【三维设计】2017版(江苏专用)二轮复习练习:必修1 Unit 1《School life》单元检测(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【三维设计】2017版(江苏专用)二轮复习练习:必修1 Unit 1《School life》单元检测(含解析)

发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  School life 单元检测(A卷——全员必做)


  1.(2014·泰州高三质检)University is ________ most worthwhile time of discovery and learning, and it is also ________ very enjoyable and valuable experience for every one of us.

  A.a; aB.the; /

  C./; a

  D.a; the

  2.(2014·安庆一中模拟)Would you please ________ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

  A.look back on

  B.look around

  C.look up

  D.look through

  3.(2014·南京秦淮区模拟)The news reporters hurried to the airport, only ________ that the film stars had left.


  B.to be informed

  C.to inform


  4.(2014·安徽六校联考)—When will the expert come and give the lecture on intellectual property?

  —As soon as our program ________ by the authorities.


  B.will be approved

  C.is to approve

  D.has been approved

  5.(2014·武汉名校高三调研)He asked me to be ________ the class because he had to attend to his sick mother.

  A.in want of

  B.in search of

  C.in favour of

  D.in charge of

  6.(2014·南京第十二中学高三模拟)Principal White has been working in the school for about 20 years, ________ all his energy to teaching and researching as well as the running of a healthy school.



  C.to devote

  D.and devote

  7.(2014·长沙一模)General secretary Xi Jinping required that China's position on the issue of the South China Sea ________.

  A.was respected B.should respect

  C.be respected

  D.must be respected

  8.(2014·东台高三一模)Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of books ________ to the rural schools.

  A.had been donated

  B.was donated

  C.have donated

  D.were donated

  9.(2014·南京三中模拟)It is known to all that every minute _________full use of _________the lessons will benefit students a great deal.

  A.which makes; studying

  B.when made; to study

  C.that made; to study

  D.when is made; studying

  10.(2014·湖北黄石三校高三调研)Spending time online is ________ behavior for teenagers, but too much Internet use might be related to depression.





  11.(2014·长春高三调研)I read through the first page of the book and ________ a spelling mistake.





  12.(2014·宿迁高三模拟)—Shall I stay here for another day?


  A.If you please

  B.As you please

  C.With pleasure

  D.It's my pleasure

  13.(2014·北京海淀模拟)You don't need to make fancy foods to impress guests — it is something simple but good ________ will do.





  14.—Ye Shiwen got the championship in the women's 400­meter individual medley at London Olympics.

  —She fully deserves the title.She ________ for it for years.

  A.is preparing

  B.was preparing

  C.has prepared

  D.had been preparing

  15.(2014·江苏姜堰溱潼中学模拟)The Voice of China is such a popular program with viewers ________ has produced many a music­lover.







  (2014·南京第三中学模拟)This July, Wang Chen, a student from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, won the International University WEICHI Tournament 2013 in Shanghai, which saw competitors from 54 universities around the world, including Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  Compared with the busy sports ground, it seems a bit dull, but Wang and his peers enjoy an intense brain workout (劳动). Wang is an amateur seventh­degree master player — the highest degree amateur players can attain. “I had hoped to win first place, but when it came true, I couldn't believe it,” says Wang. Wang began studying weichi when he was 7 years old. “I was a quiet boy and my parents thought weichi would help develop my logical thinking ability,” he says. He began to attend the Chinese Rank Promotion from the age of 10. “I failed for nine years, and then I gave up. I entered university and became an amateur player,” says Wang.

  What this hobby brings Wang is not only a sense of achievement, but also independence. He has won 10 national and international championships, which have brought the young student a handsome sum of money. When he won the national amateur competition in 2011, he received 100,000 yuan in prize money. With awards from contests, Wang covers his expenses and tuition fees all by himself.

  Wang is busier than most of his peers. A look at his calendar shows that he will attend competitions in Guizhou and Taiwan at the end of August, after attending an international competition only this July. But Wang admits he has little in common with his classmates. “I feel a bit lonely sometimes,” he says.

