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发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. It is said that the president is to flee from the country because of the campaign against him.

  A. possibleB. perhapsC. probable D. likely

  2. (2013·舟山模拟)The news of his mother’s death him so much that he spent the whole day in his room without eating and drinking.

  A. affected; locked B. effected; locking

  C. effected on; locked

  D. affected to; locking

  3. (2013·漳州模拟)Only when possible to settle the problem.

  A. does the chief editor come will it be

  B. the chief editor comes will it be

  C. has the chief editor come it will be

  D. the chief editor comes it will be

  4. —Do you remember the experiment we did together many years ago?

  —Yes,  we did it yesterday.

  A. as if B. even if

  C. only if

  D. if only

  5. Men and women should be treated equally according to the law, but there is great room for improvement.

  A. in return B. above all

  C. after all

  D. in reality

  6. (2013·北京模拟)The committee members agreed to the suggestion that the issue to immediate voting.

  A. is to be put B. be put

  C. should put

  D. must be put

  7. New Zealand, in the South Pacific,  two large islands plus other smaller islands with an area of 270, 000 sq km.

  A. consists of B. is consisted of

  C. makes up

  D. makes up of

  8. (2013·莆田模拟)—Where’s our phonebook?I have seen it many times these days, but. . .

  —OK, darling. I it for you if you want it at once.

  A. get B. am getting

  C. will get

  D. am going to get

  9. (2013·杭州模拟)—What do you think of the concert?

  —There was nothing special; it was only .

  A. average B. usual

  C. normal

  D. common

  10. —Have you finished the report?

  —Oh, sorry.

  It was so noisy in the office that I couldn’t to write anything.

  A. settle down B. put down

  C. sit down

  D. lie down

  11. With the meal , the mother sat down for a good rest.

  A. cooked B. cooking

  C. to cook

  D. to be cooked

  12. (2013·岳阳模拟)John as well as the other children who have no parents good care of in the center.

  A. is being taken B. has taken

  C. was taken

  D. have been taken

  13. (2013·长春模拟)—Jenny, what would you like to eat for lunch, pizza, pasta or sushi?

  — I have a good appetite.

  A. Sounds good.

  B. You’re so considerate.

  C. It’s up to you.

  D. It depends.

  14. Mo Yan became the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner in Literature,  left school to make a living at the age of 12.

  A. as B. which

  C. that

  D. who

  15. (原创)They strongly suggested that tougher tobacco health warnings on cigarette packs by EU in no time.

  A. planned B. were planned

  C. plan

  D. be planned

  Ⅱ. 完形填空


  Russ was a lovable kid with a variety of communication challenges—a speech impediment(语言障碍), dyslexia(诵读困难), and auditory(听觉的)problems.  1 today he is walking confidently, standing tall to make an acceptance 2 for having been chosen one of the“Outstanding Young Citizens”in Ocean County, New Jersey 3 his remarkable volunteer service in the town of Toms River.

  As I listened, I closed my eyes. I found myself 4 those memorable moments. My mind was full of warm images of Russ as a loving, caring youth, a gentle soul,  5 his challenges. And now, as he stood at the platform, I knew his heart must be racing. As Russ continued to 6 , I thought about the fateful day when he was diagnosed with all those impairments(损伤)and how 7 his tutors(家庭教师)would be if they could see him today. Here he was at twenty-nine, being honored for ten years of service as a volunteer 8 . Russ was 9 for organizing clothing for the homeless, teaching preschool children about fire safety, and for playing Santa Claus for very sick children by driving up in a fire truck.

