2014年牛津译林版高中英语总复习(第1轮)同步练习 M7《Unit 3 The world online》-查字典英语网
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2014年牛津译林版高中英语总复习(第1轮)同步练习 M7《Unit 3 The world online》

发布时间:2016-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ.完成句子(6 min.) 1. How________________ (时事)? 2. Do(搜索问题的答案) on Internet? 3. With__________ (求助), .

   4. He(上网) ____________ (而不是) go shopping with his wife. 5. Have________________ (把……考虑进去) all the possible delays on the way before leaving for his office? 6. Whenever(查询) the dictionary.完形填空(8 min.)We know that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting 1.______ enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much 2.______ we can learn how to use the computer and can get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can send e­mails 3.______ our friends quickly. We can chat freely online with our friends. 4.______ can help us to get in touch with people from all over the world.Buttakes them too much time to chat online, 7.______ they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don't study well any more. I think we mustn't get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays or 8.______ the weekend.

  Ⅲ.阅读理解(8 min.)(原创)In cities, (轰鸣) of planes, be driven mad by it. In an attempt to recapture some peace, I travelled to a temple, a small poor house and a mine 2km underground — all very quiet but not the holy place of silence. The one place I was most excited about visiting was the anechoic (无回声的) hall. it's business as usual — when sound is absent, that signals dangers. A violinist tried it and knocked on the door after a few seconds, demanding to be let out because he was so disturbed by the silence.

  I booked a 45璵inute period ?no one had managed to stay in for that long before. I felt anxious for two w reasons: would I go mad and tear off my clothes? Or would I simply be disappointed because it wasn't as enjoyable as I'd hoped?

  When the heavy door shut behind me, I was thrown into darkness. For the first few seconds, being in such a quiet place made me feel nervous. I tried to hear something and heard…nothing. Then, after a minute or two, I became aware of the sound of my breathing, so I held my breath. The sound of my heartbeat became apparent ?nothing I could do about that. As the minu tes went by, I started to hear the blood rushing in my body. Your ears become more sensitive as a place gets quieter, and mine were going overtime. I heard my skin moving over my head, which was a strange noise I couldn't explain. The feeling of peace was spoiled by a little disappointment — this place wasn't quiet at all.

  I didn't feel afraid and came out only because my time was up; I would happily have spent longer in there. Everyone was impressed that I'd beaten the record, but having spent so long searching for quiet, I was comfortable with the feeling of absolute stillness. Afterwards I felt wonderfully rested and calm.

  I found that making space for moments of quiet in my day is the key to happiness ?they give you a chance to think about what you want

  in life. How can you really focus on what's important if you're distracted by constant background noise? If you can occasionally become master of your own sound environment — from turning off the TV to moving to the country, as I did ?you become a lot mofre accepting of the noises of everyday life.

  1. Why did the writer love to travel everywhere?

  A. To find a place to enjoy himself.

  B. To study the customs of other countries.

  C. To discover whether absolute silence exists.

  D. To escape from the background roar of vehicles.

  2. It is implied in Paragraph 2 that astronauts ______.

  A. should be trained in the anechoic hall

  B. should learn to cope with the silence of space

  C. should knock on the door to make noises

  D. should sense something was wrong by noises

  3. The writer could hear the following in the anechoic hall except ______.

  A. breathing

  B. heartbeat

  C. blood rushing

  D. light

  4. We can infer from the passage that ______.

  A. you'd get more sensitive in a quiet place

  B. you'd have to be dead for absolute silence

  C. the writer felt tired and calm when he came out

  D. the writer went out of the hall due to extreme fear

  5. Which of the following will the writer agree with?

  A. His desire for silence changed his life.

  B. His experience narrowly drove him mad.

  C. We should try our best to live without noises.

  D. Our sufferings are bound to be linked to noises.

  Ⅳ.阅读填空(10 min.)ccessful outcome. List building plays a major role in developing good relationships with your site's customers and visitors. It can be used to get more sales for your site or business. For these reasons contact building should be high on your list when you're marketing or promoting on the web. Fortunately, list building is an easy process that any site or webmaster can quickly set up as long as you understand two simple elements. To be really successful, your list building must combine these two key elements. Without these you will probably find building your contact list difficult and slow going. So it is worth your while to fully understand these two factors in your list building.