  On campus Wang spends more time on exploring his skills. Wang now regards playing weichi as a hobby. He is the captain of the weichi team on campus, which has five members. He organizes them to research the latest formations once a week. Wang says his next project is to promote weichi among his peers on campus. “Many young people in China don't understand this kind of sports and I want to promote it,” says Wang.

  1.What's the best title of the passage?

  A.The Achievement and Dream of the “Weichi Prince”

  B.Wang Chen Won the International University WEICHI Tournament 2013

  C.Weichi Brings Wang a Sense of Achievement and Independence

  D.Wang Chen's Life

  2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.54 countries attended the International University WEICHI Tournament 2013 in Shanghai.

  B.Wang Chen began to attend the Chinese Rank Promotion from the age of 7.

  C.In 2013, Wang Chen received 100,000 yuan in prize money.

  D.Wang Chen has won 10 national and international championships nowadays.

  3.What can we learn from this passage?

  A.Family plays an important role in shaping world­rank players.

  B.As long as you have the same loneliness as Wang Chen, you are sure to succeed.

  C.Wang Chen doesn't get on well with his classmates.

  D.Perseverance helps to make a top player.

  4.The underlined word “handsome” in Paragraph 3 most probably means “________”.





  5.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

  A.Wang Chen doesn't get on well with his study.

  B.Weichi is not popular with people in China.

  C.Nobody can beat Wang Chen.

  D.Many students are likely to love weichi on campus.



  More UK universities should be profiting from ideas

  A repeated criticism of the UK's university sector is its noticeable weakness in translating new knowledge into new products and services.

  Recently, the UK National Stem Cell Network warned the UK could lose its place among the world leaders in stem cell research unless adequate funding and legislation could be assured, despite an annual £40 m spent by the Department of Health on all kinds of research.

  However, we do have to challenge the unthinking complaint that the sector does not do enough in taking ideas to market.

  The most recent comparative data on the performance of universities and research institutions in Australia, Canada, USA and UK shows that, from a relatively weak starting position, the UK now leads on many indicators of commercialization activity.

  When viewed at the national level, the policy_interventions (interference) of the past decade have helped transformed the performances of UK universities.

  Evidence suggests the UK's position is much stronger than in the recent past and is still showing improvement. But national data masks the very large variation in the performance of individual universities. The evidence shows that a large number

  of universities have fallen off the back of the pack, a few perform strongly and the rest chase the leaders.

  This type of uneven distribution is not strange to the UK and is mirrored across other economies. In the UK, research is concentrated: less than 25% of universities are receiving 75% of the research funding. These same universities are also the institutions producing the greatest share of PhD graduates, science citations, patents and license income. The effect of policies generating long­term resource concentration has also created a distinctive set of universities which are research­led and commercially active. It seems clear that the concentration of research and commercialization work creates differences between universities.

  The core objective for universities which are research­led must be to maximize the impact of their research efforts. Their purpose is not to generate funds to add to the bottom line of the university or to substitute other income streams. Rather, these universities should be generating the widest range of social, economic and environmental benefits. In return for the scale of investment, they should share their expertise (expert knowledge or skill) in order to build greater confidence in the sector.

  Part of the economic recovery of the UK will be driven by the next generation of research commercialization spilling out of our universities. On the evidence presented in my report, there are three dozen universities in the UK which are actively engaged in advanced research training and commercialization work.

  If there was a greater coordination (协调) of technology transfer offices within regions and a simultaneous (happening at the same time) investment in the scale and functions of our graduate schools, universities could, and should, play a key role in positioning the UK for the next growth cycle.

  6.What does the author think of UK universities in terms of commercialization?

  A.They have lost their leading position in many ways.

  B.They still have a place among the world leaders.

  C.They do not regard it as their responsibility.

  D.They fail to change knowledge into money.

  7.What does the author say about the national data on UK universities' performance in commercialization?

  A.It masks the fatal weaknesses of government policy.

