湖南省长沙县实验中学2016届高三英语二轮复习书面表达复习重点话题指导专题04 传统文化话题指导(学生版)-查字典英语网
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湖南省长沙县实验中学2016届高三英语二轮复习书面表达复习重点话题指导专题04 传统文化话题指导(学生版)

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Spring Festival.

  Best wishes.


  Li Ming


  写作任务:     假设你是学校英语爱好者俱乐部的会员,近期此俱乐部即将筹备一场会员聚会,主题是了解美国的节日习俗及文化。你想让会员们了解一下即将到来的美国传统节日"土拨鼠节"。下面是你在网上查阅到的相关信息:


  Date February 2nd

  Place Celebrated in America and Canada

  Origin Began in Germany in the 6th century; a traditional Christian festival

  Meaning If the groundhog comes out of its hole and sees its shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter; if it doesn’t see its shadow, spring won’t be far away.

  Events A yearly festival is organized in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the US. The State was populated mainly by German settlers.



  Happy Ground hog Day

  Groundhog Day is a traditional Christian festival which originated in Germany in the 6th century. Today it is celebrated in America and Canada on February 2nd. How does this festival relate to the groundhog? Here is the story. On this day, it is said if the groundhog comes out of its hole, sees its shadow, and returns to its hole, it means there will be 6 more weeks of winter. But if it doesn’t see its shadow and starts the life on the ground, it means spring won’t be far away. The groundhog is like a weather forecaster and Groundhog Day is a day to

  forecast the weather, which shows that the people are eager for spring. A festival is organized in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the US every year. The State was populated mainly by German settlers, which explains how the festival came to America.


  Dear Tom ,

  Glad to hear from you . Now let me tell you something about the Lantern Festival in China.

  The Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival , falls on the 15th day of the lunar month. As early as the Western Han Dynasty , it became a festival with great symbolize.

  “Guessing lantern riddles” is a main part of the festival .In addition to displaying and appreciating lanterns, the Lantern Festival is also has a similar pronunciation with “tuan yuan”, standing for family unity and harmony .

  In the daytime, there are performance such as a dragon—lantern dance, a land—boat dance , walking on stilts and so on. At night , besides magnificent lanterns , fireworks form a beautiful scene.

  If you have any question about this,

  please write to me soon .

  Yours faithfully


  实例指导4—My FavouriteFestval


  我国有很多传统节日。请你以“My FavouriteFestval”为题目,写一篇120词左右的作文。内容包括:




  My Favourite Festival

  There are a lot of festivals in China, of Which Chinese people look on Spring Festival as the most important one. And it's also my favourite, and I really enjoyed it when I was a child.

  There are several reasons why Spring Festival is my favourite. First, during it, I could have plenty of delicious food to eat and enjoy a very long holiday, setting off fireworks,

  getting together and visiting relatives and friends. Besides, I could wear beautiful clothes. And what is more important is that I would receive a lot of pocket money. So, every year, I hoped Spring Festival Would come soon.

  Now I have' grown up. Although I can have delicious food and wear my favourite clothes every day , Spring Festival is still as important to me as it was before. .

  As society develops, many people in China, especially young people, celebrate more and more foreign festivals instead of our traditional festivals. They believe it is cool or fashionable. At the same time, they consider celebrating China’s festivals as out-dated.      I don’t think this is good for younger generations or for our country. Firstly, traditional festivals are an important part of China’s cultural heritage. They are unique and are precious treasures from our ancestors. If we don’t keep them, we will lose our own cultural characteristics. Secondly, our traditional festivals are, in fact, just as cool as a lot of foreign festivals. As our country becomes stronger, the world will learn much more about our culture and our festivals, just like our language becomes more and more popular in other countries.      In conclusion, I think it’s all right to receive some foreign cultures, but we should not ignore our own traditional festivals. We should learn more about them. As the Beijing Olympics approaches, we can introduce our festivals to our foreign friends!


  据报道,圣诞节这个原本是西方的传统节日在中国愈来愈受到青睐。为此,已有学者发出倡议,号召国人慎对圣诞,抵制西方文化扩张。请以“Do we need to fear the popularity of Christmas ”为题,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,要点如下:

  1. 圣诞节已经成为年轻人推崇的时尚。



  参考词汇:文化扩张 cultural expansion

  Do we need to Fear the Popularity of Christmas?

