【三维设计】2017版(江苏专用)二轮复习练习:必修3 Unit 1《The world of our senses》课时跟踪检测A卷(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【三维设计】2017版(江苏专用)二轮复习练习:必修3 Unit 1《The world of our senses》课时跟踪检测A卷(含解析)

发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The world of our senses 课时跟踪检测A卷


  1.(2015·合肥一中高三模拟)Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ________the traditional customs.

  A.observe B.possess



  2.(2015·盐城中学模拟)In the reading room, we found her ________at a desk, with her attention ________ on a book.

  A.sitting; fixing

  B.sit; fixed

  C.sitting; to be fixed

  D.seated; fixed

  3.(2015·温州高三月考)It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the generation gap between parents and children can be ________.





  4.(2015·徐州一模)He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I wonder what can ________ his actions.

  A.answer for

  B.wish for

  C.ask for

  D.account for

  5.(2015·宿迁高三模拟)Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else ________ such a beautiful palace.

  A.can you find

  B.you could find

  C.you can find

  D.could you find

  6.(2015·永州高三月考)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and ________ to ruins, the city took on a new look.



  C.being reduced

  D.having reduced

  7.(2014·合肥四校质检)Whenever I ask him for help, he doesnt

  hesitate________ me, which moves me a lot.


  B.to help


  D.to be helped

  8.(2015·扬州调研)— Its many years since I saw you last; I ________ you at all.

  — I wouldn’t have, either, if someone ________ you by the name.

  A.didnt recognize; hadn’t called

  B.didnt recognize; didn’t call

  C.havent recognized; didn’t call

  D.recognized; had called

  9.(2015·苏南三校联考)On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents________a note was attached, saying “We love you so much.”


  B.to which

  C.in which


  10.(2012·江苏高考)— Dont worry, Mum.The doctor said it was only the flu.

  —________! Ill tell Dad there’s nothing serious.

  A.What a relief


  C.How surprising

  D.Im so sorry

  11. (2015·长沙高三二模)Our company is going on very well. ________dozens of local women, we produce handmade goods with unique designs that sell well overseas. 

  A.To employ

  B.Being employed



  12.(2015·合肥高三模拟)Even in some developed countries, disabled people are ________ to be denied healthcare than other people.

  A.three times as likely

  B.as likely three times

  C.three times more likely

  D.more likely three times

  13.(2015·南京高三一模)We have offered him the position, but I dont have the slightest idea ________ he will accept it.





  14.(2015·苏州高三联考)________ for a long time, the boy sitting at the back felt bored and went out.

  A.Having ignored

  B.Being ignored

  C.To be ignored

  D.Having been ignored

  15.(2012·江西高考)He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris.________, he had a wonderful time.

  A.Above all

  B.Whats more

  C.As a result

  D.On the contrary



  (2015·南京二模)In the past 15 years, Chad Pregracke has helped pull more than 67,000 tires from the

  Mississippi River and other waterways across the United States.

  But thats just scratching the surface.

  He’s also helped remove 218 washing machines,19 tractors,12 hot tubs, four pianos and almost 1,000 refrigerators.

  For Pregracke, removing this debris — pieces of wood, metal, brick, etc.— has become his

  life’s work.Sometimes called “The Rivers’ Garbageman”, he lives on a barge (驳船) about nine

  months out of the year with members of his 12­person crew. Together, they organize community

  cleanups along rivers across the country.

  Its a dirty job, but Pregracke took it on because he realized that no one was doing it. It

  began as a solo (独自的) effort, and over the years his energy and enthusiasm have, helped it

  grow. To date, about 70,000 volunteers have joined him, helping collect more than 7 million

  pounds of debris through his nonprofit.

  Pregracke grew up in East Moline,Illinois,where the Mississippi River was in his backyard. As

  a teenager, he worked as a commercial

  shell diver and began to notice the heaps of debris in the

  waterway — one that supplies drinking water to 18 million people in more than 50 U.S. cities.

  “I saw thousands of barrels, thousands of tires, cars, trucks and tops of school buses... I got sick of seeing it and just wanted to do something about it,” he said.

  Pregracke got a small fund from a company in 1997 and spent that summer cleaning a 35­mile stretch of the river by himself. He would transport the trash by boat and sort it on his parents? lawn to be recycled. By year?s end, he had single­handedly pulled around 45,000 pounds of trash out of the river.

  His nonprofit now has a fleet of boats.

