【浙江专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(二十二)必修5Unit 2《The United Kingdom》-查字典英语网
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【浙江专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(二十二)必修5Unit 2《The United Kingdom》

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(二十二) [必修5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom](限时:35分钟) Ⅰ.单项填空—My daughter mastered Japanese in less than two years.

  —Did she?She ________________ conclusion that the helicopter would take ________ place of a car some day.

  A./; /

  B.a; the/

  D./; the________ of getting up too late.





  4.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.

  A.bring out

  B.let out________ under the pressure of his position and was unable to work for a year.

  A.settled down

  B.broke down

  C.passed away

  D.broke out________ sixty pieces.

  A.consisted of

  B.consisting of

  C.consist of

  D.to consist of

  7.She's going to have problems finding a job ________ she has a doctor's degree.


  B.even if



  8.—I hear that you will be on travel again.

  —Yeah.My boss ________ for me to discuss business details with someone from another company.


  B.arranged________with what you do, it will have a bad effect on your children.





  10.—Sorry,but I can't visit you tomorrow.________.





  11.Mrs.White said that she would treasure the most ________ time she had ever had.





  12.—How many people attended the exhibit?

  —________ speaking,about 200.I didn't count. ________ us with his stories,most of which happened in the war and were full of great adventures.________ the king's credit that he is against the establishment of a new political party.


  B.to________ matters for him though everyone knew that he was blameless.


  B.clarify阅读理解more watching TV or on computers, according to the study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations.

  From Argentina to Zambia, Regina Guthold of the World Health Organization in Geneva and her colleagues found most children weren't getting enough exercise and that it made no difference if they lived in a rich or a poor country.“With regards to physical activities levels, we did not find much of a difference between poor and rich countries,” Guthold said.“Growing up in a poor country does not necessarily mean that kids get more physical activities.”The study was published in The Journal of Pediatrics, looking at 72,845 schoolchildren aged 13 to 15 from North and South America, Asia, Europe,and the Middle East. The children were surveyed between 2003 and 2007.,playing computer games, or chatting with friends—aside from time in school or time spent doing homework—were classified as sedentary.cent of girls were sedentary and didn't get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia.

  Uruguay had the highest percentage of active boys, at 42 percent, while Zambia had the lowest, at 8 percent. Girls from India were the most active, with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendation, while girls from Egypt were the least active, with just 4 percent getting adequate exercise. Children in Myanmar were the least sedentary, with 13 percent of boys and 8 percent of girls classified as sedentary. The most sedentary nations were St. Lucia and the Cayman Islands, with 58 percent of boys and 64 percent of girls spending at least three hours a day in sedentary activities.

  People show deep concern for kids' lack of physical activity in various nations. Why do they have a low level of physical activity? Guthold speculated(推测)that urbanization(都市化) could be a factor as well as access to cars and TVs.you________.are a diligent student spending much time doing homework

  B.have at least an hour of exercise outdoors every day

  C.like watching TV and playing computer games

  D.spend a lot of time sitting down and not moving

  17.Which statement is TRUE about the finding of the study, led by Regina Guthold?

  A.Most children around the world don't meet the exercise recommendation.

  B.Girls in every country are no more active than boys.

  C.Children in rich countries relatively get less physical activities.

  D.Only 4 percent of the girls from Egypt are not active in exercise.

  18.Which could be the best title of the passage?

  A.American children are addicted to TVs and computers

  B.Nearly one third of children globally are couch potatoes

  C.Effects of physical activities on health

  D.Unimaginable standard of physical health

  19.What would the writer be most likely to discuss in detail in the following paragraphs?

  A.The suitable amount of physical activities for students.

  B.Some of the factors for the popularity of cars and TVs among the kids.

  C.The reasons behind the lack of physical activities.

  D.The ways to make the most of physical activities.

  Ⅲ.[2016·杭州萧山区五校高三期中联考] 任务型阅读下面文章中有5处(第20~24题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、CD、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。Don't put unreasonable expectations on your children

  F.Don't put unreasonable expectations on yourself either

  Being A Good Father


  Research has found that children with emotionally available fathers do much better in school, relate better with teachers and generally have better peer relationships than children whose fathers are more emotionally distant. Children with fathers who are overly critical or dismissing of emotions are more likely to do poorly in school, fight more with friends and suffer poor health.