  Nowadays Christmas Day is becoming more and more popular with Chinese youngsters. They celebrate and enjoy it in various ways. Meanwhile they don’t know and don’t care much about the traditional Chinese festivals. Some people are worrying that the increasing popularity of Christmas might take people’s attention from traditional festivals in China.

  As far as I’m concerned, there is no need to have fears over culture expansion. Youngsters are interested in new things, but it doesn’t mean they are turning their backs on Chinese traditional culture.

  However, we should stay cool while celebrating western festivals. We should bear in mind the cultural valve of celebrating our own traditional festivals, for if we let our traditions disappear, there will be a cultural gap, which western values may fill.


  1. 万圣节的时间(10月31日);



  pumpkin n.南瓜;

  mask n.面具




  五一放假3天 五一放假一天



  春节放假3天 春节放假3天,但提前到除夕

  国庆节放假三天,元旦放假一天 国庆节放假三天,元旦放假一天


  生词:清明节:Tomb-Sweeping Day; 端午节: Dragon-boat Festival ;中秋节:Mid Autumn Festival


  China makes 3 traditional festivals holidays

  The Chinese government on Sunday officially announced the scrapping of one of the country's three "golden week" holidays and introduced three new one-day public holidays.

  The May Day holiday is shortened from three days to one day, while the three-day National Day holiday and one-day New Year holiday remain unchanged.

  Recently, millions of Chinese traveling at the same time makes transport and tourist destinations very crowded. The new plan would uphold Chinese traditions, make public holidays better distributed and, with more people traveling on new public and paid holidays, ease overcrowding on the golden weeks.

  感恩节前夕,你用英语写了一篇题目为"Live with Thankfulness"的文章,向你校的校报"英文随笔"专栏投稿,号召大家学会感恩生活。(词数:120左右)

  1. 感谢大自然给你提供了生存环境。

  2. 感谢父母给了你生命,培育了你。

  3. 感谢老师教育你成才。

  4. 感谢朋友给你提供帮助。

  Live with Thankfulness We are living in a warm world and we are surrounded by deep love. We should feel thankful. First of all, we must thank nature because it gives us the best gifts, such as fresh air, bright sunshine, gentle wind and beautiful flowers. Secondly, we should thank our parents who have done more than we can imagine for us. It is they who give us the chance to see this beautiful world. They raise us, educate us and support us. Thirdly, we should thank our teachers because they give us knowledge. They teach us how to live in the society. Lastly, thanks to our dear friends, we can get through hard times. We share happiness and sorrow

  你们班在英语课堂上分组进行了一次讨论会,讨论的主题是"英国风俗文化介绍"。老师给每个小组都布置了任务,你所在小组需要向同学们介绍的是英国的Boxing Day。     以下是你所在小组成员在网上查阅到的相关信息:

  1. 日期:12月26日

  2. 地点:英国,澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大等英语国家。

  3. 起源:据说起源于中世纪时期的英格兰。当时,仆人们在圣诞节那天不能回家,但他们可以在圣诞节的第二天回家与家人团聚,而主人们会为他们准备一个装有食物、衣服或是钱的礼盒,让他们带回家去。

  4. 庆祝方式:如今这一天成了家人团聚的日子,人们在这天可以买到各种打折的节日礼品和饰品。

  请你根据以上提示信息写一篇关于Boxing Day的介绍性短文,为在讨论会上发言做准备。



  1. greetings

  2. gift giving3. ways of talking




    1997年12月3日,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO) 世界遗产委员会一致通过,将丽江古城列入《世界遗产名录》。请你根据下表内容,向要去丽江旅游的美国友人介绍丽江古城,词数不超过150。

  位置 云南省丽江纳西族自治县的中心城市,海拔约2400米;

  历史 始建于宋末元初,800多年历史;

  建筑 依山傍水而建,为研究古代建筑提供了珍贵的范例;

  风俗 传统民族文化和习俗、美丽的自然风景吸引着无数游客。

  提示词语:丽江纳西族自治县the old-time architecture.      On December 3rd, 1997, it was put in the list of the World’s Relics by the World Cultural Heritage Commission of the UNESCO. The charming Old Town is now a famous tourist attraction for its traditional ethnic culture and customs, inimitable buildings and the wonderful natural views.


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