Time travel-查字典英语网

Time travel

发布时间:2016-12-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Forget how from the awakening of the chaos, one goggle, is all wonderful, time into navigation cloud, far away on the dome of the guide, with the eyes of the camera, record the scenery along the way or Ming or qing, make memory the bookmark in the book.

  Young * numerous spring

  The awaken of spring is abundant. Wind also in April with a tender breath, pass in Fuji mountain stretches of cherry blossoms, cherry tree ueno park is already full tree purples, double cherry blossom in the branches, curled up vines have been stretched to perfection, with the spring breeze in the footsteps of expecting the dance.

  Sakura petals gentle left heart, cruising in the wind. Across Tokyo tower, across the rainbow bridge, through the jagged line of buildings, no matter, the background is how cold and harsh metallic luster, as long as it passes through the place, all were the color of the grey infection is prohibited. As young the clear eyes, filled with the most sincere emotion and heart, with a dream and polite, young soul, like the delicate blossoms, surrounding by the several times of space and time, also won't die out true temperament.

  Kissing a clove of sakura, a second before she sent late, the best pure childhood scenery.

  Young * summer

  Sun broiled. The sun naked burning the earth, seemed to evaporate from the blood of the earth. Stop in McCall, streets, watching the water of the Nile underfoot, the river such as the goddess of hand across every brown sediment. The streets of Cairo is chaotic, but people here don't care, because the flow always watching from a distance of the Nile.On the view of gravel, trembling cheek gently touch crude and hot surface, as if to kiss the forehead of pharaoh. Elegance to the mottled teachers, through the change of appearance after one thousand has been strengthened, as youth stubborn strength of character, be permeated with the most uninhibited breath and passion, to make them too, like a masonry discovered, even go through a one thousand, also won't lose serious dazzling light

  Sun shining pyramids, firm stand, the sun will it set carved into the most vehement in their youth, the scenery of the most high.

  Middle-aged * numerous autumn

  Grew and grew. Autumn is like knocked over the soup, pour in haikou unlimited wonderful sea cloth, wipe a splash is a heavy variety, holiday xuelang loops in the coast, if sea horizon far if close. DE - dark brown wood street, stretching all the way along the ancient building stands in ancient building, xiuying ancient fort in sight

  Random walk on the road, smelling wanlu park in sends out the faint scent, seems to be stretched out his hand and arm can be caught, as people walk on the beach trademark smile on the face, then seems to forget time, forget the location, some heavy means that evergreen in the cultivation, quiet and calm. As middle-aged with slow steps, want to detail action pictures along the way. They calm face, like sand in victory street view, only let people's mind

  Embrace the whole city, breathing it sends out the fragrance, pouring middle age the most mellow composed of scenery.

  Older * late winter

  The white snow. The first snow of winter, is not big, but enough to delight all, actually it is not uncommon to see snow, Moscow is just a field, singing the tau kok. Buzzing city on the outskirts of falls, be like playing against winter carols.

  ChuJi sunshine petty pleasures, spraying down through the tower can be separated by thin spire, literally standing where a crossroads looking looking, it is always wise than frivolous, serene mask the hustle and bustle, people walking leisurely and carefree, as if too many, already don't have to hurry to chase. So harmonious, as older unruffled, grateful, cherishing the time remaining. They love look like Moscow warm afternoon sunshine. Let bath with body and mind are exalted.

  To shake hands with every one, the feelings of each a well-meaning smile, collect old age finally ease of scenery.

  Like Alice wonderland roaming, the scenery of life bookmarks so be pasted all over the world, the fuzzy one page of winter in Shanghai, collecting snow, mind flashed between Tokyo yaezakura, Cairo, pyramid, hainan Henderson street, looking up again with Moscow snow of dispute may then feel suddenly had a rebirth - world starts all over again.

  The scenery of life still need to continue to gather.


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