  And while he has resources and know­how, he depends on each community he visits to supply the manpower needed to get the job done. At the clean­up sites, Pregracke?s humor creates cheerful atmosphere — something he knows is necessary for the work that they do. His team uses motivational speeches and music to get the volunteers amped up (陶醉).

  “We do everything in our power to get people excited about it,” Pregracke said. “We want people to leave feeling good about what they did so they’ll contribute more here.”

  Pregracke views his work as a different kind of service to the country.

  “A lot of people call me a conservationist or an environmentalist, but the thing is I’m no different than anybody else,” he said.

  Ultimately, Pregracke believes his story is proof that anyone can make a difference:

  “If I had one thing to say, it wouldnt even be about rivers necessarily. It would be about finding a cause that’s dear to you and taking action.”

  1.What initially caused Pregracke to clean up the waterway?

  A.Peoples ignorance of the debris at the bottom of the river.

  B.His ambition to become famous throughout the country.

  C.Safety problems of sailing boats along the Mississippi.

  D.His bad feeling about the source of the drinking water.

  2.What can we learn about Pregracke from the passage?

  A.He maintains his cause with the help from society.

  B.He aims at recycling what have been found in rivers.

  C.He makes a living by cleaning waterways all over the country.

  D.He thinks of himself as a conservationist or environmentalist.

  3.Why does Pregracke try to create a cheerful atmosphere at the clean­up sites?

  A.To make the heavy job lighter.

  B.To attract the volunteers back.

  C.To increase efficiency in the job.

  D.To get the participants motivated.

  4.Through his efforts, Pregracke wants to display________.

  A.his love for waterways

  B.his value to society

  C.his attitude to environment

  D.his capacity for working


  (2015·江苏阜宁中学高三一模)It is generally believed that we are getting cleaned when we step under a shower. We are, but were also giving a home to lots of tiny little creatures we don’t even know about. A showerhead carries thousands of bacteria called Mycobacterium. These can cause problems like coughs and tiredness, and a general feeling of illness. When you turn on the water, the bacteria go from the showerhead onto and into your body.

  This is a finding of Norman R. Pace and his team at the University of Colorado, in the US. The scientists investigated bacteria in all kinds of human environment, including showers.Pace’s team looked at 45 showerheads in nine American cities. They discovered that 30 percent of them had large amounts of flying Mycobacterium.

  But Pace said that they pose few threats to the health. Only those with a weak immune system might need to worry. He told The New York Times that the bacteria are not as unpleasant as might be thought. He said that having a shower is no more dangerous than anything else we do in the morning.

  But for those who feel sick about the idea of all those microorganisms (微生物), he had some advice. Let the water run for 30 seconds before getting into the shower. Why? The number of bacteria is smaller than that when the water is just turned on. If that seems like a waste of water, he added that you could also change your showerhead every few months.

  However, Pace had good news too. He has also been testing the air in US subways. Apart from iron particles (微粒),which are ground off the track by the wheels of trains, subway air is fresh. The reason is that a train’s movement pumps fresh outdoor air into the tunnels.

  Pace explained that he wanted to understand the natural microbial environments of public places. This kind of knowledge might help discover the microbes to be used in a bioterrorist (生物恐怖分子) attack.

  5.From the finding of Norman R. Pace, after taking a shower, we might cough or feel tired because________.

  A.its easy to get a cold when taking a bath

  B.the showerhead carries many bacteria causing illness

  C.we dont get cleaned while showering

  D.we dont get a weak immune system

  6.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Hot water could kill most of bacteria in showerheads.

  B.Of 45 showerheads surveyed in nine cities, 30 carried large amounts of Mycobacterium.

  C.Changing showerheads is the only way to avoid microorganisms.

  D.Shower water contains much less bacteria after being left to run for 30 seconds.

  7.We can learn from the third paragraph that________.

  A.having a shower in the morning is more dangerous than at other time

  B.the bacteria always threat people’s health

  C.there is no reason to fear microorganisms for people with a strong immune system

  D.it is better to do some exercise in the morning than have a shower

  8.The underlined word “pose” in the third paragraph probably means “________”.

  A.cause B.avoid



  9.What contributes to fresh air in US subways?

  A.The trains movement.

  B.Iron particles.

  C.Train wheels.

  D.Air conditioners on the trains.