  Value ?It should offer important information, quality content, special deatls / discounts, and more importantly, it should offer a valuable relationship or connection to an expert in the subject area of the list.

  Subscribers (订户用户) must benefit from joining your list. If you're building a list, rite down all the benefits someone would receive from joining your site or list, including receiving important information, getting special valuable content, receiving special deals / discounts, getting training videos and getting timely announcements or news. Don't forget there may also be a psychological reason for joining your list — many people like being part of a group or membership site. It's human nature. Everybody likes to feel included.

  Free whatever you offer ?make sure it is free. The quickesft way to build any list is to give away free valuable content, information, videos, reports, e璪ooks, discounts, prizes卐verybody loves a free gift. Just make them an offer they can't refuse. This has more to do with the nature of your gift and teehe kind of contacts you're building — giving away free buying guides on how to purchase real estate, fast cars, LCD TVs, laptops厀ill definitely attract the right 揵uying customer? If you're into selling, you just have to adjust your marketing to do combine the free element correctly. In addition, giving away something free is the first step in starting an ongoing relationship with your subscribers. It gets the ball rolling.

  Ⅴ.写作(25 min.)假定你是张峰一家英文报社邀请你写一篇中学生对网络使用情况的报道。请阅读下列各图写出自己的认识与思考发给报社。注意:词数:不少于120词;可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。











  助动词 Ⅰ.根据所给的汉语意义完成下列各句 (每空一个单词) 1. English(现在变得) more and more important. 2. He(来) to the office this afternoon.

   3. By(完成) half of their task. 4. I ________________ (确实想) you. 5. They(不得不) have lunch at school. 6. We(最好) be watching the TV play. 7. Don't(我宁愿) you came next weekend.  8. ________________ (我们可能) gain anything by going out on strike? 9. He(应该) have arrived an hour ago. (过去经常写).单项填空  11. ________ a word of Chinese before she arrived, the foreigner is excited that she has now published stories outside her home country.

  A. Not to know

  B. Not knowing

  C. Knowing not

  D. To know not

  12. ________ to see a film with us today?

  A. Did you like

  B. Would you like

  C. Will you like

  D. Have you liked

  13. I'm sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply ________ what I did.

  A. must do

  B. had to do

  C. ought to have done

  D. have to do

  14. Time is running out,________?15. No one ________ that to his face.

  A. dares say

  B. dares saying

  C. dare say

  D. dare to say

  16. You ________ last week if you were really serious about your work.

  A. ought to come

  B. ought to be coming

  C. ought have come

  D. ought to have come

  17. The elephants ought ________ hours ago by the keepers.

  A. to be fed

  B. to feed

  C. to being fed

  D. to have been fed

  18. — I wonder why they're late.

  ?They ________ the train.

  A. can have missed

  B. could miss

  C. may have missed

  D. might miss

  e19. — Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

  桯e ________ have been an outstanding student.

  A. must

  B. could

  C. should

  D. might

  u20. He is really incompetent! The letter ________ yesterday.

  A. should be finished typing

  B. must be finished typing

  C. must have finished typing

  D. should have been finished typing

  21. The boy told his father that he would rather ________ an astronaut.

  A. become

  B. to become

  C. becoming

  D. became

  22. When we reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we ________.

  A. needed not to hurry

  B. needn't have hurried

  C. need not to have hurried

  D. didn't need to hurry

  23. He was afraid what he had done ________ a disastrous effect on his career.

  A. might have

  B. could be

  C. have been

  D. shall be

  24. Nearly 70 percent of respondents said they ________ get married if they still had to rent.

  A. would not like to

  B. would like not to

  C. not would like to

  D. would like to not

  25. — Why didn't you give a hand to the boy?

  ?I ________e, but he struggled to his feet before I tried to.

