湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (58)-查字典英语网
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湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (58)

发布时间:2016-12-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  The blockbuster film Titanic has brought millions of dollars and thousands of people to the theaters and continues to touch people today in their homes. Why is this film so successful? It is a combination of many different things. Among these are many different elements. Looking at some of these elements will show how the director and others involved were able to create an emotionally charged movie that appealed to millions.

  The film uses one thematic(主题的) element called - The Truth of Human Nature. The two main characters seem to represent noble people. Most of the other characters in the film are shown as non-tolerant, rude and cold-hearted people. The element of focusing on the two main characters' love and emotion seems symbolic of an ideal state.

  There are also social problems addressed. This is done in a few different ways. The most noticeable way is that the lower class people remain locked in the basement as the ship goes down. Throughout Titanic, the lighting is very important. The poor, lower class people are always shown in very warm-coloured light that gives them a sense of life and happiness. On the other hand, the rich, upper class are always shown in a flat light portraying the feeling of hardness and coldness. By using these techniques, they show the issue of class segregation(种族隔离), and they create stereotypes. The main characters are able to break free of these stereotypes and be together. This is the solution to the segregation problem.

  As you can see, Titanic took a lot of thinking and preparation to film in a manner that would create emotion and bring to the surface the issues and story of the great ship.

  61. The underlined word “blockbuster” in the first paragraph probably means “________”.

  A. something very successful

  B. a highly explosive bomb

  C. something worth a lot of money

  D. a touching story

  62. In Titanic, the scene of the lower class people remaining locked in the basement as the ship goes down is used to ________.

  A. criticize non-tolerant and cold-hearted rich people

  B. enlarge the scene of the film

  C. criticize the reality of the society

  D. emphasize the condition of the poor at that time

  63. Why were different colours of light used in the film Titanic? ________

  A. They were used to show the difference between the rich and the poor.

  B. The director was determined to achieve good visual effect.

  C. The social status was represented by the color of light in the past.

  D. The use of light was the main technique the director made use of.

  64. What can we infer from the passage? _________

  A. The segregation problem in the society can be solved by using the light.

  B. Though love is the main theme of Titanic, it also reflects some social problems.

  C. Because of the director's talents, the film Titanic achieved great success.

  D. In the film Titanic there are two characters altogether.

  65. The writer mainly talks about ________ in this passage.

  A. the process of shooting Titanic

  B. the leading actor and actress in Titanic

  C. the reasons why Titanic became a blockbuster film

  D. the outline of Titanic


  John Smith was lazy. He had finished his education and was happy to sit in his room and listen to the radio all day long. In fact, he had been doing nothing for almost six months, which worried his father a lot. One day Mr Smith decided that he had to do something. “Johnny. When I was your age I was working and supporting my ten brothers and sisters. I want you to go out and get a job.” So that was what he did. In fact, in the next three months, Johnny started ten jobs and was fired from ten jobs. He explained to his father.

  “They wanted me to be at work at 8:00 a. m. and told me to do all sorts of unpleasant things.”

  “I don’t care how you do it,” Mr Smith said. “Either you earn some money or move out of the house. I gave you one week’s time.”

  In the next few days Johnny began to change. He still stayed in his room all day, but spent his time writing letters and reading through the newspapers. More and more posts began to arrive for him. He bought a new suit for himself and invited his parents to the theatre and for dinner afterwards at the most expensive restaurant in town. When his proud parents arrived home after their evening hour, a policeman was waiting at the front door.

  “John Smith,” he said as he handed him a piece of paper, “I’ll see you in the court tomorrow.”

  When he got outside, Johnny told his parents everything.

  “When you told me to earn some money, 1 decided to put an advertisement in the newspaper saying, ‘New way to money fast! Send me $ 5 and I’ll tell you my secret.’ When I received the money I wrote back telling people to do as I do.”

  Johnny was fined $ 250 by the court and was ordered to pay all the people back. As he left the court house feeling very ashamed, a newspaper man came up to him, “Young man, would you like to tell your story to my newspaper for $ 2500?”

  56. Johnny was fired from the jobs because _______.

  A. he liked listening to the radio

  B. he had a big family to support

  C. he spent a lot of time writing letters

  D. he didn’t do the jobs well

  57. Johnny put an advertisement in the newspaper about _______ months after he left school.

  A. three

  B. six

  C. nine

  D. eleven

  58. Why was Johnny fined $ 250? _______.

  A. Because he was lazy

  B. Because he was out of work

  C. Because he cheated people

  D. Because he didn’t pay for his new suit

  59. What would probably happen at last? _______.

  A. Johnny would get $ 2500 from the newspaper

  B. The court would give $ 250 back to Johnny

  C. Johnny would continue to advertise in the newspaper

  D. Johnny would become a newspaper reporter

  60. Which of the following questions is NOT answered by the information from the passage? _______?

  A. How did the parents feel when Johnny invited them to the theatre and dinner

  B. What’s Johnny’s secret

  C. What did the policeman want Johnny to do

  D. How much did Johnny have to pay all the people back


  Do you want to love what you do for a living? Follow your passion. This piece of advice provides the foundation for modern thinking on career satisfaction. But this can be a problem.

