2017届江苏省淮安市新马中学高考牛津译林版英语一轮复习活动单:模块7 unit 1《Living with technology》-查字典英语网
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2017届江苏省淮安市新马中学高考牛津译林版英语一轮复习活动单:模块7 unit 1《Living with technology》

发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  模块七 Unit 1 Living with Technology



  1.The place is ____________(可到达的)to the public.

  2. She is o____________(反对)to our plan.

  3.The young scientist is applying for a ____________(专利的)on his recent invention.

  4Newton discovered many of the important ____________ (原理)of physics.

  5. When Darwin first put forward his theory of e____________(进化), many people doubted it.

  6. They ____________(预料) that the price would go up, so they bought a lot of things in advance.

  7. I am still s____________ (怀疑的) about the solution. It may not be practical or effective.

  8. It is ____________(显然的)that he missed the opportunity of being sent abroad to further his study.

  9. Many companies are required to buy the basic medical____________ (保险) for their employees.

  10. The government is trying to maintain a fast and ____________ (平稳的) economic development.

  1. 和……保持联系

  2. 为电视的发展作出了贡献

  3. 作出了重大的突破

  4. 在二十世纪二十年代末

  5. 让直播电视成为可能

  6. 同时

  7. 生活在遥远的地方

  8. 使得人们能看到电视

  9. 受益于

  10. 手工绕起来

  11. 随着……发展

  12. 远距离

  13. 发送电子信号

  14. 事实上

  15. 就……进行投票

  16. 和陌生人打交道

  17. 在电力公司上班

  18. 面对面

  19. 有一个合理的观点

  20. 也

  21. 专注于

  22. 拨错号码

  23. 因某种原因

  24. 浪费你宝贵的时间

  25. 短信

  26. 心理更健康

  27. 重视和平生活

  28. 额外

  29. 使我们摆脱新技术





  John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but _________________ 1938__________ the first colour TV programme was broadcast.


  It took more than two decades, __________, until 1951, for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin in the USA.


  Meanwhile, electrical components eventually became so small that, by the late 1960s, portable cassette players were developed, along with video recorders __________ were used by TV stations.(P3)


  You may want to obtain some specific information ___________________ when you are doing research. (P3)


  For example, ________________ the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered. (P14)



  词汇-1. delay

  【教材原句】Regular colour TV broadcasts were delayed in the UK until 1967.(P2)


  (1) The train was delayed due to the accident.

  (2) The doctor advised the man to give up smoking without delay.

  (3) Heavy fog is causing serious delays of all incoming flights.

  (4) He delayed answering the letter.


  (1) delay

  词性 ________________ 意为_______________

  词性 ________________ 意为_______________

  (2) 推迟做某事


  (3) 毫不耽搁地,立即




  After much ________, the results of the survey were published.

  (2)我很抱歉拖了这么久I'm sorry that I've __________ so long. (3)我们必须立刻离开。

  We must leave _______________.

  词汇-. construct

  【教材原句】John Logie Baird constructed the first color TV in 1928,but it was not until 1938 that the first color TV programme was broadcast. (P)


  (1) His brother spent a month learning how to construct a model plane.

  (2) The new school is still under construction.



  词性 ____ 译为_______________



  (1)他们用了两年时间建这座桥 It took them two years to _________ the bridge.

  (2)这是木质结构的建筑The building is a ___________ of wood.

  词汇-. distribute

  【教材原句】They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.(P2)


  (1) They had distributed the lands among the peasants.

  (2) The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.

  (3) The flowers rely on the wind to distribute their pollen.



  词性 ____ 译为_______________



  (2)distribute ….. among….


  (3)distribute …..into…



  (1)这种蝴蝶在我国分布很广This species of butterfly is widely ___________ over our country.

  (2)已经向难民分发了衣服和毯子Clothes and blankets have been _________ among the refugees.

  词汇-. wind

  【教材原句】The first record players had to be wound up by hand and only played a record that were two minutes long. (P3)


  (1) The nurse wound a bandage around my finger so that bleeding could be stopped.

  (2) Remember to wind the clock every night before you go to bed if you do not want it to stop.

  (3) The Great Wall winds its way across north China like a dragon.

  (4) The weather was hot, without a breath of wind.



  (1)词性 ____ 译为_______________

  (2)词性 ____ 译为_______________



  (4) 蜿蜒,曲折延伸_____________


  (1)你必须转动手柄才能使机器运转You must operate the machine by __________his handle.

