《追风筝的人》 The Kite Runner-查字典英语网
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《追风筝的人》 The Kite Runner

发布时间:2016-11-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Last week, I saw a movie that impressed me so much. The story was called The Kite Runner. The story described a boy from Afghan’s who lived the rich life once and then became poor and flet to America to seek for the new life. The protagonist had a good friend who helped him a lot, they lost touch. The protagonist owed his friend and he came back to Afghan to make up his friend. But he only to find his friend was dead and left a small boy. The protagonist made up his mind to rescue the small boy from the gangsters. At last, he made it and he brought this small child to America to open the new chapter of life. The story is about redemption, it is never too late to make up the mistake. I also feel so lucky to life in the peaceful environment.



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