  B.It indicates their ineffective use of government resources.

  C.It does not rank UK universities in a scientific way.

  D.It does not reflect the differences among universities.

  8.We can infer from Paragraph 5 that “policy interventions (in Paragraph 4)” refers to ________.

  A.concentration of resources in a limited number of universities

  B.compulsory cooperation between universities and industries

  C.government aid to non­research­oriented universities

  D.fair distribution of funding for universities and research institutions

  9.What does the author suggest research­led universities do?

  A.Fully use their research to benefit all sectors of society.

  B.Generously share their facilities with those short of funds.

  C.Advertise their research to win international recognition.

  D.Spread their influence among top research institutions.

  School life 单元检测(B卷——自主选做)


  (2014·东台三仓中学模拟)“Mommy, can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” my five­year­old son asked.

  A simple task, but now, it wasn't that

  __1__. Anxiety restricted my stomach as I ___2___ I couldn't be a(n) “normal” mommy to my three­, five­, and seven­year old sons.

  It was the Christmas season now, and my tasks multiplied.I __3__ to have even a tiny bit of eyesight. But this Christmas season, I saw __4__ — no red or green, no colors, no shadows.

  Christmas ___5__ came quickly, and our sons came in and rushed to our bed.“ __6___,_we want to open presents.”

  Each voice had a distinct sound and I could tell their mood by the __7__. They jumped, giggled, and teased each other as we wiped the __8__ from our eyes.

  I reached for my robe (睡袍) and held ___9__ my hand, “Come on, let's see what Santa brought.”

  “Let's take turns,” their daddy said.“And don't forget to tell __10__ what you get.”

  That's __11__ I realized that what I couldn't see threatened to __12__ the Christmas joy. I fought the temptation to __13__ into self­pity, and swallowed hard to keep the tears inside.

  My husband __14__ beside me. “What can I do for you?”

  His sweetness and warmth further emphasized my __15__. I was disappointing him and I'd __16__ in my role as a wife to him and a mom to my sons.

  “This is the best present yet!” one of our sons cried out.

  My son's words brought a truth that opened the __17__ of my heart. His gift delighted him. But I had missed mine, __18__ and disregarding my greatest present — the one that __19__ the emptiness of my dark world. It was in the family room — it sang to me with little voices, with little arms that __20__ me, and with the sweetest melody of each “I love you, Mommy.”

  1.A.interesting B.pleasant



















  6.A.Stand up

  B.Get up

  C.Take up

  D.Stay up


























































  (2014·芜湖一中模拟)It had been three months since Ms Miller had started teaching. She was gradually being able to understand all her students, except one, Bob. Bob was the only boy who came to school dressed untidily and sat in the class completely lost in his own world. His performance had been deteriorating steadily with every single day.

  Ms Miller searched through the progress reports of Bob and was shocked to see Bob used to be the topper in his class. Bob's performance began to slowly decline when his mother fell ill.

  He was doing badly in each and every subject when his mother died leaving him alone with his father, who was a businessman and had to travel always. Apart from his performance worsening gradually, Bob's nature too began to change. He had forgotten to laugh and showed no interest in any activity. All his friends had abandoned him.

  One day, Bob was asked to stay back. Ms Miller asked him if he had any problem understanding his lessons. Gradually she began to give him a comfort zone so that he could talk and share.

  After three weeks, she found Bob gradually improving. He was being able to answer the questions he previously failed. Every day after all the students went away, Ms Miller gave personal attention to Bob and began to spend time with him. Bob improved a lot over the next semester, showing definite signs of progress in his performance.

  On a Friday, Bob came up to Ms Miller, handed her a box and requested her to open the box on Sunday. Sunday morning, curious, she opened it and saw a bottle of perfume, half filled. Together with it was a small letter, saying that this bottle of perfume used to be his mother's and he wished Ms Miller to wear it so that every time she was around, he could feel his Mom near him. He thanked her for everything. Ms Miller took the bottle of perfume in her hand and saw a new tag attached to it; it said “Happy Mother's Day!”