  (2)汤姆睡觉之前给钟上发条Tom _______his clock before he went to bed.

  (3)这条小路蜿蜒通向山顶 The path ______________ to the top of the mountain.

  词汇-5. foresee

  【教材原句】Who can foresee what the future will bring?【例句研读】翻译句

  (1) It is hard to foresee what will happen.

  (2) Nobody could foresee his running away.

  (3) We should have foreseen the trouble months ago.

  (4) There is a possibility of severe water shortages in the foreseeable future.



  (1)词性 ____ 意为:_______________



  (1)没人预见到他Nobody could __________ his dying so early.


  Few analysts ________ that oil prices would rise so steeply.

  词汇-6. assume

  【教材原句】Many people assume that the Amish must have religious reason, but this is not true.(P14)


  (1) I assumed that he had gone for a walk.(2) He assumed a look of surprise.



  (1)词性 _____ 译为_______________



  事实证明她的设想是错的The facts proved her _________ wrong.

  词汇-. keep in touch with


  (1) He has lost touch with his old friends.(2) They keep in touch with each other by writing regularly.

  (3) If you feel ill, you may get in touch with the doctor by phone.

  (4) Are you still in touch with Jack?






  We have been ________ ________ ________ ________ Mary for many years.

  (2) 尽快与他取得联系。

  _______ ________ ________ ________ him as soon as possible.

  (3) 有时老人好像与现代社会失去了联系Old people sometimes seem to _______ ________ with the modern world.

  词汇-. benefit from

  【教材原句】However, most people still benefit from satellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population living nearby.【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) Many children in the area benefit from the books he donated.

  (2) The sea air will benefit you.

  (3) The fresh air is beneficial to our body.

  【自主归纳】(1)受益于 ______________

  (2)对某人有好处 ______________

  (3)对……有好处be ______________ to

  与 be beneficial to 类似的短语



  (5) ______________


  (1) 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。

  It is said Yogo ___________________ human health.

  (2) 我做这个是为了帮助他。

  I did it___________________.


  The plants ___________________ the rain.

  (4) 我们得益于每天做操。

  We ___________________ daily exercises.

  词汇-. make….accessible to…

  【教材原句】They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.(P2)

  【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.

  (2) The reporter has access to the President.

  (3) The only access to their house is along that narrow road.



  词性 ____ 译为_______________


  词性 ____ 译为_______________

  (3) 对来说是可获得的/可利用的


  (4) 有的权利/机会 _____________



  Only a few people have ________ to the full facts of the case.


  The library is _________________ to students in the vacation.

  (3)去洗手间要经过大厅。 __________ to the restrooms is through the hall.词汇-10. rid…of…

  【教材原句】Maybe we should rid ourselves of modern technology and return to simpler times.(P)

  【例句研读】 翻译句中划线部分(1) We want to help rid the team of this pressure.

  (2) As a student, I should rid myself of bad habits.

  (3) He can’t get rid of the cold.


  (1) rid

  词性 ____ 译为_____________ 过去式: _______ 过去分词:___________

  (2) 使自己摆脱某事_____________

  (3) 摆脱/废除某事_____________


  (1)It is not easy to ____________a bad habit.


  I can’t ______________ my cold.

  (3)他努力控制自己不流泪He struggled to ____________his fears.


  1. 【教材原句】 John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928,but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.It was not until the early 1950s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today. (P3)

  【句法分析】not until的强调句式。注意原句中的not须和until短语或从句一起放在it is/was之后。如:

  He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.

  →It was not until his father came back that he went to bed.



  (1)I ______________ realize she was a famous film star ___________ she took off her dark glasses.

  (2)It was _______________________________________ that ______________________________.

  2. 【教材原句】It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin in the USA. (P2)

  【句法分析】句中though意思为:然而。though放在句首意为:虽然,等于although; 放在句中或句末表示;然而;用于倒装句时表示;虽然,相当于as。as though意为:好象;even though意为:即使。




  —Have you ever been to Beijing?

  — No,_______________.


  ____________________,we went there.


  She closed her eyes __________________.


  He is an honest man, I must say, ________________________.


  Child _______________, he knows a lot.

