湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (53)-查字典英语网
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湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (53)

发布时间:2016-12-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A  本文词数:256 参考时间:2'25''     Every parent knows that for young children, a sharp object generally equals a disaster. However, serving children all the time for fear that they should be injured is worse, because children may not develop the ability to live independently. So, when it’s time to have dinner, telling your eight-year-old children to chop some onions on their own is a good start.      Chef Maribel, founder of FoodDiva.com, has produced a film called The Cutting Edge of Child’s Play, teaching kids aged seven and older how to use knives by themselves.      This film shows that knife skills are a basic life skill that will benefit people’s lives. It’s a simple act to press a knife into children’s hands and teach them how to use it. Using knives can give children more culinary1 confidence and self-confidence. Furthermore, they are more likely to make better food choices even when their parents aren’t around. When Chef Maribel was asked what she hoped parents would get from the film, she said, "I hope families will realise that knife skills are very simple and have a lot of long-term effects."      The best part of The Cutting Edge of Child’s Playis that all proceeds2 of the film will be donated to the 30 Million Dollar Challenge, a charity organisation that supports food banks. Chef Maribel believes that donating funds to food banks is a short-term target that helps children who live on a low food budget, while the long-term goal is providing them with education. Notes:

  1. culinary


  2. proceeds

  n.(售物或演出等的)收入 Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question. 词数:123 处理时间:1'30''  1. The best title for this passage could be __________.

  A. How to Chop Onions

  B. How to Learn Knife Skills

  C. A Film Teaching Children about Knife Skills

  D. A Film Teaching Children about      Kitchen Safety

  2. Chef Maribel made the film mainly to __________.

  A. make children feel confident

  B. show the importance of knife skills

  C. show off her excellent knife skills

  D. collect money for a charity organisation

  3. What can you infer from the passage?      A. Good knife skills mainly benefit chefs and parents.

  B. The proceeds of the film will be used to offer children knife skills class.

  C. Parents should forbid their young children from using knives.

  D. Teaching children knife skills may help them develop the ability to live independently.          


  B     本文词数:249 参考时间:2'15''     Recordings of Michael Jackson’s voice on a new album were far from finishing and required further digital improvement, according to one of the producers.      But Teddy Riley, who worked with Michael Jackson before his death, believed that this new album would become a classic and that it could even reach the heights of Jackson’s triumph in the late 1970s and early 1980s.      The new album has been involved in an argument since members of Jackson’s family doubted the authenticity1 of the songs. "Jackson would never consider it a final album. But because he’s not with us, he cannot give us new recordings," said Riley. "We used special sound technology to make the songs sound better, and I know it is the way that Jackson would have wanted it to sound." With the sound technology, Riley changed some of Jackson’s tones, which is why some pieces of Jackson’s music sound a little over-processed, but fans would still hear the true Michael Jackson.      Riley worked on three of the ten songs on the album, "Hollywood Tonight", "Monster"and "Breaking News". They were recorded in 2007. It was these recordings that led Jackson’s family to question the authenticity of the songs.      Riley said, "I am here to protect them, because I know they are great material and need to be heard. Jackson’s legacy2 needs to continue because he’s such a great person, and there’s more to come." Notes:

  1. authenticity


  2. legacy

  n.遗产 Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question. 词数:136 处理时间: 1'40''  1. The underlined word, "triumph", in the second paragraph probably means ______.

  A. talent B. success C. greatness D. charm

  2. Teddy Riley wanted to release Michael Jackson’s new album, because ______.

  A. it was in Michael Jackson’s will

  B. he could make money from this album

  C. Michael Jackson’s family asked him to do so

  D. he felt that the songs were classics and needed to be heard

  3. It can be concluded from the passage that __________.

  A. The new album will be more popular than Michael Jackson’s other albums

  B. there are three songs in the new album that were not processed

  C. the authenticity of Michael Jackson’s songs was the central problem in the current argument

  D. Teddy Riley won’t release the new album if he doesn’t reach an agreement with Jackson’s family


  读写任务     词数:426 参考时间:5'10''     阅读下面短文并回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。

  More than a quarter of British teenagers get sunburned on purpose in the belief that they will get a suntan1 at last, a survey has found.      The Teenage Cancer Trust2 discovered that 26% of British young people, aged 13 to 19, planned to get sunburned on purpose. Almost a third of the surveyed said they never used sun cream in the UK, and 55% wrongly thought the British sun was not as harmful as other countries’. In addition, more than 20% admitted they had been badly burned after falling asleep in the sun, and 74% were under the impression that they would never get burned on a cloudy day.      Simon Davies, chief researcher of the Teenage Cancer Trust, said, "We found that teenagers displayed a worrying lack of knowledge when it comes to _______. We are trying to educate them to prevent the overexposure3 to the sun, which can lead to skin cancer later in life."      The trust has launched a sun safety campaign, Sunburn, which asks young people to "love the sun, respect your skin". Mr. Davies said, "Even if we stop just one teenager from developing skin cancer when he grows older, the Sunburn campaign is worth it."      Edward Yong, head of Cancer Research UK, said, "It’s worrying that so many teenagers are prepared to go through the pain and discomfort of sunburn in order to get a suntan."      According to a study carried out by Cancer Research UK, sunburn is basically a radiation burn. It means that the DNA in people’s skin has been damaged by the sun’s ultraviolet rays(紫外线). Even after the sunburn fades4, this damage can remain and greatly increase the risk of skin cancer later in life. Researchers suggested that people with fair skin get burned easily and they should take particular care to avoid sunburn. Notes:

  1. suntan


  2. trust


  3. overexposure


  4. fade

  v.逐渐消失 1. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 12 words)      _______________________________

  2. Which sentence in the passage is closest in meaning to the following one?

  People who get sunburned are more likely to suffer from skin cancer when they are older, because the effects of sunburn will not disappear as time goes by.      _______________________________

  3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)      _______________________________

  4. What wrong opinion do British teenagers hold about the British sun? (no more than 11 words)


  1.       Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.

  __ _____________________________ 阅读参考答案     SectionA1-3 CBDSectionB1-3 BDC读写任务:1. Teenagers in the UK don’t take much      care to protect their skin.2. Even after the sunburn fades, this      damage can remain and greatly increase the risk of skin cancer later      in life.3. protecting their skin from the sun4. It was not as harmful as other      countries’sun.5. 令人担忧的是,如此多的青少年为了晒黑而甘受日晒的痛苦和不适。


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