You're missing out on important nutrient boosters.
Much like spring and artesian, mineral water comes from a specific place—in this case, it must come from an underground source that's naturally rich in minerals. Those minerals make this water exceptionally great, too—since the source the water comes from is naturally loaded with minerals, so is the water. Which means drinking some can increase your intake tremendously—as in, one liter per day can cover 20 to 58 percent of your daily calcium requirements and 16 to 41 percent of your magnesium needs.
When choosing a mineral water, though, be on the lookout for labels like "fortified with minerals" and "mineral-enriched." Those are bottles that had the minerals added after the fact—they weren't naturally included. What's it matter, you ask? "They're usually adding such a tiny amount that it'll affect the taste—so it often tastes better—but it doesn't have an impact on your nutrient intake like natural mineral water does," says Krieger. To spot the difference, "look at the nutrition label. If there's a significant amount of minerals included, there will actually be a percentage of calcium and magnesium included on the label. If not, it will likely say zero percent, or not be mentioned on the label at all."
然而,在选择矿泉水时,一定要小心那些含 “矿物质加强”和“矿物质丰富”标签的矿泉水。事实上,这些瓶装矿泉水中的矿物质都是后来添加的——并不是天然的。也许你会问,那又怎么样呢?“通常他们会添加一点点的量,这就会改变矿泉水的味道——往往会使味道更好——但相比天然矿泉水,这些添加矿泉水不会增加你的营养摄入量,”克里格说道。想要找出差别?“可以看看标签。如果这瓶水含有大量的矿物质,那么标签上肯定会标出钙元素和镁元素的比例。如果不含矿物质,那么标签上会写0%,或者提都不提。”
You're getting too much sodium.
Like with anything that seems too good to be true, there is a catch to mineral water. Krieger says it tends to be high in sodium (but not all varieties are), so if you're watching your intake, be sure to read labels carefully. You shouldn't exceed more than 2400 mg of sodium in a day, so if you grab a glass of mineral water, make sure you're including it in your daily count.
You grab bottles because of their vitamin promotion or energy promises.
"There's all these drinks that contain antioxidants that have a really enticing name, like 'focus,' 'calm,' or 'revitalize,'" explains Krieger. It might sound like you're getting more for your dollar, but the truth is, you're not. "It's basically pure marketing. These enhancements aren't anything you can't get at your next meal through natural antioxidants that come in your food."
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