  3.【教材原句】Meanwhile, electrical components eventually became so small that, by the late 1960s, portable cassette players were developed, along with video recorders which were used by TV stations.However, in 1887 Emile Berliner, a German living in the USA, invented a record player that used discs as alternative to tubes, and so the modern record player was born. (P3)

  【句法分析】上句中的:which were used by TV stations下句中的:that used discs as alternative to tubes均是定语从句,which,that是关系代词,在从句中作主语。定语从句的引导词有:先行词是人,关系代词在从句中做主语或宾语的是who, whom, that;先行词是物,关系代词在从句中做主语或宾语的是which, that;whose在从句中作定语,先行词人、物均可。when, where, why在从句分别作时间状语,地点状语,原因状语。


  (1) The desk the legs of_________ are broken is being repaired now.

  (2) A person _________ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.

  (3) The foreign guests, most of _________ were government officials, were warmly welcomed at the airport.

  4. 【教材原句】You may want to obtain some specific information as fast as possible when you are doing research. (P3)

  【句法分析】as fast as possible 表示:尽快地。此句型还可以说成:as fast as sb can。注意:as… as…中间的那个词必须是形容词或副词的原形。还须注意,中间的这个词不可能是possible。



  He suggested that she go the Beijing as ________ as possible.


  During the earthquake, we should save people's lives as __________many as possible


  You should speak English as ___________much as possible.”

  (4) 请安排我们坐在尽量远离吸烟区座位。

  Please seat us as __________far as possible from the smoking section.

  5. 【教材原句】For example, no matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered. (P)

  【句法分析】句中no matter what引导让步状语从句。no matter what the circumstances后省去一个are。句中no matter what可以用whatever来替换。引导名词性从句时,只能用whatever, 不可用no matter what。

  【即时巩固1】(1) __________________ the reason is, you shouldn’t have turned down his proposal.

  (2) She would tell him _________ news she got.


  1. accessible

  2. opposed

  3. patent


  5. evolution

  6. foresaw

  7. sceptical

  8. obvious

  9. insurance

  10. stable


  1. keep in touch with

  2. contribute to the development of TV

  3. make important breakthroughs

  4. in the late 1920s

  5. allow TV to be broadcast live

  6. at the same time

  7. live far away

  8. make TV accessible to people

  9. benefit from

  10. be wound up by hand

  11. with the development of

  12. over a long distance

  13. send electrical signals

  14. in truth

  15. vote on

  16. deal with strangers

  17. work at the electric company

  18. face to face

  19. have a valid point

  20. as well

  21. be absorbed in

  22. dial the wrong number

  23. for some reason

  24. waste your precious time

  25. text messages

  26. a higher degree of mental health

  27. value living in peace

  28. for good measure

  29. rid ourselves of modern technology

  30. return to simpler times



  1. it was not until; that 2. though 3. which 4. as fast as possible 5. no matter what



  词汇-1. delay



  (2) 毫不耽搁地




  (1) v




  (2) delay doing sth (3) without delay


  (1) delay


  (3)without delay/at once/immediately

  词汇-2. construct




  (1)v. 建造,制造

  construction (2)under construction




  词汇-3. distribute




  (1) v

  分发,分配: 分开, 把……分类;散布


  (2) 在……之间分配

  (3) 把……分成




  词汇-4. wind


  (1)缠绕 (2)上发条(3)蜿蜒而行(4)风


  (1) n

  风; 转动;弯曲,摇,一圈,一转

  (2) v

  缠绕;上发条;蜿蜒;转动; 包,裹

  (3) wound


  (4) wind one’s way


  (1) winding


  (3)winds its way

  词汇-5. foresee




  (1) v. 预料,预见

  (2) foreseeable


  (1) foresee

  (2) foresaw

  词汇-6. assume


  (1) (想当然的)认为(2)呈现


  (1) v



  词汇-7. keep in touch with




  (1) keep in touch with (2) get in touch with (3) lose touch with

  (4) be in touch with (5) be out of touch with


  (1)out of touch with

  (2)Get in touch with

  (3)lose touch

  词汇-8. benefit from


  (1)受益于(2)海对你有好处。 (3)对……有好处。


  (1)benefit from (2)benefit sb.

  (3) beneficial (4)do good to, be good for (5)do harm to, be harmful to


  (1) is of great benefit to (2) for his benefit (3) benefited from (4) benefit from

  词汇-9. make….accessible to…


  (1)可得到的 (2)有接近……的权利 (3)通道


  (1) adj.

  可得到的,可利用的, 可接近的:易受影响的

  (2) n

  入口,通道; 接近的机会/权利

  (3) be accessible to sb.