  Ms Miller suddenly realized that it was not she who had made a difference to Bob's life but it was Bob who made her realize what true humanity is!

  1.According to the text, Bob ________.

  A.wore neat clothes all the time

  B.was taller than any other one in his class

  C.lost all of his friends after his mother's death

  D.could always have his father for company at home

  2.The underlined word “deteriorating” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.





  3.Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.

  A.why Ms Miller would like to help Bob

  B.how Bob attracted Ms Miller's attention

  C.what Ms Miller did to help Bob

  D.where Bob could sit comfortably

  4.The bottle of perfume given to Ms Miller ________.

  A.was new and never used before

  B.was presented on Mother's Day

  C.made Bob a different student

  D.showed Bob was grateful for Ms Miller

  5.What does the author want to convey to us?

  A.A teacher could change a student's life.

  B.Family is the most important place for kids.

  C.Children don't have to solve problems by themselves.

  D.One should have sympathy for another's suffering and offer help.



         We all  have  relationships.  We  have  acquaintances,  relatives, neighbors  and  probably  some  friends.   However,  many  of  these relationships are simply not satisfying. They lack real strength and depth. I'd like to show you how you can add a significant amount of depth and strength to your relationships and make your social life a lot more meaningful.Meet more people. The quality of the people you meet has a great deal to do with the quantity of the people you meet. If you don't know a lot of people, you won't meet very often people who are a good match with you in terms of personality, interests and values. And since this natural match plays a huge part in building strong relationships, you'll just as seldom have the opportunity to develop strong relationships.Talk about the things that matter to you.

         A relationship becomes the strongest when two people discover they believe in the same things and have similar interests. It's these commonalities regarding values and interests that create the strongest emotional connection.  Talk about the things that truly matter to you and give others a chance to know what you care about and what you believe in. If they believe in the same things and they care about the same things, they'll eagerly let you know.

         Thus you'll find meaningful common ground and you'll feel more connected.Express weakness. Many people try not to talk about their failures; they hide their shortcomings and they never say anything that could embarrass them.  However, by hiding your imperfection, what you do succeed in is appearing cold and impersonal. This makes it very hard for anyone to connect with you emotionally.  

         Humans connect with other humans, not with ideals. Keep this in mind and don't be afraid to let your weakness and your humanity show. This is what takes a relationship to the next level.Have honesty.  This is an important quality because if you have honesty, people can trust you. They can trust you to give them an honest feedback, and they can trust you to keep your promises. This trust is one of the central factors of a strong relationship, both in your personal and professional life. So, challenging as it can be sometimes, always try to have honesty.

  Be there for others.

  Another central factor of strong relationships is support. Connections between people grow strong if they can rely on each other for support when it's needed, whether that support means a few kind words or several massive actions.

  Of course,

  you can't be there for everybody, all the time.

  Your time,

  energy and other resources are limited. But what you can do is to identify the really important people in your life and then seek to be there as much as possible, at least for them.

  With the right attitude and the right behavior, you can strengthen a

  wide range of relationships in your life and advance them as far as they can be advanced.

  And with strong relationships, not only do you feel more satisfied, but you feel more connected to the entire world. You feel that

  your life has real value, you have more fun and you live in the moment.

  Title How to build stronger and deeper relationships

  Theme Many of our relationships with others are (1)________ for lack of real strength and depth.

  Suggestions and reasons •Meet more people.

  The quantity of the people you meet (2)________ the quality of the people you meet. •Talk about what is (3)________ to you.

  If people discover they share the same values and interests with you, they'll feel more connected with you.

  •Don't try to (4)________ your weakness.

  Perfection appears cold and impersonal, making it (5)________ to create strong connection.

  •Be (6)________.It earns you trust, which plays a huge part in building strong relationships, both in your

  personal and (7)________ life.

  •(8)________ others.

  It makes connections between people strong.

  (9) ________ The right attitude and the right behavior can lead to stronger relationships, which give you more (10)________ and more connections to the entire world.