  Children need to be taught right from wrong and will need to see it demonstrated by their father. Let them see you make decisions and explain to them why you came to that resolution. Tell them about life choices that you made in the past and why they did (or didn't) work out. Teach them that it's okay to make mistakes…everyone does; that it's important to learn from your mistakes and try to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.


  Mutual respect is very important. Children tend to imitate the way their parents behave and how you treat your child's mother will influence the way in which the child will view his or her own role when they themselves are married or in a relationship. Try to work as a partnership, be on the same page about how to discipline and reward your child and be consistent.


  Children can have lots of pressures, from siblings to kids at school to teachers to coaches. Talk to them about their goals in life and help them set achievable ones. Never bring them down by telling them that they are not good enough but always try to boost their self­esteem and be sure to offer praise where it is due. Encourage them to meet their full potential but avoid living vicariously through them by expecting them to achieve what you had achieved or hoped to have achieved.


  You are a very important part of your child's development but many other people and things will influence their development and growth. Just as you can't take credit for all of your child's strengths you also shouldn't shoulder the blame for their weaknesses.

  课时作业(二十二) 考查情态动词。不到两年就学会了日语,那“一定(must)”很有语言天赋。 考查冠词。come to a conclusion得出结论;take the place of代替。 考查名词。句意:我正试图改掉起床太晚的习惯。habit:a thing that you do often and almost without thinking,especially sth.that is hard to stop doing 习惯。 考查动词短语辨析。leave out“漏掉”;bring out“使显示;出版;生产;说出”;let out“放掉,泄露;放大;出租”;make out“书写,声称;理解;辨认出”。由句意可知选C。 考查动词短语辨析。句意:Peter不堪工作break down在此意为“身体出毛病”。settle down定居,平静下来;pass away去世;break out突发,爆发。 考查动词短语用法。句意:他昨天从他父母那里收到六十件一套的瓷器。a set of china与consist of之间为逻辑上的主动关系,所以要用动词­ing形式作定语,相当于定语从句which consists of。 考查连词。句意:即使她有博士学位even if即使,在此引导让步状语从句。B 考查动词辨析。arrange for sb.to do sth是固定用法,表示“安排某人做某事”。其他三项均无此用法。 考查形容词辨析。be consistent with与……一致。句意:如果你言行不一的话,这将会对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial引起争论的,有争议的;confident自信的,确信的;considerate考 考查名词辨析。答句句意:你什么时候方便就什么时候来。convenience方便,便利。preference偏爱;pleasure快乐,高兴;connection连接。 考查形容词辨析。由宾语从句中的she would treasure可知,是一段“令人愉快的(enjoyable)”时光。 考查副词辨析。roughly speaking粗略地说。strictly speaking严格地说;generally speaking通常,一般说来;honestly speaking老实说。由I didn't count.可知应选B项。 考查动词辨析。根据happened in the war and were full of great adventures可知旅行者的经历使我们惊骇(thrilled)不已,故选A项。 考查介词。to one's credit为固定短B项。 考查动词(词组)辨析。solve,handle和set about都是“解决”之意,而clarify意思是“澄清;阐明”。句意:没有人想为他澄清事情的真相,虽然每个人都知道他是无过错的。一项面向34个国家7万多名青少年开展的调查显示,全球近三分之一的儿童每天看电视或玩电脑的时间达到三个小时甚至更多。 推理判断题。第三段提到:除了在学校或做作业的时间外,sedentary”,你就是大部分时间坐着不动的人。 推理判断题。根据第二段内容“多数儿童都缺乏锻炼,而且这和他们生活在富国和穷国没有多大关系”及该段提及的调查的范围可推知A项“全球大多数儿童没有达到建议活动量”是正确的。B项可根据第四段末尾排除;C项可根据第二段前三句排除;D项可根据第五段第二句的后半句排除。 主旨大意题。第一段是全文的中心,根据第一段内容“一项面向34个国家7万多名青少年开展的调查显示,爱坐在电视机前的并非只有美国儿童,全球近三分之一的儿童每天看电视或玩电脑的时间达到三个小时甚至更多”,由此可知B项正确。 篇章结构题。最后一段提到:人们对各国儿童缺乏身体锻炼表示极大的关注,Guthold分析,除汽车和电视的普及外,都市化也是造成儿童缺乏身体锻炼的一个因素。由此推断接下来作者很可能会详细地讨论儿童缺乏身体锻炼背后的原因。-24 DACEF


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