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发布时间:2016-12-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  课时作业(三十八) [选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions](限时:35分钟)阅读理解ts more meals by ourselves than we do with other people.But before you accept that somewhat depressing statistic,there is some good news—a lot of us are perfectly happy to eat alone because the computer and TV provide us with solitary entertainment.s unsurprisingly,half of the UK's singles eat a meal alone at least once a day.And even one in four mothers with families have dinner mostly by themselves according to a major report on eating trends and social change by the Future Foundation.However,eating alone doesn't seem to matter anymore if you can chat away on social networks—in fact it's now a both quick and entertaining affair.

  “Suppertainment” is the phrase created for the current major trend that reflects the number of people who eat in front of the computer,TV or game controller.Single men are the majority leading this trend,with 60 percent of them spending mealtimes entertaining themselves with something.However,40 percent of mothers and 30 percent of students also eat meals while being on the PC or laptop several times a week.

  Boyd Hilton,TV and reviews editor of ,“Setting yourself up in front of the TV to suppertain comes naturally,especially when you've been busy all day.If I'm on my own I always tend to make a quick and easy meal and settle down to watch something entertaining or I'll get on the laptop and catch up with comedies like the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm on More 4 or Outnumbered on BBC 1.”

  “I think it's such a bonus that healthy and tasty convenience meals now mean you can relax about eating good food without having to worry about preparation time.”

  36.Why don't many people eating alone feel lonely?

  A.They are too busy to feel lonely.

  B.People are happy to eat alone.

  C.They eat with solitary entertainment.

  D.They have good news at mealtimes.

  37.Which of the following best defines the term “suppertainment”?Eating alone accompanied by the computer,TV or game controller.rpose of the author by quoting what Boyd Hilton said in the last paragraph?

  A.To emphasize the importance of healthy and tasty meals.

  B.To tell people to have good meals without doing preparing work.

  C.To prove that “suppertainment” is a good idea.

  D.To call people's attention to eating meals in relaxing manners.

  Ⅳ.短文填词ntertainment. 39.M________, it has also brought up ________ in careless driving, irritating behaviors in public and high expenses.

  Cell phones are also 41.________ (流行的) in China, and many students own them. The question is ________ students should be allowed to use them at school. Some parents support it just for the need to communicate with their children, 43.w________ some others think it a bad idea, worrying that it will disturb usual educational 44.________ (环境). ________ is not that necessary for us to have cell phones in school. Busy with studies and after­class 46.________ (活动), we do not have much time to call others. ________, it is true that parents and students have a need to talk to each other from time to time. I suggest schools provide more pay phones on campus so that parents and students can have easier access ________ each other.


  课时作业(三十八)研究发现,36.C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“…a lot of us are perfectly happy to eat alone because the computer and TV provide us with solitary entertainment”,即人们在独自用餐时可以玩电脑或看电视,并不会觉得孤独,故选C。 词义猜测题。文章第三段介绍了“suppertainment”的含义,即在独自用餐的同时通过电视或电脑娱乐,故选B。 推理判断题。作者在文章第一段说独自用餐渐成风尚,字里行间透露出作者的赞成态度,最后一段借用Boyd Hilton的话进一步说明边独自吃饭边娱乐的优点。 40.problems 41.popular 42.whether 44.environment 45.it 46.activities 48.to


  比赛时间:7 月18日 报名时间:截止到6月30日 报名地点:北京电视台 注意: 1. 词数:100左右 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3. 参考词汇:才艺大赛-


  Our school has a long history. It is told that it dated from one hundred years ago. From it was founded on, there were more and more students in it. And the former students all did well in their studying. Some of them are outstanding. Because of their good studies and hard work, many of the schoolleavers have become experts in different fields. These years our school has changed great, it becomes more and more beautiful. Besides, the teachers' teaching methods are more advanced than before. At the same time, the students study very hard, and we are determined to make great contribution to our school.

  We like our school very much! We are proud of it!


  1. 第2句:is told 应为is said。(以下错误均在第一段)

  2. 第2句:dated应改为dates。

  3. 3句:from...on不能表示从过去的某个时间一直到现在的情况,因此这里用since较好。另外,from...on中间应是名词,而不能是从句。

  4. 第3句:主句中应用现在完成时态,表示从过去一直到现在的情况。把there were改为there have been。

  5. 第4句:studying最好改为studies,指"学业"。

  6. 第5句:本句应是说以前的学生的情况,are应改为were。

  7. 第7句:great应改为greatly。修饰动词应用副词形式。

  8. 第7句:our school has changed greatly是一个完整的句子,其后也是一个完整的句子,而两个完整的句子没有连词时是不能并列的。最好中间用句号,使各自独立成句。