  School life 单元检测(A卷——全员必做)

  .1.选A 句意:大学是一段学习和探索的非常有价值的时光,而且对于我们每一个人来说也是一次很快乐、很有价值的经历。第一空,因为没有明确的范围,故不用最高级,most 意为“很,非常”;experience 意为“经历”时是可数名词,在这里是泛指,所以前面需要用不定冠词。

  2.选D 句意:你能不能帮我看看这份试卷,看有没有明显的错误?look through“浏览,仔细看”,符合句意。look back on“回顾”;look around“环顾”;look up“查找,向上看”。

  3.选B 句意:资讯记者匆忙赶到机场,结果却被告知那位影星已经离开了。此处表示一种出乎意料的结果,应用不定式作结果状语,inform 与 the news reporter 之间为动宾关系,故选B。

  4.选D 根据语境并分析句子成分可知,“项目被批准”是将来完成的动作,as soon as 在此引导时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中常用现在完成时代替将来完成时,故此处用现在完成时。“项目”与“批准”之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。

  5.选D 句意:他要求我负责这个班,因为他必须照顾生病的母亲。in charge of“负责,掌管”,符合句意。in want of“需要(某事物)”;in search of“搜寻”;in favour of“支持,赞同”。

  6.选B devote 的逻辑主语就是主句的主语 Principal White,后面有宾语 all his energy,所以用现在分词。devoting 表示主动和进行,符合题意。

  7.选C 句意:习近平总书记要求中国在中南海问题上的立场应得到尊重。require 后接宾语从句,从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should 可省略;又因 position 与 respect 之间为被动关系,此处应用被动语态。

  8.选B 句意:一些现代化的教学设备和数百本书籍被捐给了农村学校。as well as 是介词短语,它连接两个名词或代词作主语时,句子的谓语形式与 as well as 前的名词主语或代词在人称和数上保持一致;equipment 是表示集合的不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词应用单数,而且 donate 与句子主语之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态;同时因为题干中没有另一个过去动作与“donate”对比,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。

  9.选B 句意:众所周知,当每一分钟都被充分利用来学习功课,将会使学生受益匪浅。从句中 every minute 是主语,will benefit 是谓语动词;中间插入了时间状语,when 后省略了 it is, to study the lessons 表示目的,不是作 make use of 的宾语,故选B。

  10.选D 句意:对青少年来说上网是很平常的一件事,但是上网太多会引发忧郁。normal“正常的,平常的”,符合句意。traditional“传统的,习俗的”;exceptional“杰出的,优秀的”;average“平均的”。

  11.选C 此处表示发现了一个拼写错误,故选C。stare“盯着看,凝视”,为不及物动词;state“陈述,说明”;spot“注意到,发现”;struggle“奋斗”。

  12.选B 句意:“我可以在这儿再待一天吗?”“请自便。” if you please 常用于客气的请求,意为“如果你愿意”;as you please“请自便”;with pleasure“非常乐意”,表示愉快地接受别人让自己做的事;it's my pleasure“不客气”。

  13.选B 句意:你不必做花哨的食物来讨客人的欢心——简单美味的食物就可以了。分析句子结构可知,simple but good 为 something 的后置定语,________ will do 为 something 的定语从句。先行词为 something 时,应该使用“that”来引导定语从句。故选B。

  14.选D 答语意为“她完全应得冠军,她之前已经为此准备好几年了”。因获得冠军这一动作发生在过去,而准备的动作发生在过去的过去,故应用过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到这一过去时间。

  15.选D 句意:《中国好声音》是一个受观众喜爱的节目,它也产生了许多音乐爱好者。在such ... as ...结构中,as引导定语从句,该句中的as在从句中作主语。本题易误选B项,such ... that ...“如此……以至于……”,that引导结果状语从句,在句中不作成分,故被排除。