  Russ thanked his parents for providing him with dignity and teaching him about morals. Then, pausing for a few seconds, he 10 us by surprise by touching lovingly on the 11 of his nephew, Austin. Austin was just three years old when he died from an incurable disease. At that moment, I had to close my eyes again 12 a different set of tears ran down my cheeks. A silence 13 the room as Russ owed his volunteer award to Austin. He 14 his address by lifting the audience up with these words, “Austin taught me how to love. ”

  I have never thought of this day.  15 , no one had ever thought that Russ would make 16 as the star of the football team, and he had never been voted“most likely to succeed, ”but he 17 to be a true“star”in his community. Russ became a man of strong character 18 his unselfish service to others. With so many impairments, Russ now sees and acts 19 with his heart. His words and deeds inspire everyone who knows him. It is Russ, our son, who has shown us what 20 is. (345W)

  1. A. AndB. When C. As D. But

  2. A. point

  B. speech

  C. call

  D. appeal

  3. A. in spite of

  B. regardless of

  C. because of

  D. in face of

  4. A. recalling

  B. recording

  C. seizing

  D. expecting

  5. A. putting up with

  B. concerning about

  C. escaping from

  D. facing up to

  6. A. walk

  B. speak

  C. smile

  D. race

  7. A. nervous

  B. excited

  C. proud

  D. surprised

  8. A. policeman B. tailor

  C. fireman

  D. tutor

  9. A. grateful

  B. responsible

  C. anxious

  D. fit

  10. A. took

  B. got

  C. shocked

  D. moved

  11. A. birth

  B. achievement

  C. loss

  D. disease

  12. A. since

  B. after

  C. when

  D. before

  13. A. dropped down

  B. fell over

  C. took off

  D. got up

  14. A. concluded B. wrote

  C. delivered  D. started

  15. A. Generally

  B. Surprisingly

  C. Actually

  D. However

  16. A. it

  B. him

  C. one

  D. that

  17. A. happened

  B. rose

  C. appeared

  D. reduced

  18. A. at

  B. on

  C. by

  D. in

  19. A. cautiously

  B. generously

  C. closely

  D. clearly

  20. A. sharing

  B. love

  C. sacrifice

  D. confidence

  Ⅲ. 阅读理解

  (原创)(October 3rd, 2012—CNN) They stepped onto the evening ferries(渡轮)in Hong Kong’s crowded harbor to watch the sky light up with fireworks to celebrate China’s National Day on October 1st, 2012.

  Instead, the night ended in chaos and tragedy.

  Two ferries crashed Monday night, upending one of the ships and sending passengers into the water.

  At least 38 people died.

  Rescuers picked up 123 survivors and are still searching for a countless number of others who are missing.

  Passengers on board said they had only moments to escape. “First it was up to here and then there.

  The water rose so quickly, ”one woman, who refused to be named, told CNN affiliate i-Cable. “We thought we were going to die for sure. ”

  “The boat rolled violently before it partially sank.

  I opened the window and pushed a child out.

  I put a life jacket on him and pushed him out first, ”she told i-Cable. “At the time, it was very chaotic.

  The boat was completely standing straight up in the water.

  All the tables and chairs were everywhere.

  It was like a slide; everything was sliding down. ”

  Authorities are investigating what caused the crash, Hong Kong’s most deadly maritime accident in more than 40 years. The police have arrested seven crew members from the boats on suspicion of endangering passengers.

  On Tuesday, the front of the stricken boat was still sticking out of the water, connected to a barge(游艇)equipped with a crane just a few hundred meters from the coast of Lamma.

  Emergency services boats surrounded the scene, and divers conducted a search.

  Monday’s crash is Hong Kong’s most deadly maritime accident since 1971, when 88 people died after the ferry Fat Shan capsized between Hong Kong and Macau amid a typhoon. (296W)

  1. Which of the following has a similar meaning to the underlined word“chaotic”in the fourth paragraph?

  A. messy

  B. dirty

  C. frightening

  D. shocking

  2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. 88 people died in the maritime accident in 1971.

  B. 161 people died or injured together in the maritime accident in Hong Kong’s crowded harbor on October 1st, 2012.

  C. This maritime accident on October 1st, 2012 is Hong Kong’s most deadly maritime accident in more than 40 years.

  D. Authorities are investigating the cause of the maritime accident.

  3. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. Hong Kong’s most deadly maritime accident

  B. People in Hong Kong celebrate China’s National Day

  C. Two ferries collided

  D. Rescuers rescue survivors in the maritime accident

  4. Where does the passage probably come from?

  A. An advertisement.

  B. A novel.

  C. A book review.

  D. A newspaper.



  题号 解题方法 原题依据 结论

  1 根据文中描述猜测


  Ⅰ. 1.【解析】选D。likely的主语可以是人, 也可以是物, 可用于sb.

  be likely to do sth. 结构。possible和probable一般不以人作主语; perhaps是副词。


  (2013·上高模拟)—Could we put off the meeting?

