福建省2014高考英语一轮复习 作业手册(14)(含解析)新人教版-查字典英语网
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福建省2014高考英语一轮复习 作业手册(14)(含解析)新人教版

发布时间:2016-12-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  课时作业(十四) [必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars](限时:35分钟).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

  1.Doctor Nathan is said to have been ________

  to researching into wild animals in Africa for more than ten years.


  B. devotedC.concentrated


  答案:B [表示“投身于,全神贯注于……”有如下结构:be absorbed in;be devoted to;be engaged in;concentrate on。故四个选项中只有devote和to搭配使用。]

  2.The boy is so shy that he can’t ________

  very well ________



  B. communicate;with

  C.get along;to


  答案:B [communicate sth.to sb.把某事传达给某人;communicate with sb.与某人交流;get along well with sb.和某人相处很好;deal with对付,处理。根据题目结构和形容词shy判断“他不善于和别人交流”,所以B项正确。D项不符合本题逻辑。]

  3.The project ________

  by the end of 2011,will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 2,000,000 users.

  A.being accomplished

  B. to be accomplished


  D.having been accomplished

  答案:B [根据will expand...判断空格处应该表示一个将来的动作,所以用动词不定式to be accomplished。]

  4.You may have one of these;in other words,you may have ________

  you choose.

  A. whichever


  D.no matter which

  答案:A [空格处所填词既要作have的宾语,同时又作choose的宾语,排除D项;根据前半句意思判断,表示“在一定范围内选择”,因此选A项。]

  5.Though in his seventies,the old man is still as ________

  as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.


  B. energeticC.talkative


  答案:B [表示“尽管七十多岁了,那位老人仍然像年轻人一样充满活力,不愿意整天坐着无所事事”,energetic精力充沛的,充满活力的,有力的,符合题意。]

  6.Our failure to ________

  ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in our work.



  C. adapt


  答案:C [adopt采用,收养;apply应用,申请;adapt适应;appoint约定,任命。根据句意可知应用C。]

  7.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle ________.

  A. to be heard

  B.to have heardC.hearing

  D.being heard

  答案:A [struggle要接动词不定式作宾语,排除C、D;hear与I 之间是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态结构,排除B。]

  8.—Could I use your computer for a few moments,please?

  —________.I’m not using it myself.

  A.Come on

  B.It dependsC. Go ahead

  D.That’s great

  答案:C [A项意思是“赶快,快点”;B项意思是“视情况而定”;C项意思是“好吧,可以”;D项意思是“太好了”。根据题意选C,表示“可以”,即同意某人做某事。]

  9.—I’m thinking of the test tomorrow.I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.

  —________ ! I’m sure you’ll make it.

  A.Go ahead

  B.Good luckC.No problem

  D. Cheer up

  答案:D [根据上下文判断空缺处所填词应表示“鼓励某人”的意思,故答案应为D项。]

  10.Fred is second to none in math in our class,but ________,he hardly passed the final math exam.

  A.as a matter of fact

  B.as usualC.right away

  D. believe it or not

  答案:D [句意为“在我们班弗雷德的数学首屈一指,但是信不信由你,他几乎没有通过数学期末考试”。A项意为“实际上,事实上”;B项意为“像往常一样”;C项意为“立刻,马上”;D项意为“信不信由你”。]

  11.—Can I have a talk with you at about 4 this afternoon,Mr Black?

  —All right,I ________

  from a conference by then.I will be waiting for you.

  A. will have come back

  B.will come back

  C.have come back

  D.will be coming back

  答案:A [根据答语中的“by then”和“I will be waiting for you.”可知,此处表示的是到将来某个时间之前已经完成的动作,故用将来完成时态。]

  12.________,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

  A.However the story is amusing

  B.No matter amusing the story is

  C. However amusing the story is

  D.No matter how the story is amusing

  答案:C [从句子的结构看,这里表示的是让步关系,no matter how 或however应位于amusing之前,故选C。]

  13.The production plan was fulfilled ________.

  A.head of time

  B.before time

  C. ahead of time

  D.time ahead

  答案:C [句意为“生产计划提前完成了”。表示“时间提前”应使用ahead of time,它常在句中作状语。而head是名词,before time是汉语中的说法,故C为正确答案。]14.Mr Smith,________

  of the ________

  speech,started to read a novel.

  A. tired;boring




  答案:A [形容词短语修饰主语Mr Smith,故使用tired;修饰名词speech,应选boring,因此A为正确答案。句意为:由于讨厌这令人厌烦的演讲,史密斯先生开始阅读一本小说了。]

  15.—Could you meet me at the airport?

  —I’d like to,but I ________

  Shanghai when you return.

  A. will have left

  B.was leavingC.will leave

  D.have left

  答案:A [由句意可知,表示将要完成的动作,故A为正确答案。]

  Ⅰ.单项填空________ astronomy and he wishes he could make a trip into ________ space one day.

  A.the; the

  B.an; thean; /

  D./; /,the company,________,should do the constructing work.,________,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.ght, the team are going to tour around the city ________ by their enthusiastic supporters.