  1.选A 标题归纳题。B、C两项都是文章中的一部分,过于具体,范围小了。D项过于笼统。由全文可知只有A项能全面概括文章主题。

  2.选D 细节理解题。根据第一段“...which saw competitors from 54 universities around the world ...”可知是来自世界54所大学的选手参加了比赛,故A项错误;根据第二段“Wang began studying weichi when he was 7 years old.”可知B项错误;根据第三段“When he won the national amateur competition in 2011, he received 100,000 yuan in prize money.”可知C项错误;根据第三段“He has won 10 national and international championships ...”可知本题选D。

  3.选D 推理判断题。A、B两项的说法都失之偏颇,明显可排除;C项文章中没有提及。D项意思是“毅力有助于成就一位顶尖的运动员”,与文章意思相符。

  4.选B 词义猜测题。画线单词所在句子的意思是“他先后在国内、外赛事中10次夺冠,对于一名青年学生来说,奖金收入十分可观”。considerable“相当多的,可观的”,符合语境。

  5.选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句话可知,国内许多年轻人不了解围棋,他想大力推广这项活动,由此可以推出围棋在国内不流行,因此答案选B。


  6.选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中的“the UK now leads on many indicators of commercialization activity”可知,作者认为,根据最新的对比数据,英国现在在许多商业活动中处于领导地位。故答案选B。

  7.选D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第三句“But national data masks the very large variation in the performance of individual universities.”可知,作者认为这些数据掩盖了单个大学之间的差距,故答案选D。

  8.选A 指代判断题。根据第四段内容可知,过去十年间的policy interventions提高了英国大学的表现,但这些大学间有很大的个体差异。接着第五段分析了差异产生的原因,即第五段第一句中的“uneven distribution”(分配的不平等性),下文进一步指明这种不平等表现在不到25%的大学占用了75%的研究资金。由此可知,policy interventions是指政府将大量的资金集中分给有限的几所大学这一政策,故答案选A。

  9.选A 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段第一句“The core objective of

  universities which are research­led must be to maximize the impact of their

  research efforts.”及第三句“Rather, these universities should be generating the widest range of social, economic and environmental benefits.”可知,作者建议这些大学应该在社会、经济和环境方面创造最大范围的好处。由此可知,答案选A。

  School life 单元检测(B卷——自主选做)


  1.选C but前后内容是转折关系,结合下文可知,作者的眼睛看不见了,因此,原来非常简单的事情,对她来说,也不那么容易了。与上文“A simple task, but now”相照应,故答案选C。

  2.选D 根据语境并结合选项可知,由于视力问题,作者担心自己不能成为三个孩子的正常母亲。在四个选项中,fear有“担心,害怕”之意,与语境相符。wonder意为“想知道”;doubt意为“怀疑”;hesitate意为“犹豫”。


  3.选A 根据语境可知,随着圣诞节的临近,家里的事情多了起来,作者当时非常渴望自己哪怕只拥有一点微弱的视力。long意为“渴望,极想”,符合文意。

  4.选A 根据空格后提到的“no red or green, no colors, no shadows”可知,作者由于视力问题现在什么也看不见了,故nothing符合语境。

  5.选B 根据下文“our sons came in and rushed to our bed”可知,此处指的是圣诞节的早晨,孩子们冲到作者的床边要圣诞礼物。morning符合语境。

  6.选B A项意为“起立,站起来”;B项意为“起床”;C项意为“从事,拿起”;D项意为“熬夜”。根据下文“I reached for my robe(睡袍)”可知,当时作者和丈夫还未起床,孩子们进来叫他们起床,get up符合文意。

  7.选C tongue意为“舌头”;tune意为“曲调,和谐”;tone意为“语气,声调,音调”;accent意为“口音”。作者因为看不见,只能凭借孩子们的说话语气来判断他们的情绪,由此可知,tone符合语境。