  (4) have access to sth.





  词汇-10. rid…of…

  【例句研读】 翻译句中划线部分



  (1) v.

  使…摆脱, 使…免除



  (2) rid sb/ oneself of sth

  (3) be/ get rid of


  (1) get rid of

  (2) get rid of

  (3)rid himself of



  (1) didn’t ; until

  (2)not until she took off her dark glasses; I realized she was a famous film star.


  (1) I’d like to, though

  (2) Though /Although it was raining (3) as though she were tired

  (4) even though I have opposed him

  (5) though he is


  (1) which (2) whose (3) whom


  (1)soon (2)many(3)much (4)far

  5.【即时巩固15】用whatever, no matter what完成句子

  (1)No matter what (2)whatever





  1. One of the d____________(缺陷)to living on a main road is the constant noise day and night.

  2. The machine broke down because one of its ____________ (部件) had gone wrong.

  3. The bridge is still under____________ (建造), which will hopefully be completed before the end of this month.

  4. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy access to____________ (数字化的) resources of the library.

  5. The committee r____________(拒绝) Mr. Smith’s suggestion that the company should invest further on the project.

  6. He was severely punished, ____________ (只不过) because he made several small mistakes in his work.

  7. This pair of shoes is a bit t____________(紧的)for me. Could you show me a bigger size?

  8. Under no c____________(状况)will I give up my hope of going to college.

  9. Understanding of ____________ (宗教的) freedom may vary from one social system to another.

  10. Your return ticket is____________ (有效的) for two weeks.


  1. .Frank put the medicine into a top drawer to make sure it would not be _____ to the kids.

  A. accessible

  B. able

  C. available

  D. alternative

  2. Her mother had been worrying about her until she finally ___________.

  A. wound up

  B. took up

  C. turned up

  D. held up

  3. After graduation, he decided to ___ a state-owned company for a job to support himself.

  A. apply to

  B. turn to

  C. deal with

  D. supply with

  4. The meeting would be put off but it was strongly demanded that it ______ as planned.

  A. holds

  B. held

  C. be held

  D. should hold

  5.—What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.  

  —______. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. (04 浙江)

  A. It just depends    

  B. It’s up to you   

  C. All right    

  D. Glad to hear that

  6. The rapid increase of private cars ________ a lot to over-crowdedness in cities.

  A. turns

  B. comes

  C. contributes

  D. adds

  7. I think you should _______ the doctor about your arm.

  A. pay a visit to

  B. give a visit on

  C. offer visit to

  D. make a visit on

  8. John _sat

  at the head of the table with his wife next to him. Which of the following can’t replace the underlined word.

  A. seated

  B. seated himself

  C. was seated

  D. took a seat

  9. At first he did not realize that he had succeeded in making a computer that ran on solar power(太阳能). “Realize” in the sentence means “___________”]

  A. understand

  B. get to

  C. reach

  D. come true

  10. A few years ago, some authorities _____ that our NMET was not a good way to test students’ ability.

  A. pointed to

  B. pointed out

  C. pointed at

  D. pointed off



  1. Would you please _________ the car windows_________? It’s cold.

  2. Cigarette smoking is a major concern _________cancer.

  3. _________the new economic policy, farmers are enjoying a much better life than ever before.

  4. Communication _________information industry plays an important part in modern society.

  5. Since we have entered the industrial age, our economic development mode has to _________the times.

  6. You can _________it that he will turn up at our party since he promised.

  7. Our government has taken effective measures to make sure every child _________compulsory education.

  8. This new theatre located near the park can hold_________2,000 people at a time.


  in truth;

  vote on;

  be absorbed in;

  face to face;

  in general;

  rid… of…;

  for good measure;

  for some reason

  1. The committee will _________the proposal next week.

  2. _________or other, she turned up at the party a little late yesterday evening.

  3. Tom pretended not to have heard about it, but_________, he knew it two days ago.

  4. — What do you think of the hotel?

  — It’s fairly good_________, though there is something which needs to be improved.

  5. _________ the fiction, the boy didn’t notice my arrival at all.

  6. He wanted to _________ himself _________ the burden of the secret.

  7. My friend Bruce gave me a nice pen and a beautiful birthday card _________.

  8. Now that you are interested in it, shall we talk _________ sometime next week?


  1. The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building

  now. (remain)

  2. This kind of radio doesn't _______ well.(sell)

  3. What he said

  to be correct.