  I've spent the past several years researching and writing about the different strategies we use to seek happiness in our work. It became clear early in the process that the suggestion to ” follow your passion" was flawed, for it lacks scientific evidence. However, it doesn't mean you should abandon the goal of feeling passionate about your work. The reality emphasizes that things are quite complicated.

  Passion is earned. Different people are looking for different things in their work, but generally, people with satisfying careers enjoy some combination of the following features : autonomy,respect, competence,creativity,and a sense of impact. In other words,if you want to feel passionate about your livelihood,don't seek the perfect job,but seek to get more of these features in the job you already have.

  Passion is elusive (难捉摸的).Many people develop the rare and valuable skills leading to passion , but still end up unhappy in their work. The problem is that the features leading you to love your work are more likely to be useful to you than your organization. As you become increasingly ‘‘valuable”,for example, your boss might push you toward traditional promotions that come with more pay and more responsibility, as this is what is most useful to your company. However, you might find more passion by applying your value to gain autonomy in your schedule or project selection.

  Passion is dangerous. I've watched too many of my peers fall into anxiety and chronic job- hoppirig due to the ‘‘follow your passion’ ,advice. The issue is expectations. If you believe we all have a pre-existing passion,and that matching it to a job will lead to instant workplace happiness, reality will always pale in comparison.

  Work is hard. Not every day is fun. If you're seeking a dream job, you'll end up frustrated, again and again. Don't set out to discover passion. Instead, set out to develop it. This path might be longer and more complicated than what most cheerful career guides might advocate,but it's a path much more likely to lead you somewhere worth going.

  67. People satisfied with their careers are _______.

  A. autonomous and passionate B. creative and competent

  C. respectable and sensitive D. creative and passionate

  68. What is the author's advice on achieving career satisfaction?

  A. Developing passion for what one is doing.

  B. Matching the pre-existing passion to one's work.

  C. Figuring out early what one will do in the future.

  D. Discovering skills that lead to interesting careers.

  69. The underlined sentence in Para. 5 probably means that _______.

  A. it is not easy to match our passion with our jobs

  B. we shouldn't think everyone has a pre-existing passion

  C. high expectations of passion in jobs bring disappointment

  D. workplace happiness does not require a pre-existing passion

  70. What's the author's attitude towards the advice of ”following your passion”?

  A. Ambiguous. B. Supportive. C. Cautious. D. Disapproving.


  For millions of Facebook users, choosing which photo to use for an online profile is an important decision. According to a study by researchers at the UT Dallas Center, the photos we select may reflect individual preferences, but they also appear to reflect more deeply rooted, unconscious cultural differences. Previous research has shown that culture can affect not only language and custom, but also how we experience the world and process information. Western cultures,for example,condition people to think of themselves as highly independent entities (实 体),whereas East Asian cultures stress collectivism and interdependence.

  Dr. Denise Park, co-director of the Center at UT Dallas, and former graduate student Dr. ChihMao Huang of the University of Illinois, were curious about whether these patterns of cultural influence extend to cyberspace. In a paper published in the International Journal of Psychology, they examined the profile photographs of more than 500 active Facebook users from the United States and

  East Asia. Overall, they found that profile photos of Americans are more likely to focus on the individual's face,while the profiles of East Asians tend to less emphasize the face and include more background features. Americans also show greater smile intensity compared to East Asian Facebook users.

  The findings show marked cultural differences in the focus of attention among East Asian and American Facebook users. Moreover, they echo previous research on cultural influences on visual perception(感知),attention, and reasoning in the offline world.

  “We believe these findings relate to a cultural bias to be more individualistic and independent in the US and more communal and interdependent in Asia,,,said Park.

  The research also found that cultural influences over our self-presentation online can shift over time and from place to place. In one of the study samples, Americans studying in Japan and Japanese studying in the US both showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of their host country.

