【浙江专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(三十)选修6Unit 5《The power of nature》-查字典英语网
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【浙江专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(三十)选修6Unit 5《The power of nature》

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(三十) [选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature](限时:45分钟)Ⅰ.单项填空________something unexpected happened, which captured my attention.





  2.The robber was brought to the judge,________ his hands to be fast tied

  C. his hands fast tied

  D. his hand having been fast tied

  3.When the boy came to himself, he found himself ________ by his teacher and classmates, which made him quite moved.

  A. surrounding

  B. surround

  C. surrounded

  D. surrounds

  4.My naughty son broke my favorite album.I was about to ________ when my wife calmed me down.




  D.ignore,the neighborhood is much more ________varied

  6.At home, one early test of his willingness to reunite his country will be whether he will ________ any Democrats to his new cabinet.

  A. entertain

  B. appoint



  7.It is obvious that the hopes,goals,fears and desires ________,between the rich and the poor.ing hard is not only a________of great success, but is among the essential requirements.





  9.Be careful with fire, or it will________ the whole building.

  A. burn down

  B. burn for

  C. burn up

  D. burn in

  10.She is eager to go to college, but anxious ________ not passing the entrance examinations.

  A. about

  B. through

  C. over

  D. at

  11.________ the food quality, some food companies have begun to take necessary safety measures.

  A. Guarantee

  B. Guaranteeing

  C. Guaranteed

  D. To guarantee

  12.________ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.

  A. Completing

  B. Having completed

  C. To have completed

  D. To complete

  13.Qian Xuesen, a key leader of New China's nuclear, missile and space programs, passed away, ________our country lose one of the greatest scientists.

  A.being made


  C.to make


  14.Before the final examination,many students have shown________15.________by the rising price of gas,many car owners use their cars less frequently.[2012·湖北卷] 阅读理解after living abroad for a few years. Since you've been away, has this country changed for the better—or for the worse?

  If you've just arrived back in the UK after a fortnight's holiday, small changes have probably surprised you—anything from a local greengrocer suddenly being replaced by a mobile­phone shop to someone in your street moving house.

  So how have things changed to people coming back to Britain after seven, ten or even 15 years living abroad? What changes in society can they see that the rest of us have hardly noticed—or now take for granted? To find out, we asked some people who recently returned.

  Debi: When we left, Cheltenham, my home town, was a town of white, middle­class families—all very conservative(保守的). The town is now home to many eastern Europeans and lots of Australians, who come here mainly to work in hotels and tourism. There are even several shops only for foreigners.

  Having been an immigrant(移民) myself, I admire people who go overseas to find a job. Maybe if I lived in an inner city where unemployment was high, I'd think differently, but I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because they're more open­minded and often work harder than the natives.

  Christine: As we flew home over Britain, both of us remarked how green everything looked. But the differences between the place we'd left behind and the one we returned to were brought sharply into focus as soon as we landed.

  To see policemen with guns in the airport for the first time was frightening梚n Cyprus, ethey're very relaxed—and I got pulled over by customs officers just for taking a woolen sweater with some metal­made buttons out of my case in the arrivals hall. Everyone seemed to be on guard. Even the airport car­hire firm wanted a credit card rather than cash because they said their vehicles had been used by bank robbers.

  But anyway, this is still a green, beautiful country. I just wish more people would appreciate what they've got.

  16.After a short overseas holiday, people tend to ________.D.exaggerate small changes

  17.How does Debi look at the foreign settlers?





  18.When arriving at the airport in Britain, Christine was shocked by ________. Britain.

  B.Back in Britain.[2016·杭州地区七校高三期中联考] 短下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。,I went to your cinema to see a film. The film was very well, but I did not enjoy it because there were some problem in the cinema.

  First, the film was delayed as there were so much advertisements at the beginning. It was rather annoyed. Second, the sound of the film was too loud that I could hardly bear. The EXIT signs could not be seen clearly, which presented potential safety hazards. If something terribly should happen, it will be difficult for people to get out quickly.

  As a visitor to your city, I'm disappointed with my experience in your cinema. I am writing a letter in the hope that you can consider on these problems and make more improvements.

  Yours faithfully,书面表达假设你叫张林,你的Andrew下月要来你校学习两个月。他来信请你对他上学期间的交通方式提出建议。现在,请你用英语回一封信,按以下各点答复:建议骑自行车上学;自行车是学生常用的交通工具;骑自行车的一些好处;骑自行车需注意的问题。注意:1.词数100-120,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数);可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。to hear from you and you're welcome to study in our school for the next two months.________________________________________________________________________













  Hopefully, what I've mentioned above could be helpful and wish you a fun time in our school.

