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发布时间:2016-11-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Hillary Clinton was deemed the winner in opinion polls and financial markets following her debate matchup with Donald Trump on Monday night, after she scored hits over the property developer’s tax payments, business practices and claims that Barack Obama was born overseas.

民意调查和金融市场行情显示,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在周一晚与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的辩论中成为赢家,她在身为房地产开发商的特朗普的纳税记录、商业做法以及宣称巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)出生在海外等问题上得分。

Mr Trump’s camp sought to minimise the damage on Tuesday, claiming he had outperformed the former secretary of state, even as a cnn poll showed that 62 per cent of viewers said Mrs Clinton prevailed in the debate, compared with 27 per cent for Mr Trump.


A focus group by pollster Frank Luntz also suggested Mrs Clinton had prevailed, while the Mexican peso — which is heavily affected by speculation over the US election — surged against the dollar.

民意调查专家弗兰克•伦茨(Frank Luntz)追踪的一个焦点小组也表示希拉里占了上风,而在很大程度上受到美国大选预测影响的墨西哥比索兑美元汇率飙升。

Pollsters cautioned that a perceived win by Mrs Clinton was by no means certain to transform the dynamics of a race that has become increasingly tight in recent weeks.


This year Mr Trump was frequently declared to have performed poorly by commentators during the Republican presidential debates, only to surge further in the primaries as his unconventional campaign wrong footed opponents.


It was kind of a wash — it is unlikely to move the needle a great deal for either candidate, said Julia Clark, a pollster at Ipsos, who argued that both candidates had scored wins over the course of the evening.

这有点像是一个平手——不太可能对两位候选人中的任何一位产生太大影响,益普索(Ipsos)民调专家朱莉娅•克拉克(Julia Clark)表示。她指出,两位候选人在辩论过程中都有斩获。

Historically debates don’t actually impact election outcome very much . . . It will come down to a game of inches.


Speaking on Fox & Friends on Tuesday morning, Mr Trump claimed he outperformed Mrs Clinton while complaining that Lester Holt, the debate moderator, had not challenged her about her scandals including her use of a personal email server.

特朗普周二上午在福克斯资讯频道的Fox & Friends节目上声称,他的表现强于希拉里,同时抱怨辩论主持人莱斯特•霍尔特(Lester Holt)没有质疑她的丑闻,包括她在担任国务卿期间使用私人电子邮件服务器。

Mr Trump said he had been hit at the end by very unfair questions and complained about a faulty microphone.


He also pushed back against criticism during the debate from Mrs Clinton of his treatment of Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe, in words that risk further alienating female voters with whom his campaign needs to build bridges.

他还驳斥了辩论期间希拉里在他对待前环球小姐艾丽西亚•马查多(Alicia Machado)的问题上对他的批评。他的措辞可能进一步得罪他需要争取的女性选民。

The contestant, he said, gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem.


John Hudak, a senior fellow at the Brookings think-tank, said Mr Trump’s criticism of the beauty pageant contestant and his repeated interruptions of Mrs Clinton during the course of the debate could damage his standing with female voters.

智库布鲁金斯学会的资深研究员约翰•胡达克(John Hudak)表示,特朗普对选美者说三道四,而且在辩论过程中多次打断希拉里,都可能损害他在女性选民眼中的形象。

I don’t think he helped himself with anyone, particularly with women, he said.



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