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发布时间:2016-12-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  阅读 (共两节,满分50分)

  第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A

  My first visit to Angkor Wat(吴哥窟) was in 1980. The country had been at war for many years and the temple was deserted and falling to pieces. Plants were growing out of the roofs, and trees were growing in the courtyards.

  Today, the temple is the scene of a busy repair program. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of them women, who are cleaning, repairing and rebuilding parts of this temple.

  As I walked through the courtyards, I noticed the Cambodian women devote hours to cleaning carefully a tiny area of stone. Boards are laid down to protect the precious painted stones while the repair work is going on. There are very few machines and little heavy equipment. Workers carry building materials in buckets at the end of long poles. Piles of stones lie in a corner of the courtyard, waiting to be replaced.  

  The work of cleaning the stones is watched over by three Indian chemists. It is a very slow task. First they clean the stones with brushes using buckets of a weak chemical. Then gaps between the stones are filled in. Finally another material is painted onto the stones which will protect them from water forever.

  Work starts every day at 7 a. m. and goes on until late afternoon six days a week, with a break at midday.

  Evening is the best time to visit the temple, after the tour groups have left. As the sun sinks lower, shadows spread across the courtyard. After sunset, the sky turns pink. The grey stone towers take on a golden color before turning pink. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.

  46. This passage mainly tells ________.

  A. the poor look of the temple Angkor Wat in 1980

  B. the history of the temple Angkor Wat

  C. the repair work being done to the temple Angkor Wat

  D. the difficulty in the repair work

  47. According to the author, which of the following plays the LEAST important role in the repair work?

  A. The women workers.

  B. The Indian workers

  C. Machines

  D. Skilled workers

  48. The underlined sentence “the temple was deserted” possibly means that _______.

  A. there was no one in the temple and it was in a poor state

  B. the temple was built on desert and nobody noticed it

  C. the temple was very old with a long history

  D. the temple was repaired by the Cambodians, most of whom women

  49. To clean the stone, how many steps should be followed?

  A. Two

  B. Three

  C. Four

  D. Five

  50. Which work needs a lot of time to do?

  A. To get rid of certain types of plants.

  B. To carry the building materials.

  C. To replace the stones.

  D. To clean the stones.

  参考答案---------46—50 CCABD


  C6[2012·山东卷] A

  The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place. Now it is an ecological disaster area. Nauru's heartbreaking story could have one good consequence—other countries might learn from its mistakes.

  For thousands of years, Polynesian people lived on the remote island of Nauru, far from western civilization. The first European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798. He was the British captain of the Hunter, a whaling ship. He called the island Pleasant Island.

  However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first. Then whaling ships and other traders began to visit, bringing guns and alcohol. These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island. A ten­year civil war started, which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.

  Nauru's real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐) on the island. In fact, it found that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate, which is a very important fertilizer for farming. The company began mining the phosphate.

  A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground; it is a strip­mine. When a company strip­mines, it removes the top layer of soil. Then it takes away the material it wants. Strip­mining totally destroys the land. Gradually, the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.

  In 1968, Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world. Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.

  Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars. In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses. Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem—their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing. By 2000, Nauru was almost financially ruined. Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happen.

  56. What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

  A. To seek help for Nauru's problems.

  B. To give a warning to other countries.

  C. To show the importance of money.

  D. To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.

  57. What was Nauru like before the Europeans came?

  A. Rich and powerful.

  B. Modern and open.

  C. Peaceful and attractive.

  D. Greedy and aggressive.

  58. The ecological disaster in Nauru resulted from


  A. soil pollution

  B. phosphate overmining

  C. farming activity

  D. whale hunting

  59. Which of the following was a cause of Nauru's financial problem?

  A. Its leaders misused the money.

  B. It spent too much repairing the island.

  C. Its phosphate mining cost much money.

  D. It lost millions of dollars in the civil war.

  60. What can we learn about Nauru from the last paragraph?

  A. The ecological damage is difficult to repair.

  B. The leaders will take the experts' words seriously.

  C. The island was abandoned by the Nauruans.

  D. The phosphate mines were destroyed.


  56. B 写作意图题。由文章第一段的“Now it is an ecological disaster area. Nauru's heartbreaking story could have one good consequence—other countries might learn from its mistakes.”可以看出,作者的目的是给当前很多只注重发展经济而忽略环境保护的国家一个警告。故选B。

  57. C 细节理解题。从第一段提到的“太平洋上的国家瑙鲁岛曾经是一个美丽的地方”看出,瑙鲁岛attractive;由第二段第一句以及第三段第一句可知,上千年来,瑙鲁岛的人们生活在偏远的小岛上,过着平静的生活。故选C。

  58. B 细节理解题。由最后一段的“Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem-their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.”可以看出“磷酸盐逐渐减少,开采殆尽”。由此可以看出,“磷酸盐的过量开采”导致了生态灾难。故选B。

  59. A 细节理解题。由最后一段的“Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars. In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses. ”看出,是领导人不正确使用资金导致了财政问题。故选A。

  60. A 推理判断题。文章最后告诉我们:Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island,也就是说:瑙鲁岛上的生态损失弥补起来需要大量的资金和时间,即选项所说的“修复起来很难”。故选A。

  Valentine’s Day’s is named after Saint Valentine, an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers. Valentine was executed(处决)for his Christian beliefs on February 14 more than 1,700 years ago, but the day that has his name is even earlier than that.