  Yours, 课时作业(三十) 考查“be about to do when…”句型。此结构的意思是“正要做某事,就在这时……”,其中when相当于and just then,不可以用while, as等替换。 考查独立主格结构。“his hands fast tied”是一个由“名词+过去分词”构成的独立结构,这种结构的名词后还可以接介词短语等,在句中通常作状语。 考查find后动词的非谓语形式。himself与surround之间为被动关系,因此用过去分词。A 考查动词辨析。由语境可知,淘气的儿子弄坏“我”最喜爱的唱片,所以应该是发火,故选erupt,意思是“(因生气)突然发出(尤指叫喊)”。explode爆炸,爆发;promote提升,促进;ignore忽视,不理。 考查形容词辨析。由于(这里的人)来自世界各地,所以邻里关系比其他任何一个地方都更多样化。varied 意思是“多样化的”。 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在国内,有一个关于他是否愿意重新团结整个国家的先期测验,即他是否会任命民主党人加盟他的新内阁。entertain意为“招待,使愉快”;appoint意为“任命,指派,约定”;employ意为“使用,雇用”;attract意为“吸引,引起(注意、兴趣等)”。根据句意可知B项正确。 考查动词辨析。句意:显然,男人与女人之间、富人与穷人之间,他们的希望、目标、恐惧和渴望有很大区别。vary 相当于 be different。alter 指“微小的变化”,不影响本质的改动;shift 指(位置、性质、形式等的)改变,转变;transfer 表示“将某物(人)由一处转移至另一处”。 考查名词辨析。句意:刻苦努力不是取得巨大成功的唯一保证,但它是基本条件之一。guarantee “保证”;signal “信号,暗号”;supposition “推测,推断”;sign “迹象,标记,符号”。 考查动词短语辨析。burn down (burn for渴望; burn up 烧得更旺,消耗;burn in 给……留下不可磨灭的印象。此处应是“把……烧毁”的意思。 考查固定短语。be anxious about…意为“对……感到担忧”。 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,所填的词在句中作目的状语,所以用动词不定式。 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了及时使项目完D项。A项为现在分词表示主动,正在进行; B项为现在分词的完成式,表示此动作发生在主句动作前,已完成;C项为不定式完成式,表示此动作发生在主句动作前,已完成。 考查现在分词的用法。此处现在分词短语作结果状语,表示自然的结果。 考查名词辨析。句意:在期末考试之前,许多学生已经表现出紧张的迹象……sign意为“征兆,迹象,病症”;mark意为“记号”;anxiety意为“忧虑,担心”;remark意为“评论”,均不符合题意。A 考查非谓语动词的用法。补全为:Many car owners are driven by the rising…,也就是说,drive和其逻辑主语是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,表示原因。句意:受日益高涨的油价的影响,很多车主用车的次数大大减少。此篇涉及人们对家乡变化的关注,短期离家和长期离开家乡的人们对家乡变化的感悟是不一样的。 信息理解题。由第二段第一句“…small changes have probably surprised you…”可知答案。其他选项不能根据文章得出。 推理判断题。由第五段中“…but I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because…”可知B项正确。 信息理解题。…policemen with guns in the airport…”及倒数第二段最后一句“…their vehicles had been used by bank robbers.”可知C为正确答案。 主旨大意题。第一段即为全文的主旨段,从全文也可看出文章讲的是离开家乡一段时间再回来,人们便会感知家乡的变化。,I went to your cinema to see a film. The film was very wellgood, but I did not enjoy it because there were some problemproblems in the cinema.

  First, the film was delayed as there were so muchmany advertisements at the beginning. It was rather annoyedannoying. Second, the sound of the film was tooso loud that I could hardly bear ∧it. The EXIT signs could not be seen clearly, which presented potential safety hazards. If something terriblyterrible should happen, it willwould be difficult for people to get out quickly.

  As a visitor to your city, I'm disappointed with my experience in your cinema. I am writing athe letter in the hope that you can consider

  these problems and make more improvements.

  Yours faithfully,One possible version:,I'd like to recommend you to ride a bicycle. Here are some reasons.

  Firstly, riding a bike to and from school is very common among the students, for buying or repairing a bicycle doesn't cost a lot. Next, parking a bicycle is easy and convenient in our school, no matter how busy the traffic could be. Actually, bicycle­riding is also a practical way to do exercise and protect the environment. What you should do carefully is just to keep an appropriate speed while riding and lock it after you're off it. In this way, you'll feel it simple and relaxing to ride a bicycle while you're here.

  Hopefully, what I've mentioned above could be helpful and wish you a fun time in our school.



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