Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park阅读理解答案.-查字典英语网
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Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park阅读理解答案.

发布时间:2016-11-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of freshness and beauty of spring, with the sun 1 (shine) and birds singing. I 2 (enjoy) the fantastic scenery around 3 something unpleasant caught my eye. A young 4 in a boat were eating, talking and laughing loudly 5 if they were the only people in the world. What's 6 (bad), they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, totally 7 (ignore) the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What a shame!

  Such behavior left me deep 8 thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the couple did, the lake will be severely polluted and soon 9 (turn)into a huge dustbin. I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. 10 in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.

  1.shining 2.was enjoying 3.when 4.couple

  6.worse 7.ignoring 9.turned 10.Only


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