  9. 第9句:study改为are studying更为生动。

  10. 第9句:very hard最好改为even harder,以对应前面的比较级。

  优点 :

  1. 基本写出了题目要求的几方面的内容。

  2. 这是一篇半开放的写作。习作者适当地增补细节对内容进行了展开,使内容较为全面、丰富。

  3. 语句表达较为连贯。

  1. 有一处句与句之间没有连词连接的情况,这是不符合英语习惯的。

  2. 谓语动词的时态有几处运用不当。

  Our school has a long history. It is said that it dates from one hundred years ago. Since it was founded, there have been more and more students in it. And the former students all did well in their studies. Some of them were outstanding. Because of their good studies and hard work, many of the schoolleavers have become experts in different fields. These years our school has changed greatly. It becomes more and more beautiful. Besides, the teachers' teaching methods are more advanced than before. At the same time, the students are studying even harder, and we are determined to make great contribution to our school.

  We like our school very much! We are proud of it!


  阅读理解Public schools in the New York,America’s biggest city,commonly have numbers for names.But this is unusual.In the United States,the process of naming a school often involves parents and the community as well as elected school

  leaders.Researchers say school names can show civic values and also shape them.For example,naming a school after a historic person becomes a way to teach students about that person’s importance in history.

  A new study examines the naming of American public schools.The study is from the Manhattan Institute,an organization that does public policy research.The study shows that fewer and fewer schools are being named after people.Instead,more schools are being named after the local area or natural features like hills,trees or animals.

  The researchers say these changes raise questions about the civic duty of public education.They looked at seven states with twenty percent of all public school students in the country.They found similar results in every state:new schools are less likely to be named after people.This is true especially with presidents.For example,in Arizona,public schools in the past twenty years were almost fifty times more likely to be named after such things as landforms or plants.

  School officials say they try to choose names that will not offend anyone.For example,a few years ago,the city of New Orleans banned the naming of any school after a person who owned slaves.Other school systems have rules against naming new schools after any person,living or dead.

  The researchers say naming a school after a person can lead to important debates about democratic values.They call for more researches to identify the causes and effects of the changes in school names.The causes may include changes in American culture as well as in the political control of school systems.

  16.Many schools are named after some persons so that________.

  A.the students can remember the schools for ever

  B.the students can learn the importance of them

  C.the students can learn the national history very well

  D.the students can show their civic values and attitudes

  17.According to the study,________.

  A.more schools are named after great people

  B.fewer schools are named after places

  C.more schools are named after the environment where they stand

  D.fewer schools are named after animals

  18.All the followings are true EXCEPT that________.

  A.some people used to have a greater effect on the education

  B.schools are less likely to be named after presidents

  C.schools have their right to choose school names to a certain degree

  D.school names are now an important problem in the USA

  19.The main idea of this passage probably is that________.

  A.more new schools are being built in America

  B.school officials control all the schools now

  C.few USA schools now are named after people

  D.there are reasons for changes of school names


  Of all the emotions (情感) that flow through your head when you go back to college,shyness to be one of the biggest emotions present.Shyness and fear can stop you from becoming the active learner that you wish to be.You may be too shy to volunteer to lead a group or too filled with fear to raise your hand when you know the answer to a question.Here are some things you should pay attention to.

  Don’t let your mind go elsewhere.You cannot be an active learner if you don’t know what’s going on in your class.There will always be a student or two that can disturb your focus because they are talking while a lesson is going on or their phone is going off constantly.Don’t let this trouble you.

  Your voice matters.During class discussions it’s important to become active in the group conversations.Ask questions when proper,but not if they are unnecessary.For example,don’t ask a question that you know the answer or can find the answer easily just to become involved (参与)in a group discussion.Answer questions if you can.Try not to guess at the answers.If you get it wrong,you will feel embarrassed.If you feel embarrassed,you will be less likely to keep contributing.Stay involved with the discussion and voice your opinion on a debate.

  Don’t just do the least.Check your curriculum and see what’s on it for your next class.Do some extra research that is not required to prepare yourself for possible discussions.Having extra input(输入) that was not in the textbook will impress your tutor and your classmates.

  Remember that if you are a shy person,it is going to be harder for you to become an active learner in class,but you can determine your own level of involvement in your education.You are in charge of how much you learn and when you learn it.

  Title How to Be an Active 20.________?

  Problem If you are 21.________ and fearful,you can’t be an active learner.

  22.________ ◆Take part in group discussions24.________.

  Don’t ask too easy questions or 25.________ answers to questions.

  26.________ your opinions when necessary and proper.

  ◆Prepare yourself for possible discussions 27.________ of time.

  28.________ Whether you can be an active learner 29.________ on yourself,not others.
















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