2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(四十一)选修7Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(四十一)选修7Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(外研版)

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(四十一) [选修7 Module 5 Ethnic Culture]

        (限时:35分钟)Ⅰ.单项填空1.Near the table ________ a little dog,

  watching her eagerly.




  D.lie________ pilots turn off the plane's lights before taking off?

  —The practice is for the passengers to adjust to the dark ________ an emergency.

  A.why; for fear that

  B.for which; in case offor fear of

  D.that; in case________ for old age.

  A.put away

  B.kept up

  C.given away

  D.put off

  5.—How about the concert last night?


  at least it's ________ the one I saw last time with Joan.

  A.no worse than

  B.no good

  C.not as good as

  D.as bad as

  6.The plan has to be ________ to meet the real situation.




  B.make up there were around 7,000 foreign printing companies in China,

  ________ up to make


  D.having made

  9.—I promise her daughter ________ get a nice present on her birthday.

  —Will it be a big surprise to her?






  my daughters take great interest in most of the food on the menu.

  —Thanks. ________? fried fish,

  chips and orange juice,


  A.Shall I take your order

  B.At your service

  C.What to follow

  D.Can I help you

  11.The town has ________ population of more than 10,000 and 30% of ________ population make a living by fishing.the

  B. a; /

  C. /; the

  D. /;/,which would ________ cause danger. 13.—You can have a pet dog, but suppose you get bored with it in a few days?________?we promise!

  A. Then what

  B. All right

  C. How come

  D. So what

  14.I can________ the house being untidy,and he is in low spirits.

  —________? He had been studying hard. 完形填空 52,

  is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with __16__ and gang(团伙) problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often __17__ he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day __18__.

  Those fun trips had a(n) __19__ impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day,

  __20__ working security at a school basketball game,

  Moody noticed two young guys __21__. He sensed trouble between them. __22__,

  one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug. “I __23__ you. You took me __24__ when I was in fifth grade. That was one of the __25__ days of my life.”

  Deeply touched by the boy's words,

  Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会) that __26__ I saw __27__ there was violence,

  drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging __28__ on the kids,

  ”says Moody.

  By turning kids on to fishing,

  he __29__ to present an alternative way of life. 揥hen you're sitting there waiting for a 6__30__,

  ”he says,

  “you can't help but talk to each __31__ can be pretty deep.”

  “Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人) pressures in high school,

  ”says Michelle,


  who __32____33__ drugs.?Moody faces i__34__ in three years,

  when he hopes to run the foundation full­time. “I'm living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my __35__ to give back,

  ”Moody says. “If I teach a kid to fish today,

  he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”



  B.drugleft behind

  D.looked intoA.once



  D. Secretly




















  32.A.participated in

  B.worked out

  C.approved of

  D.made up






  B.challenge阅读理解(1850-1928).After immigrating from England to the USA,

  and an unsuccessful attempt to make a living as a farmer,

  he moved to Chicago,

  where he saw the reconstruction of the city after the disastrous fire of 1871.In those days,

  it was nicknamed “the Garden City”,

  almost certainly the source of Howard's name for his later building plan of towns.Returning to London,

  Howard developed his design in the 1880s and 1890s,

  drawing_on ideas that were popular at the time,

  but creating a unique combination of designs.

  The nineteenth­century poor city was in many ways a terrible place,

  dirty and crowded; but it offered economic and social opportunities.At the same time,

  the British countryside was in fact equally unattractive:though it promised fresh air and nature,

  it suffered from agricultural depression (萧条) and it offered neither enough work and wages,

  nor much social life.Howard's idea was to combine the best of town and country in a new kind of settlement,

  the garden city.Howard's idea was that a group of people should set up a company,

  borrowing money to establish a garden city in the depressed countryside,

  far enough from existing cities to make sure that the land was bought at the bottom price.

  Garden cities would provide a central public open space,

  radial avenues and connecting industries.They would be surrounded by a much larger area of green belt,

  also owned by the company,

  containing not merely farms but also some industrial institutions.As more and more people moved in,

  the garden city would reach its planned limit—Howard suggested 32,

  000 people; then,

  another would be started a short distance away.Thus,

  over time,

  there would develop a vast planned house collection,

  extending almost without limit; within it,

  each garden city would offer a wide range of jobs and services,

  but each would also be connected to the others by a rapid transportation system,

  thus giving all the economic and social opportunities of a big city.

  36.How did Howard get the name for his building plan of garden cities?

  A.Through his observation of the country life.

  B.Through the combination of different ideas.

  C.By taking other people's advice.

  D.By using the nickname of the reconstructed Chicago.

  37.The underlined phrase “drawing on” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.nation of

  D.giving a description of

  38.According to Howard,

  garden cities should be built ________.

  A.as far as possible from existing cities

  B.in the countryside where the land was cheap

  C.in the countryside where agriculture was developed

  D.near cities where employment opportunities already existed

  39.What can we learn about garden cities from the last paragraph?

  A. Their number would continue to rise.

  B.Each one would continue to become larger.

  C.People would live and work in the same place.

  D.Each one would contain a certain type of business.

  40.What could be the best title for the passage?

  A.City and Countryside

  B.The Invention of the Garden City

  C.A New City in Chicago

  D.A Famous Garden City in England


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