  “ Facebook constitutes an extended social context in which personal profiles mirror various individual characteristics,private thoughts,and social behaviors,” noted Huang. “ As such,the study presents a new approach to investigate cognition and behaviors across cultures by using Facebook as a data collection platform. ”

  63. The underlined word ‘‘condition” in the first paragraph probably means _______.

  A. advise B. instruct C. shape D. forbid

  64. We can know from the passage that Mongolians probably emphasize .

  A. cultural influences B. social behaviors

  C. independent existence D. collective power

  65. It can be inferred that a Korean studying in the US is likely to _______.

  A. use a picture of his face on Facebook

  B. adjust to American preferences quickly

  C. change his profile photos from time to time

  D. put up a photo of his apartment on Facebook

  66. According to Dr. Huang, Facebook can help to _______.

  A. make up a more extended social context

  B. study the diversity of worldwide cultures

  C. promote communication between east and west

  D. combine different cultures from different aspects


  Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment?

  A vegetarian diet is often praised for its health benefits. Studies have shown that vegetarians usually have lower levels of heart disease and a lower risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet can have on the environment.

  Researchers from the Union of Concerned Scientists in the US recently studied how consumer behavior affects the environment. The study showed that meat consumption is one of the main ways that humans can damage the environment, second only to the use of motor vehicle.

  Then, how can eating meat have a negative effect on the environment? For a start, all farm animals such as cows,pigs,and sheep give off methane (沼气)gas by expelling ()wind from their bodies. One cow can produce up to 60 liters of methane each day. Methane gas is the second most common greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Many environmental experts now believe that it is more responsible for global warming than carbon dioxide. It is estimated that 25% of all methane

  released into the atmosphere comes from farm animals.

  Another way that meat production affects the environment is through the use of water and land. 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of beef, whereas 20 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat. One acre of farmland used for crop production can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 30,000 pounds of carrots, or 50,000 pounds of tomatoes.

  Many people now see the benefits of switching to a vegetarian diet,not just for health reasons, but also because it plays a vital role in protecting the environment. However, some nutritionists advise against switching to a totally strict vegetarian, or vegan diet. They believe a vegan diet, which excludes all products from animal sources, such as cheese, eggs, and milk, can be short of many necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need."

  Today,many people know it's important to take better care of their bodies and to use the earth's resources more efficiently. As this understanding spreads, more people may realize that to help the environment and for the human race to survive, more of us will need to become vegetarians.

  60. The underlined word ‘‘it,’ in Para. 3 refers to _______.

  A. methane gas B. carbon dioxide C. expelling wind D. greenhouse gas

  61. Many figures are used in Para. 4 to show _______.

  A. growing tomatoes has the highest production

  B. crop production is better than meat production

  C. meat production consumes too much water and land

  D. farm animals are the main producer of the methane gas

  62. What message does the passage want to convey?

  A. Our diet is destroying the surroundings.

  B. Raising farm animals affects the environment.

  C. A vegetarian diet helps to protect the environment.

  D. More and more people are becoming strict vegetarians.


  Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. ‘‘Father!,,Hassan cried. We sprung to our feet and raced out of the living room.

  ”Father! What's that sound?”Hassan screamed, his hands outstretched toward Ali. Ali wrapped his arms around us. A white light flashed and lit the sky in silver. It flashed again and was followed by rapid sharp sounds of gunfire.

  ”They're hunting ducks, ” Ali said in a hoarse voice. “They hunt ducks at night, you know. Don't be afraid.”

  A siren(汽笛)went off in the distance. Somewhere glass broke and someone shouted. I heard people on the street, awakened from sleep. Hassan was crying. Ali pulled him close and held him with tenderness.

  We stayed huddled ()that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generations of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of the bombs and gunfire were not yet born. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise,none of us had any idea that a way of life had ended. The end came when Russian tanks were rolling into the very same streets where Hassan and I played,bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting.

  Just before the sunrise,Baba's car pulled into the driveway. His door slammed shut and his running footsteps pounded the stairs. Then he appeared in the doorway and I saw something on his face. Something I didn't recognize right away because I'd never seen it before: fear. “Amir! Hassan ! “ He cried as he ran to us, opening his arms wide. ”They blocked all the roads and the telephone didn't work. I was so worried ! ”

  We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night.

  56. Who is the author of this passage?

  A. Hassan. B. Ali. C. Baba. D. Amir.

  57. By saying ” They're hunting ducks",Ali _______.

  A. told the children the truth B. tried to calm the children

  C. played a joke on the children D. cheered the children up

  58. We can infer from the passage that


  A. there were thunderstorms that night

  B. Afghan children were used to the war

  C. that night was the end of people's peaceful life

  D. people on the street shouted and broke the windows

  59. From the last sentence of the passage, we know _______.

  A. the author was glad to see his father come home safe

  B. there was a chance that a world in peace was to come

  C. what happened that night seemed nothing to the author

  D. Baba's arms gave the author temporary comfort and joy




  3.67. B

  68. A

  69. C

  70. D

  4.63. C

  64. D


  66. B

  5.60. A

  61. C

  62. C

  6.56. D

  57. B

  58. C

  59. D


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