【课堂新坐标】2017届高考英语(通用版)二轮复习书面表达专题训练:Ⅱ卷强化增分练 训练1(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【课堂新坐标】2017届高考英语(通用版)二轮复习书面表达专题训练:Ⅱ卷强化增分练 训练1(含解析)

发布时间:2016-12-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1  (interest) I became.I left the party  2  (think) I might actually do it.

  My immediate excitement gave it to  3  (excuse)as the weeks passed.The trip would be expensive, I  4  (have) less time to spend with my family over winter break, and I hadn't really travelled before.Most of all, I was terrified of taking the risk.

  On the day I made my decision, I suddenly  5  (feel) as if I had opened my eyes  6  (final) and seen myself clearly.I had moved away from home, almost graduated from college  7  overcome several small-scale fears.I could not let fear get in the way of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.So I took the challenge.Before the trip, I hadn't known  8  I wanted to do after graduation.Now I am planning on teaching English abroad.I am still amazed by my experience and thankful for everything it has taught  9  (I).Now I am not afraid to take on challenges and have faith  10  myself.

       本文是一篇记叙文。去年我在宴会上遇到了Steve他邀请我利用寒假参加柬埔寨的一个教学项目。我开始很兴奋后来随着时间的推移总是找借口1.interested [考查形容词。The+比较级...+比较级...表示“越……越……”。此处缺少表语故用interested。]thinking  [考查非谓语动词。I与think为主动关系故用现在分词作伴随状语。 ]excuses [考查名词的单复数。根据下文“The trip would be expensive,  4  (have) less time to spend with my family over winter break, and I hadn't really travelled before.Most of all, I was terrified of taking the risk.”可知would have [考查虚拟语气。与将来事实相反的虚拟语气主句用would+动词原形上句“The trip would be expensive”也有提示。]felt [考查时态。根据前半句中的made可知此处应用动词的过去式。]finally [考查副词。修饰动词opened应用副词形式。]

  and [考查连词。此处moved, 与overcome并列。]what [考查宾语从句。从句中do后缺少宾语故用what指“……的事情”。] me [考查代词。taught后缺少宾语故用代词的宾格形式。]in [考查介词。have faith in为固定短语意为“相信对……信任”。]短文改错(2016·济宁二模)a wonderful meal.Early in the morning I went to the market,buying some beefsteak and tomatoes and then came back.Before cooking,I put a few oil,salt and sugar on the steak and mixed it together.When the pot was hotter enough I began to fry the steak.Then I cooked some tomato soup with the egg in it.The food tasted deliciously!

  【答案】  easier for us than most of us think.Last Sunday my

  were away on business.I

  left alone,with no one to cook for me.

  I had a good chance to cook myself a wonderful meal.Early in the morning I went to the market,

  some beefsteak and tomatoes and then came back.Before cooking,I put a

  oil,salt and sugar on the steak and mixed

  together.When the pot was

  enough I began to fry the steak.Then I cooked some tomato soup with

  egg in it.The food tasted !书面表达(2016·合肥模拟)假设你是某校学生会主席李华你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest)希望你校外籍教师Kelly女士来作评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封邀请函。英语演讲比赛主题:中国习俗与文化时间:6月10日下午2:30-5:30地点:学校艺术会堂参赛选手:10名学生联系人:李华(电话:36789666)欢迎大家光临注意:词数100左右。【参考范文】judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 10.As scheduled previously, it will start at 2:30 pm at our art hall, he contest will come to an end at 5:30 pm.I'd appreciate it if you could accept our invitation at your convenience.If possible, Li Hua


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