  4. He

  at the back of the classroom.


  5. He

  in a dark blue suit.


  6. We

  to accept his proposal. (prepare)

  7. Hundreds of soldiers

  around the prison.

  (station )

  8. I found the car comfortable to ______ in. (ride)

  9. Who

  for starting the fire? (blame)

  10. I I am going to Beijing. Do you have anything to

  there? ( take )

  第二部分 能力运用



  Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight __l

  before setting down. High desert winds had


  the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be


  the city for a few minutes waiting to


  . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened _5

  there might be a few bumps(颠簸).Well,that few minutes turned into about four—five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) _6

  by comparison.

  The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt _7

  and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess,that’s not good thing to have happen in a(n) _8

  space because it only _9

  to increase the discomfort of the situation. About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very 10 . There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be 11

  noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life except one. A 12

  was having a good time! With each bump of the

  13 , he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight .As I observed this,I 14

  that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his

  15 _. He neither thought about the past nor about the future. Those are what we grown—ups have learned from


  .He was _17

  the ride

  because he had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this,I took a deep breath and


  back into my seat,pretending I was


  on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even


  to giggle once or twice ,much to the chagrin(懊恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.

  1. A. mistake

  B. delay

  C. change

  D. wind

  2. A. forced

  B. warned

  C. swept

  D. reminded

  3. A. watching

  B. visiting

  C. circling

  D. crossing

  4. A. arrive

  B. enter

  C. stop

  D. land

  5. A. if

  B. though

  C. because

  D. while

  6. A. light

  B. pale

  C. easy

  D. quick

  7. A. sick

  B. nervous

  C. angry

  D. afraid

  8. A. empty

  B. narrow

  C. secret

  D. open

  9. A. happens

  B. continues

  C. fails

  D. serves

  10. A. quiet

  B. hot

  C. dirty

  D. crowded

  11. A. partly

  B. gradually

  C. shortly

  D. clearly

  12. A. pilot

  B. baby

  C. guard

  D. man

  13. A. seats

  B. passengers

  C. flight

  D. airplane

  14. A. realized

  B. hoped

  C. agreed

  D. insisted

  15. A. health

  B. safety

  C. joy

  D. future

  16. A. teachers

  B. books

  C. experience

  D. practice

  17. A. learning

  B. taking

  C. missing

  D. enjoying

  18. A. sat

  B. lay

  C. went

  D. rode

  19. A. nearly

  B. finally

  C. really

  D. suddenly

  20. A. attempted

  B. managed

  C. wanted

  D. decided


  请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。



  I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood was spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives (观点) by creating worlds we could step into, take part in and live in.

  With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen, decided to become a writer. Here too, reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world. He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other people’s writing can one discover what works, what doesn’t and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has.

  Now I am in college, and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction (文学作品).As a law student, my reading is in fact limited to subject matter—the volume (量) of what I have to read for classes every week means there is little time to read anything else. Such reading made it all the clearer to me that I live in a very small part in this great place called life. Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own. It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldn't necessarily be able to have in my lifetime.

  1. What can be inferred about the author as a child?

  A. He never watched TV.

  B. He read what he had to.

  C. He found reading unbelievable.

  D. He considered reading part of his life.

  2. The underlined word "voice" in the second paragraph most probably means “


  A. an idea

  B. a sound quality

  C. a way of writing

  D. a world to write about

  3. What effect does reading have on the author?

  A. It helps him to realize his dream.

  B. It opens up a wider world for him.

  C. It makes his college life more interesting.

  D. It increases his interest in worldwide travel.

  4. Which of the following can be the best title of this text?

  A. Why do I read?

  B. How do I read?

  C. What do I read?

  D. When do I read?


  Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families. The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.

  Fox Point is operated by Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners (ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.

  ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally (环境方面) clever and affordable homes which are called the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials. Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.

  Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor, plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for 500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD) , whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.

  Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.

  5. What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?

  A. To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people.

  B. To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.

  C. To show how the environment-friendly building works.

  D. To compare old and new boiler rooms.

  6. What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards?

  A. Lower running costs.

  B. Costing less in construction.

  C. Less air to be lost in hot days.

  D. Better prices for homeless people.

  7. It can be learned from the text that_____________.

  A. New York City is seriously polluted

  B. People’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City

  C. A great number of people in New York City don't have houses to live in

  D. Some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City

  8. What is the main purpose of this text?

  A. To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.

  B. To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.

  C. To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.

  D. To introduce healthy, environmentally clever-and affordable housing.



  Educating girls quite possibly harvests a higher rate of return than any other investment (投资)available in the developing world. Women’s education may be an unusual field for economists(经济学家), but increasing women’s contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue. And economics, with its focus on incentives(鼓励), provides an explanation for why so many girls are deprived (剥夺) of an education.