  More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers. As part of the celebration, girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container(容器). Boys reached into the container and pulled one out. The girl whose name was written on the paper became his lover or sweetheart for a year.

  Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper and they send each other Valentine’s Day cards that tell of their love. Sometimes they also send gifts, like flowers or chocolate candy. Americans usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system. But some use another way to send this message. They have it printed in a newspaper. The cost is usually a few dollars. Some of the messages are simple and short:“Jane, I love you very much. Peter.”Others say more. This one, for example, “Dan, roses are red, violets are blue. I hope you love me as much as I love you. Forever, Mary.”

  Most of the newspapers that print such messages are local, but one, USA Today, is sold throughout the United Stated and 90 other countries as well. This means someone can send a Valentine message to a lover in a far-away city or town almost anywhere in the world. These messages cost 80 dollars and more. An employee of the USA Today says readers can have a small heart or rose printed along with their messages this year. Will this kind of Valentine’s Day messages reaches the one you love? Well, just make sure he or she reads the newspaper.

  62. How to understand“the day that has his name is even earlier than that”?

  A. The holiday for lovers is earlier than Valentine’s Day that was named after Saint Valentine.

  B. Valentine was executed a long time ago.

  C. The day when Valentine was executed is earlier than a holiday for lovers in ancient Rome.

  D. Valentine’s Day existed when Saint Valentine was still alive.

  63. Why the girl whose name was written on the paper would become a boy’s lover or sweetheart for a year?

  A. Because the girl would love the boy who pulled out a piece of paper on which the girl’s name was written.

  B. It’s up to the face.

  C. Because the boy would love the girl whose name was on the paper pulled out by him.

  D. Not mentioned in the passage.

  64. In what way do lovers express love when Valentine’s Day is coming, according to the passage?

  A. Sending Valentine’s Day cards.

  B. Sending gifts, like flowers or chocolate candy.

  C. Sending love through a newspaper.

  D. All of the above.

  65. Why printing message in USA Today is so expensive?

  A. Because readers can have a small heart or rose printed along with their messages.

  B. Because USA Today is sold through the United States and other countries.

  C. Because USA Today is an important newspaper.

  D. Because the quality of the paper USA Today is high.




  The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get o work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from

  where we live.

  I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

  People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole. And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting. 46. Why was the bike so important to the couple? A. The man’s job was bike racing.    B. It was their only possession. C. It was a nice Kona 18 speed.

  D. They used it for work and daily life. 47. We can infer from the text that ____________. A. the couple worked 60 hours a week.      

  B. people were busy before Christmas C. the stranger brought over the bike        

  D. life was hard for the young family. 48. How did people get to know the couple’s problem? A. From radio broadcasts.                B. From a newspaper. C. From TV news.                      

  D. From a stranger. 49. What do the couple learn from their experience? A. Strangers are usually of little help.       

  B. One should take care of their bike. C. News reports make people famous.      

  D. An act of kindness can mean a lot.



  The following notice is posted in the bus station.

  Time Table:

  ●Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, from 7:00 am and every half-hour thereafter, until 11:30 pm(7 days a week)

  ●Buses leave Brennan Station 20 minutes before and after every hour from 6:20 am to 11:40 pm(7 days a week)

  ●Evening rush hours (5:00 pm to 7:00 pm): Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City every 15 minutes. (Monday-Friday)

  ●Holidays Buses leave every hour on the hour, each direction. (Trip time:30 minutes each way)

  ●All tickets must be bought at Window 12, the Railway Station, New York City, or at the Brennan Station Window BEFORE boarding buses.

  50. If you want to take a bus in the evening rush hour, you should take the ____ in the Railway Station, New York City on Monday.

  A. 6:20 pm

  B. 5:45 pm

  C. 8:00 pm

  D. 7:15 pm

  51. If you get to the Railway Station New York 11:35 am on Saturday, how long will you have to wait before you take a bus?

  A.5 minutes

  B.15 minutes

  C.25 minutes

  D. No bus can be taken

  52. You’ll go back home from work in Brennan. Which of the following bus will you take?

  A.7:30 pm

  B.6:00 pm

  C.5:45 pm

  D.6:20 pm

  53. Where should passengers buy their tickets?

  A. From the bus driver

  B. On the bus after getting on it

  C. From the conductor

  D. At the station before boarding




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