枪支的管理 The Control of Guns-查字典英语网
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枪支的管理 The Control of Guns

发布时间:2016-11-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Last week, there was unexpected disaster happened in Kunming, a group of gangster showed up in the Kunming train station, took out their knives, cutting people, many people died of the accident. What a tragical accident. It reminds me of the gun shot accidents happened in campus in America. America is not so strict to the control of guns, people can buy guns when they get registered, people can use the gun to hunt animals. While the lose management of the guns brings many tragedies, there is always news about gun shot accident in campus, the murders are teenagers. People are shocked by the news, they call on the government to control the guns, in case the teenagers have access to the guns. Compared to America, our country is very strict to the guns, so the gangsters of Kunming disaster use knives instead of guns. The government has done a good job on gun management.



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