People who are satisfied appreciate what they have in life and don't worry about how it compares to what others have.Valuing what you have over what you do not or cannot have leads to greater happiness.
Four-year-old Alice runs to Christmas tree and sees wonderful presents beneath it. No doubt she has received fewer presents than some of her friends,and probably she has not received some of the things she most wanted.But at that moment,she doesn't stop to think why aren't there more presents or to wonder what she may have asked for that she didn't get. Instead,she marvels at the treasures before her.
When we think about our lives,too often we think about what we don't have and what we didn't get.But such a focus denies us pleasure.You wouldn't sit next to the Christmas tree and remind Alice that there were presents she didn't receive.Why remind yourself of the things in life you don't have when you could remind yourself of what you do have
People who have the most are only as likely to be happy as those who have the least.People who like what they have,however,are twice as likely to be happy as those who actually have the most.