  Parents in low-income countries have little investment in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody else’s family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school — the prophecy(预言) becomes self-fulfilling, trapping women in a vicious circle(恶性循环) of neglect.

  An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development for all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy. The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.

  Few will argue that educating women can cause great social benefits(益处). But it has enormous economic advantages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. Wages rise by 10 to 20 percent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.

  Topic: The significance of female 1______________ in developing countries

  Viewpoint Educating girls is more beneficial than any other 2____________.

  Families From low-income families From educated mothers’ families

  Attitudes Girls are of 1ess 3_____________ than boys. Development should be for all 4____________.

  Practices There is 5____________ investment in daughters.

  Girls are made to stay at home, 6____________ housework. Girls and boys have 7__________ chances.


  (结果) A vicious circle A virtuous circle

  Importance Educating girls 8__________ to social benefits, 9___________ advantages and health practices, including family planning.

  10__________ Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding.


  成品油价税费改革方案自2009年1月1日起实施。有关燃油税问题,不同人有不同看法。请你根据下列内容在China Daily Opinion栏目发表观点。


  点 原



  同 1.公平、合理。用油越多,交费也应越多;




  对 1.中国是发展中国家,不能盲目学西方;



  你的观点 (至少两点)?



  3.参考词汇:燃油税fuel tax

  With the new fuel tax policy taking effect on January 1, more and more people show their great concerns about what it brings to their life.

  模块Unit 1综合练习(参考答案)




  1. drawbacks

  2. components

  3. construction

  4. digital

  5. rejected

  6. merely

  7. tight

  8. circumstances

  9. religious

  10. valid


  accessible意为“易取得的,可得到的” e.g. If something is accessible to people, they are able to see it, use it, or buy it. available虽然意为 “可利用的,可获得的” ,但accessible更倾向于“取得”,而available更倾向于“使用,利用”。


  本题四个选项都是过去式,时态上没有区别,主要是考查动词短语的含义,turn up意为“出现,发生”,符合句意;而wind up意为“上发条;结束,停止”take up意为“拿起, 开始, 从事, 吸收, 接纳, 占去, 继续做”hold up意为“举起, 阻挡, 耽搁, 支撑, 抢劫, 使停顿, 举出”

  3. A

  本题考查动词短语的含义,apply to意为“适用于; 向...申请”,符合句意;而turn to意为“求助于; 转向” deal with意为“与...交涉, 交易, 处理,应付, 关于” supply with意为“供应”


  本题考查的是虚拟语气的句型之一,与“建议、要求、命令、指挥”有关的名词性从句中,谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略。另外,会议按计划举行,应该用被动语态。


  由Whatever you want to do is fine with me.可以判断,比赛前的半小时怎么安排,由你。来决定。


  本题考查动词短语的含义,contribute to  意为“为 ... 作贡献, 导致”,符合句意;而turn to意为“求助于; 转向”,come to意为“苏醒;结果是;涉及,谈到”, add to 意为“增加”