  A. would like to have

  B. would like to

  C. would rather to have

  D. would better

  26. If they ________, our plan will fall flat.

  A. are co­operating

  B. had not co­operated

  C. won't co­operate

  D. didn't co­operate

  27. I hoped ________ my letter.

  A. her to answer

  B. that she would answer

  C. that she answers

  D. her answering

  28. He ________ live in the country than in the city.

  A. prefers

  B. likes to

  C. had better

  D. would rather

  Unit 3

  Ⅰ. 1. current affairs 2. search for; to 3. turn to 4. go online; rather than 5. taken into consideration 6. consult

  Ⅱ. 1. and 2. because 3. to 4. It 5. also 6. Some 7. so 8. at

  Ⅲ. 作者忍受不了日常生活中的噪音,到处寻找绝对安静的地方。然而一次“安静”的经历使作者改变了这个观点。

  1. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的In an attempt to recapture some peace可知答案。

  2. B 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,太过安静,会让人心烦和恐惧。宇航员在太空中就是这样,所以他们要学会怎样对付太空中的这种宁静。

  3. D 细节理解题。根据第四段可知答案。

  4. B 推理判断题。根据第四段可知作者在里面能听到自己身上的许多声音。尽管没有外界的声音,尽管能感觉到片刻的宁静(stillness),但是出来后还是觉得有点失望,所以可以推出,只有一个人死后,才能彻底地听不到声音。A项是第三段的事实,C项与第五段的最后一句Afterwards相反;D项与第五段的第一句相反。

  5. A 态度观点题。根据最后一段可知: 作者寻求绝对的安静而不得,但是在无回音室的经历使他感觉到了片刻的宁静,之后便觉得安宁了许多。由此作者明白,真正的安宁是内心的安静,不受外界的打扰,在日常生活中与噪音共存。

  Ⅳ. 1. factor/aspect 2. Reasons 3. influence/effect/impact 4. business 5. easily/quickly 6. build

  7. necessary/vital/important 8. remember 9. offer/give/send

  10. Besides/Additionally/Moreover/Furthermore

  Ⅴ.One possible version:

  As we all know, the Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. We often read news at home and abroad and learn foreign languages by ourselves on the Internet. Sometimes we send e­mails to our families as well as our friends. Besides, we listen to music, enjoy films and play computer games on it. We can even do shopping through Internet.

  However, it also has its disadvantages. Many students waste too much time playing the electronic games, which has a bad effect on their studies. What's worse, the bad information on the Internet does great harm to them. I hope every student can make use of the Internet properly for their studies.


  Ⅰ. 1. is becoming 2. is to come 3. had finished 4. do miss 5. have to 6. had better 7. I'd rather 8. Are we likely to 9. is supposed to 10. used to

  Ⅱ. 11. B 动词的­ing形式的否定,直接在其前面加not。

  12. B would you like to do sth.表示客气的请求。

  13. B 根据上文的had可知用一般过去时,have to表示客观的要求。

  14. C 助动词had better的否定在better后直接加not, 但是其疑问句的否定,not用在had之后。

  15. C 情态动词dare无人称和数的变化。

  16. D 情态动词ought to不能分开,last week暗示是过去的事情。

  17. D hours ago暗示“过去”,此处表示“喂食”是被动。

  18. C 现在迟到,“错过火车”就是在过去,而且这只是一种可能性。

  19. A 情态动词must表示“肯定的猜测”。

  20. D 此处should表示责备。信是“被输入电脑”。

  21. A 助动词would rather后接动词原形。

  22. B 表示虚拟:本不必着急。

  23. A 根据主句中的afraid可知,这只是一种可能性。

  24. A 固定助动词搭配would like to do sth.的否定形式。

  25. A 这是一种省略形式,完整的句子为I would like to have given a hand to the boy我本想帮那个孩子一把。根据上文中的didn't可知是“过去”,故保留have。

  26. C 本答案不是将来时,条件状语从句中也不能用将来时,只能用一般现在时表示将来的动作。此处的will表示“意愿”。全句意为:如果他们真不想合作的话,我们的计划就泡汤了。

  27. B 该题考查的是hope的用法。hope在用法上可以说 hope to do sth.希望干某事,但不可以说hope sb. to do sth.,却可跟that从句作宾语。

  28. D would rather…than 宁愿怎么样而不怎么样。这句话的意思是:我宁愿住在乡村也不愿意住在城里。


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