2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(四十八)选修8Module 6《The Tang Poems》(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(四十八)选修8Module 6《The Tang Poems》(外研版)

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(四十八) [选修8 Module 6 The Tang Poems]

        (限时:45分钟)Ⅰ.单项填空1.—The book isn't easy for Jack to understand,

  is it?

  —________. His foreign language is far better than expected.


  it isn't

  B. I'm afraid not

  C.I don't think so

  D. Yes,

  it is

  2.To read Tolstoy and ________ to the nineteenth century Russian literature are two excellent reasons for taking Professor Morrel' s course.

  A.to introduce

  B. introduce

  C.being introduced

  D. to be introduced

  3.What a pity!Considering his ability and experience,

  he ________must have done

  C.can have done

  D.might have done

  4.Examination compositions,

  together with most business letters and government reports,

  are the main situations ________ formal language is used.

  A.in which

  B. on which

  C.of which

  D. for which

  5.There aren't many seats left for the concert;you had better make sure ________ two today. you get

  D. that you will get

  6.Usually a child's behaviour is a________of his family environment.





  7.Some students find it hard to________the new teacher's dialect(方言). A.There are

  B.They areDon't you know that smoking is harmful to your health? And furthermore,

  our teacher does not ________cigarettes.

  A.approve us to smoke

  B.approve of us smoking

  C.approve us smoke

  D.approve of us smoke

  11.Clinical evidence began to________, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.

  D. accumulate

  12.The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel________about job prospects.





  13.The prize of the game show is $30 and an all­expenses­________vacation to China.



  C.to be paid

  D.being paid

  14.She is only a(n)________,not a friend of mine. for his eyesight was beginning to_________.disappear


  阅读理解 Paul Panklin at a university found that 9 percent of communication time is devoted to writing,

  16 percent to reading,

  30 percent to speaking and 45 percent to listening.

  We spend more time listening than we do in any other form of communication. However,

  most of us don't pay much attention to it.

  Research indicates that normal listening results in a 50璸ercent retention immediately after a 10璵inute presentation, ,

  which then declines to only about 25 percent after 48 hours. Extension Specialist Bob Linda says the average person will hear 7. 5 minutes of a one­hour presentation and will forget half of that.

  One reason we listen so poorly is that our minds work much faster than our mouths. The average person thinks 600?00 words per minutme but speaks at a rate of about 125. His listeners' minds are occupied with hearing only one­fifth of the time he is speaking. The listeners may consider and react to what is being said during the other four­fifths of the time,

  or become absorbed in coming up with his response,

  or think other thoughts and miss the rest of what is being said.

  If we really listen,

  we may be forced to accept a different perspective of reality. Most of us have a firmly developed view of reality that we do not want to change. Carl Rogers,

  the psychiatrist,

  points out that if you are really willing to listen to another,

  to enter his private world and see reality as he sees it,

  you run the risk of being changed. “This risk of being changed is one of the most frightening prospects most of us can face.”

  16.From the passage,

  we can learn that listening .

  A. always forms a barrier to our communication

  B.occupies the largest part in communication

  C.will take the place of other ways of communication

  D.is a difficult skill to master

  17.The underlined word “retention” in the 3rd paragraph means “________”.





  18.In normal listening,

  the reason why an average person can only keep half of what the speaker says in mind is that ________.

  A.half of that will be forgotten

  B.our mouths work much more slowly than our minds

  C.most of us pay little attention to it

  D.he is afraid of being changed

  19.According to Carl Rogers,


  A.we should let listeners enter our private world

  B.the opinions of the speakers may affect us if we listen to them willingly

  C.we shouldn't make us changed while listening

  D.it is wrong that we don't want to change while listening

  20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The listeners can only occupy themselves with 20% of the time when listening.

  B.We spend more time speaking than we do in any other form of communication.

  C.The listeners miss the rest of what is being said only because they think other thoughts.

  D.If we listen,

  we may be forced to accept a different perspective of reality.



  但是不知怎样适应(adapt to)大学的生活。请你就以下大学新生常遇到的情况给南京大学校长写一封信,


  但不计入总词数; 词数120左右。_________________



  ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________












  Li Hua


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