  — . This is the only day everyone is available.

  A. Not likely B. Not exactly

  C. Not nearly

  D. Not really

  【解析】选D。考查交际用语。此处Not really表示语气很强的否定, 意为“真的不行”。

  2.【解析】选A。考查词汇辨析和非谓语动词。句意: 他母亲去世的消息极大地影响了他, 以至于他一整天把自己锁在房间里, 不吃不喝。affect和effect均可意为“影响”, 但前者为动词, 后者为名词。第一个空应用动词作谓语, 排除B、C两项; affect为及物动词, 不需要加介词, 排除D项; locked in his room作状语, 表示状态。故选A。

  3.【解析】选B。考查部分倒装。当“only+状语从句”位于句首时, 主句用部分倒装, 但状语从句用正常语序。故选B。

  4.【解析】选A。考查连词。此处使用as if引导方式状语从句。其余选项与题意不符。


  The thief glanced about now and then he knew he was being followed.

  A. even if B. as though

  C. in case

  D. so that

  【解析】选B。考查连词。句意: 小偷不时地四处瞧一下, 好像知道自己正在被跟踪似的。even if即使; as though仿佛, 好像; in case以防万一; so that为了。

  5.【解析】选D。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 根据法律, 应该男女平等, 但事实上仍有很大的改进空间。in return作为报答; above all最重要的是; after all毕竟; in reality实际上, 事实上。

  6.【解析】选B。考查虚拟语气。句意: 委员会成员同意了立即投票解决那个问题的建议。suggestion后面的同位语从句使用虚拟语气, 谓语使用“(should+)动词原形”形式, 故选B。

  7.【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意: 位于南太平洋的新西兰由两个大的岛屿和一些小岛组成, 面积27万平方千米。consist of由……组成, 没有被动形式, 不用于进行时态; make up组成, 构成; be made up of由……组成。

  8.【解析】选C。考查动词时态。一般现在时表示早已规划好的事情; 进行时表示按计划与安排将要发生的事情; be going to侧重计划与安排, 此处表示临时决定做某事, 要使用will。

  9.【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。句意: ——你认为这场音乐会怎么样?——没什么特别的, 仅仅一般情况。average普通的, 平常的; usual通常的; normal标准的; common常见的。根据句意选A。

  10.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: ——你写完报告了吗?——很抱歉, 没有。办公室里这么吵, 我根本静不下心来写东西。settle down意为“平静下来; 专心于”。put down写下, 记下; sit down坐下; lie down躺下, 均不符合题意。

  11.【解析】选A。考查with复合结构。句意: 把饭做完了, 这位母亲坐了下来准备好好休息一下。此处是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构, meal和cook之间是被动关系且动作已经完成, 应用过去分词表被动和完成。

  12.【解析】选A。考查主谓一致和动词的时态、语态。as well as连接并列主语时, 谓语与前面的主语保持一致, 故此处谓语使用单数; 且根据语境, 谓语时态使用现在进行时, 故选A。

  13.【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意: ——珍妮, 午饭你想吃什么: 比萨、意大利面还是寿司?——由你决定。我胃口好。Sounds good听起来不错; You’re so considerate你如此体贴人; It’s up to you由你决定; It depends那得看情况。根据语境选C。

  14.【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意: 莫言成为中国获得诺贝尔文学奖的第一人, 他12岁就辍学谋生。定语从句缺主语, 且从句修饰人, 故选D。

  15.【解析】选D。考查虚拟语气。句意: 他们强烈建议欧盟应当抓紧计划在香烟的包装上加上更加严厉的影响健康的警告。在suggest表示“建议”后的宾语从句里, 谓语应使用虚拟语气, 由“(should+)动词原形”构成。plan和其主语warnings是动宾关系, be planned形式正确, 故选D。Ⅱ.

