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发布时间:2016-11-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Nearly everyone is taught as a kid that lying is bad, but the truth is that society puts up with so much falsehood that many people become liars while thinking they are truthful. Little lies like embellishing your resume or being nice so you won't hurt the feelings of others seem innocuous and yet often establish a pattern of deceit that fools even the deceiver. Ryan Lochte most likely could not distinguish between exaggeration or lying in his recent incident. In truth, the same is true for many of your friends, family and colleagues. In fact, a 2002University of Massachusetts study showed that 60% of adults will lie at least once in any 10-minute conversation. It's not that these people think of themselves as dishonest. That is probably the first lie they tell each day! After all, most untruth starts with a lie you tell yourself. In this world of fabrication, you need to protect yourself. You need to tell the truthful from the liars. To help you spot them right away, here is what research experts tell us about how people behave when they lie. We included links to the sources so you know we are telling the truth.

几乎每个人都曾被教育撒谎可耻,但事实却是,这个社会正遭受着不计其数的谎言,很多人成了撒谎者,然而,那些撒谎者自己却认为他们的想法是真实的。小的谎言,如那些用于装饰自己的履历或者假装友好以免伤害他人的行为都是无伤大雅的。而且他们那样的欺骗行为甚至连他们自己都信了。Ryan Lochte在他最近的一些事情中几乎区分不出夸张或者撒谎,其实,你身边的朋友,家人以及同事都是这样的。事实上,一份2002年麻省大学的研究表明,百分之六十的成年人至少每隔十分钟就会撒一次谎,而且这些人是不会认为自己是不诚实的。那可能是因为他们每天都会撒一个谎,毕竟,大分谎言是从自我欺骗开始的。在这虚虚假假的世界,你得保护自己,你得知道辨别真伪。为了帮你辨别出那些虚假的东西,专家们给了我们以下提示,关于人们在撒谎时是如何行为的。我们给予了相关链接,这样,你就不会认为我们是在撒谎了。

1. They don't volunteer specifics


People who are lying often say little as possible when they are initially questioned. They keep their stories short, while truthful people give details. The problem with lying is that you have to remember what you said, so less is better.


2. They groom frequently


Liars don't generally fidget — in fact, research shows we often stay more physically still when we are being untruthful. But, small gestures can still be a telling indicator. According to theCIA, while lying, people are likely to touch their upper bodies often: rubbing hair or eyes, touching the cheek or mouth, scratching, adjusting clothing or glasses. Small, but frequent, movements can be an indicator that the speaker is hiding something.


3. Their texts or e-mails wander off topic


If you send a query and someone's reply does everything BUT answer your question, that can be a sign of intentional evasion. Of course, they may claim they didn't read it carefully...which itself might not be the whole truth.


4. They repeat the questions


Untruthful people are more likely to repeat the question they have just been asked before they offer an answer. They may be buying time to create a story or recall the details they've already given. Perhaps they are in the process of convincing themselves that the malarkey they are spouting is actually the truth.


5. They exert a lot of physical and mental energy on defending themselves


In denying guilt, responsibility, or blame, people will often give long, vigorous justifications or explanations for their thoughts or choices. They may be working just as hard to convince themselves as they are the listener, and their voices and body language will show that effort.


6. They avoid the word 'I'


Liars instinctively want to distance themselves from both the lie and the situation. They often use passive phrasing, avoid discussion of their personal thoughts or feelings, and choose third person pronouns. If the untruth focuses on someone else, this gives more plausible deniability.


7. Your gut is telling you something is off


The truth is that most people have better success identifying lies vs. truths when they rely on instinct. Perhaps there is a natural sensitivity because most people lie in some form or another?



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