----------71-75 ABCDC




  School meals are junk and don’t provide the nutrition a body needs to grow, says Jamie Oliver, and he decides to do something about it. Schoolchildren in France who eat school dinners are likely to have a well-balanced, four-course meal with fresh ingredients (成分) costing up to £1.10 to make. But British schoolchildren are fed mainly cheap-processed meat, frozen pizzas and potato smiley faces, costing on average just 37 pence per meal.

  In fact the money spent on school dinners is so small that schools can afford only whatsome people describe as junk food rather than fresh natural ingredients. This means that their meals don’t provide the nutrients and goodness children’s bodies need to develop properly. No wonder there’s growing concern about the health of the nation’s schoolchildren.

  Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver was so concerned about school dinners that he decided to try to improve them by teaming up with the kitchen staff at Kidbrooke School in Grenwich. He took a lot of time to learn how to get the kids to stop eating the junk and move to healthy food. This is not easy! But it is possible with some hard work and determination! After a lot of hard work from both Jamie and the school’s cooks, Kidbrooke is now serving some of the best school food in Britain. The menu includes fresh butcher’s sausages with creamy mash and onion gravy, chilli corn with basmati rice and fresh fruit salad. Incredibly, Jamie and the staff managed to create this healthier menu with the same 37 pence budget. But the school chefs admit cooking healthy food isn’t as easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven.

  Then came the good news! The government has promised to spend £280 million

  to improve school dinners across the country. Well done Jamie! This means that the national average cost will rise from 37p to 50p in primary schools and from 37p to 60p in secondary schools.

  ()1.What does the author try to tell us in the first paragraph?

  A.School meals in France are the most expensive in the world.

  B.British schools don’t provide the students with healthy food.

  C.School meals in Britain are cheaper than those in France.

  D.British school meals include many kinds of healthy food.

  ()2.British schools provide students with such meals because________.

  A.most of the school children are too fat

  B.people show little concern about the health of schoolchildren

  C.schools don’t have enough money

  D.schools don’t want to spend much money

  ()3.From the passage we can see that________.

  A.the British government ignores schoolchildren’s health

  B.Jamie creates a healthy menu with the help of the government

  C.schoolchildren in Britain will have the best meals

  D.cooking healthy food is not an easy job

  ()4.The good news for the British is that________.

  A.schoolchildren will have the best food in Britain

  B.the menu Jamie Oliver created is the best

  C.parents have begun to pay attention to children’s food at school

  D.the government has begun to do something about the fact

  ()5.What is the best title for this newspaper story?

  A.A Healthier Menu for School Dinners

  B.Schoolchildren in Britain Can’t Develop Properly

  C.Dinners Lacking Nutrients in School

  D.Schools with the Best Food



  1.B 根据第一段开头School meals are junk and don’t provide the nutrition a body needs to grow判断可知。

  2.C 第二段的第一句谈到主要的原因是学校没有足够的钱。

  3.D 根据第三段结尾…cooking healthy food isn’t as easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven判断可知。

  4.D  由最后一段可知选D。政府已意识到了这个问题并许诺提高学校饭菜的质量。

  5.A 本文讲述一个厨师精心研究出一套健康食谱以解决英国学校较差的饮食状况,故选A项。


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