  A.being cheered

  B.be cheered

  C.to be cheered

  D.were cheered

  5.[2012·福建卷] China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from ________ in the South China Sea.being attacked

  D.having been attacked________.



  C.being puzzled

  D.to puzzle

  7.During job interviews, many graduates use the reputation of their schools to the full ________ themselves to the employers.


  B.being presented

  C.to present

  D.having presented

  8.He didn't make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.





  9.________ a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of the work.

  A.There existed

  B.It existed

  C.There had

  D.It had

  10.Getting more information on how to use these tools can ________ your chances of success.





  11.________ most children nowadays are the only children, they tend to be more self­centered.

  A.Ever since

  B.Now that

  C.Only if

  D.Even thoughbut it costs almost________.

  A.twice as much

  B.twice as many

  C.twice so much

  D.twice so many________ quarrel between the husband and the wife;after that the wife left home and never came back.strict

  14.Over the years she had tried her best to ________ the terrible memory, but it was not an easy task.

  A.live on

  B.block out

  C.bring back

  D.call up

  15.—Do you think living in the country has advantages?


  A.Yes, perfectly

  B.Yes, it isthat depends

  Ⅱ.阅读理解 have thought that millions of people would buy a product containing living insects?A businessman named Milton Levine did. He created the Uncle Milton Ant Farm more than half a century ago. Today, grandchildren of the first ant colony owners are watching ants working hard on the farm.Milton Levine was not trained in the study of insects, also known as entomology. But he knew a lot about ants, and he designed an appealing way to share his knowledge.

  Mr Levine began his career as a maker of unusual toys after World War Ⅱ. He had returned to his birthplace in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,after serving in the United States military.He got the idea for his future career from a business newsletter, which suggested that the best chances for jobs at the time were in toys. He decided to make toys. They understood that American society was about to change. The huge population increase known as the Baby Boom was beginning. There would be a huge demand for children's toys.

  One day, he saw ants parading around a swimming pool.The sight made Mr Levine remember how much he had liked watching ants as a boy on his uncle's farm. Those thoughts gave him the idea for the Uncle Milton Ant Farm.

  Milton Levine developed a narrow, green plastic container. The top looked like a farm, showing a farmhouse, a barn, a bridge and a windmill(风车).Under those images was a divider that separated the ants' underground and above­ground areas.Under that was the sand where people could watch the ants digging passageways.

  The first Uncle Milton Ant Farms were an immediate success.They were sold in 1956.Two years later,two million of the educational toys had been sold.es. During his life, Mr Levine saw the sale of more than twenty million of his ant colonies.

  The Uncle Milton Ant Farm tells far more than how to care for the ants. For example, people receiving an Uncle Milton Ant Farm learn that the little insects are strong. Some can carry loads fifty times heavier than they are. A writer remembers owning an Uncle Milton Ant Farm when he was about five years old.He says he became very good at numbers by counting the ants.

  16.Which of the following words can best describe Milton Levine?





  17.________ may be studied in the science of entomology.





  A.a business newsletter

  B.the Baby Boom

  C.ants parading

  D.a farmhouse

  19.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

  A.How to care for the ants.

  B.Ants are strong and diligent.

  C.The Uncle Milton Ant Farm is more than a toy.

  D.The Uncle Milton Ant Farm is very popular.


  At a physics conference dinner with my husband Alex, I sat next to a man I'll call Clayton. Clayton kept talking about himself all through the entire conversation: he had solved problems no one else could; only his views were right; other researchers' work was inaccurate or unimportant. I could not put in a word. Extremely annoyed, I planned to avoid Clayton in that future. In fact, I decided never to have another conversation with him.

  A few days later I was in an education class. Our professor explained how one child could become the target of the other students' ridicule(讥笑).Usually it's because the class sees their own weaknesses glaringly magnified(放大) in that student. They don't want to admit they have the same weakness, so they ridicule and exclude the student. The behavior of both the class and the excluded student is caused by personal insecurity.”

  As I took notes, suddenly I thought of Clayton. It struck me that I have many of the same faults. How easily I rule a conversation and leave others out. I, too, sometimes feel that only my opinion is right. My concerns or work easily seems most important. As my professor had described, I reacted negatively to someone in whom I experienced my own weakness.

  I changed my mind. Instead of avoiding Clayton, I'll try to listen patiently with the same kindness and acceptance that I need.

  20.The writer was extremely annoyed with Clayton partly because ________.

  A.he said not all his views were right

  B.he wouldn't let her put in a word

  C.he kept silent all through the dinner

  D.he was too particular about the food

  21.Who said the words in Paragraph 3?


  B.The writer's husband.

  C.The writer.

  D.The writer's professor.

  22.The fourth paragraph was written to show ________.