  8.选A 根据语境可知,在圣诞节的早晨,孩子们早早地就把睡梦中的夫妇俩叫醒了,他们睡眼蒙sleep符合文意。

  9.选C 根据下文“Come on,let's see what Santa brought.”可知,此处是指作者伸出了手。held与空格处构成了动词短语,hold out有“伸出”之意,与语境相符;hold back意为“隐瞒,抑制”;hold up意为“举起,耽搁”;hold on意为“稍等,坚持住”。故答案选C。

  10.选D 根据语境可知,因作者看不见,她的丈夫就让孩子们按顺序告诉母亲自己得到了什么礼物。由此可知,Mommy符合语境,此处与文章第一句中的“Mommy”相对应。故答案选D。

  11.选B 根据语境可知,作者那时候真正地意识到了视力问题所带来的不利影响。空格处作为表语从句的引导词,且从句中缺少时间状语,因此,应用when作为引导词。故答案选B。

  12.选D multiply意为“乘,使增加”;gain意为“获得,赚到”;increase意为“增加,增长”;erase意为“抹去,擦除”。根据语境可知,作者认为,自己看不见这件事抹去了圣诞节的快乐气氛,因此,erase符合语境。

  13.选D 空格处与空后的介词into构成了动词短语,come into意为“进入,继承”;get into意为“进入”;rush into意为“突然闯入,冲入,冲进”;sink into意为“陷入,沉入”。根据下文“self­pity,and swallowed hard to keep the tears inside”,并结合选项可知,作者当时陷入自怜之中,因此sink符合题意。

  14.选B 根据语境并结合四个选项可知,作者的丈夫悄悄地来到作者身边。slid是slide的动词过去式,有“悄悄地移动,潜行,滑动”之意,符合语境。flash意为“闪光”;run意为“跑”;stick意为“粘贴,卡住”,均不符合语境。故答案选B。

  15.选C 根据上文“self­pity,and swallowed hard to keep the tears inside”及“His sweetness and warmth”可知,作者陷入了自怜之中,而作者丈夫所说的话更加深了作者的悲伤之感。sorrow有“悲伤”之意,符合语境。

  16.选A 根据空格前提到的“I was disappointing him”可知,作者认为自己使丈夫失望了,作为妻子和母亲的角色,她是失败的。

  17.选A 根据语境并结合选项可知,作者是看不见的,是儿子所说的话打开了作者心灵的眼睛,因此,eyes符合文意。

  18.选D A项意为“撤退,收回”;B项意为“克服,胜过”;C项意为“承担,保证”;D项意为“忽视,忽略,俯瞰”。结合上下文可知,作者认为自己忽视了最美好的礼物,overlooking符合语境。

  19.选B 根据语境可知,作者认为是这个美好的礼物填满了自己黑暗世界的空虚。在四个选项中,只有filled的词义符合文意。

  20.选C 根据空前的“little arms”可知,此处指作者的孩子拥抱她。因此,hug意为“拥抱”,符合语境。seize意为“抓住”,catch意为“抓住”,hang意为“悬挂”,均不符合语境。故答案选C。


  1.选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“He was doing badly ... when his mother died leaving him alone with his father ...”和本段最后一句“All his friends had abandoned him.”可知,母亲去世后,Bob所有的朋友都离他而去,故选C。

  2.选B 词义猜测题。根据第一、二段内容可知,Bob原来是个好学生,但妈妈去世后,他的学习和表现直线下降,故选B,变糟,恶化。

  3.选C 段落大意题。通读本段可知,本段主要讲述了Ms Miller是如何帮助Bob在学业上逐渐获得提高的,故选C。

  4.选D 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段可知,这个香水瓶是Bob妈妈原来使用的,现在Bob将它当做礼物送给老师,是为了感激老师为他所做的一切,故选D。

  5.选D 写作意图题。本文通过老师关爱和帮助一个学生,从而改变这个学生的故事来告诉我们,我们应该学会关爱别人,故选D。A项是这个故事的主要内容,而非作者的写作意图,故排除。

  Ⅲ.(1)unsatisfying (2)affects/influences (3)important (4)hide (5)hard (6)honest (7)professional (8)Support (9)Conclusion (10)satisfaction


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