  pay a visit to是固定短语。


  seat 是及物动词,表示“坐着”,有两种形式: be seated 和seat oneself。



  10.B point out意为“指出”; point to意为“表明,指向 ”;point at意为“指向”;point off意为“给 ... 加小数点”。



  1. wind; up

  2. contributing to

  3. Benefiting from

  4. along with

  5. keep pace with

  6. rely on

  7. has access to

  8. up to


  1. vote on

  2. For some reason

  3. in truth

  4. in general

  5. Absorbed in

  6. rid; of

  7. for good measure

  8. face to face


  1. remains

  2. sell

  3. proved

  4. is seated

  5. was dressed

  6.are prepared

  7. were stationed

  8. ride

  9. is to blame

  10. be taken

  第二部分 能力运用


  1. B根据 “High desert winds…to close all but one runway”可知因沙尘暴关闭所有的跑道,只留一条,故应为延时降落。

  2. A因为沙尘暴迫使机场关闭跑道。 B为“警告”;C意为“打扫,席卷”;D意为“提醒”,均不符合题意。

  3. C飞机在等待降落的过程中应该是绕城市盘旋。故应选C。 A. watch用于看动态的场面; B. visit意为“参观,拜访”; D. cross意为“横穿”。

  4. D根据上下文句意可知,飞机要绕城市盘旋几分钟以便等待着陆。

  5. C句意为:我们被告知仍在座位上坐好,系好安全带,因为飞机可能有颠簸。此处应为because引导的原因状语从句。

  6. B make…pale by comparison “使……相形见绌”,此处用以强调飞机在空中极不稳定。

  7. A句意为:象过山车一样的巨烈运动使旅客恶心而不得不用呕吐袋。A. sick 意为“恶心的”;B. nervous意为“紧张的”; C. angry 意为“生气的”;D. afraid意为“害怕的”。

  8. B此空前的that指的是using airsickness bags,也就是发生在飞机上狭小空间中的呕吐,因此选用narrow“狭窄的”,后面的space指的是飞机内部空间。empty 意为“空的”,secret意为“秘密的”,均不合题意。

  9. D在这种情形下本来就很难受,在飞机上呕吐使得这种难受更加强烈,此处serve意为“起……作用,用作……”。

  10. A根据后面的 a sense of anxiety and fear可知,人们都很紧张、焦虑,在这种情形下飞机上的人一定是静悄悄的。

  11. D飞机上的焦躁不安,应该是能够很明显的被感觉到,故选clearly。

  12. B从后文中的 “he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried…Those are what we grown—ups have learned …”他不知道害怕和着急……,那是我们成年人……,可推测出应该是孩子。

  13. D应是飞机的每一次颠簸让孩子体验坐过山车一样的感受,孩子发出咯咯的笑声。

  14. A句意为:我意识到孩子不知道他应该害怕和担心。

  15. B应是为他的安全担心。

  16. C成人都是从孩子时代过来的。是成人的亲身经历让他们知道孩子不知道什么是害怕和担心。

  17. D因为孩子不知道害怕,自然是在飞机的颠簸中享受坐过山车般的快乐。

  18. A sat back into my seat意为坐回到座位上。



  20.B我甚至咯咯地笑了一两次。作者应该是真的笑出了声,才让邻座的手拿呕吐袋的人懊恼。做成了某事用managed to do。






  1. D细节理解题。根据首段第一、二句, “I grew up in a house… with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves….I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing”可知作者是在一个以书为伴的环境中长大的,读书像呼吸那样已经成为生活必需。

  2. C词义推测题。根据文中 “...but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own …”可以推断出voice所表达的意思是“写作方式”。

  3. B细节理解题。由文章的最后一句:“It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldn't necessarily be able to have in my lifetime.”可得出答案。

  4. A主旨大意题。文章作者主要以自己的亲身体验讲述读书的重要性。因此Why do I read?“我为什么读书?”作题目最佳。

  5. C作者的写作意图。从第一段最后两句,作者描述开水房仅是从一个侧面展示整个建筑群的节能,环保,可以得出答案。

  6. A细节理解。依据文章第三段倒数第二句:Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs.可得到答案。句意为“达到这一标准会将建筑成本提高2%,但很快会被它的低成本运行成本补回”

  7. B细节理解。依据文章第四段第二句:Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused, by housing..可得出答案

  8. D作者的写作目的。本文主要让读者了解这类健康、环保、经济类住房。


  1. education

  2. investment(s)

  3. value / importance/ significance 4. children

  5. little

  6. doing

  7. fair/ equal

  8. contributes/ leads

  9. economic

  10. Conclusion


  With the new fuel tax policy taking effect on January 1, more and more people show their great concerns about what it brings to their life.

  Some people are in favor of the policy. They think it is reasonable and fair to carry out the policy, because the more the oil consumption, the more money the drivers pay, which can avoid the unnecessary driving They also think when the policy will help to reduce air pollution and benefit environment. In their opinion, fuel tax can raise the awareness of using oil efficiently.

  However, others are against it. For one thing, they think China is a developing country, so we can't do as the developed countries do. For another, the new fuel policy may increase the fuel price. Drivers will pay higher fuel consumption taxes and may be overburdened. Also, they hold the opinion that the new policy may cause more unemployment. As a result, there might be some other social problems.

  In my opinion, every coin has its two sides.

  contribute to;

  rely on;

  along with;

  wind up;

  keep pace with;

  benefit from;

  have access to;

  up to


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