  Ⅰ.1.选A 句意:尽管在国外生活了多年,但是很多中国人依然遵守着这些传统的习俗。observe“遵守”;possess“占有,拥有”;perform“完成”;support“支持”。

  2.选D 考查“find+复合结构”和with复合结构。第一个空用sitting 或seated均可,sitting 表示动作的持续,seated表示状态;fix与her attention 之间是动宾关系,应用过去分词。

  3.选C 句意:对孩子们来说,经常与父母交流想法是必要的,这样他们之间的代沟才能缩小。narrow除作形容词表示狭窄的之外,还可以作动词,表示“使缩小,使变窄”。 release“释放,发布”;replace“代替”;disappear“消失”。

  4.选D 句意:最近,他行为特别怪异,我想知道什么才能解释他的行为。answer for“对……负责”;wish for“希望得到”;ask for “要求”;account for“说明/解释……原因;对……负责任”。

  5.选A 句意:或许你去过很多国家,但任何地方你都找不到如此美丽的宫殿。nowhere句子句首,位于应用倒装语序,由前一分句中的时态可知应选A。

  6.选C 句意:在经历了一场特大地震并沦为废墟之后不久,这座城市又呈现出新的面貌。句中主语the city与reduce之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故要用被动形式,再结合前面的结构可知,a massive earthquake与空格处所需分词是并列关系,都作from的宾语,故用being reduced结构。

  7.选B 句意:无论何时我找他帮忙,他都会毫不犹豫地帮助我,这让我很感动。hesitate to do sth.“迟疑干某事”,符合句意。

  8.选A “没认出”这一动作发生在说话前,因此第一个空应用一般过去时;第二个空为虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,因此用过去完成时。

  9.选B attach 与介词to 搭配,意为“附上,附加”,故定语从句用to which引导。

  10.选A 句意:“妈妈,别担心。医生说这只是感冒。”“终于可以松口气了!我将告诉你爸爸这没什么严重的。”what a relief“真是松了口气”;congratulations“祝贺”;how surprising“多么令人惊讶啊”;Im so sorry“我很抱歉”。根据句意可知A项正确。

  11.选D 句意:我们的公司正运转良好。我们雇用了很多当地的妇女生产具有独特设计的手工制品,这些产品在海外畅销。we和employ之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词形式;不定式位于句首常作目的状语,不合题意。

  12.选C 句意:甚至在一些发达国家,残疾人被拒绝医疗服务的几率比其他人高三倍。倍数的表示方式是“倍数+adj./adv.(比较级)+than”或“倍数+as+adj./adv.(原级)+as”,故选C。

  13.选C 句意:我们给他提供了这个职位,但是我一点都不知道他是否会接受这个职位。根据“I dont have the slightest idea”可知,此处表示不确定,且连词在从句中不充当成分,故选whether“是否”,它引导的是idea的同位语从句。if也可表示“是否”,但不可以引导同位语从句。

  14.选D 句意:由于长时间没人理会,坐在后面的这个孩子感到无聊就出去了。句子的主语the boy 与动词 ignore 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且根据时间状语 for a long time, 可知应用现在分词的完成被动式,强调前面发生的动作对后面的事情造成的影响。

  15.选D 。above all“”;whats more“而且”;as a result“”;on the contrary“”。


  1.D “I saw thousands of...I got sick of seeing it and just wanted to do”可推知,Pregracke D项。

  2.选A 推理判断题。根据文章第八段第二句并结合本段内容可推知,Pregracke 能够继续做自己的河道清理工作是因为有社区和志愿者的帮助。故选A项。

  3.选B 推理判断题。根据文章第八段最后两句可推知,Pregracke 竭力在清理场所创造积极的氛围是为了吸引志愿者能再次参与此项工作。故选B项。

  4.选B 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中“Ultimately,Pregracke believes his story is proof that anyone can make a difference”可推知,通过 Pregracke 的努力,他想展示的是自己对社会的价值。故选B项。


  5.选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的第三、四句可知,淋浴后出现咳嗽和疲劳症状是因为喷头携带细菌。

  6.选D 正误判断题。根据第四段中的“Let the water ... just turned on.”可知,Norman R. Pace建议打开喷头让水先流30秒后再淋浴,这是因为此时细菌的数量会比刚打开喷头时少很多。

  7.选C 推理判断题。根据第三段的第二句可知,只有那些免疫力差的人才需要担心细菌,免疫力强的人没有理由担心。

  8.选A 词义猜测题。根据下文中的“Only those with a weak immune system might need to worry.”可知,Pace应该是说它们不会对健康造成威胁。pose“造成,引起”。

  9.选A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的第三、四句可知,火车的运动将户外的新鲜空气带入了通道。


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