湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (56)-查字典英语网
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湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (56)

发布时间:2016-12-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Section A

  本文词数:255 参考时间:2'30''

       A personal experience essay is different from other essays in terms of the level of emotional involvement. You need to write about a personal experience which affects your life deeply. The event may be small, but the feelings involved and the impact it made should be meaningful.      You can use the general essay structure of introduction, body and conclusion for the essay, but make sure that your content is both easy and enjoyable to read.      Start your essay with a vivid statement particular to your personal experience and then develop the essay with specific explanations and details. This will evoke1 images of your experience in the minds of readers.      Use the body of the essay to describe events in time order to tell readers how everything happened. You may also describe events in order of their importance. Thus, the most important experience is outlined first, and then come less important events. Choose an event that has deep influence on you and your life, and make sure that you convey how you feel and are affected by this event in the body part of the essay. By doing so, readers can share the depth of your feelings related to the event.      Using words such as "see", "smell", "hear", "feel" and "taste", you can convey your sensory2 experiences that can be linked to the event. You should focus on describing the emotions, feelings and actions that you experienced, and therefore your words can find an echo3 in the hearts of readers.


  1. evoke

  v.唤起 (感情、记忆或形象)

  2. sensory


  3. echo


  词数:149 处理时间:1'45''

  Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.

  1. The best title for this passage could be ______.

  A. The General Essay Structure

  B. The Importance of Describing Feelings

  C. How to Write a Personal Experience Essay

  D. The Basic Orders of Writing a Personal Experience Essay

  2. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?

  A. Time order is more frequently used than other orders.

  B. The opening of a personal experience essay should be brief.

  C. Words, such as "see" and "smell", should be used in every personal experience essay.

  D. The description of emotions is the most important factor in a personal experience essay.

  3. In the next paragraph, the author would most probably discuss _______.

  A. how to describe your feelings and emotions

  B. how to develop the body of an essay

  C. how to write the conclusion of an essay

  D. how to construct an essay

  Section B

  本文词数:252 参考时间:2'25''

       I decided to visit my sponsored1 child, 12-year-old Natacha Etienne. She survived the earthquake in Haiti. After a two-hour drive, I found myself in a beautiful place where Natacha’s family live.      When I first saw Natacha, waiting in her best clothes, I felt like giving her a hug, but I didn’t. She had never seen me before. With half of the villagers gathering to look at me, Natacha stood back, silent and shy.      When I pulled out photos, hand- written letters and drawings I’d received from Natacha, her shyness disappeared and she began to talk to me. Her parents greeted me with warm hugs and nervous smiles. In their simple house, I gave her coloured pencils, but when we found paper, there was no hard surface to put it on.      Her parents thanked me repeatedly for coming. Her father opened some coconuts2, and we drank and talked. I learnt that their only plan was to get all their eight children educated, so they could get the chance to leave Haiti. "You are like another mother for Natacha," they said. "You pay for her education and we are really thankful to you."      I take part in the sponsor activity, hoping it could help children like Natacha have a chance to go to school. I will stay in touch with them, and I believe my little contribution will change their lives. Now I realise that writing letters and sending photos are of great importance to Natacha, because they are all small gifts sent with great love.


  1. sponsor

  v.资助 (某人的培训或教育)

  2. coconut


  词数:187 处理时间:2'10''

  Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.

  1. We can infer from the passage that _________.

  A. Natacha has never used pencils before

  B. Natacha could not receive education because she is a girl

  C. Natacha and the author communicated with each other using letters and photos

  D. Natacha’s parents thanked the author because she helped Natacha leave Haiti

  2. The author wrote this passage to _____.

  A. tell a story about her sponsor activity

  B. call on people to help children in Haiti

  C. encourage people to take part in the sponsor activity

  D. introduce the importance of sending photos and writing letters to children

  3. Natacha’s parents said to the author "You are like another mother for Natacha", mainly because the author _________.

  A. offered Natacha coloured pencils

  B. helped Natacha receive education

  C. bought beautiful clothes for Natacha

  D. wrote letters and sent photos to Natacha


  词数:356 参考时间:3'30''

  Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

  A. Jacob Rice’s working partner

  B. The contribution of Shoe Giver of Tampa

  C. The Tampa children’s need for shoes

  D. Jacob Rice’s different summer vacation

  E. Jacob Rice’s dream

  F. The foundation of Shoe Giver of Tampa

  1. The school year started with new pairs of shoes for children, thanks to Jacob Rice and his organisation, Shoe Giver of Tampa. Jacob started supplying shoes to Tampa children four years ago when he was ten years old. He had the ambition1 to change the lives of children who were too poor to buy shoes. "My dream at the age of ten was to make a difference to children’s lives," he said.

  2. He called the local Develop Communities Corporation and asked what Tampa children needed. "Shoes" was the answer that came back, so he knew what he needed to do. "I knew I could do it and I wanted to help," he said.

  3. He founded his organisation, Shoe Giver of Tampa, but collecting and distributing2 thousands of pairs of shoes requires a lot of effort and cooperation. Luckily, Jacob found a partner, the Shoes4Souls. Elsey, a former shoe industry director, founded Shoes4Souls after the Asian tsunami3 struck in 2004. He worked with his workmates in the shoe industry to send more than 25,000 pairs of shoes to South-east Asia. When Elsey heard about Jacob, he decided to cooperate with the child by supplying him with a large number of shoes.

  4. During the last four years, the number of pairs of shoes distributed by Shoe Giver of Tampa reached 1,300. Seven hundred of those were sent personally by Jacob to poor children in the Dominican Republic while the rest have found their way to children in Florida.

  5. Shoes4Souls provided shoes for Jacob’s back-to-school campaign. As other teenagers were having fun on the last days of summer vacation, Jacob spent a different summer vacation measuring 66 pairs of small feet. A week later, 66 children went to school and enjoyed their new shoes as they marched down the hallways toward a new term.


  1. ambition


  2. distribute


  3. tsunami




  Section A

  1-3 CDC

  Section B

  1-3 CAB


  1. E

  2. C

  3. A

  4. B

  5. D


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