  A.why the writer changed her mind

  B.how the writer was annoyed

  C.when the writer had her education

  D.what weakness the writer had

  23.We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

  A.the writer will see other people more positively

  B.Clayton will not rule a conversation any longer

  C.the writer will try to avoid talking with Clayton

  D.Clayton will find out he has his own weakness

  Ⅲ.短文填词the robots sent to the planets have not yet found any 24.________ (迹象) of life on Mars, but they have found evidence that water ________ freely over the planet's surface millions of years ago. 26.________ addition, water in the form of ice exists below some 27.p________ of the Martian surface today.

  On the other hand, 28.d________ life on Mars would change the present view of the Universe and also give a big push toward man's work there. But a group of experts 29.o________ by President Barack Obama told him last October that US 30.________ (太空) policy should now focus on sending human beings to Mars instead of

  ________ (又一,再一) moon landing. Michael Griffin, a former head of NASA, believes ________ a human trip to Mars could be 33.p________ by 2037.


  课时作业(十四) 考查冠词。astronomy指学科,学科前不用冠词;space指“太空”,一般不与冠词连用,但有形容词修饰时,应 句意:我们完成设计后就该由公司来进行建设了。in one's turn固定搭配,意思是“轮到某人,接着”。 句意:自这次灾难以来,所有的人,不管是年老的还是年轻的,富有的还是贫穷的,都在尽自己最大的努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人。whether…or…是固定搭配,意为“无论是……还是……,不管是……还是……”。 考查非谓A项being cheered正在进行;B项be cheered是谓语原形;D项were cheered也是谓语,但句中已有谓语are going to;C项to be cheered表示将来,同时也表示被动。根据语境,选C。 考查固定词组搭配。prevent sb from doing sth“阻止某人做某事”,本句中的fishing boats和attack是被动关系,所以选择C项,且此处不用完成时态。句意:中国最近加紧黄岩岛的水域控制来阻止中国渔船在中国南海被袭击。 考查非谓语动词。find small groups of words puzzling,puzzling作宾语补足语,表示“让人迷惑的”。 考查非谓语动词。to present themselves to the employers为动词不定式短语作目的状语。 考查代词it的用 it作形式宾语,when and where the meeting would be held是真正的宾语。当复合宾语中的宾语是宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补语的后面,而把代词it放在全句谓语动词和宾语补语的中间。宾语补语后面的宾语是真正的宾语,谓语动词和宾语补语中间的it是形式宾语。 此处There existed a certain doubt=There was a certain doubt,是There be结构的变式。B 考查动词辨析。句意:获取更多有关如何使用这些工具的信息可以增加你的成功机会。raise举起,提高,筹集,养育;multiply乘,增加;add将……相加,增加(+to);gain获得。 考查状语从句的连接词。此处now that意为:既然。句意:因为当今大多数孩子是独生子,所以他们更加自我。 考查倍数的表达法。此处结构为:倍数+as+。C 考查形容词辨析。句意:丈夫和妻子之间发生了一次激烈的争吵,之后,妻子离家出走,再也没回来。violent激烈的,暴力的。sensitive敏感的;serious严重的,严肃的;strict严格的。 考查动词短语辨析。句意:多年来她一直想要封闭那段可怕的回忆,但这一点儿都不容易。live on意为“靠……过活,以……为主食,继续存在”; block out意为“挡住,遮住(光线或声音);忘掉,抹去(不愉快的事);塞住,封住(孔、洞bring back意为“带回来,使记起,使恢复”; call up意为“给……打电话,使想起”。根据句意可知B项正确。 考查情景交际。that depends那依情况而定。本文介绍了Uncle Milton Ant Farm蚂蚁农场玩具的发明者Milton Levine。 推理判断题。从他设计玩具Uncle Milton Ant Farm的相关信 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Milton Levine was not trained in the study of insects,also known as entomology.”可知entomology是“昆虫学”之意。根据常识可知只有butterflies(蝴蝶)属于昆虫,会在昆虫学中学到,故B项正确。 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He got the idea for his future career from a business newsletter.”“The huge population increase known as the Baby Boom was beginning.There would be a huge demand for children's toys.”以及第三段中的“…he saw ants parading around a swimming pool.”等信息可知,他从商务通讯、婴儿潮及蚂蚁搬家中得到启发,发明了这个蚂蚁农场玩具D项没有提到。C 段落大意题。根据最后一段的中心句“The Uncle Milton Ant Farm tells far more than how to care for the ants.”可知,本段主要讲这个蚂蚁农场玩具除了告诉大家怎么去照顾蚂蚁外,还有更深层的教育功能。古语说,“以人为鉴,可以知得失”。教授的话使作者在Clayton身上看到了自己的一些缺点,于是她改变了以前的想法,不回避Clayton,20.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的第二句和第三句可知,由于Clayton一直谈论着自己,作者插不上话,所以对他非常厌烦。 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Our professor explained how one child…”可知,第三段的话是出自那个教授之口。 推理判断题。第四段讲述了作者在听教授的课时发现自己与Clayton有很多共有的 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,为了改正自己的缺点,作者决定不回避Clayton,而是耐心去倾听他说话,由此可推知作者会用更积极的眼光去看待他人。 25.flowed 26.In 27.parts 28.discovering 30.space 31.another 32.that 33.possible


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