  一位被诊断有语言障碍、诵读困难和听觉问题的少年能够勇于面对自己的困难, 最终成为社区的明星, 被授予“优秀小市民”称号。那么, 是什么促使他取得这一切的呢?

  1.【解析】选D。考查连词。此句与前一句在逻辑上是转折关系。Russ虽然是一个有多种交流障碍的人, 今天却当选为Ocean县“优秀小市民”, 现在站在台上作演讲。2.【解析】选B。考查名词。make an acceptance speech意为“作领奖致辞, 作受奖演讲”。


  4.【解析】选A。考查动词。我情不自禁地回忆一些难忘的时刻。recalling回忆, 以下的部分内容是作者回忆的, 故A项正确。

  5.【解析】选D。考查动词短语。put up with意为“忍受”; concern about意为“涉及”; escape from意为“逃脱”; face up to意为“勇敢面对”。作者回想起Russ是一个有爱心、有同情心和善良的人, 他敢于面对自己的障碍。

  6.【解析】选B。考查语境。第一段已提到今天Russ要在台上演讲, 故此处应用speak。

  7.【解析】选C。考查形容词。Russ小时候被诊断有语言障碍、诵读困难和听觉问题。现在, 29岁的他被授予荣誉称号, 他的家庭教师们知道后一定会感到很自豪(proud)。

  8.【解析】选C。考查名词。根据下文的about fire safety和driving up in a fire truck可知Russ义务做了10年的消防志愿者。

  9.【解析】选B。考查形容词。Russ负责为无家可归者组织服装、给学龄前儿童讲防火知识等事情。be responsible for对……负责。

  10.【解析】选A。考查动词。take sb.

  by surprise为固定短语, 意为“使某人吃惊”。

  11.【解析】选C。touch. . . on意为“提及, 谈及”, 根据后面的he died可知他三岁的侄子因为生病而夭折了, 故此处用loss。12.【解析】选D。考查连词。在那一刻, 我不得不在泪流满面之前再一次闭上眼睛。

  13.【解析】选B。考查动词短语。当Russ将他的获奖归功于侄子Austin时, 房间里所有的人都立即沉默下来了。drop down意为“落下”; fall over意为“占据, 跌落”; take off意为“起飞, 脱下, (产品等)突然受欢迎”; get up意为“起床”。

  14.【解析】选A。考查动词。conclude his address意为“结束他的演讲”。

  15.【解析】选C。考查副词。我从未想到Russ会有今天这样的荣誉和成就。事实上(actually), 没有人曾经会想到过Russ会成为足球队的队长。

  16.【解析】选A。考查代词。make it为固定短语, 意为“成功; 达到预定目标”。

  17.【解析】选B。考查动词。但是他一步步地上来了, 最终成为社区的一位真正的“明星”。


  19.【解析】选D。考查副词。根据上文, Russ现在知道了如何去爱, 所以他做事有着清晰的目标。

  20.【解析】选B。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。在第三段末尾有how to love。Ⅲ.

  本文报道了2012年10月1日在香港发生的一起撞船事故, 那是自1971年以来最致命的一次船舶事故。

  1.【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据文中的语境可知当时船正在下沉, 当然是比较嘈杂、凌乱的, 故messy(嘈杂的, 凌乱的, 散乱的)和chaotic同义。dirty脏的; frightening令人害怕的; shocking令人震惊的。

  2.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第二段At least 38 people died.

  Rescuers picked up 123 survivors and are still searching for a countless number of others who are missing. 可知并不是总共161人死、伤, 还有许多人未被找到, 故B项表述不正确。

  3.【解析】选A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲在2012年10月1日发生在香港的撞船事故, 此次事故是香港40多年来最致命的船舶事故。故A项是最合适的题目, 其余选项只是文中的细节。

  4.【解析】选D。推理判断题。本文是一篇资讯报道, 故推测应该摘自报纸。

  题号 解题方法 原题依据 结论

  1 根据文中描述猜测 The boat was completely standing straight up in the water.

  All the tables and chairs were everywhere. 选A


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